modular network

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Panic disorder (PD) is a common disabling condition characterized by recurrent panic attacks. Emotional and behavioral impairments are associated with functional connectivity (FC) and network abnormalities. We used the whole brain FC, modular networks, and graph-theory analysis to investigate extensive network profiles in PD.
    METHODS: The functional MRI data from 82 PD and 97 controls were included. Intrinsic FC between each pair of 160 regions, 6 intra-networks, and 15 inter-networks were analyzed. The topological properties were explored.
    RESULTS: PD patients showed altered FCs within the right insula, between frontal cortex-posterior cingulate cortex (PCC), frontal cortex-cerebellum, and PCC-occipital cortex (corrected P values < 0.001). Lower connections within the Sensorimotor Network (SMN) and SMN-Occipital Network (OCN) were detected (P values < 0.05). Various decreased global and local network features were found in PD (P values < 0.05). In addition, significant correlations were found between PD symptoms and nodal efficiency (Ne) in the insula (r = -0.273, P = 0.016), and the FC of the intra-insula (r = -0.226, P = 0.041).
    CONCLUSIONS: PD patients present with abnormal functional brain networks, especially the decreased FC and Ne within insula, suggesting that dysfunction of information integration plays an important role in PD.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cognitive deficit is common in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE). Here, we aimed to investigate the modular architecture of functional networks associated with distinct cognitive states in TLE patients together with the role of the thalamus in modular networks.
    Resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging scans were acquired from 53 TLE patients and 37 matched healthy controls. All patients received the Montreal Cognitive Assessment test and accordingly were divided into TLE patients with normal cognition (TLE-CN, n = 35) and TLE patients with cognitive impairment (TLE-CI, n = 18) groups. The modular properties of functional networks were calculated and compared including global modularity Q, modular segregation index, intramodular connections, and intermodular connections. Thalamic subdivisions corresponding to the modular networks were generated by applying a \'winner-take-all\' strategy before analyzing the modular properties (participation coefficient and within-module degree z-score) of each thalamic subdivision to assess the contribution of the thalamus to modular functional networks. Relationships between network properties and cognitive performance were then further explored.
    Both TLE-CN and TLE-CI patients showed lower global modularity, as well as lower modular segregation index values for the ventral attention network and the default mode network. However, different patterns of intramodular and intermodular connections existed for different cognitive states. In addition, both TLE-CN and TLE-CI patients exhibited anomalous modular properties of functional thalamic subdivisions, with TLE-CI patients presenting a broader range of abnormalities. Cognitive performance in TLE-CI patients was not related to the modular properties of functional network but rather to the modular properties of functional thalamic subdivisions.
    The thalamus plays a prominent role in modular networks and potentially represents a key neural mechanism underlying cognitive impairment in TLE.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Network-based models are apt for understanding epidemic dynamics due to their inherent ability to model the heterogeneity of interactions in the contemporary world of intense human connectivity. We propose a framework to create a wire-frame that mimics the social contact network of the population in a geography by lacing it with demographic information. The framework results in a modular network with small-world topology that accommodates density variations and emulates human interactions in family, social, and work spaces. When loaded with suitable economic, social, and urban data shaping patterns of human connectance, the network emerges as a potent decision-making instrument for urban planners, demographers, and social scientists. We employ synthetic networks to experiment in a controlled environment and study the impact of zoning, density variations, and population mobility on the epidemic variables using a variant of the SEIR model. Our results reveal that these demographic factors have a characteristic influence on social contact patterns, manifesting as distinct epidemic dynamics. Subsequently, we present a real-world COVID-19 case study for three Indian states by creating corresponding surrogate social contact networks using available census data. The case study validates that the demography-laced modular contact network reduces errors in the estimates of epidemic variables.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The brain network is notably cost-efficient, while the fundamental physical and dynamic mechanisms underlying its economical optimization in network structure and activity have not been determined. In this study, we investigate the intricate cost-efficient interplay between structure and dynamics in biologically plausible spatial modular neuronal network models. We observe that critical avalanche states from excitation-inhibition balance under modular network topology with less wiring cost can also achieve lower costs in firing but with strongly enhanced response sensitivity to stimuli. We derive mean-field equations that govern the macroscopic network dynamics through a novel approximate theory. The mechanism of low firing cost and stronger response in the form of critical avalanches is explained as a proximity to a Hopf bifurcation of the modules when increasing their connection density. Our work reveals the generic mechanism underlying the cost-efficient modular organization and critical dynamics widely observed in neural systems, providing insights into brain-inspired efficient computational designs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The aim of this study was to investigate the abnormities in functional connectivity (FC) within each modular network and between modular networks in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). Twelve meaningful modular networks were identified via independent component analysis from 41 patients and 40 volunteers. Parametric tests were used to compare the intra- and intermodular FC between the groups. Partial correlation analysis was used to seek the relationships between abnormal FCs and the clinical data. Compared to the controls, SLE patients showed decreased intramodular FC in the anterior default mode network (aDMN), posterior default mode network (pDMN), ventral attention network (VAN), and sensorimotor network (SMN) and increased intramodular FC in the medial visual network (mVN) and left frontoparietal network. In addition, SLE patients showed decreased intermodular FC between the SMN and the lateral visual network (lVN), between the SMN and the VAN, and between the pDMN and the lVN and exhibited increased intermodular FC between the SMN and the salience network (SAN), between the pDMN and the SAN, and between the aDMN and the VAN. Moreover, we found several correlations among the abnormal FCs and the Mini-Mental State Examination in SLE patients. Mild cognitive impairment is compensated by the hyperconnectivity between the aDMN and the VAN, while severe cognitive impairment tends to be compensated by the hyperconnectivity between the SMN and the SAN. The FC value between the SMN and the SAN and between the aDMN and the VAN may serve as neuroimaging markers for monitoring cognitive progression in SLE patients.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Social interactions are required for the direct transmission of infectious diseases. Consequently, the social network structure of populations plays a key role in shaping infectious disease dynamics. A huge research effort has examined how specific social network structures make populations more (or less) vulnerable to damaging epidemics. However, it can be just as important to understand how social networks can contribute to endemic disease dynamics, in which pathogens are maintained at stable levels for prolonged periods of time. Hosts that can maintain endemic disease may serve as keystone hosts for multi-host pathogens within an ecological community, and also have greater potential to act as key wildlife reservoirs of agricultural and zoonotic diseases. Here, we examine combinations of social and demographic processes that can foster endemic disease in hosts. We synthesise theoretical and empirical work to demonstrate the importance of both social structure and social dynamics in maintaining endemic disease. We also highlight the importance of distinguishing between the local and global persistence of infection and reveal how different social processes drive variation in the scale at which infectious diseases appear endemic. Our synthesis provides a framework by which to understand how sociality contributes to the long-term maintenance of infectious disease in wildlife hosts and provides a set of tools to unpick the social and demographic mechanisms involved in any given host-pathogen system.
    BACKGROUND: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s00265-021-03055-8.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Chirping male crickets combine a 30 Hz pulse pattern with a 3 Hz chirp pattern to drive the rhythmic opening-closing movements of the front wings for sound production. Lesion experiments suggest two coupled modular timer-networks located along the chain of abdominal ganglia, a network in A3 and A4 generating the pulse pattern, and a network organized along with ganglia A4-A6 controlling the generation of the chirp rhythm. We analyzed neurons of the timer-networks and their synaptic connections by intracellular recordings and staining. We identified neurons spiking in phase with the chirps and pulses, or that are inhibited during the chirps. Neurons share a similar \"gestalt\", regarding the position of the cell body, the dendritic arborizations and the contralateral ascending axon. Activating neurons of the pulse-timer network elicits ongoing motor activity driving the generation of pulses; this activity is not structured in the chirp pattern. Activating neurons of the chirp-timer network excites pulse-timer neurons; it drives the generation of chirps and during the chirps the pulse pattern is produced. Our results support the hypothesis that two modular networks along the abdominal ganglion chain control the cricket calling song, a pattern generating network in the mesothoracic ganglion may not be required.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A functional role of the cerebral cortex is to form and hold representations of the sensory world for behavioral purposes. This is achieved by a sheet of neurons, organized in modules called cortical columns, that receives inputs in a peculiar manner, with only a few neurons driven by sensory inputs through thalamic projections, and a vast majority of neurons receiving mainly cortical inputs. How should cortical modules be organized, with respect to sensory inputs, in order for the cortex to efficiently hold sensory representations in memory? To address this question we investigate the memory performance of trees of recurrent networks (TRN) that are composed of recurrent networks, modeling cortical columns, connected with each others through a tree-shaped feed-forward backbone of connections, with sensory stimuli injected at the root of the tree. On these sensory architectures two types of short-term memory (STM) mechanisms can be implemented, STM via transient dynamics on the feed-forward tree, and STM via reverberating activity on the recurrent connectivity inside modules. We derive equations describing the dynamics of such networks, which allow us to thoroughly explore the space of possible architectures and quantify their memory performance. By varying the divergence ratio of the tree, we show that serial architectures, where sensory inputs are successively processed in different modules, are better suited to implement STM via transient dynamics, while parallel architectures, where sensory inputs are simultaneously processed by all modules, are better suited to implement STM via reverberating dynamics.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The brain uses a mixture of distributed and modular organization to perform computations and generate appropriate actions. While the principles under which the brain might perform computations using modular systems have been more amenable to modeling, the principles by which the brain might make choices using distributed principles have not been explored. Our goal in this perspective is to delineate some of those distributed principles using a neural network method and use its results as a lens through which to reconsider some previously published neurophysiological data. To allow for direct comparison with our own data, we trained the neural network to perform binary risky choices. We find that value correlates are ubiquitous and are always accompanied by non-value information, including spatial information (i.e., no pure value signals). Evaluation, comparison, and selection were not distinct processes; indeed, value signals even in the earliest stages contributed directly, albeit weakly, to action selection. There was no place, other than at the level of action selection, at which dimensions were fully integrated. No units were specialized for specific offers; rather, all units encoded the values of both offers in an anti-correlated format, thus contributing to comparison. Individual network layers corresponded to stages in a continuous rotation from input to output space rather than to functionally distinct modules. While our network is likely to not be a direct reflection of brain processes, we propose that these principles should serve as hypotheses to be tested and evaluated for future studies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We study the memory performance of a class of modular attractor neural networks, where modules are potentially fully-connected networks connected to each other via diluted long-range connections. On this anatomical architecture we store memory patterns of activity using a Willshaw-type learning rule. P patterns are split in categories, such that patterns of the same category activate the same set of modules. We first compute the maximal storage capacity of these networks. We then investigate their error-correction properties through an exhaustive exploration of parameter space, and identify regions where the networks behave as an associative memory device. The crucial parameters that control the retrieval abilities of the network are (1) the ratio between the number of synaptic contacts of long- and short-range origins (2) the number of categories in which a module is activated and (3) the amount of local inhibition. We discuss the relationship between our model and networks of cortical patches that have been observed in different cortical areas.





