modified atmosphere

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study aimed to evaluate the effect of applying oxidized cassava starch-based edible coatings with addition of lemongrass essential oil emulsion on \'Palmer\' mangoes stored under refrigeration. A completely randomized design was used, arranged in a 5 × 3 factorial scheme, with five types of coatings and three evaluation times. The evaluated postharvest quality parameters consisted of weight loss, pulp and peel firmness, biochemical transformations related to pigments, and pulp and peel coloration of mango. The application of edible coatings with a 0.9 % EO concentration resulted in delayed fruit ripening, evidenced mainly by a 7.25 % reduction in weight loss, a 29.23 % increase in soluble solids content, and a 24.15 % decrease in total chlorophyll, when compared to uncoated fruits, which showed 19.8 %, 48.66 %, and 82.00 %, respectively, over the storage period. This effect was also evident in the angle Hue (°h) measurement, with uncoated fruits showing a decrease of 32.2 %. The antimicrobial effect and absence of anthracnose symptoms were observed in the fruits in which the coating with 0.9 % EO was applied. Therefore, biodegradable coating with the addition of 0.9 % emulsion EO, can be used as postharvest treatments for maintenance quality of \'Palmer\' mangoes during refrigerated storage.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Chicken meat and its derivatives are easily alterable. They are a nutritionally healthy food, and their consumption has seen a remarkable increase worldwide in recent years. At the same time, consumer demand for the use of natural products to control microbial growth is increasing. In this context, the antimicrobial capacity of a commercial extract of the lemon verbena (Lippia citriodora) plant, (LCE) was tested in binary combination with gallic acid or octyl gallate against two strains of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) of meat origin: Carnobacterium divergens ATCC 35677 and Leuconostoc carnosum ATCC 49367. First, the antimicrobial potential was evaluated by the checkerboard microdilution method at the optimal growth temperature of each and at 4 °C, pH 5.7 and 6.7, in culture medium. Octyl gallate was the most effective antimicrobial against the two bacteria under all study conditions. At 4 °C, the combination of LCE with octyl gallate had a similar antimicrobial effect on the two LAB, being bactericidal at pH 6.7. In chicken breast, this effective combination was tested in normal or modified atmosphere and refrigerated (4-8 °C) for 9 days. LCE + OG in modified atmosphere reduced the different microbial groups studied, including the lactic acid bacteria as the main microorganisms responsible for the spoilage of fresh meat. Further research could pave the way for the development of novel strategies contributing to the technological stability, security, and functional properties of chicken meat.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Despite their acidic pH, carbonated beverages can be contaminated by spoilage microorganisms. Thermal treatments, before and/or after carbonation, are usually applied to prevent the growth of these microorganisms. However, the impact of CO2 on the heat resistance of spoilage microorganisms has never been studied. A better understanding of the combined impact of CO2 and pH on the heat resistance of spoilage microorganisms commonly found in carbonated beverages might allow to optimize thermal treatment. Five microorganisms were selected for this study: Alicyclobacillus acidoterrestris (spores), Aspergillus niger (spores), Byssochlamys fulva (spores), Saccharomyces cerevisiae (vegetative cells), and Zygosaccharomyces parabailii (vegetative cells). A method was developed to assess the impact of heat treatments in carbonated media on microbial resistance. The heat resistances of the five studied species are coherent with the literature, when data were available. However, neither the dissolved CO2 concentration (from 0 to 7 g/L), nor the pH (from 2.8 to 4.1) have an impact on the heat resistance of the selected microorganisms, except for As. niger, for which the presence of dissolved CO2 reduced the heat resistance. This study improved our knowledge about the heat resistance of some spoilage microorganisms in presence of CO2.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study is based on the need to improve packaging sustainability in the food industry. Its aim was to assess the performance of a recyclable plastic material for semi-hard sheep\'s cheese wedges packaging as an alternative to conventional non-sustainable plastic materials. Four different packaging treatments (air, vacuum, and CO2/N2 gas mixtures 50/50 and 80/20% (v/v)) were studied. Changes in gas headspace composition, sensory properties, cheese gross composition, weight loss, pH, colour, and texture profile were investigated at 5 ± 1 °C storage for 56 days. The sensory analysis indicated that vacuum packaging scored the worst in paste appearance and holes, and air atmosphere the worst in flavour; it was concluded that cheeses were unfit from day 14-21 onwards. Air and vacuum packaging were responsible for most of the significant changes identified in the texture profile analysis, and most of these happened in the early stages of storage. The colour parameters a* and b* differentiated the air packaging from the rest of the conditions. As in previous studies using conventional plastic materials, modified atmosphere packaging, either CO2/N2 50/50 or 80/20% (v/v), was the most effective preserving technique to ensure the quality of this type of cheese when comparing air and vacuum packaging treatments.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    X-ray irradiation and modified atmospheres (MAs) provide eco-friendly, chemical-free methods for pest management. Although a low-oxygen atmospheric treatment improves the performance of some irradiated insects, its influence on the irradiation of quarantine insects and its impacts on pest control efficacy have yet to be investigated. Based on bioassay results, this study employed direct immersion solid-phase microextraction (DI-SPME) combined with gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) to determine metabolic profiles of late third-instar B. dorsalis larvae under normoxia (CON, Air), hypoxia (95% N2 + 5% O2, HY), super-hypoxia (99.5% N2 + 0.5% O2, Sup-HY), irradiation-alone (116 Gy, IR-alone), hypoxia + irradiation (HY + IR) and super-hypoxia + irradiation (Sup-HY + IR). Our findings reveal that, compared to the IR-alone group, the IR treatment under HY and Sup-HY (HY + IR and Sup-HY + IR) increases the larval pupation of B. dorsalis, and weakens the delaying effect of IR on the larval developmental stage. However, these 3 groups further hinder adult emergence under the phytosanitary IR dose of 116 Gy. Moreover, all IR-treated groups, including IR-alone, HY + IR, and Sup-HY + IR, lead to insect death as a coarctate larvae or pupae. Pathway analysis identified changed metabolic pathways across treatment groups. Specifically, changes in lipid metabolism-related pathways were observed: 3 in HY vs. CON, 2 in Sup-HY vs. CON, and 5 each in IR-alone vs. CON, HY + IR vs. CON, and Sup-HY + IR vs. CON. The treatments of IR-alone, HY + IR, and Sup-HY + IR induce comparable modifications in metabolic pathways. However, in the HY + IR, and Sup-HY + IR groups, the third-instar larvae of B. dorsalis demonstrate significantly fewer changes. Our research suggests that a low-oxygen environment (HY and Sup-HY) might enhance the radiation tolerance in B. dorsalis larvae by stabilizing lipid metabolism pathways at biologically feasible levels. Additionally, our findings indicate that the current phytosanitary IR dose contributes to the effective management of B. dorsalis, without being influenced by radioprotective effects. These results hold significant importance for understanding the biological effects of radiation on B. dorsalis and for developing IR-specific regulatory guidelines under MA environments.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Modified atmosphere is effective in controlling Tribolium castaneum Herbst, but it has adaptations. Comprehending the potential mechanism of resistance to T. castaneum in a modified atmosphere will help advance related management methods. This study conducted a comparative transcriptomic and metabolomic analysis to understand the physiological mechanism of T. castaneum in adapting to CO2 stress. Results showed that there were a large number of differentially expressed genes (DEGs) in T. castaneum treated with different concentrations of CO2. Gene ontology (GO) analysis revealed significant enrichment of DEGs mainly in binding, catalytic activity, cell, membrane, membrane part, protein-containing complex, biological regulation, and cellular and metabolic process. Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes analysis showed that different treatments had different effects on the metabolic pathways of T. castaneum. DEGs induced by 25% CO2 were involved in arginine and proline metabolism, and 50% air + 50% CO2 treatment affected most kinds of metabolic pathways, mainly the signal transduction pathway, including PI3K-Akt signaling pathway, AMPK signaling pathway, neurotrophin signaling pathway, insulin signaling pathway, and thyroid hormone signaling. Ribosome and DNA replication were enriched under high CO2 stress (75% and 95%). The metabolomics revealed that different concentrations of CO2 treatments might inhibit the growth of T. castaneum through acidosis, or they may adapt to anoxic conditions through histamine and N-acetylhistamine. Multiple analyses have shown significant changes in histamine and N-acetylhistamine levels, as well as their associated genes, with increasing CO2 concentration. In conclusion, this study comprehensively revealed the molecular mechanism of T. castaneum responding to CO2 stress and provided the basis for an effectively modified atmosphere in the T. castaneum.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Fresh dates have a limited shelf life and are susceptible to spoilage, which can lead to economic losses for producers and suppliers. The problem of accurate shelf life estimation for fresh dates is essential for various stakeholders involved in the production, supply, and consumption of dates. Modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) is one of the essential methods that improves the quality and increases the shelf life of fresh dates by reducing the rate of ripening. Therefore, this study aims to apply fast and cost-effective non-destructive techniques based on machine learning (ML) to predict and estimate the shelf life of stored fresh date fruits under different conditions. Predicting and estimating the shelf life of stored date fruits is essential for scheduling them for consumption at the right time in the supply chain to benefit from the nutritional advantages of fresh dates. The study observed the physicochemical attributes of fresh date fruits, including moisture content, total soluble solids, sugar content, tannin content, pH, and firmness, during storage in a vacuum and MAP at 5 and 24 ∘C every 7 days to determine the shelf life using a non-destructive approach. TinyML-compatible regression models were employed to predict the stages of fruit development during the storage period. The decrease in the shelf life of the fruits begins when they transition from the Khalal stage to the Rutab stage, and the shelf life ends when they start to spoil or ripen to the Tamr stage. Low-cost Visible-Near-Infrared (VisNIR) spectral sensors (AS7265x-multi-spectral) were used to capture the internal physicochemical attributes of the fresh fruit. Regression models were employed for shelf life estimation. The findings indicated that vacuum and modified atmosphere packaging with 20% CO2 and N balance efficiently increased the shelf life of the stored fresh fruit to 53 days and 44 days, respectively, when maintained at 5 ∘C. However, the shelf life decreased to 44 and 23 days when the vacuum and modified atmosphere packaging with 20% CO2 and N balance were maintained at room temperature (24 ∘C). Edge Impulse supports the training and deployment of models on low-cost microcontrollers, which can be used to predict real-time estimations of the shelf life of fresh dates using TinyML sensors.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Kale is becoming an important vegetable worldwide, mainly due to its nutritional properties. Kale leaves can be marketed whole, although minimal processing is also in demand. In this article, it was analyzed the effect of packaging in a modified atmosphere of fresh-cut kale leaves stored at 20 °C and 4 °C. Kale leaves were cut into 4 × 4 cm strips and stored in low-density polyethylene bags. Samples processed in the same way but stored in PVC were used as controls. Leaves kept in a modified atmosphere showed a delay in color change with Hue values from about 130 to 120 under PMA against 130 to 100 in control group (CTR) leaves. Chlorophyll degradation was also delayed in both storage temperatures. Samples stored under PMA showed about two times the levels of total chlorophylls with respect to CTR samples at the end of the storage. No changes in total sugar content were detected during storage and no differences were detected between control and modified atmospheres stored samples. Samples maintained in a modified atmosphere showed a lower decrement in soluble proteins and a lower rate of RUBISCO degradation at both temperatures. The relation of RUBISCO content PMA/CTR ranged from 1 to about 3 toward the end of storage No changes in phenols content were found when comparing control and treated samples. However, flavonoid and the antioxidant contents increased in samples stored in modified atmospheres with respect to their controls. We demonstrated that storage in modified atmospheres could be an adequate and simple methodology to extend postharvest life of this minimally processed product at both ambient and refrigerated storage.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In dairy industry, filamentous fungi are used as adjunct cultures in fermented products for their technological properties but they could also be responsible for food spoilage and mycotoxin production. The consumer demands about free-preservative products has increased in recent years and lead to develop alternative methods for food preservation. Modified Atmosphere Packaging (MAP) can inhibit fungal growth and therefore increase the food product shelf-life. This study aimed to evaluate radial growth as a function of CO2 and more particularly carbonic acid for fourteen adjuncts and/or fungal spoiler isolated from dairy products or dairy environment by using predictive mycology tools. The impact of the different chemical species linked to CO2 (notably carbonic acid) were study because it was reported previously that undissociated carbonic acid impacted bacterial growth and bicarbonates ions were involved in modifications of physiological process of fungal cells. A significant diversity in the responses of selected strains was observed. Mucor circinelloides had the fastest growth rates (μ > 11 mm. day-1) while Bisifusarium domesticum, Cladosporium herbarum and Penicillium bialowiezense had the slowest growth rates (μ < 1 mm. day-1). Independently of the medium pH, the majority of strains were sensitive to total carbonic acid. In this case, it was not possible to conclude if CO2 active form was gaseous or aqueous so modeling were performed as a function of CO2 percentage. Only Geotrichum candidum and M. circinelloides strains were sensitive to undissociated carbonic acid. Among the fourteen strains, P. bialowiezense was the less sensitive strain to CO2, no growth was observed at 50% of CO2 only for this strain. M. lanceolatus was the less sensitive strain to CO2, the CO250 which reduce the growth rates by 50% was estimated at 138% of CO2. Low CO2 percentage improved the growth of Penicillium expansum, Penicillium roqueforti and Paecilomyces niveus. Mathematical models (without and with optimum) were suggested to describe the impact of CO2 percentage or undissociated carbonic acid concentration on fungal growth rate.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Soluble gas stabilization (SGS) technology is a novel way to increase the effectiveness of modified atmosphere (MA) packaging. However, SGS can be time-consuming and difficult to include in an existing process. This can be overcome by including CO2 in an existing processing step, such as the product\'s cooling step. A full factorial design was set up with SGS times (0.5, 1.0, and 2.0 h) and temperatures of fish cakes (chilled (0 °C) or during chilling (starting at 85 °C)) as factors. MA-packaged fish cakes were included as a control. The response was headspace gas composition at equilibrium. Headspace gas composition at equilibrium showed significantly (p < 0.05) less dissolved CO2 in hot fish cakes after 0.5 h than in cold cakes. Still, no significant differences were found between hot and cold at 1.0 and 2.0 h. Also, all SGS samples, regardless of time and temperature, had a higher content of CO2 compared to modified atmosphere packaging (MAP).





