mesolimbic dopamine system

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cocaine is a frequently abused and highly addictive drug that damages brain health and imposes substantial social and economic costs. Acupuncture has been used in the treatment of cocaine addiction and has been shown to improve abnormal mental and motor states. This article mainly focuses on the neurobiological mechanisms involving the central nervous system (CNS) and peripheral nervous system (PNS) that underlie the effects of acupuncture in the treatment of cocaine addiction. The central dopamine system is a key player in acupuncture treatment of cocaine addiction; the ventral tegmental area (VTA)-nucleus accumbens (NAc) signaling pathway, which has a modulatory influence on behavior and psychology after chronic use of cocaine, is a significant target of acupuncture action. Moreover, acupuncture alleviates cocaine-induced seizures or acute psychomotor responses through the paraventricular thalamus and the lateral habenula (LHb)-rostromedial tegmental (RMTg) nucleus circuits. The data suggest that acupuncture can impact various cocaine-induced issues via stimulation of diverse brain areas; nevertheless, the interconnection of these brain regions and the PNS mechanisms involved remain unknown. In this review, we also discuss the effects of specific acupuncture protocols on cocaine addiction and note that variations in needling modalities, current intensities and traditional acupuncture point locations have led to different experimental results. Therefore, standardized acupuncture protocols (with respect to stimulation methods, point locations and number of sessions) may become particularly important in future studies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This paper focuses on Jeffrey Gray\'s theory of anxiety from the perspective of Fowles\' (1980) application of his work to theories of arousal, psychophysiology, and the etiology of psychopathy. Although highly influential, the concept of general arousal failed to find support in terms of between-individuals assessment with multiple physiological measures. Gray\'s constructs of a behavioral inhibition system (BIS) that mediates anxiety, a behavioral approach or activation system (BAS) that energizes behavior to approach rewards, and a nonspecific arousal system that energizes behavior captured aspects of arousal. Fowles (1980) proposed that the BIS elicits electrodermal activity in response to threats, the BAS increases heart rate in response to reward incentive cues, and psychopathy is associated with a weak BIS. The paper reviews Gray\'s impact on future research on these topics, including early proposals relevant to the National Institute of Mental Health\'s Research Domain Criteria. Finally, the paper summarizes the evolution of theories of the etiology of psychopathy since 1980, noting ways in which aspects of Gray\'s theory are still seen in psychopathy research. Patrick\'s triarchic model has emerged as a major theory of psychopathy. Beauchaine\'s trait impulsivity theory of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder also is relevant.






  • 文章类型: Editorial






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Early childhood maltreatment and other traumatic event experiences (\"trauma\") are common among youth, including those with substance use problems including substance use disorders (SUD). Particularly, interpersonal violence is associated with high rates of comorbidity between posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and SUD, and these comorbid disorders exhibit high levels of overlapping symptomatology. Theoretical models proposed to explain the bidirectional relationship between PTSD and SUD include the self-medication hypothesis and susceptibility hypothesis. In this article, we explore neurobiologic changes associated with trauma, PTSD, and SUD that underly dysregulated stress response. Examining lessons learned from recent translational and clinical research, we propose that further elucidating the neurobiologic etiology of comorbid PTSD and SUD will require a collaborative, interdisciplinary approach, including the integration of preclinical and clinical studies, exploration of biologic markers in clinical studies, and accumulation of larger studies and longitudinal studies with the power to study PTSD and SUD. Such research can transform the field and ultimately reduce high rates and costly impairment of co-occurring PTSD and SUD across the lifespan.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Opioid use disorder mainly results from functional defects in the brain reward loop, which includs the ventral tegmental area (VTA) and nucleus accumbens (NAc; consisting of shell and core, NAcS and NAcC). Reward effects contribute to opioid use disorder. RMTg M3 receptors play a role in opioid reward by regulating the γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) neuron activity. Dopamine D1 receptors expressed on GABA neurons regulate opioid reward by mediating the dopamine neuron activity in the VTA. Therefore, we investigated the effect of activating M3 receptors by microinjecting pilocarpine into the RMTg along with activating D1 receptors by microinjecting SKF38393 into the VTA on morphine-induced reward effect, using the conditioned place preference (CPP) paradigm (locomotion was also recorded). We also investigated whether the activation of M3 receptors in the RMTg influenced dopamine release in the NAcS. The results showed that the inhibitory role of RMTg pilocarpine (60 μg/rat) infusions in morphine-induced CPP was reversed by VTA SKF38393 (4 μg/rat) infusions. Moreover, morphine (5 mg/kg, i.p.) increased dopamine release in the NAcS, which was blunted by microinjecting pilocarpine (60 μg/rat) into the RMTg. These results indicate that RMTg M3 receptors mediate morphine-induced reward effect, which is probably related to the dopamine activity within the VTA and NAcS. The relationship between RMTg M3 receptors and the mesolimbic dopamine system could be a potential direction for the treatment of opioid use disorder, but further verification through more comprehensive techniques is needed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The recreational use of N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) antagonist phencyclidine (PCP) and ketamine have grown rapidly due to their psychotomimetic properties. These compounds induce both non-fatal and fatal adverse effects and despite the enhanced regulation, they are continuously synthesized and are being sold in the illegal drug market, including 1-phenylcyclohexan-1-amine hydrochloride (PCA). Therefore, we evaluated its abuse potential through the conditioned-place preference (CPP), self-administration, and locomotor sensitization paradigms. Pretreatment with SCH 2 3390 and haloperidol was also performed during a CPP test. We used ELISA to measure dopamine (DA) levels and western blotting to determine effects on the DA-related proteins as well as on phosphorylated CREB, deltaFosB, and brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) in the ventral tegmental area (VTA) and nucleus accumbens (NAc). Finally, we examined the effects on brain wave activity using electroencephalography (EEG). PCA induced CPP in mice and was self-administered by rats, suggesting that PCA has rewarding and reinforcing properties. PCA increased locomotor of mice on the first treatment and challenge days. SCH 23390 and haloperidol blocked the CPP. PCA altered the DA, tyrosine hydroxylase, dopamine D1 and D2 receptors as well as p-CREB and deltaFosB. Also, PCA altered the delta and gamma waves in the brain, which were then normalized by SCH 2 3390 and haloperidol. The present findings indicate that PCA may induce abuse potential through the dopaminergic system and probably accompanied with alterations in brain wave activity which is similar to that of other psychotomimetic NMDA antagonists. We advocate thorough monitoring of PCP analogs as they pose potential harm to public health.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Alcohol causes stimulatory behavioral responses by activating reward-processing brain areas including the laterodorsal (LDTg) and ventral tegmental areas (VTA) and the nucleus accumbens (NAc). Systemic administration of the amylin and calcitonin receptor agonist salmon calcitonin (sCT) attenuates alcohol-mediated behaviors, but the brain sites involved in this process remain unknown. Firstly, to identify potential sCT sites of action in the brain, we used immunohistochemistry after systemic administration of fluorescent-labeled sCT. We then performed behavioral experiments to explore how infused sCT into the aforementioned reward-processing brain areas affects acute alcohol-induced behaviors in mice and chronic alcohol consumption in rats. We show that peripheral sCT crosses the blood brain barrier and is detected in all the brain areas studied herein. sCT infused into the LDTg attenuates alcohol-evoked dopamine release in the NAc shell in mice and reduces alcohol intake in rats. sCT into the VTA blocks alcohol-induced locomotor stimulation and dopamine release in the NAc shell in mice and decreases alcohol intake in rats. Lastly, sCT into the NAc shell prevents alcohol-induced locomotor activity in mice. Our data suggest that central sCT modulates the ability of alcohol to activate reward-processing brain regions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Besides food intake reduction, activation of the amylin pathway by salmon calcitonin (sCT), an amylin and calcitonin receptor agonist, inhibits alcohol-mediated behaviors in rodents. This involves brain areas processing reward, i.e. the laterodorsal (LDTg), ventral tegmental area (VTA) and nucleus accumbens (NAc). However, the effects of stimulation of the amylin pathway on behaviors caused by cocaine and the brain areas involved in these processes have not yet been investigated. We therefore explored in male mice, the effects of systemic administration of sCT on cocaine-induced locomotor stimulation, dopamine release in the NAc and cocaine reward, as well as reward-dependent memory of cocaine, in the conditioned place preference (CPP) paradigm. Moreover, the outcome of systemic sCT and cocaine co-administration for five days on locomotor activity was investigated. Lastly, the impact of sCT infusions into the LDTg, VTA, NAc shell or core on cocaine-evoked locomotor stimulation was explored. We found that sCT attenuated cocaine-induced locomotor stimulation and accumbal dopamine release, without altering cocaine\'s rewarding properties or reward-dependent memory retrieval in the CPP paradigm. Five days of cocaine administration caused locomotor stimulation in mice pre-treated with vehicle, but not with sCT. In mice infused with vehicle into the aforementioned reward-related areas, cocaine caused locomotor stimulation, a response that was not evident following sCT infusions. The current findings suggest a novel role for the amylinergic pathway as regulator of cocaine-evoked activation of the mesolimbic dopamine system, opening the way for the investigation of the amylin signalling in the modulation of other drugs of abuse.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Amylin receptors consist of the calcitonin receptor (CTR) and one of three receptor activity-modifying proteins (RAMPs). The identification of amylin receptors in areas processing reward, namely laterodorsal tegmental area (LDTg), ventral tegmental area (VTA), and nucleus accumbens (NAc), has attributed them a role as reward regulators. Indeed, acute activation of amylin receptors by the amylin receptor agonist salmon calcitonin (sCT) attenuates alcohol-induced behaviours in rodents.
    OBJECTIVE: The effects of long-term administration of sCT on alcohol-related behaviours and the molecular mechanisms underlying these processes are not yet elucidated. To fill this knowledge gap, we investigated the effects of sub-chronic sCT treatment on the locomotor stimulatory responses to alcohol in mice and the molecular pathways involved.
    METHODS: We assessed the behavioural effects of sub-chronic sCT treatment by means of locomotor activity experiments in mice. We used western blot to identify changes of the CTR levels and ex vivo biochemical analysis to detect changes in monoamines and their metabolites.
    RESULTS: After discontinuation for 5 days of sCT treatment, alcohol did not induce locomotor stimulation in mice pre-treated with sCT when compared with vehicle, without altering secondary behavioural parameters of the locomotor activity experiment or the protein levels of the CTR in reward-related areas in the same set of animals. Moreover, repeated sCT treatment altered monoaminergic neurotransmission in various brain areas, including increased serotonin and decreased dopamine turnover in the VTA. Lastly, we identified a differential effect of repeated sCT and acute alcohol administration on alcohol-induced locomotion in mice, where sCT initially attenuated and later increased this alcohol response. It was further found that this treatment combination did not affect secondary behavioural parameters measured in this locomotor activity experiments.
    CONCLUSIONS: These data suggest that sub-chronic sCT treatment differentially alters the ability of alcohol to cause locomotor stimulation, possibly through molecular mechanisms involving various neurotransmitter systems and not the CTR levels per se.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Accumulating evidence suggests altered function of the mesolimbic reward system resulting from exposure to early adversity. The present study investigated the combined long-term impact of adversity until young adulthood on neuronal reward processing and its interaction with individual resilience processes. In this functional magnetic resonance imaging study, 97 healthy young adults performed a reward-based decision-making task. Adversity as well as resilience were assessed retrospectively using the validated childhood trauma questionnaire, trauma history questionnaire and a resilience scale. Subjects with high adversity load showed reduced reward-related bottom-up activation in the ventral striatum (VS), ventral tegmental area (VTA) and hippocampus (HP) as compared to the low adversity group. However, high resilience traits in individuals with high adversity load were associated with an increased activation in the VTA and HP, indicating a possible resilience-related protective mechanism. Moreover, when comparing groups with high to low adversity, psychophysiological interaction analyses highlighted an increased negative functional coupling between VS and VTA as well as between VS and anteroventral prefrontal cortex (avPFC) during reward acceptance, and an impaired top-down control of the VS by the avPFC during reward rejection. In turn, combination of high adversity and high resilience traits was associated with an improved functional coupling between VTA, VS and HP. Thereby, the present findings identify neural mechanisms mediating interacting effects of adversity and resilience, which could be targeted by early intervention and prevention.






