memory retention

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The exploration of synaptic plasticity in metal-oxide-based ferroelectric thin-film transistors has been limited. As a perovskite ferroelectric material, LiNbO3 is widely studied; but its potential use as a neuromorphic device, like synaptic transistors, has not been realized. In this study, a solution-processed ferroelectric thin-film transistor (FeTFT) with an alternating layer of LiNbO3 and Li5AlO4 as a gate dielectric has been fabricated. This configuration reduces the depolarization field by leveraging the large ionic polarization of Li+ ions in the Li5AlO4 layer, while the wide bandgap helps mitigate the leakage current. FeTFT exhibits impressive transistor performance, including a saturation mobility of 0.478 cm2V-1 s-1, an on/off ratio of 3.08 × 103, and a low trap-state density of 1.3 × 1013 cm-2. Moreover, the device demonstrates good memory retention, retaining information for nearly 1 day. It successfully emulates synaptic plasticity, specifically short-term plasticity and long-term plasticity. Besides, a 94% training accuracy has been achieved through artificial neural network simulation. Notably, the FeTFT consumes minimal power, with energy consumption of approximately 3.09 nJ per synaptic event, which is remarkably low compared to other reported solution-processed FeTFT devices.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    African mesquite AM is widely used as an anti-inflammatory agent in sub-Sahara Africa especially Nigeria. Given its strong anti-inflammatory potency, this study has evaluated the neuroprotective properties of AM in the hippocampus HIP and olfactory bulb OB of rats exposed to Cd, As, Hg, and Pb. Twenty-five albino Sprague Dawley rats were randomly divided into five groups in this experiment. Group 1, the control received only water. Group 2 received heavy metal mixture HMM (PbCl2 (20 mg/kg), CdCl2 (1.61 mg/kg), HgCl2 (0.40 mg/kg), and NaAsO3 (10 mg/kg), for 60 days. Groups 3, 4, and 5 were treated with HMM along with AM at doses of 500, 1000, and 1500 mg/kg, respectively. AM decreased the Cd, As, Hg, and Pb levels in OB and HIP, restored the activities of antioxidants, Hmox-1, reduced the activities of AChE, NRF2 and NFkB and improved histopathology.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Identifying intervention methods that target sleep characteristics involved in memory processing is a priority for the field of cognitive aging. Older adults with greater sleep efficiency and non-rapid eye movement slow-wave activity (SWA) (0.5-4 Hz electroencephalographic activity) tend to exhibit better memory and cognitive abilities. Paradoxically, long total sleep times are consistently associated with poorer cognition in older adults. Thus, maximizing sleep efficiency and SWA may be a priority relative to increasing mere total sleep time. As clinical behavioral sleep treatments do not consistently enhance SWA, and propensity for SWA increases with time spent awake, we examined with a proof-of concept pilot intervention whether a greater dose of time-in-bed (TiB) restriction (75% of habitual TiB) would increase both sleep efficiency and SWA in older adults with difficulties staying asleep without impairing memory performance.
    UNASSIGNED: Participants were adults ages 55-80 with diary-reported sleep efficiency <90% and wake after sleep onset (WASO) >20 min. Sleep diary, actigraphy, polysomnography (PSG), and paired associate memory acquisition and retention were assessed before and after a week-long TiB restriction intervention (n = 30). TiB was restricted to 75% of diary-reported habitual TiB. A comparison group of n = 5 participants repeated assessments while following their usual sleep schedule to obtain preliminary estimates of effect sizes associated with repeated testing.
    UNASSIGNED: Subjective and objective sleep measures robustly improved in the TiB restriction group for sleep quality, sleep depth, sleep efficiency and WASO, at the expense of TiB and time spent in N1 and N2 sleep. As hypothesized, SWA increased robustly with TiB restriction across the 0.5-4 Hz range, as well as subjective sleep depth, subjective and objective WASO. Despite increases in sleepiness ratings, no impairments were found in memory acquisition or retention.
    UNASSIGNED: A TiB restriction dose equivalent to 75% of habitual TiB robustly increased sleep continuity and SWA in older adults with sleep maintenance difficulties, without impairing memory performance. These findings may inform long-term behavioral SWA enhancement interventions aimed at improving memory performance and risk for cognitive impairments.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Repetitive somatosensory stimulation (RSS) is a conventional approach to modulate the neural states of both the primary somatosensory cortex (S1) and the primary motor cortex (M1). However, the impact of RSS on skill acquisition and retention in sensorimotor adaptation remains debated. This study aimed to investigate whether whole-hand water flow (WF), a unique RSS-induced M1 disinhibition, influences sensorimotor adaptation by examining the hypothesis that whole-hand WF leads to M1 disinhibition; thereby, enhancing motor memory retention.
    UNASSIGNED: Sixty-eight young healthy participants were randomly allocated to three groups based on the preconditioning received before motor learning: control, whole-hand water immersion (WI), and whole-hand WF. The experimental protocol for all the participants spanned two consecutive days. On the initial day (day 1), baseline transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) assessments (T0) were executed before any preconditioning. Subsequently, each group underwent their respective 30 min preconditioning protocol. To ascertain the influence of each preconditioning on the excitability of the M1, subsequent TMS assessments were conducted (T1). Following this, all participants engaged in the motor learning (ML) of a visuomotor tracking task, wherein they were instructed to align a cursor with a target trajectory by modulating the pinch force. Upon completion of the ML session, final TMS assessments (T2) were conducted. All participants were required to perform the same motor learning 24 h later on day 2.
    UNASSIGNED: The results revealed that whole-hand WF did not significantly influence skill acquisition during sensorimotor adaptation, although it did reduce intracortical inhibition. This phenomenon is consistent with the idea that S1, rather than M1, is involved in skill acquisition during the early stages of sensorimotor adaptation. Moreover, memory retention 24 h after skill acquisition did not differ significantly across the three groups, challenging our initial hypothesis that whole-hand WF enhances memory retention throughout sensorimotor adaptation. This could be due to the inability of whole-hand WF to alter sensorimotor connectivity and integration, as well as the nature of the plastic response elicited by the preconditioning.
    UNASSIGNED: In conclusion, these findings suggest that although whole-hand WF attenuates intracortical inhibition, it does not modulate skill acquisition or motor memory retention during sensorimotor adaptation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Motor learning is a prominent and extensively studied subject in rehabilitation following various types of neurological disorders. Motor repair and rehabilitation often extend over months and years post-injury with a slow pace of recovery, particularly affecting the fine movements of the distal extremities. This extended period can diminish the motivation and persistence of patients, a facet that has historically been overlooked in motor learning until recent years. Reward, including monetary compensation, social praise, video gaming, music, and virtual reality, is currently garnering heightened attention for its potential to enhance motor motivation and improve function. Numerous studies have examined the effects and attempted to explore potential mechanisms in various motor paradigms, yet they have yielded inconsistent or even contradictory results and conclusions. A comprehensive review is necessary to summarize studies on the effects of rewards on motor learning and to deduce a central pattern from these existing studies. Therefore, in this review, we initially outline a framework of motor learning considering two major types, two major components, and three stages. Subsequently, we summarize the effects of rewards on different stages of motor learning within the mentioned framework and analyze the underlying mechanisms at the level of behavior or neural circuit. Reward accelerates learning speed and enhances the extent of learning during the acquisition and consolidation stages, possibly by regulating the balance between the direct and indirect pathways (activating more D1-MSN than D2-MSN) of the ventral striatum and by increasing motor dynamics and kinematics. However, the effect varies depending on several experimental conditions. During the retention stage, there is a consensus that reward enhances both short-term and long-term memory retention in both types of motor learning, attributed to the LTP learning mechanism mediated by the VTA-M1 dopaminergic projection. Reward is a promising enhancer to bolster waning confidence and motivation, thereby increasing the efficiency of motor learning and rehabilitation. Further exploration of the circuit and functional connections between reward and the motor loop may provide a novel target for neural modulation to promote motor behavior.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This article was migrated. The article was marked as recommended. Introduction Medical students are tasked with learning a vast amount of medical knowledge prior to sitting for the USMLE Step 1 exam, a portion of which is either forgotten or becomes inaccessible to memory following each exam. In this study we examined whether accessibility and retention of 1 st-year biochemistry content predicts performance on high stakes exams such as USMLE Step1. Methods First-year medical students were retested on a subset of biochemistry final exam items 10.5 months after sitting for the original exam. Retention was measured as a percentage of the original final exam score. Availability of information was measured with cued recall (i.e., selecting from a list the multiple-choice distractors), while accessibility of information was captured through free recall (without the aid of multiple choice distractors). Results As expected, we found that free recall rates were much lower than cued recall rates, but that students who scored higher on Step 1 had a smaller gap between cued and free recall scores, demonstrating a greater ability to access information than lower-scoring students. Importantly, we also demonstrate that higher-scoring students retained a higher percentage of the original biochemistry material than lower-performing students after 10.5 months, and that the amount information retained in memory was associated with higher scores on Step 1, demonstrating the potential importance of teaching medical school content with the intention of making it stick, especially in students who are not as strong academically. Conclusion The methods employed in this study are straightforward and can be used to compare retention and accessibility of information across medical school courses, and may serve as a guide to curriculum and pedagogical improvements.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Influential theories and computational models suggest error-based learning plays an important role in language acquisition: Children learn new words by generating predictions about upcoming utterances and revising those predictions when they are erroneous. Critically, revising stronger (rather than weaker) predictions should further enhance learning. Although previously demonstrated in adults, such prediction error boost has not been conclusively shown in children. To close this gap, we tested 107 participants between the ages of 5 and 10. We found little evidence that word learning in this age group benefits from a prediction error boost. Moreover, we also failed to replicate previous evidence for such an effect in adults. Based on a detailed task analysis, we suggest the variation in adult findings may be partly explained by differences in encoding strategies and that, relatedly, the protracted development of the episodic memory system might explain why children do not experience robust benefits from having stronger (rather than weaker) predictions disconfirmed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Neohelice is a long-standing model for memory studies for its strong retention of a reduced escape response when trained to iterative presentations of a visual danger stimulus (VDS). Here we present year-round changes that are related to the memory acquisition, storage, and expression. First, we evaluated exploratory activity and response to the VDS, as necessary for memory acquisition and expression. Both parameters change year-round. Second, short-term memory (STM) and two types of long-term memory (LTM) were assessed throughout the year. STM and long-term context-dependent signal memory (CSM) change between periods of the year, whereas signal memory (SM) does not, indicating that the cognitive abilities of the crab display circannual rhythms. Third, during the reproductive period, STM retention is higher than both CSM and SM, indicating a trade-off between STM and LTM. This is the first report of memory retention abilities changing seasonally as a trade-off between short- and long-term memories.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Sleep has a substantial impact on memory consolidation, although the link between specific sleep patterns and different forms of memory retention is not well-understood. The purpose of this systematic review is to investigate the correlation between varying sleep habits and memory recall. To identify pertinent research published between 2017 and 2023, a thorough check of electronic databases was carried out. Inclusion criteria encompassed peer-reviewed articles published in English, focusing on human participants, and investigating the relationship between sleep patterns and memory retention. Data extraction and quality assessment were performed on selected studies. This research used different strategies and examined several forms of memory retention, including declarative memory, procedural memory, and emotional memory. Several sleep patterns, including sleep duration, sleep stages, and sleep continuity, were investigated. This comprehensive study demonstrated the relationship between adequate sleep duration and memory consolidation, particularly in regard to declarative memory. Furthermore, deep sleep, characterized by slow-wave sleep (SWS), has been associated with superior procedural memory retention. Sleep continuity, as evaluated by reduced sleep fragmentation or undisturbed sleep, influenced memory consolidation across multiple categories of memory. However, the relationship between rapid eye movement (REM) sleep and memory retention remains inconclusive due to conflicting findings. This systematic review emphasizes the significance of various sleep patterns in memory retention. Memory consolidation corresponds with adequate sleep length, deep sleep (or SWS), and sleep continuity. Future research ought to investigate the connection between REM sleep and memory retention. Understanding the impact of specific sleep patterns on memory processes might help guide therapies and interventions to improve memory consolidation and overall cognitive functioning.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Nanoplastics (NPs) exposure to humans can occur through various routes, including the food chain, drinking water, skin contact, and respiration. NPs are plastics with a diameter of less than 100 nm and have the potential to accumulate in tissues, leading to toxic effects. This study aimed to investigate the neurotoxicity of polystyrene NPs on neural progenitor cells (NPCs) and hippocampal neurogenesis in a rodent model. Toxicity screening of polystyrene NPs based on their charge revealed that cationic amine-modified polystyrene (PS-NH3+) exhibited cytotoxicity, while anionic carboxylate-modified polystyrene (PS-COO-) and neutral NPs (PS) did not. NPCs treated with PS-NH3+ showed a significant reduction in growth rate due to G1 cell cycle arrest. PS-NH3+ increased the expression of cell cycle arrest markers p21 and p27, while decreasing cyclin D expression in NPCs. Interestingly, PS-NH3+ accumulated in mitochondria, leading to mitochondrial dysfunction and energy depletion, which caused G1 cell cycle arrest. Prolonged exposure to PS-NH3+ in C17.2 NPCs increased the expression of p16 and senescence-associated secretory phenotype factors, indicating cellular senescence. In vivo studies using C57BL/6 mice demonstrated impaired hippocampal neurogenesis and memory retention after 10 days of PS-NH3+ administration. This study suggests that NPs could deplete neural stem cell pools in the brain by mitochondrial dysfunction, thereby adversely affecting hippocampal neurogenesis and neurocognitive functions.





