membrane estrogen receptors

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) is the most common histological form of head and neck tumors (HNTs), which originate from the epithelium of the lips and oral cavity, pharynx, larynx, salivary glands, nasal cavity, and sinuses. The main risk factors include consumption of tobacco in all forms and alcohol, as well as infections with high-risk human papillomaviruses or the Epstein-Barr virus. Regardless of the etiological agent, the risk of developing different types of HNTs is from two to more than six times higher in males than in females. The reason for such disparities probably lies in a combination of both biological and psychosocial factors. Therefore, it is hypothesized that exposure to female sex hormones, primarily estrogen, provides women with protection against the formation and metastasis of HNTs. In this review, we synthesized available knowledge on the role of estrogen and estrogen receptors (ERs) in the development and progression of HNTs, with special emphasis on membrane ERs, which are much less studied. We can summarize that in addition to epidemiologic studies unequivocally pointing to the protective effect of estrogen in women, an increased expression of both nuclear ERs, ERα, and ERβ, and membrane ERs, ERα36, GPER1, and NaV1.2, was present in different types of HNSCC, for which anti-estrogens could be used as an effective therapeutic approach.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Estrogen receptors (ERs) play a multitude of roles in brain function and are implicated in various brain disorders. The use of positron emission tomography (PET) tracers for the visualization of ERs\' intricate landscape has shown promise in oncology but remains limited in the context of brain disorders. Despite recent progress in the identification and development of more selective ligands for various ERs subtypes, further optimization is necessary to enable the reliable and efficient imaging of these receptors. In this perspective, we briefly touch upon the significance of estrogen signaling in the brain and raise the setbacks associated with the development of PET tracers for identification of specific ERs subtypes in the brain. We then propose avenues for developing efficient PET tracers to non-invasively study the dynamics of ERs in the brain, as well as neuropsychiatric diseases associated with their malfunction in a longitudinal manner. This perspective puts several potential candidates on the table and highlights the unmet needs and areas requiring further research to unlock the full potential of PET tracers for ERs imaging, ultimately aiding in deepening our understanding of ERs and forging new avenues for potential therapeutic strategies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Nuclear- and membrane-initiated estrogen signaling cooperate to orchestrate the pleiotropic effects of estrogens. Classical estrogen receptors (ERs) act transcriptionally and govern the vast majority of hormonal effects, whereas membrane ERs (mERs) enable acute modulation of estrogenic signaling and have recently been shown to exert strong neuroprotective capacity without the negative side effects associated with nuclear ER activity. In recent years, GPER1 was the most extensively characterized mER. Despite triggering neuroprotective effects, cognitive improvements, and vascular protective effects and maintaining metabolic homeostasis, GPER1 has become the subject of controversy, particularly due to its participation in tumorigenesis. This is why interest has recently turned toward non-GPER-dependent mERs, namely, mERα and mERβ. According to available data, non-GPER-dependent mERs elicit protective effects against brain damage, synaptic plasticity impairment, memory and cognitive dysfunctions, metabolic imbalance, and vascular insufficiency. We postulate that these properties are emerging platforms for designing new therapeutics that may be used in the treatment of stroke and neurodegenerative diseases. Since mERs have the ability to interfere with noncoding RNAs and to regulate the translational status of brain tissue by affecting histones, non-GPER-dependent mERs appear to be attractive targets for modern pharmacotherapy for nervous system diseases.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Estrogen receptors were initially identified in the uterus, and later throughout the brain and body as intracellular, ligand-regulated transcription factors that affect genomic change upon ligand binding. However, rapid estrogen receptor signaling initiated outside of the nucleus was also known to occur via mechanisms that were less clear. Recent studies indicate that these traditional receptors, estrogen receptor-α and estrogen receptor-β, can also be trafficked to act at the surface membrane. Signaling cascades from these membrane-bound estrogen receptors (mERs) not only rapidly effect cellular excitability, but can and do ultimately affect gene expression, as seen through the phosphorylation of CREB. A principal mechanism of neuronal mER action is through glutamate-independent transactivation of metabotropic glutamate receptors (mGluRs), which elicits multiple signaling outcomes. The interaction of mERs with mGluRs has been shown to be important in many diverse functions in females, including, but not limited to, reproduction and motivation. Here we review membrane-initiated estrogen receptor signaling in females, with a focus on the interactions between these mERs and mGluRs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Newly synthesized Pathway Preferential Estrogen-1 (PaPE-1) selectively activates membrane estrogen receptors (mERs), namely, mERα and mERβ, and has been shown to evoke neuroprotection; however, its effectiveness in protecting brain tissue against hypoxia and ischemia has not been verified in a posttreatment paradigm. This is the first study showing that a 6-h delayed posttreatment with PaPE-1 inhibited hypoxia/ischemia-induced neuronal death, as indicated by neutral red uptake in mouse primary cell cultures in vitro. The effect was accompanied by substantial decreases in neurotoxicity and neurodegeneration in terms of LDH release and Fluoro-Jade C staining of damaged cells, respectively. The mechanisms of the neuroprotective action of PaPE-1 also involved apoptosis inhibition demonstrated by normalization of both mitochondrial membrane potential and expression levels of apoptosis-related genes and proteins such as Fas, Fasl, Bcl2, FAS, FASL, BCL2, BAX, and GSK3β. Furthermore, PaPE-1-evoked neuroprotection was mediated through a reduction in ROS formation and restoration of cellular metabolic activity that had become dysregulated due to hypoxia and ischemia. These data provide evidence that targeting membrane non-GPER estrogen receptors with PaPE-1 is an effective therapy that protects brain neurons from hypoxic/ischemic damage, even when applied with a 6-h delay from injury onset.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Estrogens exert rapid, extranuclear effects by their action on the plasma membrane estrogen receptors (mERs). Gα protein associated with the cell membrane is involved in many important processes regulated by estrogens. However, the Gα\'s role in the mER-mediated signaling and the signaling pathways involved are poorly understood. This review aims to outline the Gα\'s role in the mER-mediated signaling. Immunoblotting, immunofluorescence, co-immunoprecipitation, and RNA interference were carried out using vascular endothelial cells (ECs) and human breast carcinoma cell lines as experimental models. Electrophysiology and immunocytochemistry were carried out using guinea pigs as animal models. Recent advances suggest that the signaling of mERα through Gα is required for vascular EC migration or endothelial H2S release, while Gα13 is involved in estrogen-induced breast cancer cell invasion. Besides, the Gαq-coupled PLC-PKC-PKA pathway is critical for the neural regulation of energy homeostasis. This review summarizes the contributions of Gα to mER-mediated signaling, including cardiovascular protection, breast cancer metastasis, neural regulation of homeostatic functions, and osteogenesis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This review provides information on the structure of estrogen receptors (ERs), their localization and functions in mammalian cells. Additionally, the structure of proteasomes and mechanisms of protein ubiquitination and cleavage are described. According to the modern concept, the ubiquitin proteasome system (UPS) is involved in the regulation of the activity of ERs in several ways. First, UPS performs the ubiquitination of ERs with a change in their functional activity. Second, UPS degrades ERs and their transcriptional regulators. Third, UPS affects the expression of ER genes. In addition, the opportunity of the regulation of proteasome functioning by ERs-in particular, the expression of immune proteasomes-is discussed. Understanding the complex mechanisms underlying the regulation of ERs and proteasomes has great prospects for the development of new therapeutic agents that can make a significant contribution to the treatment of diseases associated with the impaired function of these biomolecules.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The immortalized mouse gonadotrope cell lines alphaT3-1 and LbetaT2 cells have been a substitute model for primary gonadotropes. These cell lines have provided a homogeneous cell population, as compared to the dissociated anterior pituitaries, which contain a heterogeneous population of cells potentially responsive to estradiol-17beta (E2). Nonclassical actions of E2 assumed to occur through the plasma membrane estrogen receptor 1 (ESR1, also known as ERalpha). These actions have included inhibition of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH)-induced increases in intracellular calcium concentrations and phosphorylation of p44/42 mitogen-activated protein kinase (ERK-1/2) in ovine pituitaries including primary gonadotropes in vitro. The objective of the present experiment was to determine if alphaT3-1 and LbetaT2 are cell models with limitations to examine the nonclassical actions of E2 occurring in gonadotropes. Experiments were conducted to determine if the cells have ESR1 at the plasma membrane using biotinylation cell and isolation of surface protein and staining with a fluorescently labeled E2 conjugate. The alphaT3-1 cells contain ESR1 associated with but not enriched within lipid rafts of the plasma membrane and do not translocate to lipid rafts upon binding of E2. In contrast, LbetaT2 cells lack ESR1 associated with the plasma membrane. Pretreatment with E2 did not cause inhibition of GnRH-stimulated increases in intracellular concentrations of calcium for either cell type. Phosphorylation of ERK-1/2 was not stimulated by E2 in either cell type. Although these cells lines have been used extensively to study GnRH signaling, in vitro or in vivo effects of nonclassical actions of E2 cannot be replicated in either cell line.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Activation of membrane-associated estrogen receptors (mER) decreases food and water intake in female rats. Additional studies suggest these effects are mediated, at least in part, by membrane-associated estrogen receptor alpha (ERα). Nevertheless, the critical site of action and the intracellular signaling required for the ingestive effects of ERα remain unclear. Estradiol given to the medial preoptic area (mPOA) decreases ingestive behaviors, and membrane-associated ERα has been shown to affect intracellular signaling through interactions with metabotropic glutamate receptor (mGluR) subtypes, but an involvement of this signaling pathway, in the mPOA, in ingestive behavior remains untested. To address these open questions, we first showed that activation of mER in the mPOA decreased both overnight food and water intake, and did so in a time course consistent with a genomic mechanism of action. Next, we tested the requirement of mGluR1a signaling in the mPOA for the anorexigenic and anti-dipsogenic effects of estradiol. As expected, estradiol in the mPOA decreased food intake, but only in the absence of an mGluR1a antagonist. The same was not true for estradiol effects on water intake, which were unaffected by an mGluR1a antagonist. These results suggest that estrogens require mGluR activation for at least some of their effects on ingestive behaviors, and indicate that the mPOA is a critical site of action. The results also reveal an interesting divergence in the estrogenic control of ingestive behavior by which mGluR signaling in the mPOA plays a role in the control of food intake, but not water intake.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Rapid nongenomic signaling by estrogens (Es), initiated near the cell membrane, provides new explanations for the potent actions of environmental chemicals that imperfectly mimic physiological Es. These pathways can affect tumor growth, stabilization, or shrinkage via a number of signaling streams such as activation/inactivation of mitogen-activated protein kinases and caspases, generation of second messengers, and phospho-triggering of cyclin instability. Though prostate cancers are better known for their responsiveness to androgen deprivation, ∼17% of late stage tumors regress in response to high dose natural or pharmaceutical Es; however, the mechanisms at the cellular level are not understood. More accurate recent measurements show that estradiol (E2) levels decline in aging men, leading to the hypothesis that maintaining young male levels of E2 may prevent the growth of prostate cancers. Major contributions to reducing prostate cancer cell numbers included low E2 concentrations producing sustained ERK phospho-activation correlated with generation of reactive oxygen species causing cancer cell death, and phospho-activation of cyclin D1 triggering its rapid degradation by interrupting cell cycle progression. These therapeutic actions were stronger in early stage tumor cells (with higher membrane estrogen receptor levels), and E2 was far more effective compared to diethylstilbestrol (the most frequently prescribed E treatment). Xenoestrogens (XEs) exacerbated the growth of prostate cancer cells, and as we know from previous studies in pituitary cancer cells, can interfere with the nongenomic signaling actions of endogenous Es. Therefore, nongenomic actions of physiological levels of E2 may be important deterrents to the growth of prostate cancers, which could be undermined by the actions of XEs.





