medical humanities

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Stories about personal experiences of assisted dying, a term comprising both instances when a lethal substance is administered by a physician or by the patient themselves, are frequently cited in law-making processes. These experiences of healthcare systems and the laws governing end-of-life procedures thereby interactively influence the future of medicine at the deathbed. With more countries legalising some form of assisted dying or opening political debate about the issue, addressing how these personal stories shape public opinions and social institutions is timely. In this current controversy, we question how medical humanities researchers are to make sense of the role of these stories in law-making, and critically reflect on a digital archive that seeks to make these interconnections visible. At the methodological level, the reciprocal interactions in assisted dying between medicine, law and the arts urges us to reconsider the conceptual foundations of interdisciplinary research in the medical humanities.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This article combines ethnographic interpretations with analyses of the conceptual history of empathy. Moving beyond the more common notions, which often rely in psychological theories and terminologies, the conceptual-historical analyses trace its roots to 18th and 19th century notions of \'Einfühlung\'. As the ethnographic work follows the professional work with two young women with profound intellectual and multiple disabilities, the article makes a fivefold argument. First, we argue that empathy is often considered a matter of individual cognition but should be rethought as an embodied process of feeling-into. Second, we argue that this process is characterised by incompleteness-and hence must acknowledge that empathy is always partial, always on the way to understanding. Third, we argue that this incompleteness forces us to think about the underlying \'connecting force\', and that the conceptual history suggests that we should think about this force as a form of love. Fourth, we suggest that this \'love\' is highly embodied, and that this suggests that theoretical notions of empathy should relate to notions of kinship. Fifth, we suggest that the combination of this love (affection, appreciation), embodied kinship and incompleteness suggests a final rethinking, namely the notion of empathy as a form of longing.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The teaching of medical humanities is increasingly being integrated into medical school curricula. We developed a podcast called Le Serment d\'Augusta (Augusta\'s Oath), consisting of six episodes tackling hot topics in the modern world of healthcare related to the patient-doctor relationship, professionalism, and ethics. This podcast aimed to provide scientific content in an entertaining way, while promoting debate among medical students. The Le Serment d\'Augusta podcast was proposed as one of the various optional modules included in the second- to fifth-year curriculum at the School of Medicine of Sorbonne University (Paris). We asked students to report their lived experience of listening to the podcast. We then used a text-mining approach focusing on two main aspects: i) students\' perspective of the use of this educational podcast to learn about medical humanities; ii) self-reported change in their perception of and knowledge about core elements of healthcare after listening to the podcast. 478 students were included. Students were grateful for the opportunity to participate in this teaching module. They greatly enjoyed this kind of learning tool and reported that it gave them autonomy in learning. They appreciated the content as well as the format, highlighting that the topics were related to the very essence of medical practice and that the numerous testimonies were of great added value. Listening to the podcast resulted in knowledge acquisition and significant change of perspective. These findings further support the use of podcasts in medical education, especially to teach medical humanities, and their implementation in the curriculum.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The adoption of the United Nations\' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) marks a significant shift in global political agendas, emphasising sustainability in various fields, including health. To engage meaningfully with sustainability, a transformative educational approach is essential. Lange\'s concept of transformative learning encompasses three levels: personal and cognitive change (micro level), changes in our interactions with others and the environment (meso level) and societal changes (macro level). This paper posits that applying health humanities approaches, particularly narrative medicine, can enhance transformative education at these three levels, leading to a powerful, transformative health humanities framework for teaching sustainability and the SDGs. This interdisciplinary method, which includes reflective self-assessment, exploration of different relational perspectives and social reality comprehension, facilitates transformative learning. However, implementing this transformative strategy requires a critical reassessment of some core principles and methods within the existing health humanities paradigm.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This article is a reflection on a new (but ancient) definition of medicine, which considers doctors and patients alike from their complex human experiences. It explores the doctor-patient relationship as well as the practice of medicine itself through an historical lens, by examining some of the scholarship of Galen of Pergamum, the ancient Greek doctor and philosopher of the second century CE. The intention is not to give a new, definite answer, but to use an example from the past to look at the matter from a different, perhaps unusual, perspective.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To explore how higher education institutions (HEIs) make transparent the data they collect on staff disability, and how this relates to existing equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) charters.
    METHODS: Descriptive cross-sector quantitative study based on UK HEIs.
    METHODS: Higher education sector in the UK.
    METHODS: 162 HEIs across the UK with information extracted from the Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA), each institution\'s website and Advance HE.
    METHODS: Availability of a publicly available EDI report. Type of information on staff disability identified within the EDI report and level of detail, the latter derived from the number of different types of information provided in the report. Athena SWAN and Disability Confident award level for each HEI were used as a proxy for the sector\'s commitment to EDI.
    RESULTS: Under a quarter of HEIs do not have an open EDI report online. The majority of Athena SWAN award holders make their EDI reports publicly available, which is similar by Disability Confident status. Russell Group universities are more likely to have a publicly available report. Regionally, EDI report availability is lowest in London. The level of detail with regards to staff disability varies, with more than half of institutions providing \'little detail\' and just under a third \'some detail\'. Athena SWAN award holders and Disability Confident members are twice as likely to provide \'some detail\' than those which do not hold an award.
    CONCLUSIONS: Challenges remain to obtain a clear picture of staff with disabilities within higher education. The lack of both uniformity and transparency in EDI reporting with respect to disability hinders the ability to quantify staff with disabilities within higher education, develop meaningful interventions and address inequities more widely.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Amid new abortion restrictions in the USA, scientific advances in genetic technologies and investigations of COVID-19 vaccinations in pregnancy, news stories about reproduction abound, often accompanied by images of what journalist Josie Glausiusz has called the \"headless, legless, pregnancy bump\". These images of disembodied pregnant torsos at once improve search engine optimisation for news organisations while perpetuating the view of the \'bump\' as the quintessential visual representation of pregnancy.The images that accompany news articles convey meaning beyond what is included in the text and work to reinforce stereotypes about race, gender and age. In the so-called obesity epidemic, for example, psychotherapist and fat activist Charlotte Cooper documented how images of fat people with their heads cropped out view had become a visual symbol of abjection-\'the headless fatty\'-without a face or agency to speak of. The use of \'headless preggos\' similarly divorces pregnant people from the embodied experience of their pregnancies, reducing them to a single body part.In this article, we chronicle our experiences tracking images of headless preggos via Twitter, arguing that their use works to erase pregnant people\'s autonomy and to construct the fetus as the central concern in reproductive interventions. We begin by tracing the evolution of visual representations of pregnancy including the increasing focus on the fetus and \'bump\'. We then provide a description of our experience with the Twitter account, including our exchanges with academics, journalists and others that highlight how the continued reliance on headless preggos obscures the experiences of pregnant people by focusing all attention on the fetus, as well as how the same images might be thoughtfully deployed. We conclude by offering suggestions for those creating and selecting images that might result in more robust, creative visual representations of pregnancy and reproduction.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This article charts the emergence of visual medical humanities as a space of academic research, creative practice and lively critical debate, with a focus on how art historical scholarship has influenced the field\'s formation. Concentrating on developments over the past decade, it offers an overview of current scholarship while highlighting opportunities and challenges for the future. We begin with a survey of medical and health humanities handbooks and readers, noting that their engagement with art and visual culture is predominately limited to the contexts of therapy, clinical pedagogy and medical history. The main part of the article explores art historical scholarship in relation to three areas of significance for the medical humanities. First, we address art historical research that engages with medical history, identifying major topoi including the anatomical body, the doctor-patient encounter and the close relationship between clinical and artistic vision; we argue that this work has tended to presume, rather than explicitly articulate, its relationship to medical humanities and recommend that art historians wishing to engage more deeply with the medical humanities need to clearly communicate what their work brings to wider debates in the field. Second, we explore contemporary arts practices that mobilise health-related experiences, forms of care and practical activism: medical humanities, we argue, has much to gain from a critical engagement with contemporary (as well as historical) art. Third, we review three art history-led projects that are redefining the field and promoting new models for collaborative \'entanglement\' across disciplines: Art HX: Visual and Medical Legacies of British Colonialism; Visualizing the Virus; and Confabulations: Art Practice, Art History, Critical Medical Humanities By arguing for the vital importance of attending to the critical complexities of art and visual culture, this article aims to enrich existing debates and provoke a new wave of visually engaged medical humanities scholarship.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    TikTok, a now iconoclastic social media platform, hosts millions of videos on health, wellness and physical fitness, including content on postpartum wellness and \'bouncing back\'. At present, few studies analyse the content of postpartum videos urging viewers to bounce-back or the potential influence of these videos. Given the acknowledged relationship between social media use and adverse mental health outcomes (eg, lowered self-esteem, increased stress, disordered eating risk), an investigation of bounce-back-related postpartum content on TikTok explores important intersections between wellness and fitness cultures and the embodied experience of postpartum recovery. Using a qualitative thematic analysis of bounce-back videos (n=175), we explore three themes: (1) Smoothies: eat, but don\'t be fat; (2) Bone broth: bounce-back with today\'s wellness trends; (3) Fitspo: moving your body matters. Importantly, videos recycle historically constructed thinking about what makes a \'good\' or \'bad\' body, invoke vintage diet-culture tropes (ie, drinking water to fill up before eating), and maintain potentially dangerous expectations for caregivers rooted in historical gender, race and class constructs. This results in a postfeminist mishmash of modern maternity practices and traditional hierarchies. Unpacking the historicity of TikTok content assists health practitioners, scholars and users in understanding the potential impacts of video content on new parents, as well as how to flag and contextualise potentially harmful content. Future studies should examine other TikTok subcultures, including teen mothers and trans parents, and explore the messaging directed at and the impact on those communities.





