maternal-fetal health

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The beginning of the conflict in Ukraine has reminded Europeans of the many and diverse consequences of armed conflicts. Indeed, the ever more sophisticated conflicts have led to the diffusion of numerous chemicals whose consequences spread even after the end of the war. We present through this paper a review of the consequences of pregnancies from the major conflicts that took place since the end of World War II.
    CONCLUSIONS: MEDLINE, Web of Science, and Embase were screened for articles linking perinatal death (PD) or birth defects (BD) to wartime. A total of 50 papers treating 8 countries and 4 major and medically documented conflicts were included in the final analysis. An increase in BD and PD during and after the end of the conflicts was reported through all the conflicts analyzed.
    CONCLUSIONS: While more data are needed to conclude, maternal-fetal medicine specialists ought to be wary when dealing with exposed populations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Background Connective tissue disorders encompass a diverse array of autoimmune and hereditary conditions, including systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), rheumatoid arthritis (RA), and antiphospholipid antibody syndrome. These disorders present unique challenges during pregnancy due to their complex pathophysiology and potential complications. Understanding their impact on pregnancy outcomes is vital for optimizing maternal and fetal health. Objective To investigate the burden, complications, maternal and fetal outcomes, and prognosis of connective tissue disorders in pregnancy. Methods The study was conducted over one year and six months at Saveetha Medical College and Hospital, Chennai, India, involving 45 pregnant women diagnosed with connective tissue disorders. Standard antenatal investigations were conducted, and participants were monitored throughout the antenatal period. Maternal and fetal outcomes were meticulously evaluated. Results Baseline characteristics revealed a heterogeneous distribution of age and parity among participants, reflecting the diverse nature of connective tissue disorders in pregnancy. Maternal medical outcomes, such as gestational hypertension (GHTN) and gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM), were prevalent, highlighting the necessity of close monitoring. Obstetric outcomes included spontaneous abortion and preterm delivery, indicating elevated risks in this population. Fetal outcomes, including fetal growth restriction and admission to the neonatal intensive care unit, underscored the impact of these disorders on fetal health. Conclusion This study examines pregnant connective tissue disorder burden, complications, maternal and fetal outcomes, and prognosis. The complicated relationship between these illnesses, and pregnancy requires specialist care and close monitoring. The participants\' baseline features represent connective tissue condition heterogeneity, affecting clinical practice. Among the study subjects, 40% had RA and 20% had SLE, the most common connective tissue illness. Adverse maternal medical outcomes, like GHTN (27.27% of antiphospholipid syndrome (APS) patients and 22.22% of SLE patients) and GDM (18.18% of APS patients and 11.11% of SLE patients), highlight the need for close maternal health monitoring and management during pregnancy. Overall, this study sheds light on connective tissue abnormalities and pregnancy outcomes. Healthcare providers can improve reproductive health and well-being for various illnesses by knowing these relationships.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Pregnancy induces significant changes in oral health because of hormonal fluctuations, making it a crucial period for preventive measures. Dental stem cells (DSCs), particularly those derived from the dental pulp and periodontal ligaments, offer promising avenues for regenerative therapies and, possibly, preventive interventions. While the use of DSCs already includes various applications in regenerative dentistry in the general population, their use during pregnancy requires careful consideration. This review explores recent advancements, challenges, and prospects in using DSCs to address oral health issues, possibly during pregnancy. Critical aspects of the responsible use of DSCs in pregnant women are discussed, including safety, ethical issues, regulatory frameworks, and the need for interdisciplinary collaborations. We aimed to provide a comprehensive understanding of leveraging DSCs to improve maternal oral health.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) is a risk to maternal-fetal health due to uncertain diagnostic criteria and treatment options. Luo\'s study demonstrated the efficacy of customized nutritional therapies in controlling GDM. Tailored strategies led to significant body weight loss, improved glucolipid metabolism, and fewer prenatal and newborn problems. This holistic approach, which emphasizes the notion of \'chrononutrition\', takes into account optimal meal timing that is in sync with circadian rhythms, as well as enhanced sleep hygiene. Implementing tailored dietary therapy, managing meal timing, and ensuring appropriate sleep may improve results for women with GDM, opening up a possible avenue for multi-center trials.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    This case study provides an insightful examination of the management of high-risk pulmonary embolism (PE) in a 27-year-old pregnant patient following in vitro fertilization (IVF). Overlapping symptoms of PE and typical pregnancy manifestations, coupled with concerns about radiation exposure from diagnostic imaging, presented unique diagnostic challenges. Despite the heightened risk of thrombosis during pregnancy and elevated D-dimer levels, a conservative approach was strategically employed. This involved therapeutic anticoagulation using low-molecular-weight heparin, leading to significant patient improvement without the need for invasive interventions. This case highlights the imperative for a judicious yet proactive approach in managing PE among pregnant patients, meticulously considering both maternal and fetal health risks.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) is a life-threatening complication of diabetes mellitus that poses unique challenges during pregnancy. We present a case of a 36-year-old pregnant woman with a history of type 1 diabetes mellitus who developed severe DKA at 33.5 weeks of gestation, necessitating an emergency cesarean section. Despite a known history of diabetes, the patient\'s infrequent clinic attendance and suboptimal disease management contributed to her critical condition. DKA was promptly diagnosed, and a multidisciplinary team comprising obstetricians, endocrinologists, anesthesiologists, and neonatologists collaborated to provide comprehensive care. The preoperative assessment revealed dehydration and electrolyte imbalances, necessitating meticulous planning for IV fluid administration and hemodynamic stability during the cesarean section. Regional anaesthesia was chosen as the anaesthetic approach, and close postoperative monitoring was initiated. The neonate, delivered with satisfactory Apgar scores, was transferred to the neonatal ICU for observation. The patient\'s gradual clinical improvement over 48 hours demonstrated the importance of ongoing care. This case highlights the significance of early recognition, multidisciplinary teamwork, and meticulous perioperative care in managing DKA during pregnancy, ensuring favourable outcomes for both the mother and the neonate.






  • 文章类型: Editorial






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) are exogenous substances widely disseminated both in the environment and in daily-life products which can interfere with the regulation and function of the endocrine system. These substances have gradually entered the food chain, being frequently found in human blood and urine samples. This becomes a particularly serious issue when they reach vulnerable populations such as pregnant women, whose hormones are more unstable and vulnerable to EDCs. The proper formation and activity of the placenta, and therefore embryonic development, may get seriously affected by the presence of these chemicals, augmenting the risk of several pregnancy complications, including intrauterine growth restriction, preterm birth, preeclampsia, and gestational diabetes mellitus, among others. Additionally, some of them also exert a detrimental impact on fertility, thus hindering the reproductive process from the beginning. In several cases, EDCs even induce cross-generational effects, inherited by future generations through epigenetic mechanisms. These are the reasons why a proper understanding of the reproductive and gestational alterations derived from these substances is needed, along with efforts to establish regulations and preventive measures in order to avoid exposition (especially during this particular stage of life).






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Pregnancy is a critical period associated with alterations in physiologic, biologic, and immunologic processes, which can affect maternal-fetal health through development of several infectious diseases. At birth, neonates have an immature immune system that makes them more susceptible to severe viral infections and diseases. For this reason, different maternal nutritional and immunization interventions have been used to improve the immune and health status of the mother and her neonate through passive immunity. Here, we reviewed the protective role of maternal immunization with different types of vaccines, especially genetic vaccines, during pregnancy in maternal-fetal health, immune response, colostrum quality, immune response, and anti-oxidative status. For this purpose, we have used different scientific databases (PubMed and Google Scholar) and other official web pages. We customized the search period range from the year 2000 to 2023 using the key words \"maternal immunization\" OR \"gestation period/pregnancy\" OR \"genetic vaccination\" OR \"maternal-fetal health\" OR \"micronutrients\" OR \"neonatal immunity\" \"oxidative stress\" OR \"colostrum quality\". The evidence demonstrated that inactivated or killed vaccines produced significant immune protection in the mother and fetus. Furthermore, most recent studies have suggested that the use of genetic vaccines (mRNA and DNA) during pregnancy is efficient at triggering the immune response in mother and neonate without the risk of undesired pregnancy outcomes. However, factors such as maternal redox balance, nutritional status, and the timing of immunization play essential roles in regulating immune response inflammatory status, antioxidant capacity, and the welfare of both the pregnant mother and her newborn.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Critical congenital heart disease (CHD) presents a lasting threat to quality of life through its adverse impact on neurodevelopmental and psychosocial outcomes. As recognition of this threat has increased, so too has an appreciation for the role of pediatric neuropsychologists in supporting families affected by CHD. But there is more to offer these families than traditional neuropsychological services, which tend to focus on secondary/tertiary forms of prevention. Now that many children with CHD are diagnosed prenatally, it may be possible to begin mitigating CHD-related risks and promoting positive outcomes earlier than ever before. Through primary prevention-oriented fetal neuropsychological consultation, as well as close collaboration with allied specialists, pediatric neuropsychology has an opportunity to re-envision its typical borders and more familiar practice models; to forge early and enduring partnerships with families; and to help promote the best possible neurodevelopmental trajectories, beginning before children are even born. In this conceptual review, we survey and integrate evidence from developmental science, developmental origins of health and disease, maternal-fetal medicine, and cardiac neurodevelopmental literatures, along with current practice norms, arriving ultimately at two central conclusions: 1) there is an important role to fill on multidisciplinary teams for the pediatric neuropsychologist in fetal cardiac care and 2) role expansion (e.g., through valuing broader-based training, flexing more generalist skills) can likely improve neuropsychological outcomes earlier than has been standard for pediatric neuropsychologists. Such a reimagining of our practice may be considered primary prevention neuropsychology. Implications for care in various settings and pragmatic barriers to implementation are discussed.





