maladie thromboembolique veineuse

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Many patients with cancer require palliative care at some stage and the vast majority of people followed in palliative care are cancer patients. Patients with cancer are at high risk of venous thromboembolism (VTE), and this is particularly true during the advanced palliative phase when mobility is limited or absent. Patients with cancer in palliative care are at higher bleeding risk compared to non-cancer patients. Decisions to treat VTE or withhold anticoagulation for these patients have proven to be difficult and depend largely on an individual clinician\'s judgment. For this reason, we have developed a consensus proposal for appropriate management of cancer-associated thromboembolism (CAT) in patients in palliative care, which is presented in this article. The proposal was informed by the recent scientific literature retrieved through a systematic literature review. In cancer patients in advanced palliative care, the benefit/risk ratio of anticoagulation seems unfavourable with a higher haemorrhagic risk than the benefit associated with prevention of CAT recurrence and, above all, in the absence of any benefit on quality of life. For this reason, we recommend that patients should be prescribed anticoagulants on a case-by-case basis. The choice of whether to treat, and with which type of treatment, should take into account anticipated life expectancy and patient preferences, as well as clinical factors such as the estimated bleeding risk, the type of VTE experienced and the time since the VTE event.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Catheter-related thrombosis (CRT) is a relatively frequent and potentially fatal complication arising in patients with cancer who require a central catheter placement for intravenous treatment. In everyday practice, CRT remains a challenge for management; despite its frequency and its negative clinical impact, few data are available concerning diagnosis and treatment of CRT. In particular, no diagnostic studies or clinical trials have been published that included exclusively patients with cancer and a central venous catheter (CVC). For this reason, many questions regarding optimal management of CRT remain unanswered. Due to the paucity of high-grade evidence regarding CRT in cancer patients, guidelines are derived from upper extremity DVT studies for diagnosis, and from those for lower limb DVT for treatment. This article addresses the issues of diagnosis and management of CRT through a review of the available literature and makes a number of proposals based on the available evidence. In symptomatic patients, venous ultrasound is the most appropriate choice for first-line diagnostic imaging of CRT because it is noninvasive, and its diagnostic performance is high (which is not the case in asymptomatic patients). In the absence of direct comparative clinical trials, we suggest treating patients with CRT with a therapeutic dose of either a LMWH or a direct oral factor Xa inhibitor, with or without a loading dose. These anticoagulants should be given for a total of at least 3 months, including at least 1 month after catheter removal following initiation of therapy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Patients with cancer are at significantly increased risk of venous thromboembolism (VTE), due both to the impact of malignant disease itself and to the impact of certain anticancer drugs on haemostasis. This is true both for first episode venous thromboembolism and recurrence. The diagnosis and management of VTE recurrence in patients with cancer poses particular challenges, and these are reviewed in the present article, based on a systematic review of the relevant scientific literature published over the last decade. Furthermore, it is uncertain whether diagnostic algorithms for venous thromboembolism, validated principally in untreated non-cancer patients, are also valid in anticoagulated cancer patients: the available data suggests that clinical decision rules and D-dimer testing perform less well in this clinical setting. In patients with cancer, computed tomography pulmonary angiography and venous ultrasound appear to be the most reliable diagnostic tools for diagnosis of pulmonary embolism and deep vein thrombosis respectively. Options for treatment of venous thromboembolism include low molecular weight heparins (at a therapeutic dose or an increased dose), fondaparinux or oral direct factor Xa inhibitors. The choice of treatment should take into account the nature (pulmonary embolism or VTE) and severity of the recurrent event, the associated bleeding risk, the current anticoagulant treatment (type, dose, adherence and possible drug-drug interactions) and cancer progression.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    Although all patients with cancer-associated thrombosis (CAT) have a high morbidity and mortality risk, certain groups of patients are particularly vulnerable. This may expose the patient to an increased risk of thrombotic recurrence or bleeding (or both), as the benefit-risk ratio of anticoagulant treatment may be modified. Treatment thus needs to be chosen with care. Such vulnerable groups include older patients, patients with renal impairment or thrombocytopenia, and underweight and obese patients. However, these patient groups are poorly represented in clinical trials, limiting the available data on which treatment decisions can be based. Meta-analysis of data from randomised clinical trials suggests that the relative treatment effect of direct oral factor Xa inhibitors (DXIs) and low molecular weight heparin (LMWH) with respect to major bleeding could be affected by advanced age. No evidence was obtained for a change in the relative risk-benefit profile of DXIs compared to LMWH in patients with renal impairment or of low body weight. The available, albeit limited, data do not support restricting the use of DXIs in patients with TAC on the basis of renal impairment or low body weight. In older patients, age is not itself a critical factor for choice of treatment, but frailty is such a factor. Patients over 70 years of age with CAT should undergo a systematic frailty evaluation before choosing treatment and modifiable bleeding risk factors should be addressed. In patients with renal impairment, creatine clearance should be assessed and monitored regularly thereafter. In patients with an eGFR less than 30mL/min/1.72m2, the anticoagulant treatment may need to be adapted. Similarly, platelet count should be assessed prior to treatment and monitored regularly. In patients with grade 3-4, thrombocytopenia (less than 50,000platelets/μL) treatment with a LMWH at a reduced dose should be considered. For patients with CAT and low body weight, standard anticoagulant treatment recommendations are appropriate, whereas in obese patients, apixaban may be preferred.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    This article addresses the management of venous thromboembolism in patients with malignant brain tumours, including both primary and secondary (metastatic) tumours. The available data on patients on venous thromboembolism recurrence and bleeding risks in patients with brain tumours is limited, since these patients have been excluded from most randomised, interventional, head-to-head, clinical trials comparing low molecular weight heparins to vitamin K antagonists or to direct oral factor Xa inhibitors. More information is available from retrospective observational studies, which however were generally small, and carried a high risk of confounding. Their findings suggest that direct factor Xa inhibitor use is associated with lower rates of intracranial haemorrhage compared with low molecular weight heparins. Overall, the safety profile of direct oral factor Xa inhibitors when used to prevent venous thromboembolism recurrence in patients with either primary or secondary brain tumours appears to be favourable. The available data are in favour of using an anticoagulant at a full therapeutic dose in patients with primary and secondary brain tumours experiencing a venous thromboembolism, although they are not yet sufficiently robust to permit recommending a direct factor Xa inhibitor over low-molecular weight heparin.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    Venous thromboembolism (VTE) is a frequent and potentially fatal complication in patients with cancer. During the initial period after the thromboembolic event, a patient receiving anticoagulant treatment is exposed both to a risk of VTE recurrence and also to an elevated bleeding risk conferred by the treatment. For this reason, the choice of anticoagulant is critical. The choice should take into account patient-related factors (such as functional status, age, body mass index, platelet count and renal function), VTE-related factors (such as severity or site), cancer-related factors (such as activity and progression) and treatment related factors (such as drug-drug interactions), which all potentially influence bleeding risk, and patient preference. These should be evaluated carefully for each patient during a multidisciplinary team meeting. For most patients, apixaban or a low molecular-weight heparin is the most appropriate initial choice for anticoagulant treatment. Such treatment should be offered to all patients with active cancer for at least 6months. The patient and treatment should be re-evaluated regularly, and anticoagulant treatment changed when necessary. Continued anticoagulant treatment beyond 6months is justified if the cancer remains active or if the patient experienced recurrence of VTE in the first 6months. In other cases, the interest of continued anticoagulant treatment may be considered on an individual patient basis in collaboration with oncologists.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    Patients hospitalised with acute venous thromboembolism (VTE), and notably patients with pulmonary embolism, often remain in hospital for extended periods due to the perceived risk of complications. However, several studies have shown that home treatment of selected patients is feasible and safe, with a low incidence of adverse events. This may offer clear benefits for patients\' quality of life, hospital planning and cost to the health service. Nonetheless, there is a need for a VTE risk-stratification tool specifically addressing prognosis in patients with cancer. This may aid in the selection of low-risk patients with cancer and VTE who are suitable for outpatient treatment. Although several prognostic scores have been proposed, we suggest using a pragmatic clinical decision-making tool such as the Hestia criteria for selecting patients for home care in everyday clinical practice. Once patients have been discharged, it is mandatory to monitor patients regularly (we suggest after 3 days, 10 days, 1 month and 3 months, or more frequently if needed) with the involvement of a multidisciplinary team, so that appropriate and timely remedial action can be taken in case of warning signs of complications. If patients are selected carefully and monitored effectively, many patients who experience acute VTE can be cared for safely at home.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    Direct oral anticoagulants (DOACs) are tending to supplant antivitamin K inhibitors (VKAs) in their common indications, dominated in elderly patients by atrial fibrillation and venous thromboembolism. Nevertheless, it remains necessary to know how best to use VKAs for which there are still indications. It is also important not to assume that AODs can be prescribed without risk, while ignoring certain particularities in their handling, particularly in the most fragile patients with co-morbidities and multiple medications.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women. Patients with breast cancer have a 4-fold increased risk of venous thromboembolism (VTE) compared to age- and sex-matched controls without cancer. VTE remains the second leading cause of death in cancer patients and an independent risk factor for mortality. In women with breast cancer, the main risk factors for developing VTE are increasing age, obesity, disease stage, central catheter placement and cancer treatments, including surgery, chemotherapy, hormonotherapy and cyclin-dependent kinase 4/6 inhibitors. In women receiving tamoxifen, the risk of VTE is particularly increased within the first 6 months after initiation of hormonotherapy, although some evidence suggests that this risk may persist through the first 2 years of treatment. The risk of VTE appears to be lower in patients receiving aromatase inhibitors. In breast cancer patients receiving cyclin-dependent kinase 4/6 inhibitors, the rate of VTE is approximately 6%. Current clinical practice guidelines for the treatment and prevention of VTE in patients with cancer suggest that thromboprophylaxis should not be used routinely in ambulatory cancer patients receiving chemotherapy or hormonotherapy. The risk-benefit ratio of thromboprophylaxis should be assessed on a case-by-case basis and be the subject of multidisciplinary discussion.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: Venous thromboembolic diseases have an incidence of 1.57/1000. Among patients under 50 years old, thrombophilia is assessed, the indications for which are increasingly stringent. Today, the need of plasma homocysteine assay is uncertain.
    METHODS: Our case is a 42 year-old man, in whom a pulmonary embolism associated with macrocytosis made us discover a B12 deficiency secondary to Biermer\'s disease. In the literature, patients are men with an average age limit to the realisation of the assessment of thrombophilia. Not all of these patients had any causal other than hyperhomocysteinemia secondary to Biermer\'s disease. The support is not detailed.
    CONCLUSIONS: Hyperhomocysteinemia is probably not the only thromboembolic factor. The patient received anticoagulation and vitamin B12 supplementation. A good reading of the complete blood count is essential.





