lipid–protein interactions

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Ebola virus (EBOV) is a filamentous negative-sense RNA virus, which causes severe hemorrhagic fever. There are limited vaccines or therapeutics for prevention and treatment of EBOV, so it is important to get a detailed understanding of the virus lifecycle to illuminate new drug targets. EBOV encodes for the matrix protein, VP40, which regulates assembly and budding of new virions from the inner leaflet of the host cell plasma membrane (PM). In this work, we determine the effects of VP40 mutations altering electrostatics on PM interactions and subsequent budding. VP40 mutations that modify surface electrostatics affect viral assembly and budding by altering VP40 membrane-binding capabilities. Mutations that increase VP40 net positive charge by one (e.g., Gly to Arg or Asp to Ala) increase VP40 affinity for phosphatidylserine and phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate in the host cell PM. This increased affinity enhances PM association and budding efficiency leading to more effective formation of virus-like particles. In contrast, mutations that decrease net positive charge by one (e.g., Gly to Asp) lead to a decrease in assembly and budding because of decreased interactions with the anionic PM. Taken together, our results highlight the sensitivity of slight electrostatic changes on the VP40 surface for assembly and budding. Understanding the effects of single amino acid substitutions on viral budding and assembly will be useful for explaining changes in the infectivity and virulence of different EBOV strains, VP40 variants that occur in nature, and for long-term drug discovery endeavors aimed at EBOV assembly and budding.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Professor Carlos Gutiérrez-Merino, a prominent scientist working in the complex realm of biological membranes, has made significant theoretical and experimental contributions to the field. Contemporaneous with the development of the fluid-mosaic model of Singer and Nicolson, the Förster resonance energy transfer (FRET) approach has become an invaluable tool for studying molecular interactions in membranes, providing structural insights on a scale of 1-10 nm and remaining important alongside evolving perspectives on membrane structures. In the last few decades, Gutiérrez-Merino\'s work has covered multiple facets in the field of FRET, with his contributions producing significant advances in quantitative membrane biology. His more recent experimental work expanded the ground concepts of FRET to high-resolution cell imaging. Commencing in the late 1980s, a series of collaborations between Gutiérrez-Merino and the authors involved research visits and joint investigations focused on the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor and its relation to membrane lipids, fostering a lasting friendship.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Plasma membranes utilize free energy to maintain highly asymmetric, non-equilibrium distributions of lipids and proteins between their two leaflets. In this review we discuss recent progress in quantitative research enabled by using compositionally controlled asymmetric model membranes. Both experimental and computational studies have shed light on the nuanced mechanisms that govern the structural and dynamic coupling between compositionally distinct bilayer leaflets. This coupling can increase the membrane bending rigidity and induce order - or lipid domains - across the membrane. Furthermore, emerging evidence indicates that integral membrane proteins not only respond to asymmetric lipid distributions but also exhibit intriguing asymmetric properties themselves. We propose strategies to advance experimental research, aiming for a deeper, quantitative understanding of membrane asymmetry, which carries profound implications for cellular physiology.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Generating active, pure, and monodisperse protein remains a major bottleneck for structural studies using X-ray crystallography and cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM). The current methodology heavily relies on overexpressing the recombinant protein fused with a histidine tag in conventional expression systems and evaluating the quality and stability of purified protein using size exclusion chromatography (SEC). This requires a large amount of protein and can be highly laborious and time consuming. Therefore, this approach is not suitable for high-throughput screening and low-expressing macromolecules, particularly eukaryotic membrane proteins. Using fluorescent proteins fused to the target protein (applicable to both soluble and membrane proteins) enables rapid and efficient screening of expression level and monodispersity of tens of unpurified constructs using fluorescence-based size exclusion chromatography (FSEC). Moreover, FSEC proves valuable for screening multiple detergents to identify the most stabilizing agent in the case of membrane proteins. Additionally, FSEC can facilitate nanodisc reconstitution by determining the optimal ratio of membrane scaffold protein (MSP), lipids, and target protein. The distinct advantages offered by FSEC indicate that fluorescent proteins can serve as a viable alternative to commonly used affinity tags for both characterization and purification purposes. In this review, I will summarize the advantages of this technique using examples from my own work. It should be noted that this article is not intended to provide an exhaustive review of all available literature, but rather to offer representative examples of FSEC applications.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The activity of integral membrane proteins is tightly coupled to the properties of the surrounding lipid matrix. In particular, transbilayer asymmetry, a hallmark of all plasma membranes, might be exploited to control membrane-protein activity. Here, we hypothesized that the membrane-embedded enzyme outer membrane phospholipase A (OmpLA) is susceptible to the lateral pressure differences that build up between such asymmetric membrane leaflets. Upon reconstituting OmpLA into synthetic, chemically well-defined phospholipid bilayers exhibiting different lateral pressure profiles, we indeed observed a substantial decrease in the enzyme\'s hydrolytic activity with increasing membrane asymmetry. No such effects were observed in symmetric mixtures of the same lipids. To quantitatively rationalize how the differential stress in asymmetric lipid bilayers inhibits OmpLA, we developed a simple allosteric model within the lateral pressure framework. Thus, we find that membrane asymmetry can serve as the dominant factor in controlling membrane-protein activity, even in the absence of specific, chemical cues or other physical membrane determinants such as hydrophobic mismatch.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The author first describes his childhood in the South and the ways in which it fostered the values he has espoused throughout his life, his development of a keen fascination with science, and the influences that supported his progress toward higher education. His experiences in ROTC as a student, followed by two years in the US Army during the Vietnam War, honed his leadership skills. The bulk of the autobiography is a chronological journey through his scientific career, beginning with arrival at the University of California, Irvine in 1972, with an emphasis on the postdoctoral students and colleagues who have contributed substantially to each phase of his lab\'s progress. White\'s fundamental findings played a key role in the development of membrane biophysics, helping establish it as fertile ground for research. A story gradually unfolds that reveals the deeply collaborative and painstakingly executed work necessary for a successful career in science.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Transient receptor potential canonical 3 (TRPC3) channel belongs to the superfamily of transient receptor potential (TRP) channels which mediate Ca2+ influx into the cell. These channels constitute essential elements of cellular signalling and have been implicated in a wide range of diseases. TRPC3 is primarily gated by lipids and its surface expression has been shown to be dependent on cholesterol, yet a comprehensive exploration of its interaction with this lipid has thus far not emerged. Here, through 80 µs of coarse-grained molecular dynamics simulations, we show that cholesterol interacts with multiple elements of the transmembrane machinery of TRPC3. Through our approach, we identify an annular binding site for cholesterol on the pre-S1 helix and a non-annular site at the interface between the voltage-sensor-like domain and pore domains. Here, cholesterol interacts with exposed polar residues and possibly acts to stabilise the domain interface.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    S-TGA-1 and PGP-Me are native archaeal lipids associated with the bacteriorhodopsin (bR) trimer and contribute to protein stabilization and native dynamics for proton transfer. However, little is known about the underlying molecular mechanism of how these lipids regulate bR trimerization and efficient photocycling. Here, we explored the specific binding of S-TGA-1 and PGP-Me with the bR trimer and elucidated how specific interactions modulate the bR trimeric structure and proton release and uptake using long-term atomistic molecular dynamic simulations. Our results showed that S-TGA-1 and PGP-Me are essential for stabilizing the bR trimer and maintaining the coherent conformational dynamics necessary for proton transfer. The specific binding of S-TGA-1 with W80 and K129 regulates proton release on the extracellular surface by forming a \"Glu-shared\" model. The interaction of PGP-Me with K40 ensures proton uptake by accommodating the conformation of the helices to recruit enough water molecules on the cytoplasmic side. The present study results could fill in the theoretical gaps of studies on the functional role of archaeal lipids and could provide a reference for other membrane proteins containing similar archaeal lipids.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Pentameric ligand-gated ion channels (pLGICs) play a leading role in synaptic communication, are implicated in a variety of neurological processes, and are important targets for the treatment of neurological and neuromuscular disorders. Endogenous lipids and lipophilic compounds are potent modulators of pLGIC function and may help shape synaptic communication. Increasing structural and biophysical data reveal sites for lipid binding to pLGICs. Here, we update our evolving understanding of pLGIC-lipid interactions highlighting newly identified modes of lipid binding along with the mechanistic understanding derived from the new structural data.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The outermost lipid-exposed α-helix (M4) in each of the homologous α, β, δ, and γ/ε subunits of the muscle nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) has previously been proposed to act as a lipid sensor. However, the mechanism by which this sensor would function is not clear. To explore how the M4 α-helix from each subunit in human adult muscle nAChR influences function, and thus explore its putative role in lipid sensing, we functionally characterized alanine mutations at every residue in αM4, βM4, δM4, and εM4, along with both alanine and deletion mutations in the post-M4 region of each subunit. Although no critical interactions involving residues on M4 or in post-M4 were identified, we found that numerous mutations at the M4-M1/M3 interface altered the agonist-induced response. In addition, homologous mutations in M4 in different subunits were found to have different effects on channel function. The functional effects of multiple mutations either along M4 in one subunit or at homologous positions of M4 in different subunits were also found to be additive. Finally, when characterized in both Xenopus oocytes and human embryonic kidney 293T cells, select αM4 mutations displayed cell-specific phenotypes, possibly because of the different membrane lipid environments. Collectively, our data suggest different functional roles for the M4 α-helix in each heteromeric nAChR subunit and predict that lipid sensing involving M4 occurs primarily through the cumulative interactions at the M4-M1/M3 interface, as opposed to the alteration of specific interactions that are critical to channel function.





