isoform switch

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Alternative splicing is an essential post-transcriptional regulatory mechanism that diversifies gene function by generating multiple protein isoforms from a single gene and act as a crucial role in insect environmental adaptation. Olfaction, a key sense for insect adaptation, relies heavily on the antennae, which are the primary olfactory organs expressing most of the olfactory genes. Despite the extensive annotation of olfactory genes within insect antennal tissues facilitated by high-throughput sequencing technology advancements, systematic analyses of alternative splicing are still relatively less. In this study, we focused on the oriental fruit fly (Bactrocera dorsalis), a significant pest of fruit crops. We performed a detailed analysis of alternative splicing in its antennae by utilizing the full-length transcriptome of its antennal tissue and the insect\'s genome. The results revealed 8600 non-redundant full-length transcripts identified in the oriental fruit fly antennal full-length transcriptome, spanning 4,145 gene loci. Over 40% of these loci exhibited multiple isoforms. Among these, 161 genes showed sex-biased isoform switching, involving seven different types of alternative splicing. Notably, events involving alternative transcription start sites (ATSS) and alternative transcription termination sites (ATTS) were the most common. Of all the genes undergoing ATSS and ATTS alternative splicing between male and female, 32 genes were alternatively spliced in protein coding regions, potentially affecting protein function. These genes were categorized based on the length of the sex-biased isoforms, with the highest difference in isoform fraction (dIF) associated with the ATSS type, including genes such as BdorABCA13, BdorCAT2, and BdorTSN3. Additionally, transcription factor binding sites for doublesex were identified upstream of both BdorABCA13 and BdorCAT2. Besides being expressed in the antennal tissues, BdorABCA13 and BdorCAT2 are also expressed in the mouthparts, legs, and genitalia of both female and male adults, suggesting their functional diversity. This study reveals alternative splicing events in the antennae of Bactrophora dorsalis from two aspects: odorant receptor genes and other types of genes expressed in the antennae. This study not only provides a research foundation for understanding the regulation of gene function by alternative splicing in the oriental fruit fly but also offers new insights for utilizing olfaction-based behavioral manipulation techniques to manage this pest.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The alignment of each cell in human myocardium is considered critical for the efficient movement of cardiac tissue. We investigated 96-well microstripe-patterned plates to align human induced pluripotent stem cell (hiPSC)-derived cardiomyocytes (CMs), which resemble fetal myocardium. The aligned CMs (ACMs) cultured on the microstripe-patterned plates exhibited pathology, motor function, gene expression, and drug response that more closely resembled those of adult cells than did unaligned CMs cultured on a flat plate (FCMs). We used these ACMs to evaluate drug side effects and efficacy, and to determine whether these were similar to adult-like responses. When CMs from patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCMs) were seeded and cultured on the microstripe-patterned plates or layered on top of the ACMs, both sets of HCMs showed increased heart rate and synchronized contractions, indicating improved cardiac function. It is suggested that the ACMs could be used for drug screening as cells representative of adult-like CMs and be transplanted in the form of a cell sheet for regenerative treatment of heart failure.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The liver ranks as the sixth most prevalent site of primary cancer in humans, and it frequently experiences metastases from cancers originating in other organs. To facilitate the development of effective treatments and improve survival rates, it is crucial to comprehend the intricate and diverse transcriptome landscape of primary and metastatic liver cancers.
    METHODS: We conducted long-read isoform sequencing and short-read RNA sequencing using a cohort of 95 patients with primary and secondary liver cancer who underwent hepatic resection. We compared the transcriptome landscapes of primary and metastatic liver cancers and systematically investigated hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), paired primary tumours and liver metastases, and matched nontumour liver tissues.
    RESULTS: We elucidated the full-length isoform-level transcriptome of primary and metastatic liver cancers in humans. Our analysis revealed isoform-level diversity in HCC and identified transcriptome variations associated with liver metastatis. Specific RNA transcripts and isoform switching events with clinical implications were profound in liver cancer. Moreover, we defined metastasis-specific transcripts that may serve as predictors of risk of metastasis. Additionally, we observed abnormalities in adjacent paracancerous liver tissues and characterized the immunological and metabolic alterations occurring in the liver.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our findings underscore the power of full-length transcriptome profiling in providing novel biological insights into the molecular mechanisms underlying tumourigenesis. These insights will further contribute to improving treatment strategies for primary and metastatic liver cancers.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cold stress is one of the major environmental factors that limit growth and yield of plants. However, it is still not fully understood how plants account for daily temperature fluctuations, nor how these temperature changes are integrated with other regulatory systems such as the circadian clock. We demonstrate that REVEILLE2 undergoes alternative splicing after chilling that increases accumulation of a transcript isoform encoding a MYB-like transcription factor. We explore the biological function of REVEILLE2 in Arabidopsis thaliana using a combination of molecular genetics, transcriptomics, and physiology. Disruption of REVEILLE2 alternative splicing alters regulatory gene expression, impairs circadian timing, and improves photosynthetic capacity. Changes in nuclear gene expression are particularly apparent in the initial hours following chilling, with chloroplast gene expression subsequently upregulated. The response of REVEILLE2 to chilling extends our understanding of plants immediate response to cooling. We propose that the circadian component REVEILLE2 restricts plants responses to nocturnal reductions in temperature, thereby enabling appropriate responses to daily environmental changes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Alzheimer\'s disease (AD) is a common neurodegenerative disorder that has a multi-step disease progression. Differences between moderate and advanced stages of AD have not yet been fully characterized.
    UNASSIGNED: Herein, we performed a transcript-resolution analysis in 454 AD-related samples, including 145 non-demented control, 140 asymptomatic AD (AsymAD), and 169 AD samples. We comparatively characterized the transcriptome dysregulation in AsymAD and AD samples at transcript level.
    UNASSIGNED: We identified 4,056 and 1,200 differentially spliced alternative splicing events (ASEs) that might play roles in the disease progression of AsymAD and AD, respectively. Our further analysis revealed 287 and 222 isoform switching events in AsymAD and AD, respectively. In particular, a total of 163 and 119 transcripts showed increased usage, while 124 and 103 transcripts exhibited decreased usage in AsymAD and AD, respectively. For example, gene APOA2 showed no expression changes between AD and non-demented control samples, but expressed higher proportion of transcript ENST00000367990.3 and lower proportion of transcript ENST00000463812.1 in AD compared to non-demented control samples. Furthermore, we constructed RNA binding protein (RBP)-ASE regulatory networks to reveal potential RBP-mediated isoform switch in AsymAD and AD.
    UNASSIGNED: In summary, our study provided transcript-resolution insights into the transcriptome disturbance of AsymAD and AD, which will promote the discovery of early diagnosis biomarkers and the development of new therapeutic strategies for patients with AD.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The use of alternative transcription start or termination sites (aTSS or aTTS) as well as alternative splicing (AS) produce diverse transcript isoforms, playing indispensable roles in the plant development and environmental adaptations. Despite the advances in the finding of the genome-wide alternatively spliced genes in strawberry, it remains unexplored how AS responds to the developmental cues and what relevance do these outcomes have to the gene function. In this study, we have systematically investigated the transcriptome complexity using long-read Oxford Nanopore Technologies along the four successive developmental stages. The full-length cDNA sequencing results unraveled thousands of previously unexplored transcript isoforms raised from aTSS, aTTS, and AS. The relative contributions of these three processes to the complexity of strawberry fruit transcripts were compared. The aTSS and aTTS were more abundant than the AS. Differentially expressed transcripts unraveled the key transitional role of the white fruit stage. Isoform switches of transcripts from 757 genes were observed. They were associated with protein-coding potential change and domain gain or loss as the main consequences. Those genes with switched isoforms take part in the key processes of maturation in the late stages. A case study using yeast two hybrid analysis supported the functional divergence of the two isoforms of the B-box protein 22. Our results provided a new comprehensive overview of the dynamic transcriptomic landscape during strawberry fruit development and maturation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Residual cell-intrinsic innate immunity in cancer cells hampers infection with oncolytic viruses. Translational control of mRNA is an important feature of innate immunity, yet the identity of translationally regulated mRNAs functioning in host defense remains ill-defined. We report the translatomes of resistant murine \"4T1\" breast cancer cells infected with three of the most clinically advanced oncolytic viruses: herpes simplex virus 1, reovirus, and vaccinia virus. Common among all three infections are translationally de-repressed mRNAs, including Inpp5e, encoding an inositol 5-phosphatase that modifies lipid second messenger signaling. We find that viral infection induces the expression of an Inpp5e mRNA variant that lacks repressive upstream open reading frames (uORFs) within its 5\' leader and is efficiently translated. Furthermore, we show that INPP5E contributes to antiviral immunity by altering virus attachment. These findings uncover a role for translational control through alternative 5\' leader expression and assign an antiviral function to the ciliopathy gene Inpp5e.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    One of the ways in which plants can respond to temperature is via alternative splicing (AS). Previous work showed that temperature changes affected the splicing of several circadian clock gene transcripts. Here, we investigated the role of RNA-binding splicing factors (SFs) in temperature-sensitive AS of the clock gene LATE ELONGATED HYPOCOTYL (LHY). We characterized, in wild type plants, temperature-associated isoform switching and expression patterns for SF transcripts from a high-resolution temperature and time series RNA-seq experiment. In addition, we employed quantitative RT-PCR of SF mutant plants to explore the role of the SFs in cooling-associated AS of LHY. We show that the splicing and expression of several SFs responds sufficiently, rapidly, and sensitively to temperature changes to contribute to the splicing of the 5\'UTR of LHY. Moreover, the choice of splice site in LHY was altered in some SF mutants. The splicing of the 5\'UTR region of LHY has characteristics of a molecular thermostat, where the ratio of transcript isoforms is sensitive to temperature changes as modest as 2 °C and is scalable over a wide dynamic range of temperature. Our work provides novel insight into SF-mediated coupling of the perception of temperature to post-transcriptional regulation of the clock.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Alternative splicing changes are frequently observed in cancer and are starting to be recognized as important signatures for tumor progression and therapy. However, their functional impact and relevance to tumorigenesis remain mostly unknown. We carried out a systematic analysis to characterize the potential functional consequences of alternative splicing changes in thousands of tumor samples. This analysis revealed that a subset of alternative splicing changes affect protein domain families that are frequently mutated in tumors and potentially disrupt protein-protein interactions in cancer-related pathways. Moreover, there was a negative correlation between the number of these alternative splicing changes in a sample and the number of somatic mutations in drivers. We propose that a subset of the alternative splicing changes observed in tumors may represent independent oncogenic processes that could be relevant to explain the functional transformations in cancer, and some of them could potentially be considered alternative splicing drivers (AS drivers).






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The methylcytosine oxidase TET proteins play important roles in DNA demethylation and development. However, it remains elusive how exactly they target substrates and execute oxidation. Interestingly, we found that, in mice, the full-length TET1 isoform (TET1e) is restricted to early embryos, embryonic stem cells (ESCs), and primordial germ cells (PGCs). By contrast, a short isoform (TET1s) is preferentially expressed in somatic cells, which lacks the N terminus including the CXXC domain, a DNA-binding module that often recognizes CpG islands (CGIs) where TET1 predominantly occupies. Unexpectedly, TET1s can still bind CGIs despite the fact that its global chromatin binding is significantly reduced. Interestingly, global chromatin binding, but not targeted binding at CGIs, is correlated with TET1-mediated demethylation. Finally, mice with exclusive expression of Tet1s failed to erase imprints in PGCs and displayed developmental defects in progeny. These data show that isoform switch of TET1 regulates epigenetic memory erasure and mouse development.





