intrinsically disordered region (IDR)

固有无序区 (IDR)
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The intrinsically disordered, lipid-modified membrane anchor of small GTPases is emerging as a critical modulator of function through its ability to sort lipids in a conformation-dependent manner. We reviewed recent computational and experimental studies that have begun to shed light on the sequence-ensemble-function relationship in this unique class of lipidated intrinsically disordered regions (LIDRs).






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Due to their capacity to mediate repetitive protein interactions, intrinsically disordered regions (IDRs) are crucial for the formation of various types of protein-RNA complexes. The functions of IDRs are strongly modulated by post-translational modifications (PTMs). Phosphorylation is the most common and well-studied modification of IDRs, which can alter homomeric or heteromeric interactions of proteins and impact their ability to phase separate. Moreover, phosphorylation can influence the RNA-binding properties of proteins, and recent studies demonstrated its selective impact on the global profiles of protein-RNA binding and regulation. These findings highlight the need for further integrative approaches to understand how signalling remodels protein-RNA networks in cells.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Autophagy - a highly regulated intracellular degradation process - is pivotal in maintaining cellular homeostasis. Liquid-liquid phase separation (LLPS) is a fundamental mechanism regulating the formation and function of membrane-less compartments. Recent research has unveiled connections between LLPS and autophagy, suggesting that phase separation events may orchestrate the spatiotemporal organization of autophagic machinery and cargo sequestration. The Unc-51-like kinase (ULK)/autophagy-related 1 (Atg1) family of proteins is best known for its regulatory role in initiating autophagy, but there is growing evidence that the functional spectrum of ULK/Atg1 extends beyond autophagy regulation. In this review, we explore the spatial and temporal regulation of the ULK/Atg1 family of kinases, focusing on their recruitment to LLPS-driven compartments, and highlighting their multifaceted functions beyond their traditional role.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs) and proteins with intrinsically disordered regions (IDRs) possess low sequence complexity of amino acids and display non-globular tertiary structures. They can act as scaffolds, form regulatory hubs, or trigger biomolecular condensation to control diverse aspects of biology. Emerging evidence has recently implicated critical roles of IDPs and IDR-contained proteins in nuclear transcription and cytoplasmic post-transcriptional processes, among other molecular functions. We here summarize the concepts and organizing principles of IDPs. We then illustrate recent progress in understanding the roles of key IDPs in machineries that regulate transcriptional and post-transcriptional gene silencing (PTGS) in plants, aiming at highlighting new modes of action of IDPs in controlling biological processes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Drosophila PRC1 complex regulates gene expression by modifying histone proteins and chromatin architecture. Two PRC1 subunits, PSC and Ph, are most implicated in chromatin architecture. In vitro, PRC1 compacts chromatin and inhibits transcription and nucleosome remodeling. The long disordered C-terminal region of PSC (PSC-CTR) is important for these activities, while Ph has little effect. In cells, Ph is important for condensate formation, long-range chromatin interactions, and gene regulation, and its polymerizing sterile alpha motif (SAM) is implicated in these activities. In vitro, truncated Ph containing the SAM and two other conserved domains (mini-Ph) undergoes phase separation with chromatin, suggesting a mechanism for SAM-dependent condensate formation in vivo. How the distinct activities of PSC and Ph on chromatin function together in PRC1 is not known. To address this question, we analyzed structures formed with large chromatin templates and PRC1 in vitro. PRC1 bridges chromatin into extensive fibrillar networks. Ph, its SAM, and SAM polymerization activity have little effect on these structures. Instead, the PSC-CTR controls their growth, and is sufficient for their formation. To understand how phase separation driven by Ph SAM intersects with the chromatin bridging activity of the PSC-CTR, we used mini-Ph to form condensates with chromatin and then challenged them with PRC1 lacking Ph (PRC1ΔPh). PRC1ΔPh converts mini-Ph chromatin condensates into clusters of small non-fusing condensates and bridged fibers. These condensates retain a high level of chromatin compaction and do not intermix. Thus, phase separation of chromatin by mini-Ph, followed by the action of the PSC-CTR, creates a unique chromatin organization with regions of high nucleosome density and extraordinary stability. We discuss how this coordinated sequential activity of two proteins found in the same complex may occur and the possible implications of stable chromatin architectures in maintaining transcription states.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    AFM: aromatic finger mutant; BH3D: BCL2 homology 3 domain; CCD: coiled-coil domain; CD: circular dichroism spectroscopy; [CysDM1]: C18S and C21S double mutant; [CysDM2]: C137S, and C140S double mutant; [CysTM], C18S, C21S, C137S, and C140S tetrad mutant; Dmax: maximum particle diameter; dRI, differential refractive index; EFA: evolving factor analysis; FHD: flexible helical domain; FL: full length; GFP: green fluorescent protein; HDX-MS: hydrogen/deuterium exchange mass spectrometry; ICP-MS: inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry; IDR: intrinsically disordered region; ITC, isothermal titration calorimetry; MALS, multi angle light scattering; MBP: maltose-binding protein; MoRFs: molecular recognition features; P(r): pairwise-distance distribution; PtdIns3K: class III phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase; Rg: radius of gyration; SASBDB: small angle scattering biological data bank; SEC: size-exclusion chromatography; SEC-SAXS: size-exclusion chromatography in tandem with small angle X-ray scattering; TEV: tobacco-etch virus; TFE: 2,2,2-trifluoroethanol; TPEN: N,N,N,N-tetrakis(2-pyridinylmethyl)-1,2-ethanediamine; Vc: volume of correlation; WT: wild-type.






  • 文章类型: Preprint
    RNA-binding proteins (RBPs) are key regulators of gene expression, but how RBPs convey regulatory instructions to the core effectors of RNA processing is unclear. Here we document the existence and functions of a multivalent RBP-effector interface. We show that the effector interface of a deeply conserved RBP with an essential role in metazoan development, Unkempt, is mediated by a novel type of \'dual-purpose\' peptide motifs that can contact two different surfaces of interacting proteins. Unexpectedly, we find that the multivalent contacts do not merely serve effector recruitment but are required for the accuracy of RNA recognition by the recruiting RBP. Systems analyses reveal that multivalent RBP-effector contacts can repurpose the principal activity of an effector for a different function, as we demonstrate for reuse of the central eukaryotic mRNA decay factor CCR4-NOT in translational control. Our study establishes the molecular assembly and functional principles of an RBP-effector interface, with implications for the evolution and function of RBP-operated regulatory networks.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Proteins play a crucial role in many biological processes, where their interaction with other proteins are integral. Abnormal protein-protein interactions (PPIs) have been linked to various diseases including cancer, and thus targeting PPIs holds promise for drug development. However, experimental confirmation of the peculiarities of PPIs is challenging due to their dynamic and transient nature. As a complement to experimental technologies, multiple computational molecular docking (MD) methods have been developed to predict the structures of protein-protein complexes and their dynamics, still requiring further improvements in several issues. Here, we report an improved MD method, namely three-software docking (3SD), by employing three popular protein-peptide docking software (CABS-dock, HPEPDOCK, and HADDOCK) in combination to ensure constant quality for most targets. We validated our 3SD performance in known protein-peptide interactions (PpIs). We also enhanced MD performance in proteins having intrinsically disordered regions (IDRs) by applying the modified 3SD strategy, the three-software docking after removing random coiled IDR (3SD-RR), to the comparable crystal PpI structures. At the end, we applied 3SD-RR to the AlphaFold2-predicted receptors, yielding an efficient prediction of PpI pose with high relevance to the experimental data regardless of the presence of IDRs or the availability of receptor structures. Our study provides an improved solution to the challenges in studying PPIs through computational docking and has the potential to contribute to PPIs-targeted drug discovery. SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT: Protein-protein interactions (PPIs) are integral to life, and abnormal PPIs are associated with diseases such as cancer. Studying protein-peptide interactions (PpIs) is challenging due to their dynamic and transient nature. Here we developed improved docking methods (3SD and 3SD-RR) to predict the PpI poses, ensuring constant quality in most targets and also addressing issues like intrinsically disordered regions (IDRs) and artificial intelligence-predicted structures. Our study provides an improved solution to the challenges in studying PpIs through computational docking and has the potential to contribute to PPIs-targeted drug discovery.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Several secreted proteins from helminths (parasitic worms) have been shown to have immunomodulatory activities. Asparaginyl-tRNA synthetases are abundantly secreted in the filarial nematode Brugia malayi (BmAsnRS) and the parasitic flatworm Schistosoma japonicum (SjAsnRS), indicating a possible immune function. The suggestion is supported by BmAsnRS alleviating disease symptoms in a T-cell transfer mouse model of colitis. This immunomodulatory function is potentially related to an N-terminal extension domain present in eukaryotic AsnRS proteins but few structure/function studies have been done on this domain. Here we have determined the three-dimensional solution structure of the N-terminal extension domain of SjAsnRS. A protein containing the 114 N-terminal amino acids of SjAsnRS was recombinantly expressed with isotopic labelling to allow structure determination using 3D NMR spectroscopy, and analysis of dynamics using NMR relaxation experiments. Structural comparisons of the N-terminal extension domain of SjAsnRS with filarial and human homologues highlight a high degree of variability in the β-hairpin region of these eukaryotic N-AsnRS proteins, but similarities in the disorder of the C-terminal regions. Limitations in PrDOS-based intrinsically disordered region (IDR) model predictions were also evident in this comparison. Empirical structural data such as that presented in our study for N-SjAsnRS will enhance the prediction of sequence-homology based structure modelling and prediction of IDRs in the future.Communicated by Ramaswamy H. Sarma.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Numerous cellular processes occur in the context of condensates, a type of large, membrane-less biomolecular assembly generated through phase separation. These condensates function as a hub of diversified cellular events by concentrating the required components. Cancer frequently coopts biomolecular condensation mechanisms to promote survival and/or proliferation. Onco-condensates, which refer to those that have causal roles or are critically involved in tumorigenicity, operate to abnormally elevate biological output of a proliferative process, or to suppress a tumor-suppressive pathway, thereby promoting oncogenesis. Here, we summarize advances regarding how multi-component onco-condensates are established and organized to promote oncogenesis, with those related to chromatin and transcription deregulation used as showcases. A better understanding should enable development of new means of targeting onco-condensates as potential therapeutics.





