intraflagellar transport

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Infertility represents a significant health concern, with sperm quantity and quality being crucial determinants of male fertility. Oligoasthenoteratozoospermia (OAT) is characterized by reduced sperm motility, lower sperm concentration, and morphological abnormalities in sperm heads and flagella. Although variants in several genes have been implicated in OAT, its genetic etiologies and pathogenetic mechanisms remain inadequately understood. In this study, we identified a homozygous nonsense mutation (c.916C>T, p.Arg306*) in the coiled-coil domain containing 146 ( CCDC146) gene in an infertile male patient with OAT. This mutation resulted in the production of a truncated CCDC146 protein (amino acids 1-305), retaining only two out of five coiled-coil domains. To validate the pathogenicity of the CCDC146 mutation, we generated a mouse model ( Ccdc146 mut/mut ) with a similar mutation to that of the patient. Consistently, the Ccdc146 mut/mut mice exhibited infertility, characterized by significantly reduced sperm counts, diminished motility, and multiple defects in sperm heads and flagella. Furthermore, the levels of axonemal proteins, including DNAH17, DNAH1, and SPAG6, were significantly reduced in the sperm of Ccdc146 mut/mut mice. Additionally, both human and mouse CCDC146 interacted with intraflagellar transport protein 20 (IFT20), but this interaction was lost in the mutated versions, leading to the degradation of IFT20. This study identified a novel deleterious homozygous nonsense mutation in CCDC146 that causes male infertility, potentially by disrupting axonemal protein transportation. These findings offer valuable insights for genetic counseling and understanding the mechanisms underlying CCDC146 mutant-associated infertility in human males.
    不孕不育已成为重要的健康问题,其中,影响男性生育能力的关键因素包括精子的数量和质量。少弱畸形精子症(Oligoasthenoteratozoospermia,OAT)以精子数量和运动能力的大幅下降,以及精子头部和鞭毛形态的严重异常为特征。尽管目前已发现多种基因突变与OAT相关,但人们对OAT的遗传病因及其致病机制仍知之甚少。在该研究中,我们在一例OAT男性不育患者中发现了卷曲螺旋结构域蛋白CCDC146(Coiled-Coil Domain Containing 146)编码基因的一处纯合无义突变(c.916C>T,p.Arg306*),此突变导致了由1-305位氨基酸组成的CCDC146截短蛋白的产生,该蛋白仅保留五个卷曲螺旋结构域中的两个。为了验证 CCDC146突变的致病性,我们制作了模拟患者突变的小鼠模型( Ccdc146 mut/mut ),发现 Ccdc146 mut/mut 小鼠雄性不育且表型与患者一致,表现为精子数量和运动能力的显著下降,并伴有多种精子头部和鞭毛形态的缺陷。进一步研究发现,在 Ccdc146 mut/mut 小鼠的精子中,轴丝蛋白如DNAH17、DNAH1和SPAG6的含量显著降低。此外,人类和小鼠的CCDC146蛋白均能与鞭毛内运输蛋白IFT20(intraflagellar transport protein 20)相互作用,但CCDC146截短蛋白失去了与IFT20蛋白相互作用的能力,并导致IFT20降解。综上所述,我们的研究结果表明, CCDC146基因中的这一全新纯合无义突变导致CCDC146蛋白功能受损,可能通过破坏精子鞭毛中轴丝蛋白的运输而导致男性不育。这些发现为 CCDC146突变相关男性不育患者的遗传咨询提供了宝贵的见解。.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Bidirectional transport in cilia is carried out by polymers of the IFTA and IFTB protein complexes, called anterograde and retrograde intraflagellar transport (IFT) trains. Anterograde trains deliver cargoes from the cell to the cilium tip, then convert into retrograde trains for cargo export. We set out to understand how the IFT complexes can perform these two directly opposing roles before and after conversion. We use cryoelectron tomography and in situ cross-linking mass spectrometry to determine the structure of retrograde IFT trains and compare it with the known structure of anterograde trains. The retrograde train is a 2-fold symmetric polymer organized around a central thread of IFTA complexes. We conclude that anterograde-to-retrograde remodeling involves global rearrangements of the IFTA/B complexes and requires complete disassembly of the anterograde train. Finally, we describe how conformational changes to cargo-binding sites facilitate unidirectional cargo transport in a bidirectional system.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    SUMMARYCilia and the nucleus were two defining features of the last eukaryotic common ancestor. In early eukaryotic evolution, these structures evolved through the diversification of a common membrane-coating ancestor, the protocoatomer. While in cilia, the descendants of this protein complex evolved into parts of the intraflagellar transport complexes and BBSome, the nucleus gained its selectivity by recruiting protocoatomer-like proteins to the nuclear envelope to form the selective nuclear pore complexes. Recent studies show a growing number of proteins shared between the proteomes of the respective organelles, and it is currently unknown how ciliary transport proteins could acquire nuclear functions and vice versa. The nuclear functions of ciliary proteins are still observable today and remain relevant for the understanding of the disease mechanisms behind ciliopathies. In this work, we review the evolutionary history of cilia and nucleus and their respective defining proteins and integrate current knowledge into theories for early eukaryotic evolution. We postulate a scenario where both compartments co-evolved and that fits current models of eukaryotic evolution, explaining how ciliary proteins and nucleoporins acquired their dual functions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cilia are slender, micrometer-long organelles present on the surface of eukaryotic cells. They function in signaling and locomotion and are constructed by intraflagellar transport (IFT). The assembly of IFT complexes into so-called IFT trains to initiate ciliary entry at the base of the cilium remains a matter of debate. Here, we use structural modeling to provide an architectural framework for how RabL2 is anchored at the ciliary base via CEP19 before being handed over to IFT trains for ciliary entry. Our models suggest that the N-terminal domain of CEP43 forms a homo-dimer to anchor at the subdistal appendages of cilia through a direct interaction with CEP350. A long linker region separates the N-terminal domain of CEP43 from the C-terminal domain, which captures CEP19 above the subdistal appendages and close to the distal appendages. Furthermore, we present a structural model for how RabL2-CEP19 associates with the IFT-B complex, providing insight into how RabL2 is handed over from CEP19 to the IFT complex. Interestingly, RabL2 association with the IFT-B complex appears to induce a significant conformational change in the IFT complex via a kink in the coiled-coils of the IFT81/74 proteins, which may prime the IFT machinery for entry into cilia.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The unicellular green alga, Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, has played a central role in discovering much of what is currently known about the composition, assembly, and function of cilia and flagella. Chlamydomonas combines excellent genetics, such as the ability to grow cells as haploids or diploids and to perform tetrad analysis, with an unparalleled ability to detach and isolate flagella in a single step without cell lysis. The combination of genetics and biochemistry that is possible in Chlamydomonas has allowed many of the key components of the cilium to be identified by looking for proteins that are missing in a defined mutant. Few if any other model organisms allow such a seamless combination of genetic and biochemical approaches. Other major advantages of Chlamydomonas compared to other systems include the ability to induce flagella to regenerate in a highly synchronous manner, allowing the kinetics of flagellar growth to be measured, and the ability of Chlamydomonas flagella to adhere to glass coverslips allowing Intraflagellar Transport to be easily imaged inside the flagella of living cells, with quantitative precision and single-molecule resolution. These advantages continue to work in favor of Chlamydomonas as a model system going forward, and are now augmented by extensive genomic resources, a knockout strain collection, and efficient CRISPR gene editing. While Chlamydomonas has obvious limitations for studying ciliary functions related to animal development or organ physiology, when it comes to studying the fundamental biology of cilia and flagella, Chlamydomonas is simply unmatched in terms of speed, efficiency, cost, and the variety of approaches that can be brought to bear on a question.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The primary cilium is a dynamic subcellular compartment templated from the mother centriole or basal body. Cilia are solitary and tiny, but remarkably consequential in cellular pathways regulating proliferation, differentiation, and maintenance. Multiple transmembrane proteins such as G-protein-coupled receptors, channels, enzymes, and membrane-associated lipidated proteins are enriched in the ciliary membrane. The precise regulation of ciliary membrane content is essential for effective signal transduction and maintenance of tissue homeostasis. Surprisingly, a few conserved molecular factors, intraflagellar transport complex A and the tubby family adapter protein TULP3, mediate the transport of most membrane cargoes into cilia. Recent advances in cryogenic electron microscopy provide fundamental insights into these molecular players. Here, we review the molecular players mediating cargo delivery into the ciliary membrane through the lens of structural biology. These mechanistic insights into ciliary transport provide a framework for understanding of disease variants in ciliopathies, enable precise manipulation of cilia-mediated pathways, and provide a platform for the development of targeted therapeutics.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The cilium, a pivotal organelle crucial for cell signaling and proper cell function, relies on meticulous macromolecular transport from the cytoplasm for its formation and maintenance. While the intraflagellar transport (IFT) pathway has traditionally been the focus of extensive study concerning ciliogenesis and ciliary maintenance, recent research highlights a complementary and alternative mechanism-vesicle-assisted transport (VAT) in cytoplasm to cilium trafficking. Despite its potential significance, the VAT pathway remains largely uncharacterized. This review explores recent studies providing evidence for the dynamics of vesicle-related diffusion and transport within the live primary cilium, employing high-speed super-resolution light microscopy. Additionally, we analyze the spatial distribution of vesicles in the cilium, mainly relying on electron microscopy data. By scrutinizing the VAT pathways that facilitate cargo transport into the cilium, with a specific emphasis on recent advancements and imaging data, our objective is to synthesize a comprehensive model of ciliary transport through the integration of IFT-VAT mechanisms.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Intraflagellar transport (IFT) is required for ciliary assembly. The IFT machinery comprises the IFT motors kinesin-2 and IFT dynein plus IFT-A and IFT-B complexes, which assemble into IFT trains in cilia. To gain mechanistic understanding of IFT and ciliary assembly, here, we performed an absolute quantification of IFT machinery in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii cilium. There are ∼756, ∼532, ∼276 and ∼350 molecules of IFT-B, IFT-A, IFT dynein and kinesin-2, respectively, per cilium. The amount of IFT-B is sufficient to sustain rapid ciliary growth in terms of tubulin delivery. The stoichiometric ratio of IFT-B:IFT-A:dynein is ∼3:2:1 whereas the IFT-B:IFT-A ratio in an IFT dynein mutant is 2:1, suggesting that there is a plastic interaction between IFT-A and IFT-B that can be influenced by IFT dynein. Considering diffusion of kinesin-2 during retrograde IFT, it is estimated that one kinesin-2 molecule drives eight molecules of IFT-B during anterograde IFT. These data provide new insights into the assembly of IFT trains and ciliary assembly.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Primary cilia have versatile functions, such as receiving signals from the extracellular microenvironment, mediating signaling transduction, and transporting ciliary substances, in tissue and organ development and clinical disease pathogenesis. During early development (embryos within 10 weeks) in the oral and maxillofacial region, defects in the structure and function of primary cilia can result in severe craniofacial malformations. For example, mice with mutations in the cilia-related genes Kif3a and IFT88 exhibit midline expansion and cleft lip/palate, which occur due to abnormalities in the fusion of the single frontonasal prominence and maxillary prominences. In the subsequent development of the oral and maxillofacial region, we discussed the regulatory role of primary cilia in the development of the maxilla, mandible, Meckel cartilage, condylar cartilage, lip, tongue, and tooth, among others. Moreover, primary cilia are promising regulators in some oral and maxillofacial diseases, such as tumors and malocclusion. We also summarize the regulatory mechanisms of primary cilia in oral and maxillofacial development and related diseases, including their role in various signaling transduction pathways. For example, aplasia of submandibular glands in the Kif3a mutant mice is associated with a decrease in SHH signaling within the glands. This review summarizes the similarities and specificities of the role of primary cilia in tissue and organ development and disease progression in the oral and maxillofacial region, which is expected to contribute several ideas for the treatment of primary cilia-related diseases.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Primary cilia are essential eukaryotic organelles required for signalling and secretion. Dynein-2 is a microtubule-motor protein complex and is required for ciliogenesis via its role in facilitating retrograde intraflagellar transport (IFT) from the cilia tip to the cell body. Dynein-2 must be assembled and loaded onto IFT trains for entry into cilia for this process to occur, but how dynein-2 is assembled and how it is recycled back into a cilium remain poorly understood. Here, we identify centrosomal protein of 170 kDa (CEP170) as a dynein-2-interacting protein in mammalian cells. We show that loss of CEP170 perturbs intraflagellar transport and hedgehog signalling, and alters the stability of dynein-2 holoenzyme complex. Together, our data indicate a role for CEP170 in supporting cilia function and dynein-2 assembly.





