
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The subiculum is a key region of the brain involved in the initiation of pathological activity in temporal lobe epilepsy, and local GABAergic inhibition is essential to prevent subicular-originated epileptiform discharges. Subicular pyramidal cells may be easily distinguished into two classes based on their different firing patterns. Here, we have compared the strength of the GABAa receptor-mediated inhibitory postsynaptic currents received by regular- vs. burst-firing subicular neurons and their dynamic modulation by the activation of μ opioid receptors. We have taken advantage of the sequential re-patching of the same cell to initially classify pyramidal neurons according to their firing patters, and then to measure GABAergic events triggered by the optogenetic stimulation of parvalbumin- and somatostatin-expressing interneurons. Activation of parvalbumin-expressing cells generated larger responses in postsynaptic burst-firing neurons whereas the opposite was observed for currents evoked by the stimulation of somatostatin-expressing interneurons. In all cases, events depended critically on ω-agatoxin IVA- but not on ω-conotoxin GVIA-sensitive calcium channels. Optogenetic GABAergic input originating from both parvalbumin- and somatostatin-expressing cells was reduced in amplitude following the exposure to a μ opioid receptor agonist. The kinetics of this pharmacological sensitivity was different in regular- vs. burst-firing neurons, but only when responses were evoked by the activation of parvalbumin-expressing neurons, whereas no differences were observed when somatostatin-expressing cells were stimulated. In conclusion, our results show that a high degree of complexity regulates the organizing principles of subicular GABAergic inhibition, with the interaction of pre- and postsynaptic diversity at multiple levels. KEY POINTS: Optogenetic stimulation of parvalbumin- and somatostatin-expressing interneurons (PVs and SOMs) triggers inhibitory postsynaptic currents (IPSCs) in both regular- and burst-firing (RFs and BFs) subicular pyramidal cells. The amplitude of optogenetically evoked IPSCs from PVs (PV-opto IPSCs) is larger in BFs whereas IPSCs generated by the light activation of SOMs (SOM-opto IPSCs) are larger in RFs. Both PV- and SOM-opto IPSCs critically depend on ω-agatoxin IVA-sensitive P/Q type voltage-gated calcium channels, whereas no major effects are observed following exposure to ω-conotoxin GVIA, suggesting no significant involvement of N-type channels. The amplitude of both PV- and SOM-opto IPSCs is reduced by the probable pharmacological activation of presynaptic μ opioid receptors, with a faster kinetics of the effect observed in PV-opto IPSCs from RFs vs. BFs, but not in SOM-opto IPSCs. These results help us understand the complex interactions between different layers of diversity regulating GABAergic input onto subicular microcircuits.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: The renin-angiotensin system has been identified as a potential therapeutic target for posttraumatic stress disorder, although its mechanisms are not well understood. Brain angiotensin type 2 receptors (AT2Rs) are a subtype of angiotensin II receptors located in stress and anxiety-related regions, including the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC), but their function and mechanism in the mPFC remain unexplored. Therefore, we used a combination of imaging, cre/lox, and behavioral methods to investigate mPFC-AT2R-expressing neurons in fear and stess related behavior.
    UNASSIGNED: To characterize mPFC-AT2R-expressing neurons in the mPFC, AT2R-Cre/tdTomato male and female mice were used for immunohistochemistry. mPFC brain sections were stained with glutamatergic or interneuron markers, and density of AT2R+ cells and colocalization with each marker were quantified. To assess fear-related behaviors in AT2R-flox mice, we selectively deleted AT2R from mPFC neurons using a Cre-expressing adeno-associated virus. Mice then underwent Pavlovian auditory fear conditioning, elevated plus maze, and open field testing.
    UNASSIGNED: Immunohistochemistry results revealed that AT2R was densely expressed throughout the mPFC and primarily expressed in somatostatin interneurons in a sex-dependent manner. Following fear conditioning, mPFC-AT2R Cre-lox deletion impaired extinction and increased exploratory behavior in female but not male mice, while locomotion was unaltered by mPFC-AT2R deletion in both sexes.
    UNASSIGNED: These results identify mPFC-AT2R+ neurons as a novel subgroup of somatostatin interneurons and reveal their role in regulating fear learning in a sex-dependent manner, potentially offering insights into novel therapeutic targets for posttraumatic stress disorder.
    Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a significant predictor of cardiovascular disease (CVD), although the underlying mechanisms are poorly understood. The brain renin-angiotensin system (RAS) is important for cardiovascular and emotional stress regulation and may better help understand the link between PTSD and CVD risk. Our research reveals that the brain angiotensin II type 2 receptor (AT2R) subtype is located on specific somatostatin (SOM+) interneurons in the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) and plays a role in fear memory extinction, particularly in females. These findings reveal a role for the mPFC-AT2R in fear-based learning and memory, offering potential insights into the mechanisms underlying the PTSD-CVD association and therapeutic strategies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The processing of rich synaptic information in the dentate gyrus (DG) relies on a diverse population of inhibitory GABAergic interneurons to regulate cellular and circuit activity, in a layer-specific manner. Metabotropic GABAB-receptors (GABABRs) provide powerful inhibition to the DG circuit, on timescales consistent with behavior and learning, but their role in controlling the activity of interneurons is poorly understood with respect to identified cell types. We hypothesize that GABABRs display cell type-specific heterogeneity in signaling strength, which will have direct ramifications for signal processing in DG networks. To test this, we perform in vitro whole-cell patch-clamp recordings from identified DG principal cells and interneurons, followed by GABABR pharmacology, photolysis of caged GABA, and extracellular stimulation of endogenous GABA release to classify the cell type-specific inhibitory potential. Based on our previous classification of DG interneurons, we show that postsynaptic GABABR-mediated currents are present on all interneuron types albeit at different amplitudes, dependent largely on soma location and synaptic targets. GABABRs were coupled to inwardly-rectifying K+ channels that strongly reduced the excitability of those interneurons where large currents were observed. These data provide a systematic characterization of GABABR signaling in the rat DG to provide greater insight into circuit dynamics.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Human\'s robust cognitive abilities, including creativity and language, are made possible, at least in large part, by evolutionary changes made to the cerebral cortex. This paper reviews the biology and evolution of mammalian cortical radial glial cells (primary neural stem cells) and introduces the concept that a genetically step wise process, based on a core molecular pathway already in use, is the evolutionary process that has molded cortical neurogenesis. The core mechanism, which has been identified in our recent studies, is the extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK)-bone morphogenic protein 7 (BMP7)-GLI3 repressor form (GLI3R)-sonic hedgehog (SHH) positive feedback loop. Additionally, I propose that the molecular basis for cortical evolutionary dwarfism, exemplified by the lissencephalic mouse which originated from a larger gyrencephalic ancestor, is an increase in SHH signaling in radial glia, that antagonizes ERK-BMP7 signaling. Finally, I propose that: (1) SHH signaling is not a key regulator of primate cortical expansion and folding; (2) human cortical radial glial cells do not generate neocortical interneurons; (3) human-specific genes may not be essential for most cortical expansion. I hope this review assists colleagues in the field, guiding research to address gaps in our understanding of cortical development and evolution.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Diverse neuron classes in hippocampal CA1 have been identified through the heterogeneity of their cellular/molecular composition. How these classes relate to hippocampal function and the network dynamics that support cognition in primates remains unclear. Here, we report inhibitory functional cell groups in CA1 of freely moving macaques whose diverse response profiles to network states and each other suggest distinct and specific roles in the functional microcircuit of CA1. In addition, pyramidal cells that were grouped by their superficial or deep layer position differed in firing rate, burstiness, and sharp-wave ripple-associated firing. They also showed strata-specific spike-timing interactions with inhibitory cell groups, suggestive of segregated neural populations. Furthermore, ensemble recordings revealed that cell assemblies were preferentially organized according to these strata. These results suggest that hippocampal CA1 in freely moving macaques bears a sublayer-specific circuit organization that may shape its role in cognition.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The CA3 region is central to hippocampal function during learning and memory and has a unique connectivity. CA3 pyramidal neurons are the targets of huge, excitatory mossy fiber synapses from DG axons and have a high degree of excitatory recurrent connectivity. Thus, inhibition likely plays an outsized importance in constraining excitation and shaping CA3 ensembles during learning and memory. Here, we investigate the function of a never-before studied set of dendrite-targeting, GABAergic neurons defined by expression of the synaptic adhesion molecule, Kirrel3. We discovered that activating Kirrel3-expressing GABAergic neurons specifically impairs memory discrimination and inhibits CA3 pyramidal neurons in novel contexts. Kirrel3 is required for DG-to-GABA synapse formation and variants in Kirrel3 are strong risk factors for neurodevelopmental disorders. Thus, our work suggests that Kirrel3-GABA neurons are a critical source of feed-forward inhibition from DG to CA3 during the encoding and retrieval of contextual memories, a function which may be specifically disrupted in some brain disorders.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The basolateral amygdala plays pivotal roles in the regulation of fear and anxiety and these processes are profoundly modulated by different neuromodulatory systems that are recruited during emotional arousal. Recent studies suggest activities of BLA interneurons and inhibitory synaptic transmission in BLA principal cells are regulated by neuromodulators to influence the output and oscillatory network states of the BLA, and ultimately the behavioral expression of fear and anxiety. In this review, we first summarize a cellular mechanism of stress-induced anxiogenesis mediated by the interaction of glucocorticoid and endocannabinoid signaling at inhibitory synapses in the BLA. Then we discuss cell type-specific activity patterns induced by neuromodulators converging on the Gq signaling pathway in BLA perisomatic parvalbumin-expressing (PV) and cholecystokinin-expressing (CCK) basket cells and their effects on BLA network oscillations and fear learning.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The adult turtle spinal cord can generate multiple kinds of limb movements, including swimming, three forms of scratching, and limb withdrawal (flexion reflex), even without brain input and sensory feedback. There are many multifunctional spinal neurons, activated during multiple motor patterns, and some behaviorally specialized neurons, activated during only one. How do multifunctional and behaviorally specialized neurons each contribute to motor output? We analyzed in vivo intracellular recordings of multifunctional and specialized neurons. Neurons tended to spike in the same phase of the hip-flexor (HF) activity cycle during swimming and scratching, though one preferred opposite phases. During both swimming and scratching, a larger fraction of multifunctional neurons than specialized neurons were highly rhythmic. One group of multifunctional neurons was active during the HF-on phase and another during the HF-off phase. Thus, HF-extensor alternation may be generated by a subset of multifunctional spinal neurons during both swimming and scratching. Scratch-specialized neurons and flexion reflex-selective neurons may instead trigger their respective motor patterns, by biasing activity of multifunctional neurons. In phase-averaged membrane potentials of multifunctional neurons, trough phases were more highly correlated between swimming and scratching than peak phases, suggesting that rhythmic inhibition plays a greater role than rhythmic excitation. We also provide the first intracellular recording of a turtle swim-specialized neuron: tonically excited during swimming but inactive during scratching and flexion reflex. It displayed an excitatory postsynaptic potential following each swim-evoking electrical stimulus and thus may be an intermediary between reticulospinal axons and the swimming CPG they activate.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Exaggerated responses to sensory stimuli, a hallmark of fragile X syndrome, contribute to anxiety and learning challenges. Sensory hypersensitivity is recapitulated in the Fmr1 knockout (KO) mouse model of fragile X syndrome. Recent studies in Fmr1 KO mice have demonstrated differences in the activity of cortical interneurons and a delayed switch in the polarity of GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid) signaling during development. Previously, we reported that blocking the chloride transporter NKCC1 with the diuretic bumetanide could rescue synaptic circuit phenotypes in the primary somatosensory cortex (S1) of Fmr1 KO mice. However, it remains unknown whether bumetanide can rescue earlier circuit phenotypes or sensory hypersensitivity in Fmr1 KO mice.
    METHODS: We used acute and chronic systemic administration of bumetanide in Fmr1 KO mice and performed in vivo 2-photon calcium imaging to record neuronal activity, while tracking mouse behavior with high-resolution videos.
    RESULTS: We demonstrated that layer 2/3 pyramidal neurons in the S1 of Fmr1 KO mice showed a higher frequency of synchronous events on postnatal day 6 than wild-type controls. This was reversed by acute administration of bumetanide. Furthermore, chronic bumetanide treatment (postnatal days 5-14) restored S1 circuit differences in Fmr1 KO mice, including reduced neuronal adaptation to repetitive whisker stimulation, and ameliorated tactile defensiveness. Bumetanide treatment also rectified the reduced feedforward inhibition of layer 2/3 neurons in the S1 and boosted the circuit participation of parvalbumin interneurons.
    CONCLUSIONS: This further supports the notion that synaptic, circuit, and sensory behavioral phenotypes in Fmr1 KO can be mitigated by inhibitors of NKCC1, such as the Food and Drug Administration-approved diuretic bumetanide.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Calcineurin inhibitors, such as cyclosporine and tacrolimus (FK506), are commonly used immunosuppressants for preserving transplanted organs and tissues. However, these drugs can cause severe and persistent pain. GluA2-lacking, calcium-permeable AMPA receptors (CP-AMPARs) are implicated in various neurological disorders, including neuropathic pain. It is unclear whether and how constitutive calcineurin, a Ca2+/calmodulin protein phosphatase, controls synaptic CP-AMPARs. In this study, we found that blocking CP-AMPARs with IEM-1460 markedly reduced the amplitude of AMPAR-EPSCs in excitatory neurons expressing vesicular glutamate transporter-2 (VGluT2), but not in inhibitory neurons expressing vesicular GABA transporter, in the spinal cord of FK506-treated male and female mice. FK506 treatment also caused an inward rectification in the current-voltage relationship of AMPAR-EPSCs specifically in VGluT2 neurons. Intrathecal injection of IEM-1460 rapidly alleviated pain hypersensitivity in FK506-treated mice. Furthermore, FK506 treatment substantially increased physical interaction of α2δ-1 with GluA1 and GluA2 in the spinal cord and reduced GluA1/GluA2 heteromers in endoplasmic reticulum-enriched fractions of spinal cords. Correspondingly, inhibiting α2δ-1 with pregabalin, Cacna2d1 genetic knock-out, or disrupting α2δ-1-AMPAR interactions with an α2δ-1 C terminus peptide reversed inward rectification of AMPAR-EPSCs in spinal VGluT2 neurons caused by FK506 treatment. In addition, CK2 inhibition reversed FK506 treatment-induced pain hypersensitivity, α2δ-1 interactions with GluA1 and GluA2, and inward rectification of AMPAR-EPSCs in spinal VGluT2 neurons. Thus, the increased prevalence of synaptic CP-AMPARs in spinal excitatory neurons plays a major role in calcineurin inhibitor-induced pain hypersensitivity. Calcineurin and CK2 antagonistically regulate postsynaptic CP-AMPARs through α2δ-1-mediated GluA1/GluA2 heteromeric assembly in the spinal dorsal horn.





