inhalation toxicity

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study aimed to screen the inhalation toxicity of chemicals found in consumer products such as air fresheners, fragrances, and anti-fogging agents submitted to K-REACH using machine learning models. We manually curated inhalation toxicity data based on OECD test guideline 403 (Acute inhalation), 412 (Sub-acute inhalation), and 413 (Sub-chronic inhalation) for 1709 chemicals from the OECD eChemPortal database. Machine learning models were trained using ten algorithms, along with four molecular fingerprints (MACCS, Morgan, Topo, RDKit) and molecular descriptors, achieving F1 scores ranging from 51 % to 91 % in test dataset. Leveraging the high-performing models, we conducted a virtual screening of chemicals, initially applying them to data-rich chemicals generally used in occupational settings to determine the prediction uncertainty. Results showed high sensitivity (75 %) but low specificity (23 %), suggesting that our models can contribute to conservative screening of chemicals. Subsequently, we applied the models to consumer product chemicals, identifying 79 as of high concern. Most of the prioritized chemicals lacked GHS classifications related to inhalation toxicity, even though they were predicted to be used in many consumer products. This study highlights a potential regulatory blind spot concerning the inhalation risk of consumer product chemicals while also indicating the potential of artificial intelligence (AI) models to aid in prioritizing chemicals at the screening level.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    There is a need for the assessment of respiratory hazard potential and mode of action of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) before their approval for technological or medical applications. In CNT-exposed lungs, both alveolar macrophages (MФs), which phagocytose CNTs, and alveolar epithelial type II cells (AECII cells), which show tissue injury, are impacted but cell-cell interactions between them and the impacted mechanisms are unclear. To investigate this, we first optimized an air-liquid interface (ALI) transwell coculture of human AECII cell line A549 (upper chamber) and human monocyte cell line THP-1 derived macrophages (lower chamber) in a 12-well culture by exposing macrophages to CNTs at varying doses (5-60 ng/well) for 12-48 h and measuring the epithelial response markers for cell differentiation/maturation (proSP-C), proliferation (Ki-67), and inflammation (IL-1β). In optimal ALI epithelial-macrophage coculture (3:1 ratio), expression of Ki-67 in AECII cells showed dose dependence, peaking at 15 ng/well CNT dose; the Ki-67 and IL-1β responses were detectable within 12 h, peaking at 24-36 h in a time-course. Using the optimized ALI transwell coculture set up with and without macrophages, we demonstrated that direct interaction between CNTs and MФs, but not a physical cell-cell contact between MФ and AECII cells, was essential for inducing immunotoxicity (proliferative and inflammatory responses) in the AECII cells.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Nanoparticles have the advantages of improving the solubility of poorly water-soluble drugs, facilitating the drug across biological barriers, and reducing macrophage phagocytosis in pulmonary drug delivery. However, nanoparticles have a small aerodynamic particle size, which makes it difficult to achieve optimal deposition when delivered directly to the lungs. Therefore, delivering nanoparticles to the lungs effectively has become a popular research topic.
    UNASSIGNED: Nanoaggregate microparticles were used as a pulmonary drug delivery strategy for the improvement of the bioavailability of cyclosporine A (CsA). The nanoaggregate microparticles were prepared with polyvinyl pyrrolidone (PVP) as the excipient by combining the anti-solvent method and spray drying process. The physicochemical properties, aerodynamic properties, in vivo pharmacokinetics and inhalation toxicity of nanoaggregate microparticles were systematically evaluated.
    UNASSIGNED: The optimal nanoparticles exhibited mainly spherical shapes with the particle size and zeta potential of 180.52 nm and -19.8 mV. The nanoaggregate microparticles exhibited irregular shapes with the particle sizes of less than 1.6 µm and drug loading (DL) values higher than 70%. Formulation NM-2 as the optimal nanoaggregate microparticles was suitable for pulmonary drug delivery and probably deposited in the bronchiole and alveolar region, with FPF and MMAD values of 89.62% and 1.74 μm. In addition, inhaled NM-2 had C max and AUC0-∞ values approximately 1.7-fold and 1.8-fold higher than oral cyclosporine soft capsules (Neoral®). The inhalation toxicity study suggested that pulmonary delivery of NM-2 did not result in lung function damage, inflammatory responses, or tissue lesions.
    UNASSIGNED: The novel nanoaggregate microparticles for pulmonary drug delivery could effectively enhance the relative bioavailability of CsA and had great potential for clinical application.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Nano-concrete, which is an admixture of nanomaterials in concrete recipes, has been investigated to overcome the limitations of existing concrete, such as its stability and strength. However, there is no information on the human health effects of broken-down dust released during the construction and demolition efforts. In this study, we prepared an inhalable fraction of multi-walled carbon nanotube-containing nano-concrete dust and performed comparative toxicity studies with conventional concrete dust and DQ12 using a rat intratracheal instillation model. Although the recipes for concrete and nano-concrete are entirely different, the pulverized dust samples showed similar physicochemical properties, such as 0.46-0.48 µm diameter and chemical composition. Both concrete and nano-concrete dust exhibited similar patterns and magnitudes, representing acute neutrophilic inflammation and chronic active inflammation with lymphocyte infiltration. The toxicity endpoints of the tested particles at both time points showed an excellent correlation with the reactive oxygen species levels released from the alveolar macrophages, highlighting that alveolar macrophages are the primary target cells and that the oxidative stress paradigm is the main toxicity mechanism of the tested particles. In addition, the toxicity potentials of both concrete and nano-concrete dust were more than 10 times lower than that of DQ12.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Every day, millions of individuals are exposed to formaldehyde (FA) due to its extensive presence and versatile use. Many in vivoand in vitroexperiments revealed that the mechanism of genotoxicity induced by FA exposure is complex yet toxicity upon whole-body exposure (WBE) to FA is less. As teachers, students, and skilled assistants in the health care sectors are also extensively exposed to FA vapors, it might result in genotoxicity. However, the effects of subchronic exposure to FA at low concentrations are not clear. Hence, analysis of the micronucleus (MN) was necessary to study the genetic toxicity triggered by FA in the bone marrow of male and female experimental rats. The present study is a gender- and duration of exposure-based assessment of the geno- and cytotoxicity in bone marrow cells of Wistar rats to study the effect of WBE to 10% FA on polychromatic erythrocytes/normochromatic erythrocytes (PCE/NCE) ratio and micronucleated polychromatic erythrocytes (MnPCE) in experimental rats. The obtained result clearly showed that WBE to FA for 60 days at concentrations between 1 and 1.1 ppm (0, 1, and 1.5 h) induced genotoxic effects in both male and female rats by altering the MnPCE% and significantly increasing the ratio of PCE/NCE (1.07 ± 0.23, 1.20 ± 0.20, 1.22 ± 0.14). The PCE/NCE ratio in male rats was lesser (0.98, 1.12, and 1.18) when compared with female rats (1.17, 1.29, and 1.26) with 0, 1, and 1.5 h exposure, respectively. Thus, the genetic/cellular sensitivity to FA differs among the sexes and also depends on the exposure duration.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    5-Chloro-2-methyl-4-isothiazolin-3-one (CMIT) and 2-methyl-4-isothiazolin-3-one (MIT) used as preservatives in various products, including humidifier disinfectants, presents substantial health hazards. This research delves into the toxicological assessments of CMIT/MIT in the respiratory system using animal models. Through the synthesis of radiolabeled [14C]CMIT and [14C]MIT, we investigated the biological uptake and in vivo behaviors of CMIT/MIT in the respiratory tissues following intratracheal exposure. Quantitative whole-body autoradiography (QWBA) revealed significant persistence of CMIT/MIT in lung tissue. In addition, radio high-performance liquid chromatography (radio-HPLC) with tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) was employed for metabolite profiling and identification. Notably, around 28% of the radiolabel was retained in tissue after the extraction step, suggesting covalent binding of CMIT/MIT and their metabolites with pulmonary biomolecules. This observation demonstrates the propensity of the electrophilic isothiazolinone ring in CMIT/MIT to undergo chemical interactions with biothiols in proteins and enzymes, fostering irreversible alterations of biomolecules. Such accumulations of transformations could result in direct toxicity at both cellular and organ levels. Additionally, the detection of metabolites, including a MIT dimer conjugated with glutathione (GSH), as analyzed by mass spectrometry indicates the possible reduction of cellular GSH levels and subsequent oxidative stress. This investigation offers an in-depth insight into the toxic mechanisms of CMIT/MIT, underlying their capability to engage in complex formations with biomacromolecules and induce pronounced respiratory toxicity. These results highlight the imperative for stringent safety assessments of these chemicals, advocating for improved public health and safety measures in the use of chemicals.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The development of inhaled drugs for respiratory diseases is frequently impacted by lung pathology in non-clinical safety studies. To enable design of novel candidate drugs with the right safety profile, predictive in vitro lung toxicity assays are required that can be applied during drug discovery for early hazard identification and mitigation. Here, we describe a novel high-content imaging-based screening assay that allows for quantification of the tight junction protein occludin in A549 cells, as a model for lung epithelial barrier integrity. We assessed a set of compounds with a known lung safety profile, defined by clinical safety or non-clinical in vivo toxicology data, and were able to correctly identify 9 of 10 compounds with a respiratory safety risk and 9 of 9 compounds without a respiratory safety risk (90% sensitivity, 100% specificity). The assay was sensitive at relevant compound concentrations to influence medicinal chemistry optimization programs and, with an accessible cell model in a 96-well plate format, short protocol and application of automated imaging analysis algorithms, this assay can be readily integrated in routine discovery safety screening to identify and mitigate respiratory toxicity early during drug discovery. Interestingly, when we applied physiologically-based pharmacokinetic (PBPK) modelling to predict epithelial lining fluid exposures of the respiratory tract after inhalation, we found a robust correlation between in vitro occludin assay data and lung pathology in vivo, suggesting the assay can inform translational risk assessment for inhaled small molecules.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Some firms and marketers of electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes; a type of electronic nicotine delivery system (ENDS)) and refill liquids (e-liquids) have made claims about the safety of ingredients used in their products based on the term \"GRAS or Generally Recognized As Safe\" (GRAS). However, GRAS is a provision within the definition of a food additive under section 201(s) (21 U.S.C. 321(s)) of the U.S. Federal Food Drug and Cosmetic Act (FD&C Act). Food additives and GRAS substances are by the FD&C Act definition intended for use in food, thus safety is based on oral consumption; the term GRAS cannot serve as an indicator of the toxicity of e-cigarette ingredients when aerosolized and inhaled (i.e., vaped). There is no legal or scientific support for labeling e-cigarette product ingredients as \"GRAS\". This review discusses our concerns with the GRAS provision being applied to e-cigarette products and provides examples of chemical compounds that have been used as food ingredients but have been shown to lead to adverse health effects when inhaled. The review provides scientific insight into the toxicological evaluation of e-liquid ingredients and their aerosols to help determine the potential respiratory risks associated with their use in e-cigarettes.
    CONCLUSIONS: The rise in prevalence of e-cigarette use and emerging evidence of adverse effects, particularly on lung health, warrant assessing all aspects of e-cigarette toxicity. One development is manufacturers\' stated or implied claims of the safety of using e-cigarette products containing ingredients determined to be \"Generally Recognized As Safe\" (GRAS) for use in food. Such claims, typically placed on e-cigarette product labels and used in marketing, are unfounded, as pointed out by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA)1 and the Flavor and Extract Manufacturers Association (FEMA)2. Assessment of inhalation health risks of all ingredients used in e-liquids, including those claimed to be GRAS, is warranted.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Significant variations exist in the forms of ZnO, making it impossible to test all forms in in vivo inhalation studies. Hence, grouping and read-across is a common approach under REACH to evaluate the toxicological profile of familiar substances. The objective of this paper is to investigate the potential role of dissolution, size, or coating in grouping ZnO (nano)forms for the purpose of hazard assessment. We performed a 90-day inhalation study (OECD test guideline no. (TG) 413) in rats combined with a reproduction/developmental (neuro)toxicity screening test (TG 421/424/426) with coated and uncoated ZnO nanoforms in comparison with microscale ZnO particles and soluble zinc sulfate. In addition, genotoxicity in the nasal cavity, lungs, liver, and bone marrow was examined via comet assay (TG 489) after 14-day inhalation exposure.
    ZnO nanoparticles caused local toxicity in the respiratory tract. Systemic effects that were not related to the local irritation were not observed. There was no indication of impaired fertility, developmental toxicity, or developmental neurotoxicity. No indication for genotoxicity of any of the test substances was observed. Local effects were similar across the different ZnO test substances and were reversible after the end of the exposure.
    With exception of local toxicity, this study could not confirm the occasional findings in some of the previous studies regarding the above-mentioned toxicological endpoints. The two representative ZnO nanoforms and the microscale particles showed similar local effects. The ZnO nanoforms most likely exhibit their effects by zinc ions as no particles could be detected after the end of the exposure, and exposure to rapidly soluble zinc sulfate had similar effects. Obviously, material differences between the ZnO particles do not substantially alter their toxicokinetics and toxicodynamics. The grouping of ZnO nanoforms into a set of similar nanoforms is justified by these observations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Reproducible aerosol generation in combination with stable aerosol properties are essential prerequisites for compliant performance of acute or repeated inhalation toxicity tests of particulate materials according to OECD TG 403, 436, 412, or 413. A frequent problem of powder aerosol generation is the formation of coarse agglomerates with low shear resistance, which are beyond the tolerable size range but not detected by the prescribed aerodynamic measurement techniques by cascade impactor as the measurement conditions cause a disintegration into smaller fragments. But such agglomerates are observed during the transport to the inhalation chambers. These effects particularly apply to high mass concentrations and low-density powders, i.e., pyrogenic oxides. This study describes the transport influence in the airflow on the change of powder aerosols and on their respirability. A simplified short tube set-up was developed for the aerosol transport pre-tests, which allows the determination of the optimal aerosol formation conditions for the inhalation tests. The particles were measured with low shear using laser diffraction measurement or optical particle counters. The calculation of the aerodynamic particle sizes prescribed in the guidelines requires knowledge of the effective particle density of the porous aerosol particles. A practicable method for determining these is presented and described. In the outlook, first low concentration measurements show that clear agglomeration effects can also occur at particle concentrations around 20 mg/m³.





