inactivation methods

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Surveillance data published since 2010, although limited, showed that there is no evidence of zoonotic parasite infection in market quality Atlantic salmon, marine rainbow trout, gilthead seabream, turbot, meagre, Atlantic halibut, common carp and European catfish. No studies were found for greater amberjack, brown trout, African catfish, European eel and pikeperch. Anisakis pegreffii, A. simplex (s. s.) and Cryptocotyle lingua were found in European seabass, Atlantic bluefin tuna and/or cod, and Pseudamphistomum truncatum and Paracoenogonimus ovatus in tench, produced in open offshore cages or flow-through ponds or tanks. It is almost certain that fish produced in closed recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS) or flow-through facilities with filtered water intake and exclusively fed heat-treated feed are free of zoonotic parasites. Since the last EFSA opinion, the UV-press and artificial digestion methods have been developed into ISO standards to detect parasites in fish, while new UV-scanning, optical, molecular and OMICs technologies and methodologies have been developed for the detection, visualisation, isolation and/or identification of zoonotic parasites in fish. Freezing and heating continue to be the most efficient methods to kill parasites in fishery products. High-pressure processing may be suitable for some specific products. Pulsed electric field is a promising technology although further development is needed. Ultrasound treatments were not effective. Traditional dry salting of anchovies successfully inactivated Anisakis. Studies on other traditional processes - air-drying and double salting (brine salting plus dry salting) - suggest that anisakids are successfully inactivated, but more data covering these and other parasites in more fish species and products is required to determine if these processes are always effective. Marinade combinations with anchovies have not effectively inactivated anisakids. Natural products, essential oils and plant extracts, may kill parasites but safety and organoleptic data are lacking. Advanced processing techniques for intelligent gutting and trimming are being developed to remove parasites from fish.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Noroviruses (NoVs) are major foodborne pathogens that cause acute gastroenteritis. Oysters are significant carriers of this pathogen, and disease transmission from the consumption of NoVs-infected oysters occurs worldwide. The review discusses the mechanism of NoVs bioaccumulation in oysters, particularly the binding of histo-blood group antigen-like (HBGA-like) molecules to NoVs in oysters. The review explores the factors that influence NoVs bioaccumulation in oysters, including temperature, precipitation and water contamination. The review also discusses the detection methods of NoVs in live oysters and analyzes the inactivation effects of high hydrostatic pressure, irradiation treatment and plasma treatment on NoVs. These non-thermal processing treatments can remove NoVs efficiently while retaining the original flavor of oysters. However, further research is needed to reduce the cost of these technologies to achieve large-scale commercial applications. The review aims to provide novel insights to reduce the bioaccumulation of NoVs in oysters and serve as a reference for the development of new, rapid and effective methods for detecting and inactivating NoVs in live oysters.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The accurate quantification of viable pathogens in food is crucial for ensuring food safety. This study mainly aimed to investigate the quantification of viable pathogens using PMA-qPCR and RT-qPCR, taking into account bacterial species, food matrices, and inactivation methods. The detection limit of PMA-qPCR for Salmonella serovars in simple matrices, such as culture broth, lake, or tap water, was found to be 102 cells per ml. Regarding the detection of Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli in culture broth, as well as Salmonella in more complex matrices, such as juices and lab-made broth, both methods exhibited a detection limit of 103 cells per ml. Besides that, in adverse situations, there was a risk of overestimating the number of viable pathogens using PMA-qPCR. In addition, a conspicuous discrepancy between the results of PMA-qPCR/RT-qPCR and those of the plate counting assay was observed when Salmonella was exposed to isopropanol, H2O2, NaClO, sonication, or thermosonication. This suggests that it may survive in a viable but non-culturable state and poses a challenge for accurate quantification of viable cells using plate counting assay. Therefore, the results obtained by RT-qPCR were more objective compared to PMA-qPCR due to potential influences from bacteria species, surrounding media, and inactivation methods.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mulberry leaf is an excellent protein resource that can be used as feed additive for livestock and poultry. Nevertheless, the use of mulberry leaves in animal diets is limited by its protease inhibitors, tannic acid and other anti-nutritional factors. This study systematically analyzed the type and activity of serine protease inhibitors (SPIs) from the leaves of 34 mulberry varieties, aiming to reveal the physicochemical properties and inactivation mechanism of SPIs. The types and activities of trypsin inhibitors (TIs) and chymotrypsin inhibitors (CIs) exhibited polymorphisms among different mulberry varieties. The highest number of types of inhibitors was detected in Jinshi, with six TIs (TI-1~TI-6) and six CIs (CI-1~CI-6). TIs and CIs exhibited strong thermal and acid-base stability. High-temperature and high-pressure treatment could reduce the activities of TIs and CIs to a certain extent. β-mercaptoethanol treatment could completely abolish TIs and CIs, suggesting that the disulfide bridges were critical for their inhibitory activities. The Maillard reaction could effectively eliminate the inhibitory activities of TI-1~TI-4 and CI-1~CI-4. This study reveals the physicochemical properties and inactivation mechanisms of the anti-nutritional SPIs from mulberry leaves, which is helpful to exploit mulberry-leaf food with low-activity SPIs, promote the development and utilization of mulberry-leaf resources in animal feed and provide reference for mulberry breeding with different functions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Gargle samples have been proposed as a noninvasive method for detection of SARS-CoV-2 RNA. The clinical performance of gargle specimens diluted in Cobas® PCR Media and in Cobas® Omni Lysis Reagent was compared to oropharyngeal/nasopharyngeal swab (ONPS) for the detection of SARS-CoV-2 RNA.
    Participants were recruited prospectively in two COVID-19 screening clinics. In addition to the ONPS, participants gargled with 5 ml of natural spring water split in the laboratory as follows: 1 ml was added to 4.3 ml of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) media and 400 μl was added to 200 μl of lysis buffer. Testing was performed with the Cobas® SARS-CoV-2 test on the Cobas® 6800 or 8800 platforms.
    Overall, 134/647 (20.7%) participants were considered infected because the ONPS or at least one gargle test was positive. ONPS had, respectively, a sensitivity of 96.3% (95% confidence interval [CI]: 91.3-98.5); both gargle processing methods were slightly less but equally sensitive (90.3% [95% CI: 83.9-94.3]). When ONPS and gargle specimens were both positive, the mean cycle threshold (Ct ) was significantly higher for gargles, suggesting lower viral loads.
    Gargle specimens directly added in PCR Media provide a similar clinical sensitivity to chemical lysis, both having a slightly, not significantly, lower sensitivity to ONPS.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Recently, an outbreak of a novel human coronavirus which is referred to as severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) (COVID-19) by the World Health Organization (WHO) was identified in Wuhan, China. To help combat the pandemic, a systematic review (SR) was performed to collect all available studies concerning inactivation methods, environmental survival, and control and prevention strategies. A comprehensive literature survey yielded 42 eligible studies which included in the SR. The results confirmed that the WHO recommended two alcohol-based hand rub formulations (ethanol 70-95% and 2-propanol 70-100%) had an efficient virucidal activity in less than 60 s by more and equal 4 log10 (≥ 99.99) approximately and could be used for disinfection in public health and health-care facilities. The findings indicated that SARS-CoV-1 and SARS-CoV-2 can survive under different environmental conditions between 4 and 72 h approximately. The results also demonstrate that temperature and relative humidity are important factors in the survival of SARS-CoV-2. The main strategies recommended by the WHO to avoid contracting SARS-CoV-2 are hand washing several times in the day and maintaining social distancing with others. It is important to note that the more studies require addressing, the more possible airborne transmission due to the survival of SARS-CoV-2 in aerosols for 3 h approximately. We hope that the results of the present SR can help researchers, health decision-makers, policy-makers, and people for understanding and taking the proper behavior to control and prevent further spread of SARS-CoV-2.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Low-moisture foods (LMFs) have been defined as those food products with a water activity (aw) less than 0.85 and are generally considered less susceptible to microbial spoilage and the growth of foodborne pathogens. However, in recent years, outbreaks linked to LMFs have increased, with Salmonella spp., Bacillus cereus, Cronobacter sakazakii, Clostridium spp., Escherichia coli O157:H7, non-O157 E. coli, and Staphylococcus aureus being the principal pathogens involved. Because of the new concerns raised as a result of recent outbreaks, new approaches need to be developed to control foodborne pathogens in LMFs. This review summarizes the recent research on novel inactivation methods suitable for use on LMFs. Among the methods discussed are the nonthermal inactivation methods as well as other novel methods such as radio-frequency and microwave heating. Additional research is needed to evaluate older technologies and develop new technologies, either alone or in combination, to understand the mechanisms of inactivation.





