
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Icebergs and ice islands (large, tabular icebergs) present a significant hazard to marine vessels and infrastructure at a time when demand for access to Arctic waters is increasing. There is a growing demand for in situ iceberg tracking data to monitor their drift trajectories and improve models used for operational forecasting of ice hazards, yet the high cost of commercial tracking devices often prevents monitoring at optimal spatial and temporal resolutions. Here, we provide a detailed description of the Cryologger Ice Tracking Beacon (ITB), a low-cost, robust, and user-friendly data logger and telemeter for tracking icebergs and ice islands based on the Arduino open-source electronics platform. Designed for deployments of at least 2 years with an hourly sampling interval that is remotely modifiable by the end user, the Cryologger ITB provides long-term measurements of position, temperature, pressure, pitch, roll, heading, and battery voltage. Data are transmitted via the Iridium satellite network at user-specified intervals. We present the results of field campaigns in 2018 and 2019, which saw the deployment of 16 ITBs along the coasts of Greenland and Ellesmere and Baffin islands. The overall success of these ITB deployments has demonstrated that inexpensive, open-source hardware and software can provide a reliable and cost-effective method of monitoring icebergs and ice islands in the polar regions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Long-term monitoring programs to evaluate climate-driven changes to tidewater glaciers, an important habitat for harbor seals (Phoca vitulina) in Alaska, are primarily carried out by costly, weather-dependent aerial surveys from fixed-winged aircraft. Unmanned aerial systems (UAS) can be an alternative cost-effective solution for gathering image data to quantify, monitor, and manage these habitats. However, there is a paucity of information related to the accuracy of using imagery collected by UAS for purposes of measuring floating icebergs. We evaluated the accuracy of using a UAS with a built-in 20 megapixel (MP) camera as well as a consumer-grade digital 16 MP camera to capture images of floating and stationary icebergs for the purpose of collecting vertical height measurements. Images (n=869) were captured of simulated icebergs (Cuboidal foam boxes) \"Cb\" (n=5) and real icebergs (n=5) that were either grounded or floating. The mean error ratios obtained were less than 10% and derived by comparing the mean calculated measurements of heights of Cb obtained from images captured by UAS with the physically measured heights of these Cb. The mean error ratio for height measurements of grounded icebergs (n=4) and one floating iceberg was also less than 10%. Within an object-image distance range of 6-25 m, the cameras captured images that were suitable to accurately calculate the heights of floating and grounded objects, and drift or uncontrolled movement of the UAS caused by wind or temporary loss of GPS did not appear to have any significant effects on measurement error. Our study provides substantial evidence of the high accuracy associated with using images captured by UAS for measuring dimensions of structures positioned on water and land surfaces. Ultimately, accurate surveys of glacial ice used by harbor seals will improve our understanding of the role of decreasing habitat in explaining population variability between different tidewater glaciers.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Warm water masses circulating at depth off the coast of Greenland play an important role in controlling rates of mass loss from the Greenland Ice Sheet through feedbacks associated with the melting of marine glacier termini. The ability of these warm waters to reach glacier termini is strongly controlled by fjord bathymetry, which was unmapped for the majority of Greenland\'s fjords until recently. In response to the need for bathymetric measurements in previously uncharted areas, we developed two companion methods to infer fjord bathymetry using icebergs as depth sounders. The main premise of our methods centers around the idea that deep-drafted icebergs will become stranded in shallow water such that estimates of iceberg surface elevation can be used to infer draft, and thus water depth, under the assumption of hydrostatic equilibrium. When and where available, surface elevations of icebergs stranded on bathymetric highs were extracted from digital elevation models (DEMs) and converted to estimates of iceberg draft. To expand the spatial coverage of our inferred water depths beyond the DEM footprints, we used the DEMs to construct characteristic depth-width ratios and then inferred depths from satellite imagery-derived iceberg widths. We tested and applied the methods in two fjord systems in western Greenland with partially constrained bathymetry, Ilulissat Isfjord and Naajarsuit Fjord, to demonstrate their utility for inferring bathymetry using remote sensing datasets. Our results show that while the uncertainties associated with the methods are high (up to ±93 m), they provide critical first-order constraints on fjord bathymetry.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Changes in Greenland\'s marine-terminating outlet glaciers have led to changes in the flux of icebergs into Greenland\'s coastal waters, yet icebergs remain a relatively understudied component of the ice-ocean system. We developed a simple iceberg delineation algorithm for Landsat imagery. A machine learning-based cloud mask incorporated into the algorithm enables us to extract iceberg size distributions from open water even in partially cloudy scenes. We applied the algorithm to the Landsat archive covering Disko Bay, West Greenland, to derive a time series of iceberg size distributions from 2000-02 and 2013-15. The time series captures a change in iceberg size distributions, which we interpret as a result of changes in the calving regime of the parent glacier, Sermeq Kujalleq (Jakobshavn Isbræ). The change in calving style associated with the disintegration and disappearance of Sermeq Kujalleq\'s floating ice tongue resulted in the production of more small icebergs. The increased number of small icebergs resulted in increasingly negative power law slopes fit to iceberg size distributions in Disko Bay, suggesting that iceberg size distribution time series provide useful insights into changes in calving dynamics.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Over 7500 buried linear and curvilinear depressions interpreted as iceberg ploughmarks were identified within the Quaternary Naust Formation from an extensive three-dimensional seismic dataset that covers ~ 40,000 km2 of the mid-Norwegian continental margin. The morphology and net orientation of ploughmarks were mapped and analysed. These features are up to 28 km long, 700 m wide and are incised up to 31 m deep. On average, ploughmarks are incised 5 m deep, with median width of 185 m and median lengths ranging from 1.2 to 2.7 km for individual palaeo-surfaces. Width to depth ratio ranges from 8:1 to 400:1 and is on average 36:1. The presence of ploughmarks buried deeply within some palaeo-slope surfaces implies the occasional presence of very large icebergs since the middle Quaternary, suggesting that thick ice-sheet margins with fast-flowing ice streams were present in order to calve icebergs of such dimensions into the Norwegian Sea. The wide geographical distribution of ploughmarks suggests unrestricted iceberg drift and an open Norwegian Sea during the periods of iceberg calving since the early Quaternary. Ploughmark trajectory analysis demonstrates that the ocean current circulation, now dominated by the northeasterly flowing Norwegian Atlantic Current (NwAC), has largely persisted throughout the Quaternary. Despite the overall strikingly consistent pattern of iceberg drift, ploughmark mapping also shows evidence for short-lived NwAC reductions possibly related to major phases of iceberg discharge and/or meltwater pulses from the Fennoscandian Ice Sheet during the middle and late Quaternary.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A quantitative assessment of observed and projected environmental changes in the Southern Ocean (SO) with a potential impact on the marine ecosystem shows: (i) large proportions of the SO are and will be affected by one or more climate change processes; areas projected to be affected in the future are larger than areas that are already under environmental stress, (ii) areas affected by changes in sea-ice in the past and likely in the future are much larger than areas affected by ocean warming. The smallest areas (<1% area of the SO) are affected by glacier retreat and warming in the deeper euphotic layer. In the future, decrease in the sea-ice is expected to be widespread. Changes in iceberg impact resulting from further collapse of ice-shelves can potentially affect large parts of shelf and ephemerally in the off-shore regions. However, aragonite undersaturation (acidification) might become one of the biggest problems for the Antarctic marine ecosystem by affecting almost the entire SO. Direct and indirect impacts of various environmental changes to the three major habitats, sea-ice, pelagic and benthos and their biota are complex. The areas affected by environmental stressors range from 33% of the SO for a single stressor, 11% for two and 2% for three, to <1% for four and five overlapping factors. In the future, areas expected to be affected by 2 and 3 overlapping factors are equally large, including potential iceberg changes, and together cover almost 86% of the SO ecosystem.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article





