human skin

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The most prevalent arthropod-borne viruses, including the dengue viruses, are primarily transmitted by infected mosquitoes. However, the dynamics of dengue virus (DENV) infection and dissemination in human skin following Aedes aegypti probing remain poorly understood. We exposed human skin explants to adult female Ae. aegypti mosquitoes following their infection with DENV-2 by intrathoracic injection. Skin explants inoculated with a similar quantity of DENV-2 by a bifurcated needle were used as controls. Quantitative in situ imaging revealed that DENV replication was greatest in keratinocytes in the base of the epidermis, accounting for 50-60% of all infected cells regardless of the route of inoculation. However, DENV inoculation by Ae. aegypti probing resulted in an earlier and increased viral replication in the dermis, infecting twice as many cells at 24 h when compared to needle inoculation. Within the dermis, enhanced replication of DENV by Ae. aegypti infected mosquitoes was mediated by increased local recruitment of skin-resident macrophages, dermal dendritic cells, and epidermal Langerhans cells relative to needle inoculation. An enhanced but less pronounced influx of resident myeloid cells to the site of mosquito probing was also observed in the absence of infection. Ae. aegypti probing also increased recruitment and infection of dermal mast cells. Our findings reveal for the first time that keratinocytes are the primary targets of DENV infection following Ae. aegypti inoculation, even though most of the virus is inoculated into the dermis during probing. The data also show that mosquito probing promotes the local recruitment and infection of skin-resident myeloid cells in the absence of an intact vasculature, indicating that influx of blood-derived neutrophils is not an essential requirement for DENV spread within and out of skin.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Exposure to mechanical stimuli such as pressure and stretching prompts the skin to undergo physiological adaptations to accommodate and distribute applied forces, a process known as mechanotransduction. Mechanotherapy, which leverages mechanotransduction, shows significant promise across various medical disciplines. Traditional methods, such as massage and compression therapy, effectively promote skin healing by utilizing this mechanism, although they require direct skin contact. This study introduces a novel contactless modality, Shear Wave Stimulation (SWS), and evaluates its efficacy compared to traditional massage in eliciting responses from human skin and fascia. Fifteen healthy volunteers received SWS, while another fifteen volunteers received massage. Tests of skin mechanical properties revealed significant enhancements in skin shear modulus for both methods, showing an increase of approximately 20%. Additionally, deformation analysis of ultrasound images showed distinct responses of the skin and fascia to the two stimuli. SWS induced extension in the dermis (∼18%), hypodermis (∼16%), and fascia (∼22%) along the X and Y axes. In contrast, massage compressed the skin layers, reducing the dermis by around 15% and the hypodermis by about 8%, while simultaneously stretching the superficial fascia by approximately 8%. The observed extension across the entire skin with SWS highlights its potential as a groundbreaking contactless approach for promoting skin healing. Furthermore, the differing responses in blood flow reaffirm the distinct stimulation modes of SWS and massage. These findings establish a foundation for future innovative skin therapy modalities.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A number of baby wipe formulations contain 2-phenoxyethanol (PE) as a preservative and cetylpyridinium chloride (CPC) as a surfactant with antimicrobial activity. Previously, we reported the skin absorption of PE in porcine skin and human skin in vitro. In the present work, the permeation of PE from preparations with CPC and without CPC was investigated in human skin in vivo. The studies were conducted using Confocal Raman Spectroscopy (CRS) and tape stripping (TS) methods. The CRS studies showed that the area under the curve (AUC) of PE for the formulation with and without CPC were not significantly different (p > 0.05). The TS data indicated no significant difference in the amounts of PE recovered from tapes 1-6 for the preparation with and without CPC (p > 0.05). When comparing the in vitro and in vivo data, a correlation was observed between the cumulative amount of PE permeated through human skin in vitro at 24 h and the AUC as measured by CRS (r2 = 0.97). In addition, the cumulative amount of PE permeated through human skin in vitro at 24 h was found to correlate with the amount of PE recovered from tape 1 to 6 in vivo (r2 = 0.95). Both CRS and TS techniques demonstrated limitations in assessing the distribution of PE and CPC in the skin in vivo, primarily attributed to the Raman signal intensities of compounds under investigation and the variability in the amount of SC collected by TS. Despite the limitations of CRS and TS, the results from the present study add further insights to the in vitro permeation data. Additionally, the findings of the present study encourage the further development and application of CRS for non-invasive evaluation of topical skin formulations in vivo.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    On the human face, the lips are one of the most important anatomical elements, both morphologically and functionally. Morphologically, they have a significant impact on aesthetics, and abnormal lip morphology causes sociopsychological problems. Functionally, they play a crucial role in breathing, articulation, feeding, and swallowing. An apparatus that can accurately and easily measure the elastic modulus of perioral tissues in clinical tests was developed, and its measurement sensitivity was evaluated. The apparatus is basically a uniaxial compression apparatus consisting of a force sensor and a displacement sensor. The displacement sensor works by enhancing the restoring force due to the deformation of soft materials. Using the apparatus, the force and the displacement were measured for polyurethane elastomers with various levels of softness, which are a model material of human tissues. The stress measured by the developed apparatus increased in proportion to Young\'s modulus, and was measured by the compression apparatus at the whole region of Young\'s modulus, indicating that the relation can be used for calibration. Clinical tests using the developed apparatus revealed that Young\'s moduli for upper lip, left cheek, and right cheek were evaluated to be 45, 4.0, and 9.9 kPa, respectively. In this paper, the advantages of this apparatus and the interpretation of the data obtained are discussed from the perspective of orthodontics.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Advanced numerical simulations of the mechanical behavior of human skin require thorough calibration of the material\'s constitutive models based on experimental ex vivo mechanical tests along with images of tissue microstructure for a variety of biomedical applications. In this work, a total of 14 human healthy skin samples and 4 additional scarred skin samples were experimentally analyzed to gain deep insights into the biomechanics of human skin. In particular, second harmonic generation (SHG) microscopy was used to extract detailed images of the distribution of collagen fibers, which were subsequently processed using a three-dimensional Fourier transform-based method recently proposed by the authors to quantify the distribution of fiber orientations. Mechanical tests under both biaxial and uniaxial loading were performed to calibrate the relevant mechanical parameters of two widely used constitutive models of soft fiber-reinforced biological tissues that account for non-symmetrical fiber dispersion. The calibration of the models allowed us to identify correlations between the mechanical parameters of the constitutive models considered. STATEMENT OF SIGNIFICANCE: Constitutive models for soft collagenous tissues can accurately reproduce the complex nonlinear and anisotropic mechanical behavior of skin. However, a comprehensive analysis of both microstructural and mechanical parameters is still missing for human skin. In this study, these parameters are determined by combining biaxial mechanical tests and SHG stacks of collagen fibers on ex vivo healthy human skin samples. The constitutive parameters are provided for two widely used hyperelastic models and enable accurate characterization of skin mechanical behavior for advanced numerical simulations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We developed an automated microregistration method that enables repeated in vivo skin microscopy imaging of the same tissue microlocation and specific cells over a long period of days and weeks with unprecedented precision. Applying this method in conjunction with an in vivo multimodality multiphoton microscope, the behavior of human skin cells such as cell proliferation, melanin upward migration, blood flow dynamics, and epidermal thickness adaptation can be recorded over time, facilitating quantitative cellular dynamics analysis. We demonstrated the usefulness of this method in a skin biology study by successfully monitoring skin cellular responses for a period of two weeks following an acute exposure to ultraviolet light.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Herein, we evaluated friction dynamics of human skin treated with polyacrylic acid aqueous solutions or gel creams using a sinusoidal motion friction evaluation system to demonstrate the effect of treatment with polymer aqueous solutions on human skin. A polymer aqueous solution or gel cream was applied to the inner forearms of 10 subjects to evaluate temporal changes in friction force under sinusoidal motion. Water content, skin viscoelasticity, and transepidermal water loss were also simultaneously measured to determine the effects on skin conditions. When human skin was treated with the polymer aqueous solution, the friction coefficient immediately after treatment was 0.69-0.99 and the delay time δ, a normalized parameter of the time difference in the delayed response of friction to the movement of the contact probe divided by the friction time T 0 for one round trip, was 0.171-0.179, which was greater than that of untreated skin. This increase was caused by the swelling and softening of the stratum corneum caused by the penetration of water in the polymer aqueous solution, which increased true contact area between the skin and contact probe. A significant difference was observed in the friction coefficient of the skin immediately after treatment with different polymer aqueous solutions. Among polymers (P1-P4), P4, which has a low-salt resistance and low yield stress, had the lowest friction coefficient because of collapsing of the polymer network structures by shearing and reduced viscosity owing to salts on human skin. The skin treated with a gel cream also exhibited a greater friction coefficient than the untreated skin immediately after treatment and 90 min later. This phenomenon can be caused by the occlusive effect of the oil in the gel cream.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Nanocomposite gels consist of nanoparticles dispersed in a gel matrix. The main aim of this work was to develop nanocomposite gels for topical delivery of Flurbiprofen (FB) for humans and farm animals. Nanocomposite gels were prepared stemming from nanoparticles (NPs) freeze-dried with two different cryoprotectants, D-(+)-trehalose (NPs-TRE) and polyethylene glycol 3350 (NPs-PEG), sterilized by gamma (γ) irradiation, and gelled with Sepigel® 305. Nanocomposite gels with FB-NPs-TRE and FB-NPs-PEG were physiochemically characterized in terms of appearance, pH, morphological studies, porosity, swelling, degradation, extensibility, and rheological behavior. The drug release profile and kinetics were assessed, as well as, the ex vivo permeation of FB was assessed in human, porcine and bovine skin. In vivo studies in healthy human volunteers were tested without FB to assess the tolerance of the gels with nanoparticles. Physicochemical studies demonstrated the suitability of the gel formulations. The ex vivo skin permeation capacity of FB-NPs nanocomposite gels with different cryoprotectants allowed us to conclude that these formulations are suitable topical delivery systems for human and veterinary medicine. However, there were statistically significant differences in the permeation of each formulation depending on the skin. Results suggested that FB-NPs-PEG nanocomposite gel was most suitable for human and porcine skin, and the FB-NPs-TRE nanocomposite gel was most suitable for bovine skin.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Lidocaine is generally recognized and preferred for local anaesthesia, but in addition, studies have described additional benefits of lidocaine in cancer therapy, inflammation reduction, and wound healing. These properties contribute to its increasing importance in dermatological applications, and not only in pain relief but also in other potential therapeutic outcomes. Therefore, the purpose of our study was to enhance lidocaine delivery through the skin. A stable nanostructured lipid carrier (NLC), as a passive permeation enhancer, was developed using a 23 full factorial design. The nanosystems were characterized by crystallinity behaviour, particle size, zeta potential, encapsulation efficiency measurements, and one of them was selected for further investigation. Then, NLC gel was formulated for dermal application and compared to a traditional dermal ointment in terms of physicochemical (rheological behaviour) and biopharmaceutical (qualitative Franz diffusion and quantitative Raman investigations) properties. The study also examined the use of 3D printed solid microneedles as active permeation enhancers for these systems, offering a minimally invasive approach to enhance transdermal drug delivery. By actively facilitating drug permeation through the skin, microneedles can complement the passive transport achieved by NLCs, thereby providing an innovative and synergistic approach to improving lidocaine delivery.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The mineral content of thermal spring water (TSW) applied to the skin surface can directly influence the skin barrier. Indeed, our previous study showed that Avène TSW (ATSW), a low mineral content thermal spring water, protects the stratum corneum from dehydration compared to a mineral-rich TSW (MR-TSW) and maintains skin surface ultrastructure. While many TSWs have been recognized to have beneficial effects on skin, little is known about their localized and specific effects on skin barrier biomechanics at the nanometric scale. The aim of this study was to compare the effects of ATSW with a reference, MR-TSW, on the biomechanical barrier properties of the skin under homeostasis conditions using atomic force microscopy (AFM). AFM was used to obtain a precise nanomechanical mapping of the skin surface after three applications of both TSW. This provides specific information on the skin topographical profile and elasticity. The topographic profile of skin samples showed a specific compaction of the skin layers after application of MR-TSW, characterized by an increase of the total number of external skin layers, compared to non-treated samples. By contrast, ATSW did not modify the skin topographic profile. High-resolution force/volume acquisitions to capture the elastic modulus showed that it was directly correlated with skin rigidity. The elastic modulus strongly and significantly increased after MR-TSW application compared to non-treated skin. By contrast, applications of ATSW did not increase elastic modulus. These data demonstrate that applications of MR-TSW significantly modified skin barrier properties by increasing skin surface layer compaction and skin rigidity. By contrast, ATSW did not modify the topographical profile of skin explants nor induce mechanical stress at the level of the stratum corneum, indicating it does not disrupt the biophysical properties linked to skin surface integrity.





