human history

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Humans have battled viruses for millennia. However, directly linking the symptomatology of disease outbreaks to specific viral pathogens was not possible until the twentieth century. With the advent of the genomic era and the development of advanced protocols for isolation, sequencing, and analysis of ancient nucleic acids from diverse human remains, the identification and characterization of ancient viruses became feasible. Recent studies have provided invaluable information about past epidemics and made it possible to examine assumptions and inferences on the origin and evolution of certain viral families. In parallel, the study of ancient viruses also uncovered their importance in the evolution of the human lineage and their key roles in shaping major events in human history. In this review, we describe the strategies used for the study of ancient viruses, along with their limitations, and provide a detailed account of what past viral infections have revealed about human history.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Humans have profoundly impacted the distribution of plant and animal species over thousands of years. The most direct example of these effects is human-mediated movement of individuals, either through translocation of individuals within their range or through the introduction of species to new habitats. While human involvement may be suspected in species with obvious range disjunctions, it can be difficult to detect natural versus human-mediated dispersal events for populations at the edge of a species\' range, and this uncertainty muddles how we understand the evolutionary history of populations and broad biogeographical patterns. Studies combining genetic data with archaeological, linguistic and historical evidence have confirmed prehistoric examples of human-mediated dispersal; however, it is unclear whether these methods can disentangle recent dispersal events, such as species translocated by European colonizers during the past 500 years. We use genomic DNA from historical museum specimens and historical records to evaluate three hypotheses regarding the timing and origin of Northern Bobwhites (Colinus virginianus) in Cuba, whose status as an endemic or introduced population has long been debated. We discovered that bobwhites from southern Mexico arrived in Cuba between the 12th and 16th centuries, followed by the subsequent introduction of bobwhites from the southeastern USA to Cuba between the 18th and 20th centuries. These dates suggest the introduction of bobwhites to Cuba was human-mediated and concomitant with Spanish colonial shipping routes between Veracruz, Mexico and Havana, Cuba during this period. Our results identify endemic Cuban bobwhites as a genetically distinct population born of hybridization between divergent, introduced lineages.






  • 文章类型: Editorial






  • 文章类型: Historical Article
    The advent of high throughput sequencing approaches and ancient DNA techniques have enabled reconstructing the history of human populations at an unprecedented level of resolution. The symposium from the French Academy of Sciences \"50,000 ans d\'épopée humaine dans notre ADN\" has reviewed some of the latest contributions from the fields of genomics, archaeology, and linguistics to our understanding of >300,000 years of human history. DNA has revealed the richness of the human journey, from the deep divergences between human populations in Africa, to the first encounters of Homo Sapiens with other hominins on their way to Eurasia and the peopling of Remote Oceania. The symposium has also emphasized how migrations, cultural practices, and environmental pathogens have contributed to shape the genetic diversity of modern humans, through admixture, genetic drift or genetic adaptation. Finally, special attention was also given to how human behaviours have shaped the genome of other species, through the spreading of microbes and pathogens, as in the case of Yersinia Pestis, or through domestication, as elegantly demonstrated for dogs, horses, and apples. Altogether, this conference illustrated how the complex history of human populations is tightly linked with their contemporary genetic diversity that, in turn, has direct effects on their identity and health.
    L’avènement des approches de séquençage à haut débit et des techniques de séquençage de l’ADN ancien ont permis de reconstruire l’histoire des populations humaines à un niveau de résolution sans précédent. Le symposium de l’Académie des sciences « 50 000 ans d’épopée humaine dans notre ADN » a passé en revue certaines des dernières contributions de la génomique, de l’archéologie et de la linguistique à notre compréhension de plus de 300 000 ans d’histoire humaine. L’ADN a révélé la richesse du parcours humain, depuis les premières séparations entre populations humaines en Afrique jusqu’à la rencontre d’Homo sapiens avec d’autres hominidés sur leur chemin vers l’Eurasie et le peuplement de l’Océanie lointaine. Le symposium a également mis l’accent sur la façon dont les migrations, les pratiques culturelles et les agents pathogènes environnementaux ont contribué à façonner la diversité génétique des humains modernes, par le biais du brassage, de la dérive ou de l’adaptation génétique. Enfin, une attention particulière a également été accordée à la manière dont les comportements humains ont façonné le génome d’autres espèces, par la propagation de microbes et d’agents pathogènes, comme dans le cas de Yersinia pestis, ou par la domestication, comme cela a été démontré de manière élégante pour les chiens, les chevaux et les pommes. Dans l’ensemble, cette conférence a illustré comment la diversité génétique contemporaine des populations humaines est étroitement liée à leur histoire complexe et, à son tour, a des effets directs sur leur identité et leur santé.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Research on mercury (Hg), a naturally occurring element in Earth\'s lithosphere, has been extremely hot in the past few decades due to the outbreak of a series of disastrous poisoning incidents. However, such studies might provide us a biased view towards Hg if no thorough review about its long-term effects on living organisms from a multi-timescale perspective was performed. Hg might have played a mysterious role in critical intervals (e.g., mass extinction and oceanic anoxia events) in several geologic periods due to the elevated Hg levels induced by volcanism whereas it has long been used for various purposes in human history. Therefore, it is necessary to go through previous studies and historical records of different timescales (100 to 106 yr). In this work, we conducted a thorough review of Hg knowledge at three different timescales, i.e., geologic periods (106 yr), human history (103 yr), and contemporary history (100 yr), summarizing recent advances and indicated potential research gaps. By doing so, we demonstrated that it is possible to achieve safe and sustainable Hg applications despite the current Hg crisis. However, such silver linings depend on a better understanding of ecosystem dynamics. Besides, considering the possible dire consequences of erupted Hg levels as suggested in geological periods, swift actions to mitigate the impacts of anthropogenic activities on the Hg cycle will be another key point. Overall, this review presented a unique perspective of Hg combining different timescales, shedding light on the importance of a better understanding of the global ecosystem as a whole and maintaining the sustainability of planet Earth in the future.






  • 文章类型: Historical Article
    Previous studies show that the indigenous people of the southern Cape of South Africa were dramatically impacted by the arrival of European colonists starting ~400 years ago and their descendants are today mixed with Europeans and Asians. To gain insight on the occupants of the Vaalkrans Shelter located at the southernmost tip of Africa, we investigated the genetic make-up of an individual who lived there about 200 years ago. We further contextualize the genetic ancestry of this individual among prehistoric and current groups. From a hair sample excavated at the shelter, which was indirectly dated to about 200 years old, we sequenced the genome (1.01 times coverage) of a Later Stone Age individual. We analyzed the Vaalkrans genome together with genetic data from 10 ancient (pre-colonial) individuals from southern Africa spanning the last 2000 years. We show that the individual from Vaalkrans was a man who traced ~80% of his ancestry to local southern San hunter-gatherers and ~20% to a mixed East African-Eurasian source. This genetic make-up is similar to modern-day Khoekhoe individuals from the Northern Cape Province (South Africa) and Namibia, but in the southern Cape, the Vaalkrans man\'s descendants have likely been assimilated into mixed-ancestry \"Coloured\" groups. The Vaalkrans man\'s genome reveals that Khoekhoe pastoralist groups/individuals lived in the southern Cape as late as 200 years ago, without mixing with non-African colonists or Bantu-speaking farmers. Our findings are also consistent with the model of a Holocene pastoralist migration, originating in Eastern Africa, shaping the genomic landscape of historic and current southern African populations.






  • 文章类型: Historical Article
    Modern humans have inhabited the Lake Baikal region since the Upper Paleolithic, though the precise history of its peoples over this long time span is still largely unknown. Here, we report genome-wide data from 19 Upper Paleolithic to Early Bronze Age individuals from this Siberian region. An Upper Paleolithic genome shows a direct link with the First Americans by sharing the admixed ancestry that gave rise to all non-Arctic Native Americans. We also demonstrate the formation of Early Neolithic and Bronze Age Baikal populations as the result of prolonged admixture throughout the eighth to sixth millennium BP. Moreover, we detect genetic interactions with western Eurasian steppe populations and reconstruct Yersinia pestis genomes from two Early Bronze Age individuals without western Eurasian ancestry. Overall, our study demonstrates the most deeply divergent connection between Upper Paleolithic Siberians and the First Americans and reveals human and pathogen mobility across Eurasia during the Bronze Age.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The population of the United States is shaped by centuries of migration, isolation, growth, and admixture between ancestors of global origins. Here, we assemble a comprehensive view of recent population history by studying the ancestry and population structure of more than 32,000 individuals in the US using genetic, ancestral birth origin, and geographic data from the National Geographic Genographic Project. We identify migration routes and barriers that reflect historical demographic events. We also uncover the spatial patterns of relatedness in subpopulations through the combination of haplotype clustering, ancestral birth origin analysis, and local ancestry inference. Examples of these patterns include substantial substructure and heterogeneity in Hispanics/Latinos, isolation-by-distance in African Americans, elevated levels of relatedness and homozygosity in Asian immigrants, and fine-scale structure in European descents. Taken together, our results provide detailed insights into the genetic structure and demographic history of the diverse US population.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In the last three decades, genetic studies have played an increasingly important role in exploring human history. They have helped to conclusively establish that anatomically modern humans first appeared in Africa roughly 250,000-350,000 years before present and subsequently migrated to other parts of the world. The history of humans in Africa is complex and includes demographic events that influenced patterns of genetic variation across the continent. Through genetic studies, it has become evident that deep African population history is captured by relationships among African hunter-gatherers, as the world\'s deepest population divergences occur among these groups, and that the deepest population divergence dates to 300,000 years before present. However, the spread of pastoralism and agriculture in the last few thousand years has shaped the geographic distribution of present-day Africans and their genetic diversity. With today\'s sequencing technologies, we can obtain full genome sequences from diverse sets of extant and prehistoric Africans. The coming years will contribute exciting new insights toward deciphering human evolutionary history in Africa.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Finland provides unique opportunities to investigate population and medical genomics because of its adoption of unified national electronic health records, detailed historical and birth records, and serial population bottlenecks. We assembled a comprehensive view of recent population history (≤100 generations), the timespan during which most rare-disease-causing alleles arose, by comparing pairwise haplotype sharing from 43,254 Finns to that of 16,060 Swedes, Estonians, Russians, and Hungarians from geographically and linguistically adjacent countries with different population histories. We find much more extensive sharing in Finns, with at least one ≥ 5 cM tract on average between pairs of unrelated individuals. By coupling haplotype sharing with fine-scale birth records from more than 25,000 individuals, we find that although haplotype sharing broadly decays with geographical distance, there are pockets of excess haplotype sharing; individuals from northeast Finland typically share several-fold more of their genome in identity-by-descent segments than individuals from southwest regions. We estimate recent effective population-size changes through time across regions of Finland, and we find that there was more continuous gene flow as Finns migrated from southwest to northeast between the early- and late-settlement regions than was dichotomously described previously. Lastly, we show that haplotype sharing is locally enriched by an order of magnitude among pairs of individuals sharing rare alleles and especially among pairs sharing rare disease-causing variants. Our work provides a general framework for using haplotype sharing to reconstruct an integrative view of recent population history and gain insight into the evolutionary origins of rare variants contributing to disease.





