
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Males and females often differ in ecology, behaviour and lifestyle, and these differences are expected to lead to sex differences in parasite susceptibility. However, neither the sex differences in parasite prevalence, nor their ecological and evolutionary drivers have been investigated across a broad range of taxa using phylogenetically corrected analyses. Using the most extensive dataset yet that includes 755 prevalence estimates from 151 wild bird species in a meta-analytic framework, here we compare sex differences in blood and gastrointestinal parasites. We show that despite sex differences in parasite infection being frequently reported in the literature, only Haemoproteus infections were more prevalent in females than in males. Notably, only seasonality was strongly associated with the sex-specific parasite prevalence of both Leucocytozoon and Haemoproteus, where birds showed greater female bias in prevalence during breeding periods compared to the non-breeding period. No other ecological or sexual selection variables were associated with sex-specific prevalence of parasite prevalence. We suggest that much of the variation in sex-biased prevalence could be idiosyncratic, and driven by local ecology and behavioural differences of the parasite and the host. Therefore, breeding ecology and sexual selection may only have a modest influence on sex-different parasite prevalence across wild birds.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Understanding and predicting population responses to climate change is a crucial challenge. A key component of population responses to climate change are cases in which focal biological rates (e.g., population growth rates) change in response to climate change due to non-compensatory effects of changes in the underlying components (e.g., birth and death rates) determining the focal rates. We refer to these responses as non-compensatory climate change effects. As differential responses of biological rates to climate change have been documented in a variety of systems and arise at multiple levels of organization within and across species, non-compensatory effects may be nearly ubiquitous. Yet, how non-compensatory climate change responses combine and scale to influence the demographics of populations is often unclear and requires mapping them to the birth and death rates underlying population change. We provide a flexible framework for incorporating non-compensatory changes in upstream rates within and among species and mapping their consequences for additional downstream rates across scales to their eventual effects on population growth rates. Throughout, we provide specific examples and potential applications of the framework. We hope this framework helps to enhance our understanding of and unify research on population responses to climate change.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The spread of parasites and the emergence of disease are currently threatening global biodiversity and human welfare. To address this threat, we need to better understand those factors that determine parasite persistence and prevalence. It is known that dispersal is central to the spatial dynamics of host-parasite systems. Yet past studies have typically assumed that dispersal is a species-level constant, despite a growing body of empirical evidence that dispersal varies with ecological context, including the risk of infection and aspects of host state such as infection status (parasite-dependent dispersal; PDD). Here, we develop a metapopulation model to understand how different forms of PDD shape the prevalence of a directly transmitted parasite. We show that increasing host dispersal rate can increase, decrease or cause a non-monotonic change in regional parasite prevalence, depending on the type of PDD and characteristics of the host-parasite system (transmission rate, virulence, and dispersal mortality). This result contrasts with previous studies with parasite-independent dispersal which concluded that prevalence increases with host dispersal rate. We argue that accounting for host dispersal responses to parasites is necessary for a complete understanding of host-parasite dynamics and for predicting how parasite prevalence will respond to changes such as human alteration of landscape connectivity. This article is part of the theme issue \'Diversity-dependence of dispersal: interspecific interactions determine spatial dynamics\'.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Parasites are known to have direct effects on host dispersal ability and motivation. Yet, parasites have a variety of impacts on host populations, including shaping predation and cannibalism rates, and therefore may also have indirect effects on host dispersal; these indirect pathways have not been studied. We tested the hypothesis that parasites influence host dispersal through effects on cannibalism using backswimmers (Notonecta undulata) and Hydrachnidia freshwater mites. Mite parasitism impedes swimming in backswimmers, which we found increased their vulnerability to cannibalism. We imposed a manipulation that varied cannibalism rates across experimental populations consisting of a mix of backswimmers with and without simulated parasites. Using simulated parasites allowed us to examine the effects of cannibalism without introducing infection risk. We found that the odds of dispersal for infected backswimmers increased by 2.25× with every 10% increase in the risk of being cannibalized, and the odds of dispersal for healthy backswimmers increased by 2.34× for every additional infected backswimmer they consumed. Our results suggest that cannibalism was used as an energy source for dispersal for healthy individuals, while the risk of being eaten motivated dispersal in infected individuals. These results elucidate the complex ways that parasites impact host populations and strengthen our understanding of host-parasite interactions, including host and parasite population stability and spread. This article is part of the theme issue \'Diversity-dependence of dispersal: interspecific interactions determine spatial dynamics\'.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Migratory animals can bring parasites into resident animal (i.e., non-migratory) home ranges (transport effects) and exert trophic effects that either promote or reduce parasite exposure to resident hosts. Here, we examine the importance of these transport and trophic effects and their interactions for resident parasite dynamics. We propose that migrant transport and trophic effects are impacted by the number of migratory animals entering a resident\'s home range (migration intensity), the amount of time that migrants spend within a resident\'s home range (migration duration), and the timing of migrant-resident interactions. We then incorporate migration intensity, duration, and timing into a framework for exploring the net impact of migrant trophic and transport effects on resident animal parasite prevalence.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The often tight association between parasites and their hosts means that under certain scenarios, the evolutionary histories of the two species can become closely coupled both through time and across space. Using spatial genetic inference, we identify a potential signal of common dispersal patterns in the Anopheles gambiae and Plasmodium falciparum host-parasite system as seen through a between-species correlation of the differences between geographic sampling location and geographic location predicted from the genome. This correlation may be due to coupled dispersal dynamics between host and parasite but may also reflect statistical artifacts due to uneven spatial distribution of sampling locations. Using continuous-space population genetics simulations, we investigate the degree to which uneven distribution of sampling locations leads to bias in prediction of spatial location from genetic data and implement methods to counter this effect. We demonstrate that while algorithmic bias presents a problem in inference from spatio-genetic data, the correlation structure between A. gambiae and P. falciparum predictions cannot be attributed to spatial bias alone and is thus likely a genetic signal of co-dispersal in a host-parasite system.






  • 文章类型: Review
    Theoretical models of the evolution of parasites and their hosts have shaped our understanding of infectious disease dynamics for over 40 years. Many theoretical models assume that the underlying ecological dynamics are at equilibrium or constant, yet we know that in a great many systems there are fluctuations in the ecological dynamics owing to a variety of intrinsic or extrinsic factors. Here, we discuss the challenges presented when modelling evolution in systems with fluctuating ecological dynamics and summarize the main approaches that have been developed to study host-parasite evolution in such systems. We provide an in-depth guide to one of the methods by applying it to two worked examples of host evolution that have not previously been studied in the literature: when cycles occur owing to seasonal forcing in competition, and when the presence of a free-living parasite causes cycles, with accompanying interactive Python code provided. We review the findings of studies that have explored host-parasite evolution when ecological dynamics fluctuate, and point to areas of future research. Throughout we stress the importance of feedbacks between the ecological and evolutionary dynamics in driving the outcomes of infectious disease systems. This article is part of the theme issue \'Infectious disease ecology and evolution in a changing world\'.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    As generalist parasitoid wasps, Leptopilina heterotoma are highly successful on many species of fruit flies of the genus Drosophila. The parasitoids produce specialized multi-strategy extracellular vesicle (EV)-like structures in their venom. Proteomic analysis identified several immunity-associated proteins, including the knottin peptide, LhKNOT, containing the structurally conserved inhibitor cysteine knot (ICK) fold, which is present in proteins from diverse taxa. Our structural and docking analysis of LhKNOT\'s 36-residue core knottin fold revealed that in addition to the knottin motif itself, it also possesses a Cation-Polar-Cation (CPC) clip. The CPC clip motif is thought to facilitate antimicrobial activity in heparin-binding proteins. Surprisingly, a majority of ICKs tested also possess the CPC clip motif, including 75 bona fide plant and arthropod knottin proteins that share high sequence and/or structural similarity with LhKNOT. Like LhKNOT and these other 75 knottin proteins, even the Drosophila Drosomycin antifungal peptide, a canonical target gene of the fly\'s Toll-NF-kappa B immune pathway, contains this CPC clip motif. Together, our results suggest a possible defensive function for the parasitoid LhKNOT. The prevalence of the CPC clip motif, intrinsic to the cysteine knot within the knottin proteins examined here, suggests that the resultant 3D topology is important for their biochemical functions. The CPC clip is likely a highly conserved structural motif found in many diverse proteins with reported heparin binding capacity, including amyloid proteins. Knottins are targets for therapeutic drug development, and insights into their structure-function relationships will advance novel drug design.






  • 文章类型: Meta-Analysis
    Determining the effects of parasites on host reproduction is key to understanding how parasites affect the underpinnings of selection on hosts. Although infection is expected to be costly, reducing mean fitness, infection could also increase variation in fitness costs among hosts, both of which determine the potential for selection on hosts. To test these ideas, we used a phylogenetically informed meta-analysis of 118 studies to examine how changes in the mean and variance in the outcome of reproduction differed between parasitized and non-parasitized hosts. We found that parasites had severe negative effects on mean fitness, with parasitized hosts suffering reductions in fecundity, viability and mating success. Parasite infection also increased variance in reproduction, particularly fecundity and offspring viability. Surprisingly, parasites had similar effects on viability when either the male or female was parasitized. These results not only provide the first synthetic, comparative, and quantitative summary of the strong deleterious effects of parasites on host reproductive fitness, but also reveal a consistent role for parasites in shaping the opportunity for selection.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The persistence of parasite populations through harsh seasonal bouts is often critical to circannual disease outbreaks. Parasites have a diverse repertoire of phenotypes for persistence, ranging from transitioning to a different life stage better suited to within-host dormancy to utilizing weather-hardy structures external to hosts. While these adaptive traits allow parasite species to survive through harsh seasons, it is often at survival rates that threaten population persistence. We argue that these periods of parasite (and vector) population busts could be ideal targets for disease intervention. As climate change portends abbreviated host dormancy and extended transmission periods in many host-parasite systems, it is essential to identify novel pathways to shore up current disease-intervention strategies.





