health professions education

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Student engagement is a key contributor to educational programme quality. It is a complex construct often defined with the focus on student behaviors. However, a broader, more organizational approach takes into account the institutional context and how this can be structured to encourage and support students\' willingness and ability to become engaged. This paper includes suggestions for a student engagement system using key elements recognized in the literature and concrete examples from medical schools that achieved recognition in the ASPIRE-to-Excellence student engagement initiative. The examples from the ASPIRE participants demonstrate that the presence of certain key features creates a mutually beneficial collaborative approach between students and their institutions. This includes opportunities for students to formally engage in four domains touching on the breadth of student life, including institutional governance and policy-making, educational programme development and evaluation, participation in activities in the academic community, and participation in local community and international outreach. Based on an in-depth review of the information from three medical schools that recently received an ASPIRE-to-Excellence award in student engagement, it was possible to identify certain specific practices that individually and taken together allow an institution to demonstrate excellence in this complex construct. As an overarching concept, it was clear that student participation in each of these domain areas benefitted from a supportive institutional culture characterized by specific formal attributes and activities. Examples included codifying student involvement in governance through institutional policies; maximizing communication routes among students and between students and school administrators and faculty; and formalizing a participatory environment through missions statements or strategic plans. For programme planning, a helpful conceptualization is that a successful student engagement programme occurs when change is championed by all stakeholders within an institution and the organization supports a collaborative culture that includes students as active participants and partners.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Uncertainty is a feature of healthcare practice. In recognition of this, multiple health profession governing bodies identify uncertainty tolerance as a healthcare graduate attribute and evaluate uncertainty tolerance within new graduate cohorts. While it is clear that uncertainty tolerance development for healthcare learners is valued, gaps remain for practically addressing this within healthcare curricula. Guiding frameworks for practical approaches supporting uncertainty tolerance development in healthcare learners remains sparse, particularly outside of medicine and in certain geographical locations. As uncertainty tolerance is increasingly recognised as being, at least in part, state-based (e.g. contextually changeable)- a broader understanding of teaching practices supporting uncertainty tolerance development in diverse health professions is warranted. This study explored educators\' teaching practices for purposefully stimulating learners\' uncertainty tolerance. Semi-structured interviews investigated how academics at a single institution, from diverse fields and health professions, stimulate uncertainty across multiple learning contexts. Framework analysis identified three themes for stimulating uncertainty: Purposeful questioning, Forecasting uncertainty, and Placing learners in unfamiliar environments, with characterisation of these themes (and related subthemes) also described. Many of the identified themes align with aspects of existing learning theories suggesting that curricular frameworks supporting learner uncertainty tolerance development may be informed by theories beyond the boundaries of health professions education research.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Administrative staff in higher and health professions education have been described as invisible and been characterized by what they are not: non-academics, non-teachers, non-faculty and non-professionals. Staff appear as passive objects in literature and minimized in institutional reports. These characterizations contribute to the undervaluing of staff and can lead to inefficiencies or tensions in the working environment within health professions education. This study sought to identify discourses connected to the undervaluing of staff work.This study used a Foucauldian-inspired critical discourse analysis approach within the context of a single Canadian Faculty of Medicine. Data collection involved compiling an archive of published literature and institutional archival documents extending approximately 150 years, interviews with twelve staff members and nine faculty members, and the author\'s lived experience as staff.Three primary discourses of staff were identified: staff as caregiver, matriarch, and professional. These discourses regulate staff (and their relations with faculty) differently, creating differences in what staff and faculty can do, be, or say (or not do, be, or say). While in the first two discourses of caregiver and matriarch, staff power is largely absent or obscured, in the third discourse, differing constructs of the concept of \"professional\" used by faculty and staff demonstrate a rise in power of staff and the declining authority of faculty.Writing administrative staff back in and centring staff voices can help provide agency to staff and reduce or help navigate possible tensions in the workplace.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The 2023-2024 Academic Affairs Committee was charged to create a sense of urgency around the concept of Competency-Based Pharmacy Education and develop a \"readiness for change\" instrument that is based on the 5 essential elements that make up the definition of Competency-Based Pharmacy Education. This report describes the process undertaken by the committee to determine the societal needs of pharmacists and current state of pharmacy practice and pharmacy education. The practice gaps in pharmacy education and the key drivers needed to close these gaps are evaluated. To complete the charges, the committee conducted evidence-based literature reviews and completed a series of focus groups with stakeholders and thought leaders with experience in competency-based education.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Advancements in technology have enhanced education, training, and application in health care. However, limitations are present surrounding the accessibility and use of simulation technology (eg, simulators) for health profession education. Improving the accessibility of technology developed in university-based research centers by nonprofit organizations (NPOs; eg, hospitals) has the potential to benefit the health of populations worldwide. One example of such technology is 3D-printed simulators.
    OBJECTIVE: This scoping review aims to identify how the use of open-source databases for the distribution of simulator designs used for 3D printing can promote credible solutions for health care training while minimizing the risks of commercialization of designs for profit.
    METHODS: This scoping review will follow the Arksey and O\'Malley methodological framework and the Joanna Briggs Institute guidance for scoping reviews. Ovid MEDLINE, CINAHL, Web of Science, and PsycINFO will be searched with an applied time frame of 2012 to 2022. Additionally, gray literature will be searched along with reference list searching. Papers that explore the use of open-source databases in academic settings and the health care sector for the distribution of simulator designs will be included. A 2-step screening process will be administered to titles and abstracts, then full texts, to establish paper eligibility. Screening and data extraction of the papers will be completed by 2 reviewers (MS and SS) for quality assurance. The scoping review will report information on the facilitation of distributing 3D-printed simulator designs through open-source databases.
    RESULTS: The results of this review will identify gaps in forming partnerships with NPOs and university-based research centers to share simulator designs. The scoping review will be initiated in December 2024.
    CONCLUSIONS: The information collected will be relevant and useful for stakeholders such as health care providers, researchers, and NPOs for the purpose of overcoming the gaps in research regarding the use and distribution of simulation technology. The scoping review has not been conducted yet. Therefore, there are currently no findings to report on.
    UNASSIGNED: PRR1-10.2196/53167.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Modern medical moulages are becoming increasingly important in simulation-based health professions education. Their lifelikeness is important so that simulation engagement is not disrupted while their standardization is crucial in high-stakes exams. This report describes in detail how three-dimensional transfers are developed and produced so that educators will be able to develop their own. In addition, evaluation findings and lessons learnt from deploying transfers in summative assessments are shared. Step-by-step instructions are given for the creation and application of transfers, including materials and photographic visualizations. We also examined feedback on 10 exam stations (out of a total of 81) with self-developed three-dimensional transfers and complement this with additional lessons learnt. By the time of submission, the authors successfully developed and deployed over 40 different three-dimensional transfers representing different clinical findings in high-stakes exams using the techniques explained in this article or variations thereof. Feedback from students and examiners after completing the OSCE is predominantly positive, with lifelikeness being the quality most often commented upon. Caveats derived from feedback and own experiences are included. The step-by-step approach reported can be adapted and replicated by healthcare educators to build their own three-dimensional transfers. This should widen the scope and the lifelikeness of their simulations. At the same time we propose that this level of lifelikeness should be expected by learners as not to disrupt simulation engagement. Our evaluation of their use in high-stakes assessments suggests they are both useful and accepted.
    Moderne medizinische Moulagen gewinnen in der simulationsbasierten Ausbildung der Gesundheitsberufe zunehmend an Bedeutung. Ihre Authentizität unterstützt den reibungslosen Ablauf der Simulationen, während ihre Standardisierung bei bestehensrelevanten Prüfungen von entscheidender Bedeutung ist. Dieser Bericht bietet eine detaillierte Beschreibung zur Entwicklung und Produktion dreidimensionaler Transfer-Tattoos, um Lehrpersonal in die Lage zu versetzen, eigene Transfer-Tattoos zu entwickeln. Darüber hinaus werden Evaluationsergebnisse und Erkenntnisse aus dem Einsatz von Transfer-Tattoos (Moulagen) in Prüfungen dargestellt.Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitungen für die Erstellung und Anwendung von Transfer-Tattoos werden präsentiert, einschließlich Materialien und fotografischer Visualisierungen. Zusätzlich haben wir das Feedback von 10 Prüfungsstationen (von insgesamt 81) mit selbst entwickelten dreidimensionalen Transfer-Tattoos untersucht und ergänzen dies mit Erfahrungen aus der praktischen Anwendung.Zum Zeitpunkt der Einreichung haben die Autor*innen erfolgreich über 40 verschiedene dreidimensionale Transfer-Tattoos entwickelt und eingesetzt, die unterschiedliche klinische Befunde in bestehensrelevanten Prüfungen darstellen, wobei die in diesem Artikel erläuterten Techniken – oder Variationen davon – verwendet wurden. Das Feedback der Studierenden und Prüfer*innen nach Abschluss der OSCE war überwiegend positiv, wobei die Authentizität (Realitätsnähe) als häufigste kommentierte Qualität hervorgehoben wurde. Vorbehalte, die sich aus den Rückmeldungen und unseren eigenen Erfahrungen ergeben, werden hier ebenfalls aufgeführt.Der beschriebene Schritt-für-Schritt-Ansatz kann von Lehrpersonen im Gesundheitswesen angepasst und repliziert werden, um ihre eigenen dreidimensionalen Transfer-Tattoos zu erstellen. Dies sollte helfen, den Umfang und die Realitätsnähe ihrer Simulationen zu erhöhen. Gleichzeitig verweisen wir darauf, dass den Studierenden dieses hohe Maß an Authentizität auch vertraut sein sollte, um ihr Engagement in der Simulation nicht zu beeinträchtigen. Die Ergebnisse unserer Auswertungen deuten darauf hin, dass der Einsatz der Moulagen in bestehensrelevanten Prüfungssituationen sich als nützlich erwiesen hat und breit akzeptiert war.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Problem-Based Learning (PBL) relies on self-directed learning in small groups in the presence of a tutor. While the effectiveness of PBL is often attributed to the dynamics of group function, change in group function over time and factors influencing group function development are less understood. This study aims to explore the development of PBL group function over time to better understand the factors that give rise to high-functioning groups.
    METHODS: We examined time-function graphs of group function and conducted semi-structured focus group discussions in 2023 with medical students enrolled in a PBL curriculum. Students reflected on their experiences in four different PBL groups, creating time-function graphs to characterize development of group function over 8-12-week periods. We analyzed graphs and transcripts in a staged approach using qualitative description and direct content analysis, sensitized by two frameworks: Tuckman\'s Stages of Group Development and the Dimensions of PBL Group Function.
    RESULTS: Three archetypes of PBL group function development were identified: Slow Shifters, Fast Flippers, and Coasters. (1) Slow Shifters were characterized by a complex and extended pattern of growth consistent with Tuckman\'s model, typically occurring amongst inexperienced groups, or groups faced with a novel task. (2) Fast Flippers were characterized by abrupt state changes in group function arising from internal or external disruptions. (3) Coasters were characterized by plateaus, where maintenance of group function was a frequently cited challenge. Abrupt changes and plateaus occurred more among mature groups and groups with significant PBL experience.
    CONCLUSIONS: PBL group function varies over time in 3 different patterns. Classic Tuckman\'s stages are apparent among inexperienced groups, or groups facing novel tasks, whereas experienced groups often face abrupt change or plateaus. PBL educators and students should consider the need for novelty and disruption in more experienced groups to incite growth.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Social media may promote knowledge sharing but what users do with the new knowledge and how it may influence practice remains to be known. This exploratory study used a social constructivist lens to understand how health professions educators and researchers integrate knowledge from social media into their respective practices. We purposively sampled health professions educators and researchers using the hashtags #MedEd, #HPE, and #HealthProfessionsEducation on Twitter/X. We obtained informed consent, conducted interviews via videoconference, and engaged in multiple cycles of deductive and inductive coding and analysis. Participants identified as educators and researchers (n = 12), as researchers (n = 1), or as educators (n = 1) from Canada (n = 8), the United States (n = 3), and Switzerland, Ireland, and China (n = 1, respectively). Eight participants actively used social media (i.e., creating/posting original content); six participants indicated passive use (i.e., reading/retweeting content). They discussed the importance of crafting a consumable message and social media identity to streamline the content shared. Social media\'s accessible, non-hierarchical nature may facilitate knowledge-sharing, whereas the potential spread of misinformation and technological requirements (e.g., internet access, country-specific restrictions on platforms) present barriers to uptake. Participants described using knowledge gained from social media as teaching tools, new research methodologies, new theoretical frameworks, and low-risk clinical interventions. Previous research has demonstrated how social media has empirically been used for diffusion or dissemination rather than as an active process of evidence uptake. Using knowledge translation frameworks, like the Knowledge to Action or Theoretical Domains frameworks, to inform social media-based knowledge sharing activities in health professions education is recommended.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Health professional learners are increasingly called to learn about health inequity to reduce inequities and improve patient care and health outcomes. Anti-oppression pedagogy (AOP) addresses the need for health professional learners to understand multiple health inequities and the structures and systems that produce inequities. However, the inclusion of AOP in health professions education varies and there is a lack of clarity in its conceptualization and integration. A scoping review was conducted to address this gap and to understand how AOP is conceptualized and integrated in health professions education. Thirty-six articles met the inclusion criteria. The articles demonstrated that AOP is not commonly utilized terminology within health professions education. When AOP is integrated, it is not consistently conceptualized but is generally viewed as a broad concept that focuses on antiracism; decoloniality; intersectionality; and supporting learners to understand, critically reflect on, and act against structural and systemic forms of oppressions. In addition, there is variation in the integration of AOP in health professions education with the most common methods consisting of discussions, cases, reflection, learning through lived experiences, and the incorporation of humanities within a longitudinal curriculum. The results of this scoping review highlight the need for health professions education to develop one clear concept that educators use when teaching about anti-oppression, which may reduce working in silos and allow educators to better collaborate with each other in advancing this work. In addition, this review suggests that health professional programs should consider incorporating AOP in curricula with a broad and longitudinal approach utilizing the common methods of delivery. To better support programs in including AOP in curricula, further research is required to emphasize the benefits, provide clarity on its conceptualization, and determine the most effective methods of integration.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The increasing ageing of the population with growth in NCD burden in India has put unprecedented pressure on India\'s health care systems. Shortage of skilled human resources in health, particularly of specialists equipped to treat NCDs, is one of the major challenges faced in India. Keeping in view the shortage of healthcare professionals and the guidelines in NEP 2020, there is an urgent need for more health professionals who have received training in the diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of NCDs. This paper conducts a scoping review and aims to collate the existing evidence on the use of digital education of health professionals within NCD topics.
    METHODS: We searched four databases (Web of Science, PubMed, EBSCO Education Research Complete, and PsycINFO) using a three-element search string with terms related to digital education, health professions, and terms related to NCD. The inclusion criteria covered the studies to be empirical and NCD-related with the target population as health professionals rather than patients. Data was extracted from 28 included studies that reported on empirical research into digital education related to non-communicable diseases in health professionals in India. Data were analysed thematically.
    RESULTS: The target groups were mostly in-service health professionals, but a considerable number of studies also included pre-service students of medicine (n = 6) and nursing (n = 6). The majority of the studies included imparted online learning as self-study, while some imparted blended learning and online learning with the instructor. While a majority of the studies included were experimental or observational, randomized control trials and evaluations were also part of our study.
    CONCLUSIONS: Digital HPE related to NCDs has proven to be beneficial for learners, and simultaneously, offers an effective way to bypass geographical barriers. Despite these positive attributes, digital HPE faces many challenges for its successful implementation in the Indian context. Owing to the multi-lingual and diverse health professional ecosystem in India, there is a need for strong evidence and guidelines based on prior research in the Indian context.





