
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Taxus spp. are ancient tree species that have survived from the Quaternary glacier period, and their metabolites, such as taxol, have been used as anticancer drugs globally. Plant-endophytic microbial interaction plays a crucial role in exerting a profound impact on host growth and secondary metabolite synthesis. In this study, high-throughput sequencing was employed to explore endophytic microbial diversity in the roots, stems, and leaves of the Taxus yunnanensis (T. yunnanensis). The analysis revealed some dominant genera of endophytic bacteria, such as Pseudomonas, Neorhizobium, Acidovorax, and Flavobacterium, with Cladosporium, Phyllosticta, Fusarium, and Codinaeopsis as prominent endophytic fungi genera. We isolated 108 endophytic bacteria and 27 endophytic fungi from roots, stems, and leaves. In vitro assays were utilized to screen for endophytic bacteria with growth-promoting capabilities, including IAA production, cellulase, siderophore production, protease and ACC deaminase activity, inorganic phosphate solubilization, and nitrogen fixation. Three promising strains, Kocuria sp. TRI2-1, Micromonospora sp. TSI4-1, and Sphingomonas sp. MG-2, were selected based on their superior growth-promotion characteristics. These strains exhibited preferable plant growth promotion when applied to Arabidopsis thaliana growth. Fermentation broths of these three strains were also found to significantly promote the accumulation of taxanes in T. yunnanensis stem cells, among which strain TSI4-1 demonstrated outstanding increase potentials, with an effective induction of taxol, baccatin III, and 10-DAB contents. After six days of treatment, the contents of these metabolites were 3.28 times, 2.23 times, and 2.17 times the initial amounts, reaching 8720, 331, and 371 ng/g of dry weight of stem cells, respectively. These findings present new insight into the industrialization of taxol production through Taxus stem cell fermentation, thereby promoting the conservation of wild Taxus resources by maximizing their potential economic benefits.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Plant growth-promoting bacteria can improve host plant traits including nutrient uptake and metabolism and tolerance to biotic and abiotic stresses. Understanding the molecular basis of plant-bacteria interactions using dual RNA-seq analyses provides key knowledge of both host and bacteria simultaneously, leading to future enhancements of beneficial interactions. In this study, dual RNA-seq analyses were performed to provide insights into the early-stage interactions between barley seedlings and three novel bacterial strains (two Paenibacillus sp. strains and one Erwinia gerundensis strain) isolated from the perennial ryegrass seed microbiome. Differentially expressed bacterial and barley genes/transcripts involved in plant-bacteria interactions were identified, with varying species- and strain-specific responses. Overall, transcriptome profiles suggested that all three strains improved stress response, signal transduction, and nutrient uptake and metabolism of barley seedlings. Results also suggested potential improvements in seedling root growth via repressing ethylene biosynthesis in roots. Bacterial secondary metabolite gene clusters producing compounds that are potentially associated with interactions with the barley endophytic microbiome and associated with stress tolerance of plants under nutrient limiting conditions were also identified. The results of this study provided the molecular basis of plant growth-promoting activities of three novel bacterial strains in barley, laid a solid foundation for the future development of these three bacterial strains as biofertilisers, and identified key differences between bacterial strains of the same species in their responses to plants.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Phytase plays an important role in crop seed germination and plant growth. In order to fully understand the plant growth-promoting mechanism by Rahnella aquatilis JZ-GX1, the effect of this strain on germination of maize seeds was determined in vitro, and the colonization of maize root by R. aquatilis JZ-GX1 was observed by scanning electron microscope. Different inoculum concentrations and Phytate-related soil properties were applied to investigate the effect of R. aquatilis JZ-GX1 on the growth of maize seedlings. The results showed that R. aquatilis JZ-GX1 could effectively secrete indole acetic acid and had significantly promoted seed germination and root length of maize. A large number of R. aquatilis JZ-GX1 cells colonized on the root surface, root hair and the root interior of maize. When the inoculation concentration was 107 cfu/mL and the insoluble organophosphorus compound phytate existed in the soil, the net photosynthetic rate, chlorophyll content, phytase activity secreted by roots, total phosphorus concentration and biomass accumulation of maize seedlings were the highest. In contrast, no significant effect of inoculation was found when the total P content was low or when inorganic P was sufficient in the soil. R. aquatilis JZ-GX1 promotes the growth of maize directly by secreting IAA and indirectly by secreting phytase. This work provides beneficial information for the development and application of R. aquatilis JZ-GX1 as a microbial fertilizer in the future.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Halophytic endophytes potentially contribute to the host\'s adaptation to adverse environments, improving its tolerance against various biotic and abiotic stresses. Here, we identified the culturable endophytic bacteria of three crop wild relative (CWR) halophytes: Cakile maritima, Matthiola tricuspidata, and Crithmum maritimum. In the present study, the potential of these isolates to improve crop adaptations to various stresses was investigated, using both in vitro and in-planta approaches. Endophytic isolates were identified by their 16S rRNA gene sequence and evaluated for their ability to: grow in vitro in high levels of NaCl; inhibit the growth of the economically important phytopathogens Verticillium dahliae, Ralstonia solanacearum, and Clavibacter michiganensis and the human pathogen Aspergillus fumigatus; provide salt tolerance in-planta; and provide growth promoting effect in-planta. Genomes of selected isolates were sequenced. In total, 115 endophytic isolates were identified. At least 16 isolates demonstrated growth under increased salinity, plant growth promotion and phytopathogen antagonistic activity. Three showed in-planta suppression of Verticillium growth. Furthermore, representatives of three novel species were identified: two Pseudomonas species and one Arthrobacter. This study provides proof-of-concept that the endophytes from CWR halophytes can be used as \"bio-inoculants,\" for the enhancement of growth and stress tolerance in crops, including the high-salinity stress.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The development of salinity affects 7% of the world\'s land surface, acting as a major constraint to crop productivity. This study attempted to use the co-evolving endophytes of peanut to alleviate salinity stress and enhance the yield of peanut. Diverse and different tissue colonizing endophytes were isolated from peanut and screened in vitro by seed germination bioassay imposing gradients of salinity, with two cultivars TG37A (susceptible) and GG2 (moderately resistant), in potted conditions using saline irrigation water. Finally, nine endophytes capable of producing IAA and ACC-deaminase, promoting root growth and yield in potted conditions were selected for further evaluation in field conditions. They were evaluated with saline water (1.5-2.0 dS/m) in saline soil with susceptible cultivar TG37A. Simultaneously, three endophytes (Bacillus firmus J22N; Bacillus tequilensis SEN15N; and Bacillus sp. REN51N) were evaluated with two cultivars, GG2 and TG37A, during rainy and post-rainy seasons with elevated salinity. The application of endophytes like Bacillus firmus J22N and Bacillus sp. REN51N enhanced the pod and haulm yield of peanuts by 14-19% across cultivars, salinity, and seasons. In addition, there was significant modulation in parameters like relative water content; production of enzymes like superoxide dismutase (SOD), glutathione reductase (GR), catalase (CAT), ascorbate peroxidase (APX), lipid peroxidase (POD), and H2O2 content in leaf; and uptake of potassium. The activities of the enzymes involved in scavenging reactive oxygen species (ROS) increased with salinity, and further increased with endophytes like Bacillus firmus J22N, Bacillus tequilensis SEN15N, and Bacillus sp. REN51N. There was an enhanced accumulation of proline, reduced level of phenol and H2O2, and enhanced uptake of potassium with the inoculation of endophytes. This improved scavenging capacity of plants by endophytic modulation of ROS scavengers, uptake of K, production of ACC deaminase and IAA, root and biomass growth, modulation in relative water content, and enhanced accumulation of osmoprotectant might be the reasons of alleviation of salinity stress. Endophytes could have alleviated salinity stress in peanuts, indicating the mechanisms and potential of peanuts at the field level. These endophytes could be applied to bring agricultural sustainability to salinity-affected areas in the future. Furthermore, few genera viz. Kocuria, Brevundimonas, Agrococcus, Dietzia, and Kytococcus were observed in peanut tissue for the first time.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Environmental pollutants can generate stress in plants causing increased ethylene production that leads to the inhibition of plant growth. Ethylene production by the stressed plant may be lowered by Plant Growth-Promoting Bacteria (PGPB) that metabolizes the immediate precursor of ethylene 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate (ACC). Thus, engineering PGPB with ACC deaminase activity can be a promising alternative to mitigate the harmful effects of pollutants and thus enhance plant production. Here we show that the aromatics-degrading and metal-resistant Azoarcus sp. CIB behaves as a PGP-bacterium when colonizing rice as an endophyte, showing a 30% increment in plant weight compared to non-inoculated plants. The cloning and expression of an acdS gene led to a recombinant strain, Azoarcus sp. CIB (pSEVA237acdS), possessing significant ACC deaminase activity (6716 nmol mg-1 h-1), constituting the first PGPB of the Rhodocyclaceae family equipped with this PGP trait. The recombinant CIB strain acquired the ability to protect inoculated rice plants from the stress induced by cadmium (Cd) exposure and to increase the Cd concentration in rice seedlings. The observed decrease of the levels of reactive oxygen species levels in rice roots confirms such a protective effect. The broad-host-range pSEVA237acdS plasmid paves the way to engineer PGPB with ACC deaminase activity to improve the growth of plants that might face stress conditions.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Microalgae, a diverse group of single-celled organisms exhibiting versatile traits, find broad applications in industry. However, high production costs require further efforts to optimize their production and to enhance biomass yields. In the present study, co-occurrence of algae and methylobacteria was observed when naturally occurring microalgae biofilms were subjected to 16S rRNA gene fragment amplicon sequencing. This bacterial group is so far less explored than other microalgae-associated bacteria in terms of mutualistic relationships that might be exploitable for biotechnological applications. In order to assess the potential of four plant growth-promoting strains from the genus Methylobacterium for increased algae biomass production, co-cultivation experiments were conducted with three industrially relevant microalgae (Chlorella vulgaris, Scenedesmus vacuolatus, and Haematococcus lacustris). For S. vacuolatus and H. lacustris, a significant increase in algal biomass formation of 1.3-fold to up to 14-fold was observed after 7 days of co-incubation. Visualization of mixed cultures using confocal laser scanning microscopy revealed a high abundance of methylobacteria in the phycosphere of H. lacustris and S. vacuolatus, visually attached to the algae\'s surface forming a biofilm-like assemblage. Genome analyses revealed that features attributable to enhanced algal growth include genes involved in the synthesis of vitamins, siderophores and plant hormones. Our results provide evidence for the constructability of novel symbiotic algae-bacteria relationships with inter-kingdom supportive capacities, underlining the potential of microbial consortia as promising tool for sustainable biotechnology and agriculture.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Microorganisms colonizing the plant rhizosphere provide a number of beneficial functions for their host. Although an increasing number of investigations clarified the great functional capabilities of rhizosphere microbial communities, the understanding of the precise mechanisms underlying the impact of rhizosphere microbiome assemblies is still limited. Also, not much is known about the various beneficial functions of the rhizosphere microbiome. In this review, we summarize the current knowledge of biotic and abiotic factors that shape the rhizosphere microbiome as well as the rhizosphere microbiome traits that are beneficial to plants growth and disease-resistance. We give particular emphasis on the impact of plant root metabolites on rhizosphere microbiome assemblies and on how the microbiome contributes to plant growth, yield, and disease-resistance. Finally, we introduce a new perspective and a novel method showing how a synthetic microbial community construction provides an effective approach to unravel the plant-microbes and microbes-microbes interplays.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Numerous Trichoderma strains have been reported to be optimal biofertilizers and biocontrol agents with low production costs and environmentally friendly properties. Trichoderma spp. promote the growth and immunity of plants by multiple means. Interfering with the hormonal homeostasis in plants is the most critical strategy. However, the mechanisms underlying plants\' responses to Trichoderma remain to be further elucidated. Auxin is the most important phytohormone that regulates almost every aspect of a plant\'s life, especially the trade-off between growth and defense. The AUXIN RESPONSE FACTOR (ARF) family proteins are key players in auxin signaling. We studied the responses and functions of the PdPapARF1 gene in a hybrid poplar during its interaction with beneficial T. asperellum strains using transformed poplar plants with PdPapARF1 overexpression (on transcription level in this study). We report that PdPapARF1 is a positive regulator for promoting poplar growth and defense responses, as does T. asperellum inoculation. PdPapARF1 also turned out to be a positive stimulator of adventitious root formation. Particularly, the overexpression of PdPapARF1 induced a 32.3% increase in the height of 40-day-old poplar plants and a 258% increase in the amount of adventitious root of 3-week-old subcultured plant clones. Overexpressed PdPapARF1 exerted its beneficial functions through modulating the hormone levels of indole acetic acid (IAA), jasmonic acid (JA), and salicylic acid (SA) in plants and activating their signaling pathways, creating similar results as inoculated with T. asperellum. Particularly, in the overexpressing poplar plants, the IAA level increased by approximately twice of the wild-type plants; and the signaling pathways of IAA, JA, and SA were drastically activated than the wild-type plants under pathogen attacks. Our report presents the potential of ARFs as the crucial and positive responders in plants to Trichoderma inducing.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    CONCLUSIONS: The growth-promotion of rice seedling following inoculation with Sinorhizobium meliloti 1021 was a cumulative outcome of elevated expression of genes that function in accelerating cell division and enhancing cell expansion. Various endophytic rhizobacteria promote the growth of cereal crops. To achieve a better understanding of the cellular and molecular bases of beneficial cereal-rhizobia interactions, we performed computer-assisted microscopy and transcriptomic analyses of rice seedling shoots (Oryza sativa) during early stages of endophytic colonization by the plant growth-promoting Sinorhizobium meliloti 1021. Phenotypic analyses revealed that plants inoculated with live rhizobia had increased shoot height and dry weight compared to control plants inoculated with heat-killed cells of the same microbe. At 6 days after inoculation (DAI) with live cells, the fourth-leaf sheaths showed significant cytological differences including their enlargement of parenchyma cells and reduction in shape complexity. Transcriptomic analysis of shoots identified 2,414 differentially-expressed genes (DEGs) at 1, 2, 5 and 8 DAI: 195, 1390, 1025 and 533, respectively. Among these, 46 DEGs encoding cell-cycle functions were up-regulated at least 3 days before the rhizobia ascended from the roots to the shoots, suggesting that rhizobia are engaged in long-distance signaling events during early stages of this plant-microbe interaction. DEGs involved in phytohormone production, photosynthetic efficiency, carbohydrate metabolism, cell division and wall expansion were significantly elevated at 5 and 8 DAI, consistent with the observed phenotypic changes in rice cell morphology and shoot growth-promotion. Correlation analysis identified 104 height-related DEGs and 120 dry-weight-related DEGs that represent known quantitative-trait loci for seedling vigor and increased plant height. These findings provide multiple evidences of plant-microbe interplay that give insight into the growth-promotion processes associated with this rhizobia-rice beneficial association.





