
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Protein glycosylation, one of the most important biologically relevant post-translational modifications for biomarker discovery, faces analytical challenges due to heterogeneous glycosite, diverse glycans, and mass spectrometry limitations. Glycopeptide enrichment by removing abundant hydrophobic peptides helps overcome some of these obstacles. Hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography (HILIC), known for its selectivity, glycan separations, intact glycopeptide enrichment, and compatibility with mass spectrometry, has seen recent advancements in stationary phases like Amide-80, glycoHILIC, amino acids or peptides for improved HILIC-based glycopeptide analysis. Utilization of these materials can improve glycopeptide enrichment through solid-phase extraction and separation via high-performance liquid chromatography. Additionally, using glycopeptides themselves to modify HILIC stationary phases holds promise for improving selectivity and sensitivity in glycosylation analysis. Additionally, HILIC has capability to assess the information about glycosites and structural information of glycans. This review summarizes recent breakthroughs in HILIC stationary materials, highlighting their impact on glycopeptide analysis. Ongoing research on advanced materials continues to refine HILIC\'s performance, solidifying its value as a tool for exploring protein glycosylation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    High-throughput intact glycopeptide analysis is crucial for elucidating the physiological and pathological status of the glycans attached to each glycoprotein. Mass spectrometry-based glycoproteomic methods are challenging because of the diversity and heterogeneity of glycan structures. Therefore, we developed an MS1-based site-specific glycoform analysis method named \"Glycan heterogeneity-based Relational IDentification of Glycopeptide signals on Elution profile (Glyco-RIDGE)\" for a more comprehensive analysis. This method detects glycopeptide signals as a cluster based on the mass and chromatographic properties of glycopeptides and then searches for each combination of core peptides and glycan compositions by matching their mass and retention time differences. Here, we developed a novel browser-based software named GRable for semi-automated Glyco-RIDGE analysis with significant improvements in glycopeptide detection algorithms, including \"parallel clustering.\" This unique function improved the comprehensiveness of glycopeptide detection and allowed the analysis to focus on specific glycan structures, such as pauci-mannose. The other notable improvement is evaluating the \"confidence level\" of the GRable results, especially using MS2 information. This function facilitated reduced misassignment of the core peptide and glycan composition and improved the interpretation of the results. Additional improved points of the algorithms are \"correction function\" for accurate monoisotopic peak picking; one-to-one correspondence of clusters and core peptides even for multiply sialylated glycopeptides; and \"inter-cluster analysis\" function for understanding the reason for detected but unmatched clusters. The significance of these improvements was demonstrated using purified and crude glycoprotein samples, showing that GRable allowed site-specific glycoform analysis of intact sialylated glycoproteins on a large-scale and in-depth. Therefore, this software will help us analyze the status and changes in glycans to obtain biological and clinical insights into protein glycosylation by complementing the comprehensiveness of MS2-based glycoproteomics. GRable can be freely run online using a web browser via the GlyCosmos Portal (






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Protein glycosylation is the co- and/or post-translational modification of proteins with oligosaccharides (glycans). This process is not template based and can introduce a heterogeneous set of glycan modifications onto substrate proteins. Glycan structures preserve biomolecular information from the cell, with glycoproteins from different cell types and tissues displaying distinct patterns of glycosylation. Several decades of research have revealed that glycan structures also differ between normal physiology and disease. This suggests that the information stored in glycoproteins and glycans can be utilized for disease diagnosis and monitoring. Methods that enable sensitive and site-specific measurement of protein glycosylation in clinical settings, such as nano-flow liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry, are therefore essential. The purpose of this perspective is to discuss recent advances in mass spectrometry and the potential of these advances to facilitate the detection and monitoring of disease-specific glycoprotein glycoforms. Glycoproteomics, the system-wide characterization of glycoprotein identity inclusive of site-specific characterization of carbohydrate modifications on proteins, and glycomics, the characterization of glycan structures, will be discussed in this context. Quantitative measurement of glycopeptide markers via parallel reaction monitoring is highlighted. The development of promising glycopeptide markers for autoimmune disease, liver disease, and liver cancer is discussed. Synthetic glycopeptide standards, ambient ionization mass spectrometry, and consideration of glyco-biomarkers in two- and three-dimensional space within tissue will be critical to the advancement of this field. The authors envision a future in which glycoprotein mass spectrometry workflows will be integrated into clinical settings, to aid in the rapid diagnosis and monitoring of disease.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    N-linked glycosylation is a common posttranslational modification of proteins that results in macroheterogeneity of the modification site. However, unlike simpler modifications, N-glycosylation introduces an additional layer of complexity with tens of thousands of possible structures arising from various dimensions, including different monosaccharide compositions, sequence structures, linking structures, isomerism, and three-dimensional conformations. This results in additional microheterogeneity of the modification site of N-glycosylation, i.e., the same N-glycosylation site can be modified with different glycans with a certain stoichiometric ratio. N-glycosylation regulates the structure and function of N-glycoproteins in a site- and structure-specific manner, and differential expression of N-glycosylation under disease conditions needs to be characterized through site- and structure-specific quantitative analysis. Numerous advanced methods ranging from sample preparation to mass spectrum analysis have been developed to distinguish N-glycan structures. Chemical derivatization of monosaccharides, online liquid chromatography separation and ion mobility spectrometry enable the physical differentiation of samples. Tandem mass spectrometry further analyzes the macro/microheterogeneity of intact N-glycopeptides through the analysis of fragment ions. Moreover, the development of search engines and AI-based software has enhanced our understanding of the dissociation patterns of intact N-glycopeptides and the clinical significance of differentially expressed intact N-glycopeptides. With the help of these modern methods, structure-specific N-glycoproteomics has become an important tool with extensive applications in the biomedical field.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    α -Lactalbumin, an abundant protein present in the milk of most mammals, is associated with biological, nutritional and technological functionality. Its sequence presents N-glycosylation motifs, the occupancy of which is species-specific, ranging from no to full occupancy. Here, we investigated the N-glycosylation of bovine α-lactalbumin in colostrum and milk sampled from four individual cows, each at 9 time points starting from the day of calving up to 28.0 d post-partum. Using a glycopeptide-centric mass spectrometry-based glycoproteomics approach, we identified N-glycosylation at both Asn residues found in the canonical Asn-Xxx-Ser/Thr motif, i.e. Asn45 and Asn74 of the secreted protein. We found similar glycan profiles in all four cows, with partial site occupancies, averaging at 35% and 4% for Asn45 and Asn74, respectively. No substantial changes in occupancy occurred over lactation at either site. Fucosylation, sialylation, primarily with N-acetylneuraminic acid (Neu5Ac), and a high ratio of N,N\'-diacetyllactosamine (LacdiNAc)/N-acetyllactosamine (LacNAc) motifs were characteristic features of the identified N-glycans. While no substantial changes occurred in site occupancy at either site during lactation, the glycoproteoform (i.e. glycosylated form of the protein) profile revealed dynamic changes; the maturation of the α-lactalbumin glycoproteoform repertoire from colostrum to mature milk was marked by substantial increases in neutral glycans and the number of LacNAc motifs per glycan, at the expense of LacdiNAc motifs. While the implications of α-lactalbumin N-glycosylation on functionality are still unclear, we speculate that N-glycosylation at Asn74 results in a structurally and functionally different protein, due to competition with the formation of its two intra-molecular disulphide bridges.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Human Glycome Atlas (HGA) Project was launched in April 2023, spearheaded by three Japanese institutes: the Tokai National Higher Education and Research System, the National Institutes of Natural Sciences, and Soka University. This was the first time that a field in the life sciences was adopted by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) for a Large-scale Academic Frontiers Promotion Project. This project aims to construct a knowledgebase of human glycans and glycoproteins as a standard for the human glycome. A high-throughput pipeline for comprehensively analyzing 20,000 blood samples in its first five years is planned, at which time an access-controlled version of a human glycomics knowledgebase, called TOHSA, will be released. By the end of the final tenth year, TOHSA will provide a central resource linking human glycan data with other omics data including disease-related information.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    An overview of the role of glycosylation in prostate cancer (PCa) development and progression is presented, focusing on recent advancements in defining the N-glycome through glycomic profiling and glycoproteomic methodologies. Glycosylation is a common post-translational modification typified by oligosaccharides attached N-linked to asparagine or O-linked to serine or threonine on carrier proteins. These attached sugars have crucial roles in protein folding and cellular recognition processes, such that altered glycosylation is a hallmark of cancer pathogenesis and progression. In the past decade, advancements in N-glycan profiling workflows using Matrix Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization Mass Spectrometry Imaging (MALDI-MSI) technology have been applied to define the spatial distribution of glycans in PCa tissues. Multiple studies applying N-glycan MALDI-MSI to pathology-defined PCa tissues have identified significant alterations in N-glycan profiles associated with PCa progression. N-glycan compositions progressively increase in number, and structural complexity due to increased fucosylation and sialylation. Additionally, significant progress has been made in defining the glycan and glycopeptide compositions of prostatic-derived glycoproteins like prostate-specific antigen in tissues and biofluids. The glycosyltransferases involved in these changes are potential drug targets for PCa, and new approaches in this area are summarized. These advancements will be discussed in the context of the further development of clinical diagnostics and therapeutics targeting glycans and glycoproteins associated with PCa progression. Integration of large scale spatial glycomic data for PCa with other spatial-omic methodologies is now feasible at the tissue and single-cell levels.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Protein glycosylation is a complex post-translational modification that is generally classified as N- or O-linked. Site-specific analysis of glycopeptides is accomplished with a variety of fragmentation methods, depending on the type of glycosylation being investigated and the instrumentation available. For instance, collisional dissociation methods are frequently used for N-glycoproteomic analysis with the assumption that one N-sequon exists per tryptic peptide. Alternatively, electron-based methods are indispensable for O-glycosite localization. However, the presence of simultaneously N- and O-glycosylated peptides could suggest the necessity of electron-based fragmentation methods for N-glycoproteomics, which is not commonly performed. Thus, we quantified the prevalence of N- and O-glycopeptides in mucins and other glycoproteins. A much higher frequency of co-occupancy within mucins was detected whereas only a negligible occurrence occurred within non-mucin glycoproteins. This was demonstrated from analyses of recombinant and/or purified proteins, as well as more complex samples. Where co-occupancy occurred, O-glycosites were frequently localized to the Ser/Thr within the N-sequon. Additionally, we found that O-glycans in close proximity to the occupied Asn were predominantly unelaborated core 1 structures, while those further away were more extended. Overall, we demonstrate electron-based methods are required for robust site-specific analysis of mucins, wherein co-occupancy is more prevalent. Conversely, collisional methods are generally sufficient for analyses of other types of glycoproteins.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Protein cysteine S-glycosylation is a relatively rare and less well characterized post-translational modification (PTM). Creating reliable model proteins that carry this modification is challenging. The lack of available models or natural S-glycosylated proteins significantly hampers the development of mass-spectrometry-based (MS-based) methodologies for detecting protein cysteine S-glycosylation in real-world proteomic studies. There is also limited MS-sequencing data describing it as easier to create synthetic S-glycopeptides. Here, we present the results of an in-depth manual analysis of automatically annotated CID/HCD spectra for model S-glucopeptides. The CID spectra show a long series of y/b-fragment ions with retained S-glucosylation, regardless of the dominant m/z signals corresponding to neutral loss of 1,2-anhydroglucose from the precursor ions. In addition, the spectra show signals manifesting glucosyl transfer from the cysteine position onto lysine, arginine (Lys, Arg) side chains, and a peptide N-terminus. Other spectral evidence indicates that the N-glucosylated initial products of transfer are converted into N-fructosylated (i.e., glycated) structures due to Amadori rearrangement. We discuss the peculiar transfer of the glucose oxocarbenium ion (Glc+) to positively charged guanidinium residue (ArgH+) and propose a mechanism for the gas-phase Amadori rearrangement involving a 1,2-hydride ion shift.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Recently, HexNAcQuest was developed to help distinguish peptides modified by HexNAc isomers, more specifically O-linked β-N-acetylglucosamine (O-GlcNAc) and O-linked α-N-acetylgalactosamine (O-GalNAc, Tn antigen). To facilitate its usage (particularly for datasets from glycoproteomics studies), herein we present a detailed protocol. It describes example cases and procedures for which users might need to use HexNAcQuest to distinguish these two modifications.





