genetic eye diseases

  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Marfan syndrome (MFS) is a well-described genetic connective tissue disease that heightens the risk of cardiovascular, ocular, pulmonary, and other emergencies in affected individuals. The wide range of phenotypic presentations, spanning from mild, chronic, and asymptomatic to acute and life-threatening, can pose challenges in diagnosing MFS when disease manifestations are subtle. We report a pathogenetic variant of MFS characterized by subtle systemic findings that was identified only after the patient presented with visual changes and pain associated with angle closure, despite a medical history indicating other pathologies linked to this condition. This case underscores the importance of recognizing the varied and sometimes subtle clinical features of MFS. Vigilance in identifying the constellation of findings associated with MFS can enhance its diagnosis and treatment outcomes by enabling appropriate and timely referrals for prophylactic evaluation and care to address potentially life-threatening complications.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: ophthalmic genetics is rapidly evolving globally but is still nascent in much of sub-Saharan Africa, with gaps in knowledge about the burden in the region. This study evaluated the burden and manifestations of genetic eye diseases in children in Ibadan, Nigeria.
    UNASSIGNED: this was a hospital-based cross-sectional study in which new and follow-up paediatric eye clinic patients were recruited consecutively at the University College Hospital, Ibadan. Children with genetic eye diseases had comprehensive ocular and systemic examinations, and their pedigrees were charted to determine the probable modes of inheritance. The main outcome variables were the proportion of study participants with genetic eye diseases, the probable modes of inheritance, and the clinical diagnoses. Summary statistics were performed using means and standard deviations for numerical variables and proportions for categorical variables.
    UNASSIGNED: fifty-two (12%) of 444 children had genetic eye diseases, and their mean (SD) age was 88.8 ± 50.4 months. Thirteen different phenotypic diagnoses were made following the evaluation of the 52 children, including primary congenital glaucoma (13, 25%) and familial non-syndromic cataracts (8, 15%). The probable modes of inheritance were derived from the pedigree charts, and 30 (58%) conditions were presumed to be sporadic.
    UNASSIGNED: this study demonstrated a significant burden and a wide range of paediatric genetic eye diseases in this tertiary referral centre in Nigeria. This information provides invaluable evidence for planning ophthalmic genetic services.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The decision for genetic testing in children is usually taken by their parents or caregivers, and may be influenced by sociocultural and ethical concerns. This study evaluateds the perspectives of Nigerian parents towards genetic testing of their children with genetic eye diseases parental willingness for genetic testing in their children, and its determinants, in a hospital setting in Nigeria. This cross-sectional, hospital-based study was conducted at the Eye clinic, University College Hospital, Ibadan. The participants were 42 parents of children with genetic eye diseases purposively recruited from April to July 2021. The main variables of interest were overall willingness to test, and willingness to test given ten different scenarios. Summary statistics were performed, and determinants of willingness to test (parental sociodemographic and children\'s clinical characteristics) were assessed using Fischer\'s exact test. All the participants expressed willingness to test when presented with six of the ten scenarios.However, slightly fewer (83-95%) proportions were willing to test for the other four scenarios (out-of-pocket payment, if test will reveal a systemic association, if test may confirm a diagnosis with no current treatment, and prenatal testing). Willingness to test was not significantly associated with the determinants tested. Thirty-nine (93%) would join a support group, 38 (91%) would inform a family member at risk, and 28 (67%) would be unwilling to have more children if there wais a risk to future offspring. This study demonstrated a high degree of parental willingness for genetic testing of their children. This is important evidence that can guide policy and planning of ophthalmic genetics services.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Inherited retinal diseases (IRDs) are a genetically and phenotypically heterogeneous group of genetic eye disorders. There are more than 300 disease entities, and together this group of disorders affects millions of people globally and is a frequent cause of blindness or low-vision certification. However, each type is rare or ultra-rare. Characteristically, the impaired vision in IRDs is due to retinal photoreceptor dysfunction and loss resulting from mutation in a gene that codes for a retinal protein. Historically, IRDs have been considered incurable and individuals living with these blinding conditions could be offered only supportive care. However, the treatment landscape for IRDs is beginning to evolve. Progress is being made, driven by improvements in understanding of genotype-phenotype relationships, through advances in molecular genetic testing and retinal imaging. Alongside this expanding knowledge of IRDs, the current era of precision medicine is fueling a growth in targeted therapies. This has resulted in the first treatment for an IRD being approved. Several other therapies are currently in development in the IRD space, including RNA-based therapies, gene-based therapies (such as augmentation therapy and gene editing), cell therapy, visual prosthetics, and optogenetics. RNA-based therapies are a novel approach within precision medicine that have demonstrated success, particularly in rare diseases. Three antisense oligonucleotides (AONs) are currently in development for the treatment of specific IRD subtypes. These RNA-based therapies bring several key advantages in the setting of IRDs, and the potential to bring meaningful vision benefit to individuals living with inherited blinding disorders. This review will examine the increasing breadth and relevance of RNA-based therapies in clinical medicine, explore the key features that make AONs suitable for treating genetic eye diseases, and provide an overview of the three-leading investigational AONs in clinical trials.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) is responsible for encoding 13 subunits of the respiratory chain. These subunits are crucial in providing reducing equivalents for the energy-intensive intracellular processes. Leber hereditary optic neuropathy (LHON) is a mitochondrial illness that causes carcinogenesis due to oxidative stress and painless loss of central vision as a result of selective degradation of retinal ganglion cells as well as their axons. We present a case of a 23-year-old male patient who was diagnosed with subacute LHON. The mutation in our patient was found in a less commonly mutated exon sequence of MT-NDL4, which codes for NADH (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide hydrogen, reduced) dehydrogenase subunit 4L. The MT-ND4L exon is located immediately upstream of the MTD4 exon on the human mtDNA. The take-home message is to always perform a comprehensive mitochondrial genome analysis for identifying rare mutations when LHON is suspected.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Genetic eye diseases are among the top ten causes of ocular health burden. Asia accounts for nearly two-thirds of the global burden of genetic eye diseases. A great deal of resources is being invested in genetic research and development of genetic services including gene testing laboratories and genetic counseling in India. These efforts will be meaningful only if the public and clinicians are aware of their existence. This study aimed to understand the level of knowledge about genetic eye diseases and genetic services and attitudes toward genetic testing and gene therapy in four groups of participants (undergraduate medical students, paramedical staff, non-ophthalmologist doctors, and the general public).
    METHODS: This was a cross-sectional survey in India. Four hundred questionnaires were analyzed from the four groups of participants. Knowledge score was calculated for the different questions. To bring out the differences across the groups, Chi-square test was done with a post hoc Mann-Whitney U-test and Kruskal-Wallis test. P < 0.05 was taken as statistically significant.
    RESULTS: The level of awareness about genetic eye diseases was better among undergraduate students, doctors, and paramedical staff compared to the general public (P < 0.001). The majority across all three groups had a positive attitude toward genetic testing and gene therapy. However, most of the participants across all groups were not aware of the genetic facilities available in our country.
    CONCLUSIONS: This study shows a positive attitude toward genetic medicine. However, there is a need to improve public awareness about genetic eye diseases and facilities available for genetic testing and gene therapy.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    The Waardenburg syndrome is a group of rare genetic diseases, which clinical manifestations include neurosensory hearing loss, diminished pigmentation of forelock in the frontal region, iris heterochromia, medial canthus dystopia, and the presence of such changes in first-line relatives. The article presents a clinical case of type I Waardenburg syndrome, which developed de novo in a family. This case is unique in its combination of complete bilateral iris heterochromia and impaired choroidal pigmentation. The choroid did not only have hypopigmentation zones, but also large areas of hyper- and depigmentation. Such choroidal changes in Waardenburg patients has not been described in literature before. The diagnosis was confirmed by OCT of the anterior and posterior segments, angio-OCT, fluorescein angiography, indocyanine green angiography, fundus autofluorescence, and electrophysiological studies. The main ophthalmologic diagnostic criterion of Waardenburg syndrome in the present case, beside iris heterochromia, was the detection of iris thickness changes in hyper- and hypopigmentation areas with completely preserved structural and functional properties of the retina and choroid.
    Cиндром Ваарденбурга - это группа редких генетических заболеваний, основными признаками которых являются нейросенсорная тугоухость, нарушение пигментации пряди волос в лобной области, гетерохромия радужек, дистопия медиальной спайки век и наличие подобных изменений у родственников первой линии. В статье приведен клинический случай синдрома Ваарденбурга 1-го типа, развившегося в семье de novo. Уникальность случая заключается в сочетании полной двусторонней гипохромии радужек и нарушений пигментации хориоидеи. При этом собственно сосудистая оболочка имела не только зоны гипопигментации, но и обширные участки гипер- и депигментации. Подобные изменения хориоидеи при синдроме Ваарденбурга в литературе еще не описывались. Диагноз подтвержден результатами оптической когерентной томографии (ОКТ) переднего и заднего сегмента глаза, ОКТ-ангиографией, ангиографией глазного дна с флюоресцеином и индоцианином зеленым, оценкой аутофлюоресценции глазного дна и электрофизиологическими исследованиями. Основным офтальмологическим диагностическим критерием синдрома Ваарденбурга в данном случае, кроме гипохромии радужек, являлось выявление изменений толщины хориоидеи в зонах гипер- и гипопигментации при полной сохранности структурных и функциональных свойств сетчатой и сосудистой оболочек.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The International Committee for Classification of Corneal Dystrophies (IC3D) distinguishes between 22 distinct forms of corneal dystrophy which are predominantly autosomal dominant, although autosomal recessive and X-chromosomal dominant patterns do exist. Before any genetic examination, there should be documentation of a detailed corneal exam of as many affected and unaffected family members as possible, because detailed phenotypic description is essential for accurate diagnosis. Corneal documentation should be performed in direct and indirect illumination at the slit lamp with the pharmacologically dilated pupil. For the majority of the corneal dystrophies, a phenotype-genotype correlation has not been demonstrated. However, for the dystrophies associated with mutations in the transforming growth factor, ß-induced gene (TGFBI) a general phenotype-genotype correlation is evident. The discovery of collagen, type XVII, alpha 1 mutation (COL17A1), causative in the called epithelial recurrent erosion dystrophy (ERED) was a very important step in the accurate diagnosis of corneal dystrophies. This led to the subsequent discovery that the entity previously called 10q Thiel-Behnke corneal dystrophy, was in reality actually COL17A1 ERED, and not Thiel-Behnke corneal dystrophy. In addition to the phenotypic landmarks, we describe the current genotype of the individual corneal dystrophies. Differential diagnosis can be aided by information on histopathology, optical coherence tomography (OCT), and confocal microscopy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Eye development is a complex and highly regulated process that consists of several overlapping stages: (i) specification then splitting of the eye field from the developing forebrain; (ii) genesis and patterning of the optic vesicle; (iii) regionalization of the optic cup into neural retina and retina pigment epithelium; and (iv) specification and differentiation of all seven retinal cell types that develop from a pool of retinal progenitor cells in a precise temporal and spatial manner: retinal ganglion cells, horizontal cells, cone photoreceptors, amacrine cells, bipolar cells, rod photoreceptors and Müller glia. Genetic regulation of the stages of eye development includes both extrinsic (such as morphogens, growth factors) and intrinsic factors (primarily transcription factors of the homeobox and basic helix-loop helix families). In the following review, we will provide an overview of the stages of eye development highlighting the role of several important transcription factors in both normal developmental processes and in inherited human eye diseases.





