
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Flunixin is a veterinary nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agent whose residues have been investigated in their original form within tissues such as muscle and liver. However, flunixin remains in milk as a metabolite, and 5-hydroxy flunixin has been used as the primary marker for its surveillance. This study aimed to develop a quantitative method for detecting flunixin and 5-hydroxy flunixin in milk and to strengthen the monitoring system by applying to other livestock and fishery products. Two different methods were compared, and the target compounds were extracted from milk using an organic solvent, purified with C18, concentrated, and reconstituted using a methanol-based solvent. Following filtering, the final sample was analyzed using liquid chromatography- tandem mass spectrometry. Method 1 is environmentally friendly due to the low use of reagents and is based on a multi-residue, multi-class analysis method approved by the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety. The accuracy and precision of both methods were 84.6%-115% and 0.7%-9.3%, respectively. Owing to the low matrix effect in milk and its convenience, Method 1 was evaluated for other matrices (beef, chicken, egg, flatfish, and shrimp) and its recovery and coefficient of variation are sufficient according to the Codex criteria (CAC/GL 71-2009). The limits of detection and quantification were 2-8 and 5-27 μg/kg for flunixin and 2-10 and 6-33 μg/kg for 5-hydroxy flunixin, respectively. This study can be used as a monitoring method for a positive list system that regulates veterinary drug residues for all livestock and fisheries products.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Flunixin is commonly used in goats in an extra-label manner, indicating a significant need to determine withdrawal intervals for edible tissues.
    UNASSIGNED: The objectives of the present study were to investigate the depletion of flunixin meglumine in various goat tissues, including the liver, kidney, fat, and muscle.
    UNASSIGNED: Twenty Boer goats were enrolled and administered an intravenous dose (2.2 mg/kg) of flunixin meglumine. Five animals were randomly euthanized at 24, 48, 72, or 96 h following dosing. All samples were analyzed via ultra-performance liquid chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry.
    UNASSIGNED: The concentration of flunixin in all tissues declined rapidly, with the highest mean concentrations quantified in the kidney (0.137 ± 0.062 μg/g) and liver (0.077 ± 0.029 μg/g) tissues at 24 h.
    UNASSIGNED: Since any detection of flunixin residues at slaughter found in goat tissues is considered a violative residue, a conservative withdrawal interval of 17 days was calculated to ensure levels of flunixin fell below the regulatory limits of detection in liver, kidney, and muscle tissues.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Flunixin meglumine is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug approved to manage pyrexia associated with swine respiratory disease. In the United States, no analgesic drugs are approved for use in swine by the FDA, although they are needed to manage painful conditions. This study evaluated the pharmacokinetics and relative bioavailability of intranasal versus intramuscular flunixin in grower pigs. Six pigs received 2.2 mg/kg flunixin either intranasally via atomizer or intramuscularly before receiving flunixin via the opposite route following a 5-day washout period. Plasma samples were collected over 60 h and analysed using ultra-performance liquid chromatography and tandem mass spectrometry to detect flunixin plasma concentrations. A non-compartmental pharmacokinetic analysis was performed. The median Cmax was 4.0 μg/mL and 2.7 μg/mL for intramuscular and intranasal administration, respectively, while the median AUCinf was 6.9 h μg/mL for intramuscular administration and 4.9 h μg/mL for intranasal administration. For both routes, the median Tmax was 0.2 h, and flunixin was detectable in some samples up to 60 h post-administration. Intranasal delivery had a relative bioavailability of 88.5%. These results suggest that intranasal flunixin has similar, although variable, pharmacokinetic parameters to the intramuscular route, making it a viable route of administration for use in grower swine.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Flunixin (FLU) is a nonsteroidal drug that is widely used in animals, causing severe drug residues in animal-derived foods and environment. The development of antibody-based rapid immunoassay methods is of great significance for the monitoring of FLU and its metabolite 5-hydroxyflunixin (5-FLU). We prepared monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) with different recognition spectra through FLU-keyhole limpet hemocyanin conjugates as immunogen coupled with antibody screening strategies. mAb5E6 and mAb6D7 recognized FLU with high affinity, and mAb2H5 and mAb4A4 recognized FLU and 5-FLU with broad specificity. Through evaluating the recognition of these mAbs against more than 11 structural analogues and employing computational chemistry, molecular docking, and molecular dynamics methodologies, we preliminarily determined the recognition epitope and recognition mechanism of these mAbs. Finally, an indirect competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for FLU based on mAb6D7 was developed, which exhibited limits of detection as low as 0.016-0.042 μg kg -1 (L-1) in milk and muscle samples.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Recent approval of transdermal flunixin meglumine (FM) (Banamine®) in cattle has opened the door for the drug\'s potential application in other species. Transdermal FM could provide a safe and effective form of pain relief in donkeys. In order to evaluate the pharmacokinetics and effects of FM on anti-inflammatory biomarkers in donkeys, a three-way crossover study design was employed. In total, 6 healthy donkeys were administered transdermal (TD) FM at a dosage of 3.3 mg/kg, and oral (PO) and intravenous (IV) doses of 1.1 mg/kg body weight. Blood samples were collected over 96 h to determine the concentration of flunixin, 5OH flunixin, and eicosanoids (TXB2 and PGF2 alpha) using LC-MS/MS. The results indicated that both flunixin and 5OH flunixin were detectable in blood samples collected during TD. The elimination of the drug was slower following the TD route compared to PO and IV. TD administration significantly decreased TXB2 levels in non-stimulated serum from 1 to 96 h post-administration, while IV and PO resulted in TXB2 reduction for 1 to 8 h. A significant reduction in PGF2 alpha was observed in PO and IV 1 h after administration, while TD resulted in a gradual decline from 4 to 72 h. The study concluded that the off-label use of transdermal FM at 3.3 mg/kg could be effective in controlling inflammation in donkeys.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) assigns a tolerance and withdrawal period when evaluating new drugs for use in food-producing species. Because withdrawal periods are determined from data generated in normal, healthy animals, questions have been raised regarding whether disease and inflammation can be a factor associated with some residue violations. We explored this question using flunixin liver concentrations as a model situation. Using data contained in the flunixin FOI Summary (NADA 101-479) and Monte Carlo simulation, we generated sets of residue depletion data. Our mathematical model was simple linear regression containing the terms alpha (the marker residue back-extrapolated to time zero, which equals ln C 0 ) and beta (the elimination rate constant which equals - k e ). By modifying alpha and beta means and variances, we determined the smallest change in these parameters that would result in the presence of violative residues above the statistically determined expected frequency of 1%. The results of this in silico study indicated that the magnitude of change in alpha and beta needed to generate violative residues exceeds that likely to occur due to disease or inflammation when flunixin is used in accordance with the approved product label.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Recently, we observed that lipopolysaccharide (LPS) suppresses corpus luteum (CL) function in isolated perfused ovaries. It remained unclear if this suppression was due to increased luteal PGF2α secretion or LPS-induced apoptosis. Therefore, possible impacts of PGF2α and LPS were inhibited by a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (flunixin) and an endotoxin-binding agent (polymyxin B), respectively. Bovine ovaries with a mid-cycle CL were collected immediately after slaughter and perfused for 240 min. After 50 min of equilibration, either flunixin or polymyxin B (5 μg/ml of each) were added to the perfusion medium of six ovaries, respectively. All ovaries (n = 12) were treated with E.coli LPS (0.5 μg/ml) 60 min after the onset of perfusion, and received 500 I.U. of hCG after 210 min of perfusion. Progesterone and PGF2α were measured in the effluent perfusate every 10 and 30 min, respectively. Biopsies of the CL were collected every 60 min to determine the mRNA expression of the cytokine TNFA and factors of apoptosis (CASP3, -8). Flunixin-treatment inhibited the increase of PGF2α after LPS-challenge that was observed in the polymyxin B-treated (PX-LPS) ovaries. After hCG-stimulation, progesterone secretion increased (P< 0.05) in group PX-LPS but not in the flunixin-treated (F-LPS) ovaries. Compared to initial values before LPS-challenge, luteal mRNA expression of TNFA and CASP3 was increased (P< 0.05) in group F-LPS at 120 and 180 min, respectively, and those of CASP8 was decreased (P< 0.05) in PX-LPS at 60 and 120 min after LPS-treatment. In conclusion, although flunixin managed to inhibit PGF2α, it did not suffice to successfully prevent LPS-induced apoptosis. However, endotoxin-binding polymyxin B resulted in luteal responsiveness to hCG after LPS-challenge.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The aim of the study was to compare three methods of reducing twin pregnancy in mares to maintain a single pregnancy. As multiple pregnancies in mare are always undesirable, early ultrasound diagnosis makes possible management of twin pregnancies and extra embryo removal. In years 2010-2018, 16494 mares were sonographically tested for early pregnancy, finding 868 cases of twins (471 bilateral and 397 unilateral). 260 mares with a confirmed bilateral tween pregnancy were subjected to manual crushing of one embryo and administration of flunixin at a dose of 1.1 mg/kg BW. 186 mares were subjected only to the embryo crushing procedure. 25 mares from this group were on a restrictive diet. In the unilateral twin pregnancy mare group, 62 were subjected to manual embryo reduction with simultaneous treatment with flunixin, 60 had only manual embryonic vesicle crush and 210 had a restrictive diet. Determination of success, measured as the development of a single pregnancy, were monitored 2 weeks after the procedure, between the 50th and 60th day of pregnancy and after the 90th day of pregnancy. In general, warm-blooded mares were more prone to a twin pregnancy, and at the same time, all the procedures used to reduce it to a single pregnancy caused a greater risk of losing both embryos than in the case of cold-blooded mares. The beneficial effect of administering flunixin after manual removal of one embryo on the maintenance of the other has been experimentally proven in both unilateral and bilateral twin pregnancy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Diclofenac is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) used in livestock farming, with lethal effects on vultures when reaching high concentrations in the carcasses they feed on. There are evidences showing that it caused the decline of >95% of vultures of the Gyps genus in Southern Asia until its ban in 2006. In March 2013 two veterinary drugs containing diclofenac were authorized in Spain. The scientific and conservationist communities alerted on the foreseeable risks to European vulture populations based on previous experiences. Several risk assessments modelled the expected impact on vultures, and media campaigns were launched to ban the veterinary use of diclofenac. Here, we evaluate the situation of Spanish vultures after seven years (2013-2019) since the marketing authorisation of the veterinary use of diclofenac was granted. The present assessment takes into consideration the awareness measures adopted to avoid an inappropriate use of the drug, the results of the monitoring programs performed both for vultures and livestock in the wild and from toxicological tests, as well as the review of the published models on the expected mortality of vultures. The measures adopted seem to have been adequate and have avoided impacts at vulture population level despite the finding of one cinereous vulture lethally intoxicated by diclofenac in 2020. In view of the results, we discuss the different situations from the veterinary use of this drug between Southern Asia and Spain. Finally, surveillance priorities and future prospects are proposed to prevent risks from possible changes in the current circumstances, regarding the use of diclofenac and other NSAIDs potentially harmful like flunixin.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Common routine management practices in cattle, such as castration and disbudding, are recognized as being painful. In the United States (U.S.), these procedures are frequently performed without pain mitigation and there are currently no drugs federally approved for such use. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, such as meloxicam, flunixin meglumine and aspirin, are the most commonly used analgesics in U.S. food-animal production systems. However, the body of research investigating the effectiveness of these pharmaceuticals to control pain in cattle at castration and disbudding has not been comprehensively evaluated. Therefore, this review examined existing literature to summarize meloxicam, flunixin and aspirin (1) pharmacokinetics (PK) and (2) administration outcome in regard to pain control during castration and disbudding procedures, in cattle. Following systematic searches and screening, 47 PK and 44 publications were extracted for data and are presented. The sample size contained notable variability and a general deficiency of validated and replicated methodologies for assessing pain in cattle remain substantial challenges within this research area. Future research should prioritize replication of pain assessment methodologies across different experimental conditions to close knowledge gaps identified by the present study and facilitate examination of analgesic efficacy.






