fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD)

胎儿酒精谱系障碍 ( FASD )
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: In this PRISMA-compliant systematic review, we identify and synthesize the findings of research in which neuroimaging and assessments of achievement have been used to examine the relationships among aspects of developmental programming, neurodevelopment, and achievement in reading and mathematics.
    UNASSIGNED: Forty-seven studies met inclusion criteria. The majority examined the impact of prematurity (n = 32) and prenatal alcohol exposure (n = 13). Several prematurity studies reported a positive correlation between white-matter integrity of callosal fibers and executive functioning and/or achievement, and white matter properties were consistently associated with cognitive and academic performance in preterm and full-term children. Volumetric studies reported positive associations between academic and cognitive abilities and white and gray matter volume in regions such as the insula, putamen, and prefrontal lobes. Functional MRI studies demonstrated increased right-hemispheric language processing among preterm children. Altered activation of the frontoparietal network related to numerical abilities was also reported. Prenatal alcohol exposure studies reported alterations in white matter microstructure linked to deficits in cognitive functioning and academic achievement, including mathematics, reading, and vocabulary skills. Volumetric studies reported reductions in cerebral, cerebellar, and subcortical gray matter volumes associated with decreased scores on measures of executive functioning, attention, working memory, and academic performance. Functional MRI studies demonstrated broad, diffuse activation, reduced activation in canonical regions, and increased activation in non-canonical regions during numeric tasks.
    UNASSIGNED: A preponderance of studies linked prematurity and prenatal alcohol exposure to altered neurodevelopmental processes and suboptimal academic achievement. Limitations and recommendations for future research are discussed.
    UNASSIGNED: Identifier: DOI 10.17605/OSF.IO/ZAN67.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Drinking during pregnancy is the leading cause of birth defects and child developmental disorders in Europe. The adverse effects of drinking during pregnancy may include physical, behavioural and cognitive problems, known collectively as fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD). Evidence-based comprehensive recommendations at the European level on how to implement preventive and treatment policies to reduce alcohol-exposed pregnancies are needed. FAR SEAS, a tendered service contract (number 20,187,106) awarded by the European Commission, aimed at developing guidelines to respond to this knowledge gap.
    METHODS: FAR SEAS recommendations were built on (1) a two-phase review of interventions, (2) an international expert consultation, and (3) a pilot study on prevention of FASD conducted in the Mazovia region of Poland. The review of interventions included nineteen electronic open access databases, several repositories of grey literature and a key informant consultation covering most European Union (EU) countries and an additional guidelines search. After triangulating sources, 94 records were collected. Experts contributed in the design of the research questions, addressing the gaps in the literature and reviewing the recommendations formulated. The Polish pilot added nuances from real world practice to the formulated recommendations, resulting in the final set of guidelines for dissemination.
    RESULTS: The FAR SEAS Guidelines comprise 23 recommendations grouped into different topics areas of policies, communication strategies, screening, brief intervention and referral to treatment, treatment and social services. The recommendations highlight the need to respect women\'s autonomy and avoid discrimination and stigmatization; using universal screening for women of childbearing age, including detection of other psychosocial risks (such as domestic violence); and individualized, comprehensive and multidisciplinary supportive interventions for those who require it, such as those with alcohol use disorders, including women\'s partners. Policies to prevent FASD should be multicomponent, and public health communication should combine information about the risks together with self-efficacy messages to promote changes.
    CONCLUSIONS: The FAR SEAS guidelines are a tool to support policy-makers and service managers in implementing effective programmes to reduce prenatal alcohol exposure among general and at-risk population groups. FASD prevention has to involve comprehensive and multi-level evidence-based policies and practice, with services and activities tailored to the needs of women at differing levels of risk, and with due attention to reducing stigma.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Prenatal alcohol exposure is responsible for increasing chronic disease risk in later life, including obesity and metabolic syndrome. Alcohol drinking may compromise endogenous antioxidant capacity, causing an increase in free radicals and reactive oxygen species in the newborn. Excessive reactive oxygen species could attack the cellular proteins, lipids, and nucleic acids, leading to cellular dysfunction. Moreover, oxidative stress could play a crucial role in the altered synthesis and release of neurotrophins and progressive mitochondrial modifications with uncontrolled apoptosis. This narrative review aims to underline the important role of alcohol abuse in oxidative stress events and consequent metabolic and neurocognitive impairments in children exposed to alcohol during gestational life.






  • DOI:
    文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) screening, diagnosis, intervention, research and prevention hinges on establishment of interdisciplinary FASD diagnostic clinics using an evidence-based method of diagnosis. In 1993 Washington State opened the first interdisciplinary FASD diagnostic clinic sponsored by the CDC as a FASD primary prevention study. Clinic data was used to develop the evidence-based FASD 4-Digit Diagnostic Code, paving the way for the clinic\'s expansion into a statewide network of FASD diagnostic clinics (Washington Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Diagnostic & Prevention Network), now in its 30th year. Alaska adopted this Washington model in 1999. Both states have also participated in the CDC Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System and Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System since the 1990s. Study objectives were to describe the two statewide FASD diagnostic networks; graphically compare the 4-Digit-Code FASD diagnoses and prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE) over 2-3 decades and illustrate how network data helped guide FASD public health policies and track successful prevention efforts.
    UNASSIGNED: Retrospective descriptive study.
    UNASSIGNED: FASD diagnostic outcomes were similar across 2,532 Washington and 2,469 Alaskan patients. PAE in each State followed similar annual trajectories from 1991-2020. Both States documented significant decreases in FAS and PAE in the 1990s. Clinic data helped guide public health policies.
    UNASSIGNED: Both States demonstrated the feasibility and value of establishing statewide interdisciplinary FASD diagnostic clinical networks using the FASD 4-Digit-Code. Legislative support, centralized data collection, and use of a single, evidence-based FASD diagnostic system have been key to the long-term, ongoing success of these two diagnostic networks.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) is commonly misdiagnosed because of the complexity of presentation and multiple diagnostic criteria. FASD includes four categorical entities (fetal alcohol syndrome, partial fetal alcohol syndrome, alcohol related neurodevelopmental disorder, and alcohol related birth defects). The four FASD diagnostic criteria are facial dysmorphology, growth deficiency, central nervous system dysfunction, and prenatal alcohol exposure. Sensory processing disorders (SPDs) are common in FASD and are observed as inappropriate behavioral responses to environmental stimuli. These can be either a sensory-based motor disorder, sensory discrimination disorder, or sensory modulation disorder. A child with SPD may experience challenges with their fine motor coordination, gross motor coordination, organizational challenges, or behavioral regulation impairments. FASD requires a multidimensional approach to intervention. Although FASD cannot be cured, symptoms can be managed with sleep-based therapies, sensory integration, and cognitive therapies. This paper reviews SPDs in FASD and the interventions that can be used by practitioners to help improve their therapeutic management, although it is unlikely that any single intervention will be the right choice for all patients.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Within FAR SEAS, a multi-component evidence-based community intervention was implemented and evaluated in Mazovia (Poland), with the aim of preventing alcohol-exposed pregnancies, and therefore preventing FASD.
    UNASSIGNED: Multi-disciplinary professionals from different services (social, addiction, and psychology), recruited women of child-bearing age (pregnant and not pregnant) in local communities, screened them for alcohol risk, and allocated participants (n = 441) to groups for low- (70%), moderate- (23%), or high-risk (7%) of alcohol exposed pregnancy, to provide interventions tailored to their needs. The non-parametric sign test, testing differences between pairs of observations before and after intervention was used to evaluate the outcomes.
    UNASSIGNED: Follow-up data (collected from 93% of participants) indicated positive changes in the key outcome variables: risky alcohol consumption dropped by 81%, contraception use increased by 15% and visiting a gynecologist increased by 39%; as well as in associated psychosocial risk factors (decrease in cigarette and drug use, domestic violence and depressive symptoms). No changes were noted in frequency of other service use (medical, psychological, or social). The most prominent changes were observed in the moderate-risk group.
    UNASSIGNED: Changing risky behaviors (alcohol consumption and sex without contraception) to prevent alcohol exposed pregnancies is feasible at the local level, even without engagement of medical professionals. Key challenges, related to engaging professionals and local authorities, must be addressed; and procedures should be adapted to local contexts and needs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Aggression exhibited by children and youth with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) toward family members is a major cause of stress and anxiety for caregivers, but relatively little attention has been directed toward designing interventions specific to this phenomenon. In light of the serious negative impact of this issue for families, a scoping review was undertaken to summarize the evidence available on psychosocial interventions that may mitigate the frequency and severity of aggression exhibited by children and youth with FASD toward family members.
    UNASSIGNED: This review was designed using PRISMA-SCR and JBI scoping review guidelines. Three databases were searched in August 2021: EMBASE, PsychINFO, and Medline.
    UNASSIGNED: A total of 1,061 studies were imported for screening with only five studies meeting full eligibility criteria. None of the interventions were aimed at specifically targeting aggression and instead reported on broader constructs of externalizing behaviors such as hyperactivity. The interventions were limited to school-aged children. Studies reported primarily on child outcomes while only one reported on family related outcomes.
    UNASSIGNED: Following from this review of the literature, we argue that aggression is a related but separate construct from other behavioral problems most frequently targeted by parenting interventions. Given the often dire consequence of aggression displayed by children and youth with FASD and the limited number of studies, there is an urgent need for research on how to support families to manage this specific type of behavior in this population.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) arises from maternal consumption of alcohol during pregnancy affecting 2%-5% of the Western population. In Xenopus laevis studies, we showed that alcohol exposure during early gastrulation reduces retinoic acid (RA) levels at this critical embryonic stage inducing craniofacial malformations associated with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. A genetic mouse model that induces a transient RA deficiency in the node during gastrulation is described. These mice recapitulate the phenotypes characteristic of prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE) suggesting a molecular etiology for the craniofacial malformations seen in children with FASD. Gsc +/Cyp26A1 mouse embryos have a reduced RA domain and expression in the developing frontonasal prominence region and delayed HoxA1 and HoxB1 expression at E8.5. These embryos also show aberrant neurofilament expression during cranial nerve formation at E10.5 and have significant FASD sentinel-like craniofacial phenotypes at E18.5. Gsc +/Cyp26A1 mice develop severe maxillary malocclusions in adulthood. Phenocopying the PAE-induced developmental malformations with a genetic model inducing RA deficiency during early gastrulation strongly supports the alcohol/vitamin A competition model as a major molecular etiology for the neurodevelopmental defects and craniofacial malformations seen in children with FASD.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Native WYSE CHOICES adapted an Alcohol Exposed Pregnancy (AEP) prevention curriculum for mobile health delivery for young urban American Indian and Alaska Native (AIAN) women. This qualitative study explored the relevance of culture in adapting a health intervention with a national sample of urban AIAN youth. In total, the team conducted 29 interviews across three iterative rounds. Participants expressed interest in receiving culturally informed health interventions, were open to cultural elements from other AIAN tribes, and highlighted the importance of culture in their lives. The study underscores why community voices are central in tailoring health interventions for this population.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) is a set of conditions resulting from prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE). FASD is estimated to affect between 2% and 5% of people in the United States and Western Europe. The exact teratogenic mechanism of alcohol on fetal development is still unclear. Ethanol (EtOH) contributes to the malfunctioning of the neurological system in children exposed in utero by decreasing glutathione peroxidase action, with an increase in the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS), which causes oxidative stress. We report a case of a mother with declared alcohol abuse and cigarette smoking during pregnancy. By analyzing the ethyl glucuronide (EtG, a metabolite of alcohol) and the nicotine/cotinine in the mother\'s hair and meconium, we confirmed the alcohol and smoking abuse magnitude. We also found that the mother during pregnancy was a cocaine abuser. As a result, her newborn was diagnosed with fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS). At the time of the delivery, the mother, but not the newborn, had an elevation in oxidative stress. However, the infant, a few days later, displayed marked potentiation in oxidative stress. The clinical complexity of the events involving the infant was presented and discussed, underlining also the importance that for cases of FASD, it is crucial to have more intensive hospital monitoring and controls during the initial days.





