fear generalization

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Chronic social defeat stress (CSDS), a widely used rodent model of stress, reliably leads to decreased social interaction in stress susceptible animals. Here, we investigate a role for fear learning in this response using male 129Sv/Ev mice, a strain that is more vulnerable to CSDS than the commonly used C57BL/6 strain. We first demonstrate that defeated 129Sv/Ev mice avoid a CD-1 mouse, but not a conspecific, indicating that motivation to socialize is intact in this strain. CD-1 avoidance is characterized by approach behavior that results in running in the opposite direction, activity that is consistent with a threat response. We next test whether CD-1 avoidance is subject to the same behavioral changes found in traditional models of Pavlovian fear conditioning. We find that associative learning occurs across 10 days CSDS, with defeated mice learning to associate the color of the CD-1 coat with threat. This leads to the gradual acquisition of avoidance behavior, a conditioned response that can be extinguished with 7 days of repeated social interaction testing (5 tests/day). Pairing a CD-1 with a tone leads to second-order conditioning, resulting in avoidance of an enclosure without a social target. Finally, we show that social interaction with a conspecific is a highly variable response in defeated mice that may reflect individual differences in generalization of fear to other social targets. Our data indicate that fear conditioning to a social target is a key component of CSDS, implicating the involvement of fear circuits in social avoidance.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Fear over-generalization as a core symptom of anxiety disorders is manifested by fear responses even to safe stimuli that are very dissimilar to the original dangerous stimulus. The present study investigated the effects of two separate conditioned stimuli-unconditioned stimuli (CS-US) pairing procedures on fear acquisition and generalization using a perceptual discrimination fear-conditioning paradigm, with US expectancy ratings and skin conductance response (SCR) as indicators. One group accepted continuous followed by partial CS-US pairings (C-P group); the other group accepted partial followed by continuous CS-US pairings (P-C group). It was found that compared to the P-C group, the C-P group showed stronger perceptual discrimination of CS+ and CS- in the fear acquisition and showed weaker SCRs and stronger extinction of US expectancy in the generalization. These findings emphasize that CS-US pairings significantly influence fear acquisition and generalization and suggest that continuous-following partial CS-US pairings promote individual discrimination of threat and safety signals and inhibit the generalization of conditioned fear. The results of this study have implications for clinical interventions for patients experiencing negative events.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Background: Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) and social anxiety disorder (SAD) are distinguished by whether anxiety is limited to social situations. However, reports on the differences in brain functional networks between GAD and SAD are few. Our objective is to understand the pathogenesis of GAD and SAD by examining the differences in resting brain function between patients with GAD and SAD and healthy controls (HCs). Methods: This study included 21 patients with SAD, 17 patients with GAD, and 30 HCs. Participants underwent psychological assessments and resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging. Whole-brain analyses were performed to compare resting-state functional connectivity (rsFC) among the groups. In addition, logistic regression analysis was conducted on the rsFC to identify significant differences between GAD and SAD. Results: Patients with SAD and GAD had significantly higher rsFC between the bilateral postcentral gyri and bilateral amygdalae/thalami than HCs. Compared with patients with SAD, those with GAD had significantly higher rsFC between the right nucleus accumbens and bilateral thalami and between the left nucleus accumbens and right thalamus. rsFC between the left nucleus accumbens and right thalamus positively correlated with state anxiety in patients with SAD and GAD, respectively. In addition, logistic regression analysis revealed that the right nucleus accumbens and the right thalamus connectivity could distinguish SAD from GAD. Conclusions: GAD and SAD were distinguished by the right nucleus accumbens and the right thalamus connectivity. Our findings offer insights into the disease-specific neural basis of SAD and GAD. Clinical Trial Registration Number: M10545. Impact Statement This study is the first to identify a resting state functional connectivity that distinguishes social anxiety disorder (SAD) from generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) and to clarify a common connectivity in both disorders. We found that the connectivity between the right nucleus accumbens and the right thalamus differentiated SAD from GAD. Furthermore, these rsFC differences suggest an underlying basis for fear overgeneralization. Our findings shed light on the pathophysiology of these conditions and could be used as a basis for further studies to improve outcomes for such patients.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Maladaptive fear responses, including sensitized threat reactions and overgeneralization, contribute to anxiety disorders such as generalized anxiety disorder and post-traumatic stress disorder. Although stress intensity influences the generation and extent of these maladaptive fears, the underlying mechanisms remain unclear.
    OBJECTIVE: The present study examined whether varying footshock stress intensity and inhibition of protein synthesis have differential effect on fear sensitization and generalization in mice.
    METHODS: Mice were subjected to a classic fear conditioning protocol involving five different levels of footshock intensities. Prior to fear acquisition, the protein synthesis inhibitor cycloheximide (CHX) was administered intraperitoneally. Fear sensitization to white noise and fear generalization to tones with frequencies differing from the conditioned tone were assessed at either 2 or 4 days after fear acquisition.
    RESULTS: The results showed that, although varying shock intensities (except the lowest) led to a similar pattern of increased freezing during auditory cues in fear acquisition, the extent of both fear sensitization and generalization increased with the intensity of the footshock in the following days. As shock intensities increased, there was a proportional rise in sensitized fear to white noise and generalized freezing to tones with frequencies progressively closer to the conditioned stimulus. Mildest shocks did not induce discriminative conditioned fear memory, whereas the most intense shocks led to pronounced fear generalization. Administration of CHX before fear acquisition did not affect sensitized fear but reduced generalization of freezing to tones dissimilar from the conditioned stimulus in the group exposed to the most intense shock.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our results suggest that maladaptive fear responses elicited by varying stress intensities exhibit distinct characteristics. The effect of CHX to prevent overgeneralization without affecting discriminative fear memory points to potential therapeutic approaches for fear-related disorders, suggesting the possibility of mitigating overgeneralization while preserving necessary fear discrimination.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Foot-shock paradigms have provided valuable insights into the neurobiology of stress and fear conditioning. An extensive body of literature indicates that shock exposure can elicit both conditioned and unconditioned effects, although delineating between the two is a challenging task. This distinction holds crucial implications not only for the theoretical interpretation of fear conditioning, but also for properly evaluating putative preclinical models of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) involving shock exposure. The characteristics of shocks (intensity and number) affect the strength of learning, but how these characteristics interact to influence conditioned and unconditioned consequences of shocks are poorly known. In this study, we aimed to investigate in adult male rats the impact of varying shock number and intensity on the endocrine and behavioral response to contextual fear conditioning and fear generalization to a novel environment markedly distinct from the shock context (i.e., fear generalization). Classical biological markers of stress (i.e., ACTH, corticosterone, and prolactin) were sensitive to manipulations of shock parameters, whereas these parameters had a limited effect on contextual fear conditioning (evaluated by freezing and distance traveled). In contrast, behavior in different novel contexts (fear generalization) was specifically sensitive to shock intensity. Notably, altered behavior in novel contexts markedly improved, but not completely normalized after fear extinction, hypoactivity apparently being the result of both conditioned and unconditioned effects of foot-shock exposure. The present results will contribute to a better understanding of shock exposure as a putative animal model of PTSD.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Labilization-reconsolidation, which relies on retrieval, has been considered an opportunity to attenuate the negative aspects of traumatic memories. A therapeutic strategy based on reconsolidation blockade is deemed more effective than current therapies relying on memory extinction. Nevertheless, extremely stressful memories frequently prove resistant to this process. Here, after inducing robust fear memory in mice through strong fear conditioning, we examined the possibility of rendering it susceptible to pharmacological modulation based on the degree of generalized fear (GF). To achieve this, we established an ordered gradient of GF, determined by the perceptual similarity between the associated context (CA) and non-associated contexts (CB, CC, CD, and CE) to the aversive event. We observed that as the exposure context became less similar to CA, the defensive pattern shifted from passive to active behaviors in both male and female mice. Subsequently, in conditioned animals, we administered propranolol after exposure to the different contexts (CA, CB, CC, CD or CE). In males, propranolol treatment resulted in reduced freezing time and enhanced risk assessment behaviors when administered following exposure to CA or CB, but not after CC, CD, or CE, compared to the control group. In females, a similar change in behavioral pattern was observed with propranolol administered after exposure to CC, but not after the other contexts. These results highlight the possibility of indirectly manipulating a robust contextual fear memory by controlling the level of generalization during recall. Additionally, it was demonstrated that the effect of propranolol on reconsolidation would not lead to a reduction in fear memory per se, but rather to its reorganization resulting in greater behavioral flexibility (from passive to active behaviors). Finally, from a clinical viewpoint, this would be of considerable relevance since following this strategy could make the treatment of psychiatric disorders associated with traumatic memory formation more effective and less stressful.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Fear overgeneralization constitutes a susceptibility factor contributing to the development and maintenance of anxiety spectrum disorders. Extant research has demonstrated that exposure to positive and supportive social relationships attenuates fear acquisition and promotes the extinction of conditioned fear responses. However, the literature lacks investigation into the effect of secure attachment priming on inhibiting the generalization of conditioned fear.
    METHODS: In this study, college students were recruited via online platforms to voluntarily engage in the experimental procedures, resulting in 57 subjects whose data were deemed suitable for analysis. The experimental protocol consisted of four consecutive phases: pre-acquisition, acquisition, priming, and generalization. The priming phase consisted of two experimental conditions: secure attachment priming (experimental group) and positive emotion priming (control group). This study adopted the perceptual discrimination fear conditioning paradigm, employing subjective expectancy of shock ratings and skin conductance responses as primary assessment indices. Individual difference variables were measured using corresponding psychological measurement scales.
    RESULTS: In terms of generalization degree, a notable divergence surfaced in the skin conductance responses across various generalization materials between the secure attachment priming group and the control group. Similarly, during generalization extinction, a significant disparity emerged in the skin conductance responses across different generalization phases between the secure attachment priming group and the control group. In addition, individual differences analyses revealed that the inhibitory effect of secure attachment priming on fear generalization was not affected by intolerance of uncertainty and attachment orientations. Conversely, slope analyses confirmed that as intolerance of uncertainty increased, the inhibitory effect of positive emotion priming on fear generalization was attenuated.
    CONCLUSIONS: The findings suggest that activating participants\' representations of secure attachment via imagination effectively attenuates the generalization of perceptual fear at the physiological level. The inhibitory effect of secure attachment priming appears to be distinct from positive emotional modulation and remains unaffected by individual trait attachment styles. These results offer novel insights and avenues for the prevention and clinical intervention of anxiety spectrum disorders.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Pavlovian fear paradigms involve learning to associate cues with threat or safety. Aberrances in Pavlovian fear learning correlate with psychopathology, especially anxiety disorders. This study evaluated symptom dimensions of anxiety and depression in relation to Pavlovian fear acquisition and generalization.
    METHODS: 256 participants (70.31 % female) completed a Pavlovian fear acquisition and generalization paradigm at ages 18-19 and 21-22 years. Analyses focused on indices of learning (self-reported US expectancy, skin conductance). Multilevel models tested associations with orthogonal symptom dimensions (Anhedonia-Apprehension, Fears, General Distress) at each timepoint.
    RESULTS: All dimensions were associated with weaker acquisition of US expectancies at each timepoint. Fears was associated with overgeneralization only at age 21-22. General Distress was associated with overgeneralization only at age 18-19. Anhedonia-Apprehension was associated with overgeneralization at ages 18-19 and 21-22.
    CONCLUSIONS: Anhedonia-Apprehension disrupts Pavlovian fear acquisition and increases overgeneralization of fear. These effects may emerge during adolescence and remain into young adulthood. General Distress and Fears also contribute to overgeneralization of fear, but these effects may vary as prefrontal mechanisms of fear inhibition continue to develop during late adolescence. Targeting specific symptom dimensions, particularly Anhedonia-Apprehension, may decrease fear generalization and augment interventions built on Pavlovian principles, such as exposure therapy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Safety behaviors are responses that can reduce or even prevent an expected threat. Moreover, empirical studies have shown that using safety behaviors to a learnt safety stimulus can induce threat beliefs to it. No research so far has examined whether threat beliefs induced this way generalize to other novel stimuli related to the safety stimulus. Using a fear and avoidance conditioning model, the current study (n=116) examined whether threat beliefs induced by safety behaviors generalize to other novel generalization stimuli (GSs). Participants first acquired safety behaviors to a threat predicting conditioned stimulus (CSthreat). Safety behaviors could then be performed in response to one safe stimulus (CSsafeShift) but not to another (CSsafe). In a following generalization test, participants showed a significant but small increase in threat expectancies to GSs related to CSsafeShift compared to GSs related to CSsafe. Interestingly, the degree of safety behaviors used to the CSsafeShift predicted the subsequent increase in generalized threat expectancies, and this link was elevated in trait anxious individuals. The findings suggest that threat beliefs induced by unnecessary safety behaviors generalize to other related stimuli. This study provides a potential explanation for the root of threat belief acquisition to a wide range of stimuli or situations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Genetic knockout and pharmaceutical inhibition of the NLRP3 inflammasome enhances the extinction of contextual fear memory, which is attributed to its role in neuronal and synaptic dysregulation, concurrent with neurotransmitter function disturbances. This study aimed to determine whether NLRP3 plays a role in generalizing fear via the inflammatory axis. We established the NLRP3 KO mice model, followed by behavioral and biochemical analyses. The NLRP3 KO mice displayed impaired fear generalization, lower neuroinflammation levels, and dysregulated neurotransmitter function. Additionally, α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid (AMPA) receptors, but not the inhibition of NMDA or 5-HT2C receptors, resulted in fear generalization in NLRP3 KO mice because TAT-GluA2 3Y, but not SB242084 and D-cycloserine, treated blocked NLRP3 deprivation effects on fear generalization. Thus, global knockout of NLRP3 is associated with aberrant fear generalization, possibly through AMPA receptor signaling.





