
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Recent advancements in vehicular technology are expected to enhance traffic safety by either warning the drivers or by automating the tasks related to driving to reduce the human driver\'s involvement. The driver warning systems (DWSs) are designed to warn drivers in unsafe situations such as forward collision, lane departure, or when changing lanes with vehicles in blind spot areas. Although these features are designed to enhance safety, recent crash data shows vehicles with these features are still getting involved in crashes, making it necessary to identify the contributing factors. Further, it also requires research to quantify the benefits of vehicles with one or multiple DWS in terms of safety during multivehicle crashes. This study presents a methodological framework to compare factors affecting fatal crashes involving vehicles with no, one and two DWSs. A three-step method is proposed to incorporate unobserved heterogeneity while modeling. Fixed parameter and correlated random parameter order logit models are employed. The results shows that correlated random parameters ordered logit model outperforms traditional fixed parameter ordered logit model. Vehicles equipped with DWSs are safer than vehicles without DWSs during wet or snowy road conditions, when the vehicle skids laterally or longitudinally, and at intersections. Vehicles with one or both DWSs can reduce drink-and-drive and speeding-related crash involvement than vehicles without DWSs. Female and elderly drivers are at a higher risk while driving a vehicle with one or both DWSs compared to driving a vehicle without DWSs, demanding vehicular modifications.






  • 文章类型: Letter






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Myocarditis is an inflammation of the heart muscle. The most common cause of myocarditis is viral infections. clinical presentation of acute myocarditis is highly variable and varies from asymptomatic to fulminant heart failure or sudden death. Fulminant myocarditis is a severe form of myocarditis characterized by heart failure, arrhythmia, cardiogenic shock, and sudden cardiac arrest. Early diagnosis and proper treatment are essential for improved survival. We present a case of a 34-year-old woman who presented with viral symptoms for two days and then died suddenly.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Neuroleptic malignant syndrome is characterized by muscle stiffness, hyperthermia, autonomic dysfunction, elevation in serum creatine phosphokinase, and changes in consciousness, which usually occur due to the side effects of life-threatening neuroleptic and antipsychotic drugs, and it can cause high mortality. A few cases of neuroleptic malignant syndrome associated with coronavirus disease 2019 infection and vaccination have been reported in the literature. Our case presented with epileptic seizure and neuroleptic malignant syndrome signs 10 days after receiving a single dose of the BNT162b2 vaccine when under low-dose olanzapine treatment with a diagnosis of autism and epilepsy. According to the laboratory test, the creatine kinase value was very high, there was hyponatremia, and the iron value was low. The patient died. Our aim in reporting this case is to draw attention to the possibility that coronavirus disease 2019 vaccines may trigger neuroleptic malignant syndrome, which can be a fatal complication in patients taking antipsychotics, albeit very rare among the large vaccinated population.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Behcet\'s disease (BD) is a systemic condition of unknown etiology, characterized by a wide clinical polymorphism. Vascular involvement in BD is rare and can be revealing in many cases. We present an advanced case of BD with multiple venous thromboses associated with urgent dialysis-dependent end-stage chronic renal failure. This case highlights the complexity of managing BD, emphasizing the challenges associated with multiple thromboses and the crucial importance of early diagnosis to optimize the management of this systemic disease.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    A less than one-month-old infant with symptoms of rhinitis died unexpectedly in his sleep. He was not born prematurely and had no known underlying disease. Cerebrospinal fluid, nasopharyngeal and lung samples, and rectal swab were found to be positive for subgroup A rhinovirus, while the blood was negative. This case highlights the important finding that the rhinovirus, a common pathogen associated with upper respiratory tract infections, can sometimes, as the only pathogen, lead to complications such as a cerebrospinal infection and be involved in the sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). Vigilance is necessary in case of viral infections in the infant\'s environment, and measures of hygiene and protection must be encouraged in order to reduce the risk of the SIDS.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Immune-checkpoint inhibitors (ICI) have revolutionized cancer treatment by harnessing the immune system but ICI can induce life-threatening immune-related adverse events (irAE) affecting every organ.
    UNASSIGNED: We extracted irAE from VigiBase, the international pharmacovigilance database, first reported in 2008 until 01/2023 to characterize irAE reporting trends, clinical features, risk factors and outcomes.
    UNASSIGNED: We distinguished 25 types of irAE (n = 50,347cases, single irAE/case in 84.9%). Cases mainly involved anti-PD1 (programmed-death-1) monotherapy (62.4%) in male (61.7%) aged 64.3 ± 12.6 years. After 2020 vs. prior to 2016, proportion of anti-CTLA4 (Cytotoxic-T-Lymphocyte-Antigen-4) monotherapy prescription almost vanished (1.6% vs. 47%, respectively) contrasting with increased use of anti-PDL1 (PD1-ligand) monotherapy (18% vs. 0.9%) and anti-CTLA4+anti-PD(L)1 combination (20% vs. 8.9%). Anti-LAG3 (Lymphocyte-Activation-Gene-3) prescription was limited (<1%) in the studied timeframe. After 2020, over 14 different cancer types were treated vs. almost exclusively melanoma and lung cancers before 2016. Overall, the most reported irAE were skin reactions (22.9%), pneumonitis (18.5%), enterocolitis (14.4%) and thyroiditis (12.1%). ICI-myotoxicities (6.6%) included myositis, myocarditis and myasthenia-gravis like syndrome and were the most overlapping irAE (up to 30% overlap, vs. <3% in general for other inter-irAE overlap). The top factors associated with specific irAE (odds-ratio>5) were presence of thymic cancer for ICI-myotoxicities or hepatitis; presence of melanoma for vitiligo, uveitis or sarcoidosis; specific types of ICI regimen (anti-LAG3 for meningitis, anti-CTLA4 for hypophysitis); and specific reporting regions (eastern Asia for cholangitis). Median time-to-onset ranged from 31 to 273 days, being shortest for myotoxicities and most delayed for skin-bullous auto-immune reactions. Overall fatality was highest for myocarditis = 27.6%, myasthenia = 23.1%, severe cutaneous adverse reactions (SCAR) = 22.1%, myositis = 21.9%, pneumonitis = 21%, and encephalomyelitis = 18%; generally decreasing after 2020, except for myasthenia and SCAR. When reported, irAE recurrence rate after rechallenge was 28.9% (n = 275/951).
    UNASSIGNED: This up-to-date comprehensive worldwide pharmacovigilance study defines the spectrum, characteristics, and evolution of irAE reporting summarizing over a decade of use. Multiple risk factors and clinical peculiarities for specific irAE have been identified as signals to guide clinical practice and future research.
    UNASSIGNED: Paul Gougis was supported by the academic program: \"Contrats ED: Programme blanc Institut Curie PSL\" for the conduct of his PhD. Baptiste Abbar was supported by \"the Fondation ARC Pour le Rechercher Sur le Cancer\". The RT2L research group (Institut Curie) was supported by the academic program \"SHS INCa\", Sanofi iTech award, and by Monoprix∗.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Nocardia is a type of bacteria that can cause infections in both immunocompromised and immunocompetent hosts. It is an obligate aerobe and is commonly found in the environment. Pulmonary nocardiosis may present as pneumonia, endobronchial inflammatory masses, lung abscess, and cavitary disease with contiguous extension, leading to effusion and empyema. We present a case of pulmonary nocardiosis in a 75-year-old male patient with type 2 diabetes mellitus. The patient presented with bilateral pneumonia and hypoxia with an oxygen saturation of 85%. Sputum samples were sent to the microbiology laboratory for testing. Acid-fast staining with 1% H2SO4 showed acid-fast branching filamentous rods, but Nocardia could not be isolated in culture. The sample was subjected to 16S rRNA gene sequencing, which identified the pathogen as Nocardia wallacei. The culture of the sputum did not grow any pathogenic organisms, and the blood culture was sterile. Unfortunately, the patient left the hospital against medical advice as he was advised for intubation. The patient could not survive and died the next day after leaving the hospital. N. wallacei can be fatal and cause disseminated infection in both immunosuppressed and immunocompetent patients. Only eight case reports of N. wallacei have been reported in the literature from various parts of the world. Our case is the first case report of N. wallacei from India.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Documented cases of sodium nitrite toxicity are almost exclusively caused by accidental ingestion; however, self-poisoning with sodium nitrite represents an increasing trend in nitrate-related deaths. This systematic review summarizes the most crucial evidence regarding the fatal toxicity of sodium nitrite. It identifies gaps and differences in the diagnostic forensic approaches and the detection methods of sodium nitrite intoxication. A total of eleven research articles were selected for qualitative and quantitative data. Most of the studies (6/11) were case reports. Fifty-three cases of fatal intoxication with sodium nitrite were chosen for the review. More research is required to develop cost-effective techniques and uniform cutoffs for blood nitrite and nitrate levels in the event of deadly sodium nitrite poisoning. There is still a lack of critical information on other matrices and the impact of time since death on toxicological results in such situations. The available evidence provides useful recommendations for forensic pathologists and health practitioners engaged in instances of sodium nitrite poisoning or death. The data should also set off alarm bells in the public health system, in prosecutor\'s offices, and for policymakers so that they may undertake preventative measures to stop and restrict the unregulated market for these substances.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Generation of reliable data underpins the effectiveness of Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) surveillance systems. Despite the importance of understanding OHS data systems, there are few papers that provide overviews of their structure and/or content. This paper introduces a basic framework for assessing OHS data systems that will be of use to researchers internationally. We applied this approach to assess the Irish OHS data system by undertaking a data mapping exercise.
    UNASSIGNED: We developed a checklist based on recommendations of monitoring and measurement of OHS proposed by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (USA). An assessment of published reports that present systematic OHS surveillance data was undertaken to identify the institutions or organisations responsible for collecting and curating the data, their remit, and, associated with this, their respective case definitions. We then provide an overview of the variables collected and these are then mapped against the checklist.
    UNASSIGNED: The assessment highlights that whilst the farm fatalities dataset provides complete coverage of all fatalities, regardless of age or employment status, the same is not true of the three non-fatal injuries datasets reviewed. There are important differences in the data collection methods and, associated with this, which populations are covered.
    UNASSIGNED: The assessment approach provides valuable insights into the strengths and weaknesses of a critical element of OHS surveillance systems, namely the production of datasets. This knowledge is important for researchers as understanding the data that informs their research is fundamental to good science. It is critical for policy-makers and other stakeholders to understand the strengths and weaknesses on which OHS policy, strategies, or education and training interventions are developed.





