eye development

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Environmental pollutants capable of interfering with the thyroid hormone (TH) system increasingly raise concern for both human and environmental health. Recently, resorcinol has received attention as a compound of concern due to its endocrine disrupting properties. It is a known inhibitor of thyroperoxidase (TPO), an enzyme required in TH synthesis, and therapeutic use of resorcinol exposure has led to hypothyroidism in humans. There is limited evidence concerning ecotoxicologically relevant effects of resorcinol in fish. A set of adverse outcome pathways (AOPs) has recently been developed linking thyroid hormone system disruption (THSD) to impaired swim bladder inflation and eye development in fish. In the present study, these AOPs were used to provide the background for testing potential THSD effects of resorcinol in zebrafish eleutheroembryos. We exposed zebrafish eleutheroembryos to resorcinol and assessed TH levels, swim bladder inflation and eye morphology. As a TPO inhibitor, resorcinol is expected to affect TH levels and eye morphology but not swim bladder inflation during embryonic development. Indeed, thyroxine (T4) levels were significantly decreased following resorcinol exposure. In contrast to our hypothesis, swim bladder inflation was impaired at 5 days post fertilization (dpf) and no effects on eye morphology were detected. Therefore, in vitro assays were performed to identify potential additional thyroid hormone system disruption-related mechanisms through which resorcinol may act. Two new mechanisms were identified: TH receptor (TR) antagonism and transthyretin (TTR) binding inhibition. Both of these mechanisms can plausibly be linked to impaired swim bladder inflation and could, therefore, explain the observed effect. Overall, our study contributes to the knowledge of the THSD potential of resorcinol both in vivo in the zebrafish model as well as in vitro.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Retinal progenitor cells (RPCs) are a multipotent and highly proliferative population that give rise to all retinal cell types during organogenesis. Defining their molecular signature is a key step towards identifying suitable approaches to treat visual impairments. Here, we performed RNA sequencing of whole eyes from Xenopus at three embryonic stages and used differential expression analysis to define the transcriptomic profiles of optic tissues containing proliferating and differentiating RPCs during retinogenesis. Gene Ontology and KEGG pathway analyses showed that genes associated with developmental pathways (including Wnt and Hedgehog signaling) were upregulated during the period of active RPC proliferation in early retinal development (Nieuwkoop Faber st. 24 and 27). Developing eyes had dynamic expression profiles and shifted to enrichment for metabolic processes and phototransduction during RPC progeny specification and differentiation (st. 35). Furthermore, conserved adult eye regeneration genes were also expressed during early retinal development, including sox2, pax6, nrl, and Notch signaling components. The eye transcriptomic profiles presented here span RPC proliferation to retinogenesis and include regrowth-competent stages. Thus, our dataset provides a rich resource to uncover molecular regulators of RPC activity and will allow future studies to address regulators of RPC proliferation during eye repair and regrowth.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Uveal coloboma, a developmental eye defect, is caused by failed development of the optic fissure, a ventral structure in the optic stalk and cup where axons exit the eye and vasculature enters. The Hedgehog (Hh) signaling pathway regulates optic fissure development: loss-of-function mutations in the Hh receptor ptch2 produce overactive Hh signaling and can result in coloboma. We previously proposed a model where overactive Hh signaling disrupts optic fissure formation by upregulating transcriptional targets acting both cell- and non-cell-autonomously. Here, we examine the Netrin family of secreted ligands as candidate Hh target genes.
    RESULTS: We find multiple Netrin ligands upregulated in the zebrafish ptch2 mutant during optic fissure development. Using a gain-of-function approach to overexpress Netrin in a spatiotemporally specific manner, we find that netrin1a or netrin1b overexpression is sufficient to cause coloboma and disrupt wild-type optic fissure formation. We used loss-of-function alleles, CRISPR/Cas9 mutagenesis, and morpholino knockdown to test if loss of Netrin can rescue coloboma in the ptch2 mutant: loss of netrin genes does not rescue the ptch2 mutant phenotype.
    CONCLUSIONS: These results suggest that Netrin is sufficient but not required to disrupt optic fissure formation downstream of overactive Hh signaling in the ptch2 mutant.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Retinal progenitor cells (RPCs) are a multipotent and highly proliferative population that give rise to all retinal cell types during organogenesis. Defining their molecular signature is a key step towards identifying suitable approaches to treat visual impairments. Here, we performed RNA-sequencing of whole eyes from Xenopus at three embryonic stages and used differential expression analysis to define the transcriptomic profiles of optic tissues containing proliferating and differentiating RPCs during retinogenesis. Gene Ontology and KEGG pathway analyses showed that genes associated with developmental pathways (including Wnt and Hedgehog signaling) were upregulated during the period of active RPC proliferation in early retinal development (Nieuwkoop Faber st. 24 and 27). Developing eyes had dynamic expression profiles and shifted to enrichment for metabolic processes and phototransduction during RPC progeny specification and differentiation (st. 35). Furthermore, conserved adult eye regeneration genes were also expressed during early retinal development including sox2, pax6, nrl, and Notch signaling components. The eye transcriptomic profiles presented here span RPC proliferation to retinogenesis and included regrowth-competent stages. Thus, our dataset provides a rich resource to uncover molecular regulators of RPC activity and will allow future studies to address regulators of RPC proliferation during eye repair and regrowth.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Biodegradable plastics have been commonly developed and applied as an alternative to traditional plastics, which cause environmental plastic pollution. However, biodegradable plastics still present limitations such as stringent degradation conditions and slow degradation rate, and may cause harm to the environment and organisms. Consequently, in this study, zebrafish was used to evaluate the effects of five biodegradable microplastics (MPs), polyglycolic acid (PGA), polylactic acid (PLA), polybutylene succinate (PBS), polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA) and polybutylene adipate terephthalate (PBAT) exposure on the early development, retina morphology, visually-mediated behavior, and thyroid signaling at concentrations of 1 mg/L and 100 mg/L. The results indicated that all MPs induced decreased survival rate, reduced body length, smaller eyes, and smaller heads, affecting the early development of zebrafish larvae. Moreover, the thickness of retinal layers, including inner plexiform layer (IPL), outer nuclear layer (ONL), and retinal ganglion layer (RGL) was decreased, and the expression of key genes related to eye and retinal development was abnormally altered after all MPs exposure. Exposure to PBS and PBAT led to abnormal visually-mediated behavior, indicating likely affected the visual function. All MPs could also cause thyroid system disorders, among which alterations in the thyroid hormone receptors (TRs) genes could affect the retinal development of zebrafish larvae. In summary, biodegradable MPs exhibited eye developmental toxicity and likely impaired the visual function in zebrafish larvae. This provided new evidence for revealing the effects of biodegradable plastics on aquatic organism development and environmental risks to aquatic ecosystems.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Semaphorin6A (Sema6A) is a repulsive guidance molecule that plays many roles in central nervous system, heart and bone development, as well as immune system responses and cell signaling in cancer. Loss of Sema6A or its receptor PlexinA2 in zebrafish leads to smaller eyes and improper retinal patterning. Here, we investigate a potential role for the Sema6A intracellular domain in zebrafish eye development and dissect which phenotypes rely on forward signaling and which rely on reverse signaling. We performed rescue experiments on zebrafish Sema6A morphants with either full-length Sema6A (Sema6A-FL) or Sema6A lacking its intracellular domain (Sema6A-ΔC). We identified that the intracellular domain is not required for eye size and retinal patterning, however it is required for retinal integrity, the number and end feet strength of Müller glia and protecting against retinal cell death. This novel function for the intracellular domain suggests a role for Sema6A reverse signaling in zebrafish eye development.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Uveal coloboma, a developmental eye defect, is caused by failed development of the optic fissure, a ventral structure in the optic stalk and cup where axons exit the eye and vasculature enters. The Hedgehog (Hh) signaling pathway regulates optic fissure development: loss-of-function mutations in the Hh receptor ptch2 produce overactive Hh signaling and can result in coloboma. We previously proposed a model where overactive Hh signaling disrupts optic fissure formation by upregulating transcriptional targets acting both cell- and non-cell-autonomously. Here, we examine the Netrin family of secreted ligands as candidate Hh target genes.
    UNASSIGNED: We find multiple Netrin ligands upregulated in the zebrafish ptch2 mutant during optic fissure development. Using a gain-of-function approach to overexpress Netrin in a spatiotemporally specific manner, we find that netrin1a or netrin1b overexpression is sufficient to cause coloboma and disrupt wild-type optic fissure formation. We used loss-of-function alleles, CRISPR/Cas9 mutagenesis, and morpholino knockdown to test if loss of Netrin can rescue coloboma in the ptch2 mutant: loss of netrin genes does not rescue the ptch2 mutant phenotype.
    UNASSIGNED: These results suggest that Netrin is sufficient but not required to disrupt optic fissure formation downstream of overactive Hh signaling in the ptch2 mutant.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Nonsense and missense mutations in the transcription factor PAX6 cause a wide range of eye development defects, including aniridia, microphthalmia and coloboma. To understand how changes of PAX6:DNA binding cause these phenotypes, we combined saturation mutagenesis of the paired domain of PAX6 with a yeast one-hybrid (Y1H) assay in which expression of a PAX6-GAL4 fusion gene drives antibiotic resistance. We quantified binding of more than 2700 single amino-acid variants to two DNA sequence elements. Mutations in DNA-facing residues of the N-terminal subdomain and linker region were most detrimental, as were mutations to prolines and to negatively charged residues. Many variants caused sequence-specific molecular gain-of-function effects, including variants in position 71 that increased binding to the LE9 enhancer but decreased binding to a SELEX-derived binding site. In the absence of antibiotic selection, variants that retained DNA binding slowed yeast growth, likely because such variants perturbed the yeast transcriptome. Benchmarking against known patient variants and applying ACMG/AMP guidelines to variant classification, we obtained supporting-to-moderate evidence that 977 variants are likely pathogenic and 1306 are likely benign. Our analysis shows that most pathogenic mutations in the paired domain of PAX6 can be explained simply by the effects of these mutations on PAX6:DNA association, and establishes Y1H as a generalisable assay for the interpretation of variant effects in transcription factors.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Haploinsufficiency of the PRR12 gene is implicated in a human neuro-ocular syndrome. Although identified as a nuclear protein highly expressed in the embryonic mouse brain, PRR12 molecular function remains elusive. This study explores the spatio-temporal expression of zebrafish PRR12 co-orthologs, prr12a and prr12b, as a first step to elucidate their function. In silico analysis reveals high evolutionary conservation in the DNA-interacting domains for both orthologs, with significant syntenic conservation observed for the prr12b locus. In situ hybridization and RT-qPCR analyses on zebrafish embryos and larvae reveal distinct expression patterns: prr12a is expressed early in zygotic development, mainly in the central nervous system, while prr12b expression initiates during gastrulation, localizing later to dopaminergic telencephalic and diencephalic cell clusters. Both transcripts are enriched in the ganglion cell and inner neural layers of the 72 hpf retina, with prr12b widely distributed in the ciliary marginal zone. In the adult brain, prr12a and prr12b are found in the cerebellum, amygdala and ventral telencephalon, which represent the main areas affected in autistic patients. Overall, this study suggests PRR12\'s potential involvement in eye and brain development, laying the groundwork for further investigations into PRR12-related neurobehavioral disorders.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) infects up to 80% of the world\'s population. Here, we show that HCMV infection leads to widespread changes in human chromatin accessibility and chromatin looping, with hundreds of thousands of genomic regions affected 48 hours after infection. Integrative analyses reveal HCMV-induced perturbation of Hippo signaling through drastic reduction of TEAD1 transcription factor activity. We confirm extensive concordant loss of TEAD1 binding, active H3K27ac histone marks, and chromatin looping interactions upon infection. Our data position TEAD1 at the top of a hierarchy involving multiple altered important developmental pathways. HCMV infection reduces TEAD1 activity through four distinct mechanisms: closing of TEAD1-bound chromatin, reduction of YAP1 and phosphorylated YAP1 levels, reduction of TEAD1 transcript and protein levels, and alteration of TEAD1 exon-6 usage. Altered TEAD1-based mechanisms are highly enriched at genetic risk loci associated with eye and ear development, providing mechanistic insight into HCMV\'s established roles in these processes.





