eye color

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In insect genome editing CRISPR/Cas9 is predominantly employed, while the potential of several classes of Cas enzymes such as Cas12a largely remain untested. As opposed to Cas9 which requires a GC-rich protospacer adjacent motif (PAM), Cas12a requires a T-rich PAM and causes staggered cleavage in the target DNA, opening possibilities for multiplexing. In this regard, the utility of Cas12a has been shown in only a few insect species such as fruit flies and the silkworm, but not in non-model insects such as the fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda, a globally important invasive pest that defies most of the current management methods. In this regard, a more recent genetic biocontrol method known as the precision-guided sterile insect technique (pgSIT) has shown successful implementation in Drosophila melanogaster, with certain thematic adaptations required for application in agricultural pests. However, before the development of a controllable gene drive for a non-model species, it is important to validate the activity of Cas12a in that species. In the current study we have, for the first time, demonstrated the potential of Cas12a by editing an eye color gene, tryptophan 2,3-dioxygenase (TO) of S. frugiperda by microinjecting ribonucleoprotein complex into pre-blastoderm (G0) eggs. Analysis of G0 mutants revealed that all five mutants (two male and three female) exhibited distinct edits consisting of both deletion and insertion events. All five edits were further validated through in silico modeling to understand the changes at the protein level and further corroborate with the range of eye-color phenotypes observed in the present study.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    One of the greatest strengths of Drosophila genetics is its easily observable and selectable phenotypic markers. The mini-white marker has been widely used as a transgenic marker for Drosophila transgenesis. Flies carrying a mini-white construct can exhibit various eye colors ranging from pale orange to intense red, depending on the insertion site and gene dosage. Because the two copies of the mini-white marker show a stronger orange color, this is often used for selecting progenies carrying two transgenes together in a single chromosome after chromosomal recombination. However, some GAL4 lines available in the fly community originally have very strong red eyes. Without employing another marker, such as GFP, generating a recombinant chromosome with the strong red-eyed GAL4 and a desired UAS-transgene construct may be difficult. Therefore, we decided to change the red eyes of GAL4 lines to orange color. To change the eye color of the fly, we tested the CRISPR/Cas9 method with a guide RNA targeting the white gene with OK371-GAL4 and elav-GAL4. After a simple screening, we have successfully obtained multiple lines of orange-eyed OK371-GAL4 and elav-GAL4 that still maintain their original expression patterns. All of these simple experiments were performed by undergraduate students, allowing them to learn about a variety of different genetic experiments and genome editing while contributing to the fly research community by creating fruit fly lines that will be used in real-world research.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Franz Kafka had beautiful eyes. So striking, that many of the famous author\'s friends and peers commented on them - but quite variously (\'dark\', \'brown\', \'grey\' & \'blue\'). Eye colour as perceived by an observer is subjective, being influenced by physiological, environmental, and even sociocultural factors. In a policing context, this does not mean that trait information such as eye colour is not valuable (far from it), but that it must be managed carefully. The Australian Federal Police has recently implemented a forensic DNA phenotyping (FDP, aka. physical trait prediction or PTP) capability, utilising massively parallel sequencing DNA technology to predict an individual\'s eye colour, biogeographical ancestry and sex from a crime scene sample. This information alone is not itself \'intelligence\', but can be used to generate intelligence through holistic analyses undertaken within a transdisciplinary, all-source forensic intelligence (FORINT) framework. FORINT outputs posit abductive propositions typically at the activity/offence level, to provide insight and influence decision making. However, the use of predicted traits requires that they are compared to something; all Australian police databases include fields for physical traits, but no uniform standard is applied across all agencies. Moreover, collection is inconsistent and no automated systems are in place to capture such data systematically. Consider the \'Kafka problem\': his peers gave multiply divergent descriptions of his eyes. If a Biology unit had predicted the eye colour of an \'unidentified author\' using DNA - how would Kafka be confidently nominated as the contributor? We posit three maxims for law enforcement: (1) To expand the operational utility of forensic science in line with police demands, forensic science should operationalise FDP (e.g. operationally to rank a list of persons of interest, focus lines of enquiry in serious & organised crime, or assist with human remains identification). (2) Such advanced biological techniques are best delivered through an all-source FORINT framework, to maximise opportunities and minimise risk. (3) One cannot pursue techno-scientific advancements in isolation; it is also necessary to influence the operational posture for their implementation. In this paper we explore these issues and provide recommendations relating to (a) police practices, (b) image capture systems, and (c) research opportunities. Phenotypic trait prediction has great potential and can be operationalised effectively through a rigorous FORINT framework. However, there is (continual) work to be done to enhance the operational capabilities that are complementary to - but necessary for - effective forensic science contribution to investigations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: This study assesses the accuracy of the IrisPlex system, a genetic eye color prediction tool for forensic analysis, in the Kazakh population. The study compares previously published genotypes of 515 Kazakh individuals from varied geographical and ethnohistorical contexts with phenotypic data on their eye color, introduced for the first time in this research.
    RESULTS: The IrisPlex panel\'s effectiveness in predicting eye color in the Kazakh population was validated. It exhibited slightly lower accuracy than in Western European populations but was higher than in Siberian populations. The sensitivity was notably high for brown-eyed individuals (0.99), but further research is needed for blue and intermediate eye colors. This study establishes IrisPlex as a useful predictive tool in the Kazakh population and provides a basis for future investigations into the genetic basis of phenotypic variations in this diverse population.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The most significant genetic influence on eye color pigmentation is attributed to the intronic SNP rs12913832 in the HERC2 gene, which interacts with the promoter region of the contiguous OCA2 gene. This interaction, through the formation of a chromatin loop, modulates the transcriptional activity of OCA2, directly affecting eye color pigmentation. Recent advancements in technology have elucidated the precise spatial organization of the genome within the cell nucleus, with chromatin architecture playing a pivotal role in regulating various genome functions. In this study, we investigated the organization of the chromatin close to the HERC2/OCA2 locus in human lymphocyte nuclei using fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) and high-throughput chromosome conformation capture (Hi-C) data. The 3 Mb of genomic DNA that belonged to the chromosomal region 15q12-q13.1 revealed the presence of three contiguous chromatin loops, which exhibited a different level of compaction depending on the presence of the A or G allele in the SNP rs12913832. Moreover, the analysis of the genomic organization of the genes has demonstrated that this chromosomal region is evolutionarily highly conserved, as evidenced by the analysis of syntenic regions in species from other Vertebrate classes. Thus, the role of rs12913832 variant is relevant not only in determining the transcriptional activation of the OCA2 gene but also in the chromatin compaction of a larger region, underscoring the critical role of chromatin organization in the proper regulation of the involved genes. It is crucial to consider the broader implications of this finding, especially regarding the potential regulatory role of similar polymorphisms located within intronic regions, which do not influence the same gene by modulating the splicing process, but they regulate the expression of adjacent genes. Therefore, caution should be exercised when utilizing whole-exome sequencing for diagnostic purposes, as intron sequences may provide valuable gene regulation information on the region where they reside. Thus, future research efforts should also be directed towards gaining a deeper understanding of the precise mechanisms underlying the role and mode of action of intronic SNPs in chromatin loop organization and transcriptional regulation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study investigated the dominant blue eyes (DBE) trait linked to hearing impairment and variable white spotting in Maine Coon cats. Fifty-eight animals descending from 2 different DBE lineages, the Dutch and the Topaz lines, were sampled. They comprised 48 cats from the Dutch bloodline, including 9 green-eyed and 31 blue-eyed cats, with some individuals exhibiting signs of deafness, and 8 stillborn kittens. Samples from the Topaz lineage included 10 blue-eyed animals. A brainstem auditory evoked response test revealed a reduced to absent response to auditory stimuli and absent physiological waveforms in all of the 8 examined DBE animals. We sequenced the genome of 2 affected cats from the Dutch line and searched for variants in 19 candidate genes for the human Waardenburg syndrome and pigmentary disorders. This search yielded 9 private protein-changing candidate variants in the genes PAX3, EDN3, KIT, OCA2, SLC24A5, HERC2, and TYRP1. The genotype-phenotype cosegregation was observed for the PAX3 variant within all animals from the Dutch lineage. The mutant allele was absent from 461 control genomes and 241 additionally genotyped green-eyed Maine Coons. We considered the PAX3 variant as the most plausible candidate-a heterozygous nonsense single base pair substitution in exon 6 of PAX3 (NC_051841.1:g.205,787,310G>A, XM_019838731.3:c.937C>T, XP_019694290.1:p.Gln313*), predicted to result in a premature stop codon. PAX3 variants cause auditory-pigmentary syndrome in humans, horses, and mice. Together with the comparative data from other species, our findings strongly suggest PAX3:c.937C>T (OMIA:001688-9685) as the most likely candidate variant for the DBE, deafness, and minimal white spotting in the Maine Coon Dutch line. Finally, we propose the designation of DBERE (Rociri Elvis Dominant Blue Eyes) allele in the domestic cat.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cutaneous melanoma (CM) is a candidate for screening programs because its prognosis is excellent when diagnosed at an early disease stage. Targeted screening of those at high risk for developing CM, a cost-effective alternative to population-wide screening, requires valid procedures to identify the high-risk group. Self-assessment of the number of nevi has been suggested as a component of such procedures, but its validity has not yet been established. We analyzed the level of agreement between self-assessments and examiner assessments of the number of melanocytic nevi in the area between the wrist and the shoulder of both arms based on 4548 study subjects in whom mutually blinded double counting of nevi was performed. Nevus counting followed the IARC protocol. Study subjects received written instructions, photographs, a mirror, and a \"nevometer\" to support self-assessment of nevi larger than 2 mm. Nevus counts were categorized based on the quintiles of the distribution into five levels, defining a nevus score. Cohen\'s weighted kappa coefficient (κ) was estimated to measure the level of agreement. In the total sample, the agreement between self-assessments and examiner assessments was moderate (weighted κ = 0.596). Self-assessed nevus counts were higher than those determined by trained examiners (mean difference: 3.33 nevi). The level of agreement was independent of sociodemographic and cutaneous factors; however, participants\' eye color had a significant impact on the level of agreement. Our findings show that even with comprehensive guidance, only a moderate level of agreement between self-assessed and examiner-assessed nevus counts can be achieved. Self-assessed nevus information does not appear to be reliable enough to be used in individual risk assessment to target screening activities.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    During the last 60 years many inherited traits in domestic outbred cats were selected and retained giving birth to new breeds characterised by singular coat or morphological phenotypes. Among them, minimal white spotting associated with blue eyes was selected by feline breeders to create the Altai, Topaz, and Celestial breeds. Various established breeds also introduced this trait in their lineages. The trait, that was confirmed as autosomal dominant by breeding data, was first described in domestic cats from Kazakhstan and Russia, in British shorthair and British longhair from Russia, and in Maine Coon cats from the Netherlands, suggesting different founding effects. Using a genome-wide association study we identified a single region on chromosome C1 that was associated with the minimal white spotting and blue eyes phenotype (also called DBE by breeders for dominant blue eyes) in the French Celestial breed. Within that region we identified Paired Box 3 (PAX3) as the strongest candidate gene, since PAX3 is a key regulator of MITF (Melanocyte-Inducing Transcription Factor) and PAX3 variants have been previously identified in various species showing white spotting with or without blue eyes including the mouse and the horse. Whole genome sequencing of a Celestial cat revealed an endogenous retrovirus LTR (long terminal repeat) insertion within PAX3 intron 4 known to contain regulatory sequences (conserved non-coding element [CNE]) involved in PAX3 expression. The insertion is in the vicinity of CNE2 and CNE3. All 52 Celestial and Celestial-mixed cats with a DBE phenotype presented the insertion, that was absent in their 22 non-DBE littermates and in 87 non-DBE cats from various breeds. The outbred Celestial founder was also heterozygous for the insertion. Additionally, the variant was found in nine DBE Maine Coon cats related to the Celestial founder and four DBE Siberian cats with an uncertain origin. Segregation of the variant in the Celestial breed is consistent with dominant inheritance and does not appear to be associated with deafness. We propose that this NC_018730.3:g.206974029_206974030insN[395] variant represents the DBECEL (Celestial Dominant Blue Eyes) allele in the domestic cat.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To evaluate Spot in detecting American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus (AAPOS) Amblyopia risk factors (ARF) and for ARF myopia and hyperopia with variations in ocular pigments.
    Diagnostic screening test evaluation.
    Study population: Children presented for a complete eye examination in pediatric clinic. The study population included 1040 participants, of whom 273 had darkly pigmented eyes, 303 were medium pigmented, and 464 were light pigmented.
    Children were screened with the Spot vision screener before the complete eye examination. A pediatric ophthalmologist then completed an eye examination, including cycloplegic refraction. The pediatric ophthalmologist was blinded to the result of the Spot vision screener.
    The association between Spot screening recommendation and meeting one or more ARF/ARF + Amblyopia criterion, Spot measured spherical equivalent, and ARF myopia and hyperopia detection.
    The area under the receiver operative characteristic curve (AUC) for myopia was excellent for all. The AUC for hyperopia was good (darker-pigmented: 0.92, medium-pigmented: 0.81, and lighter-pigmented: 0.86 eyes). The Spot was most sensitive for ARF myopia (lighter-pigmented: 0.78, medium-pigmented: 0.52, darker-pigmented: 0.49). The reverse was found for hyperopia; however, sensitivity was relatively poor. The Spot was found most sensitive for hyperopia in the darker-pigment group (0.46), 0.27 for medium-pigment, and 0.23 for the lighter-pigment cohort.
    While the Spot was confirmed as a sensitive screening test with good specificity in our large cohort, the sensitivity of the Spot in detecting AAPOS guidelines for myopia and hyperopia differed with variations in skin pigment. Our results support the consideration of ethnic and racial diversity in future advances in photorefractor technology.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The CRISPR/Cas9 technology has greatly progressed research on non-model organisms, demonstrating successful applications in genome editing for various insects. However, its utilization in the case of the soybean looper, Chrysodeixis includens, a notable pest affecting soybean crops, has not been explored due to constraints such as limited genomic information and the embryonic microinjection technique. This study presents successful outcomes in generating heritable knockout mutants for a pigment transporter gene, scarlet, in C. includens through CRISPR/Cas9-mediated mutagenesis. The scarlet locus identified in the genome assembly of C. includens consists of 14 exons, with a coding sequence extending for 1,986 bp. Two single guide RNAs (sgRNAs) were designed to target the first exon of scarlet. Microinjection of these two sgRNAs along with the Cas9 protein into fresh embryos resulted in the successful production of variable phenotypes, particularly mutant eyes. The observed mutation rate accounted for about 16%. Genotype analysis revealed diverse indel mutations at the target site, presumably originating from double-strand breaks followed by the nonhomologous end joining repair, leading to a premature stop codon due to frame shift. Single-pair mating of the mutant moths produced G1 offspring, and the establishment of a homozygous mutant strain occurred in G2. The mutant moths exhibited lightly greenish or yellowish compound eyes in both sexes, confirming the involvement of scarlet in pigmentation in C. includens. Notably, the CRISPR/Cas9-mediated genome editing technique serves as a visible phenotypic marker, demonstrating its proof-of-concept applicability in C. includens, as other pigment transporter genes have been utilized as visible markers to establish genetic control for various insects. These results provide the first successful case that the CRISPR/Cas9 method effectively induces mutations in C. includes, an economically important soybean insect pest.





