extracellular electrophysiology

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Pancreatic islets are important in nutrient homeostasis and improved cellular models of clonal origin may very useful especially in view of relatively scarce primary material. Close 3D contact and coupling between β-cells are a hallmark of physiological function improving signal/noise ratios. Extracellular electrophysiology using micro-electrode arrays (MEA) is technically far more accessible than single cell patch clamp, enables dynamic monitoring of electrical activity in 3D organoids and recorded multicellular slow potentials (SP) provide unbiased insight in cell-cell coupling.
    UNASSIGNED: We have therefore asked whether 3D spheroids enhance clonal β-cell function such as electrical activity and hormone secretion using human EndoC-βH1, EndoC-βH5 and rodent INS-1 832/13 cells.
    UNASSIGNED: Spheroids were formed either by hanging drop or proprietary devices. Extracellular electrophysiology was conducted using multi-electrode arrays with appropriate signal extraction and hormone secretion measured by ELISA.
    UNASSIGNED: EndoC-βH1 spheroids exhibited increased signals in terms of SP frequency and especially amplitude as compared to monolayers and even single cell action potentials (AP) were quantifiable. Enhanced electrical signature in spheroids was accompanied by an increase in the glucose stimulated insulin secretion index. EndoC-βH5 monolayers and spheroids gave electrophysiological profiles similar to EndoC-βH1, except for a higher electrical activity at 3 mM glucose, and exhibited moreover a biphasic profile. Again, physiological concentrations of GLP-1 increased AP frequency. Spheroids also exhibited a higher secretion index. INS-1 cells did not form stable spheroids, but overexpression of connexin 36, required for cell-cell coupling, increased glucose responsiveness, dampened basal activity and consequently augmented the stimulation index.
    UNASSIGNED: In conclusion, spheroid formation enhances physiological function of the human clonal β-cell lines and these models may provide surrogates for primary islets in extracellular electrophysiology.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Efficient sensory processing requires the nervous system to adjust to ongoing features of the environment. In primary visual cortex (V1), neuronal activity strongly depends on recent stimulus history. Existing models can explain effects of prolonged stimulus presentation but remain insufficient for explaining effects observed after shorter durations commonly encountered under natural conditions. We investigated the mechanisms driving adaptation in response to brief (100 ms) stimuli in L2/3 V1 neurons by performing in vivo whole-cell recordings to measure membrane potential and synaptic inputs. We find that rapid adaptation is generated by stimulus-specific suppression of excitatory and inhibitory synaptic inputs. Targeted optogenetic experiments reveal that these synaptic effects are due to input-specific short-term depression of transmission between layers 4 and 2/3. Thus, brief stimulus presentation engages a distinct adaptation mechanism from that previously reported in response to prolonged stimuli, enabling flexible control of sensory encoding across a wide range of timescales.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The dissociative anesthetic ketamine regulates cortical activity in a dose-dependent manner. Subanesthetic-dose ketamine has paradoxical excitatory effects which is proposed to facilitate brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) (a ligand of tropomyosin receptor kinase B, TrkB) signaling, and activation of extracellular signal-regulated kinase 1/2 (ERK1/2). Previous data suggests that ketamine, at sub-micromolar concentrations, induces glutamatergic activity, BDNF release, and activation of ERK1/2 also on primary cortical neurons. We combined western blot analysis with multiwell-microelectrode array (mw-MEA) measurements to examine ketamine\'s concentration-dependent effects on network-level electrophysiological responses and TrkB-ERK1/2 phosphorylation in rat cortical cultures at 14 days in vitro. Ketamine did not cause an increase in neuronal network activity at sub-micromolar concentrations, but instead a decrease in spiking that was evident already at 500 nM concentration. TrkB phosphorylation was unaffected by the low concentrations, although BDNF elicited prominent phosphorylation response. High concentration of ketamine (10 μM) strongly reduced spiking, bursting and burst duration, which was accompanied with decreased phosphorylation of ERK1/2 but not TrkB. Notably, robust increases in spiking and bursting activity could be produced with carbachol, while it did not affect phosphorylation of TrkB or ERK1/2. Diazepam abolished neuronal activity, which was accompanied by reduced ERK1/2 phosphorylation without change on TrkB. In conclusion, sub-micromolar ketamine concentrations did not cause an increase in neuronal network activity or TrkB-ERK1/2 phosphorylation in cortical neuron cultures that readily respond to exogenously applied BDNF. Instead, pharmacological inhibition of network activity can be readily observed with high concentration of ketamine and it is associated with reduced ERK1/2 phosphorylation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Modern Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) provide opportunities to study the determinants underlying the complex activity patterns of biological neuronal networks. In this study, we applied GNNs to a large-scale electrophysiological dataset of rodent primary neuronal networks obtained by means of high-density microelectrode arrays (HD-MEAs). HD-MEAs allow for long-term recording of extracellular spiking activity of individual neurons and networks and enable the extraction of physiologically relevant features at the single-neuron and population level. We employed established GNNs to generate a combined representation of single-neuron and connectivity features obtained from HD-MEA data, with the ultimate goal of predicting changes in single-neuron firing rate induced by a pharmacological perturbation. The aim of the main prediction task was to assess whether single-neuron and functional connectivity features, inferred under baseline conditions, were informative for predicting changes in neuronal activity in response to a perturbation with Bicuculline, a GABA A receptor antagonist. Our results suggest that the joint representation of node features and functional connectivity, extracted from a baseline recording, was informative for predicting firing rate changes of individual neurons after the perturbation. Specifically, our implementation of a GNN model with inductive learning capability (GraphSAGE) outperformed other prediction models that relied only on single-neuron features. We tested the generalizability of the results on two additional datasets of HD-MEA recordings-a second dataset with cultures perturbed with Bicuculline and a dataset perturbed with the GABA A receptor antagonist Gabazine. GraphSAGE models showed improved prediction accuracy over other prediction models. Our results demonstrate the added value of taking into account the functional connectivity between neurons and the potential of GNNs to study complex interactions between neurons.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Numerous psychophysical studies show that Bayesian inference governs sensory decision-making; however, the specific neural circuitry underlying this probabilistic mechanism remains unclear. We record extracellular neural activity along the somatosensory pathway of mice while delivering sensory stimulation paradigms designed to isolate the response to the surprise generated by Bayesian inference. Our results demonstrate that laminar cortical circuits in early sensory areas encode Bayesian surprise. Systematic sensitivity to surprise is not identified in the somatosensory thalamus, rather emerging in the primary (S1) and secondary (S2) somatosensory cortices. Multiunit spiking activity and evoked potentials in layer 6 of these regions exhibit the highest sensitivity to surprise. Gamma power in S1 layer 2/3 exhibits an NMDAR-dependent scaling with surprise, as does alpha power in layers 2/3 and 6 of S2. These results show a precise spatiotemporal neural representation of Bayesian surprise and suggest that Bayesian inference is a fundamental component of cortical processing.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Recording neuronal activity with penetrating extracellular multi-channel electrode arrays, more commonly known as neural probes, is one of the most widespread approaches to probe neuronal activity. Despite a plethora of available extracellular probe designs, the time-consuming process of mapping of electrode channel order and relative geometries, as required by spike-sorting software is invariably left to the end-user. Consequently, this manual process is prone to mis-mapping mistakes, which in turn lead to undesirable spike-sorting errors and inefficiencies. Here, we introduce ProbeInterface, an open-source project that aims to unify neural probe metadata descriptions by removing the manual step of probe mapping prior to spike-sorting for the analysis of extracellular neural recordings. ProbeInterface is first of all a Python API, which enables users to create and visualize probes and probe groups at any required complexity level. Second, ProbeInterface facilitates the generation of comprehensive wiring description in a reproducible fashion for any specific data-acquisition setup, which usually involves the use of a recording probe, a headstage, adapters, and an acquisition system. Third, we collaborate with probe manufacturers to compile an open library of available probes, which can be downloaded at run time using our Python API. Finally, with ProbeInterface we define a file format for probe handling which includes all necessary information for a FAIR probe description and is compatible with and complementary to other open standards in neuroscience.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Closed-loop neuromodulation systems have received increased attention in recent years as potential therapeutic approaches for treating neurological injury and disease.
    The purpose of this study was to assess the ability of intraspinal microstimulation (ISMS), triggered by action potentials (spikes) recorded in motor cortex, to alter synaptic efficacy in descending motor pathways in an anesthetized rat model of spinal cord injury (SCI).
    Experiments were carried out in adult, male, Sprague Dawley rats with a moderate contusion injury at T8. For activity-dependent stimulation (ADS) sessions, a recording microelectrode was used to detect neuronal spikes in motor cortex that triggered ISMS in the spinal cord grey matter. SCI rats were randomly assigned to one of four experimental groups differing by: a) cortical spike-ISMS stimulus delay (10 or 25 ms) and b) number of ISMS pulses (1 or 3). Four weeks after SCI, ADS sessions were conducted in three consecutive 1-hour conditioning bouts for a total of 3 hours. At the end of each conditioning bout, changes in synaptic efficacy were assessed using intracortical microstimulation (ICMS) to examine the number of spikes evoked in spinal cord neurons during 5-minute test bouts. A multichannel microelectrode recording array was used to record cortically-evoked spike activity from multiple layers of the spinal cord.
    The results showed that ADS resulted in an increase in cortically-evoked spikes in spinal cord neurons at specific combinations of spike-ISMS delays and numbers of pulses. Efficacy in descending motor pathways was increased throughout all dorsoventral depths of the hindlimb spinal cord.
    These results show that after an SCI, ADS can increase synaptic efficacy in spared pathways between motor cortex and spinal cord. This study provides further support for the potential of ADS therapy as an effective method for enhancing descending motor control after SCI.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The aim of the study was to develop a method for long-term non-invasive recording of the bioelectrical activity induced in isolated neuronal axons irradiated with short infrared (IR) pulses and to study the effect of radiation on the occurrence of action potentials in axons of a neuron culture in vitro.
    UNASSIGNED: Hippocampal cells of mouse embryos (E18) were cultured in microfluidic chips made of polydimethylsiloxane and containing microchannels for axonal growth at a distance of up to 800 μm. We studied the electrophysiological activity of a neuronal culture induced by pulses of focused laser radiation in the IR range (1907 and 2095 nm). The electrophysiological activity of the neuronal culture was recorded using a multichannel recording system (Multi Channel Systems, Germany).
    UNASSIGNED: The developed microfluidic chip and the optical stimulation system combined with the multichannel registration system made it possible to non-invasively record the action potentials caused by pulsed IR radiation in isolated neuronal axons in vitro. The propagation of action potentials in axons was detected using extracellular microelectrodes when the cells were irradiated with a laser at a wavelength of 1907 nm with a radiation power of 0.2-0.5 W for pulses with a duration of 6 ms and 0.5 W for pulses with a duration of 10 ms. It was shown that the radiation power positively correlated with the occurrence rate of axonal response. Moreover, the probability of a response evoked by optical stimulation increased at short optical pulses. In addition, we found that more responses could be evoked by irradiating the neuronal cell culture itself rather than the axon-containing microchannels.
    UNASSIGNED: The developed method makes it possible to isolate the axons growing from cultured neurons into a microfluidic chip, stimulate the neurons with infrared radiation, and non-invasively record the axonal spiking. The proposed approach allowed us to study the characteristics of neuronal responses in cell cultures over a long (weeks) period of time. The method can be used both in fundamental research into the brain signaling system and in the development of a non-invasive neuro-interface.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Extracellular electrophysiology and two-photon calcium imaging are widely used methods for measuring physiological activity with single-cell resolution across large populations of cortical neurons. While each of these two modalities has distinct advantages and disadvantages, neither provides complete, unbiased information about the underlying neural population. Here, we compare evoked responses in visual cortex recorded in awake mice under highly standardized conditions using either imaging of genetically expressed GCaMP6f or electrophysiology with silicon probes. Across all stimulus conditions tested, we observe a larger fraction of responsive neurons in electrophysiology and higher stimulus selectivity in calcium imaging, which was partially reconciled by applying a spikes-to-calcium forward model to the electrophysiology data. However, the forward model could only reconcile differences in responsiveness when restricted to neurons with low contamination and an event rate above a minimum threshold. This work established how the biases of these two modalities impact functional metrics that are fundamental for characterizing sensory-evoked responses.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Adaptation is a ubiquitous feature of sensory processing whereby recent experience shapes future responses. The mouse primary visual cortex (V1) is particularly sensitive to recent experience, where a brief stimulus can suppress subsequent responses for seconds. This rapid adaptation profoundly impacts perception, suggesting that its effects are propagated along the visual hierarchy. To understand how rapid adaptation influences sensory processing, we measured its effects at key nodes in the visual system: in V1, three higher visual areas (HVAs: lateromedial, anterolateral, and posteromedial), and the superior colliculus (SC) in awake mice of both sexes using single-unit recordings. Consistent with the feed-forward propagation of adaptation along the visual hierarchy, we find that neurons in layer 4 adapt less strongly than those in other layers of V1. Furthermore, neurons in the HVAs adapt more strongly, and recover more slowly, than those in V1. The magnitude and time course of adaptation was comparable in each of the HVAs and in the SC, suggesting that adaptation may not linearly accumulate along the feed-forward visual processing hierarchy. Despite the increase in adaptation in the HVAs compared with V1, the effects were similarly orientation specific across all areas. These data reveal that adaptation profoundly shapes cortical processing, with increasing impact at higher levels in the cortical hierarchy, and also strongly influencing computations in the SC. Thus, we find robust, brain-wide effects of rapid adaptation on sensory processing.NEW & NOTEWORTHY Rapid adaptation dynamically alters sensory signals to account for recent experience. To understand how adaptation affects sensory processing and perception, we must determine how it impacts the diverse set of cortical and subcortical areas along the hierarchy of the mouse visual system. We find that rapid adaptation strongly impacts neurons in primary visual cortex, the higher visual areas, and the colliculus, consistent with its profound effects on behavior.






