
evo - devo
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The complex zygomorphic flowers of the early-diverging eudicot Delphinium provide an opportunity to explore intriguing evolutionary, developmental, and genetic questions. The dorsal perianth organs, consisting of a spurred sepal and the nectar-bearing spurred petal(s) in Delphinium, contribute to the dorso-ventralization and zygomorphic flower morphology. The seamless integration of the two or three dorsal petaloid spurred organs is considered a synorganization, and the resulting organ complex is referred to as a hyperorgan. The hyperorgan shows variability within the tribe due to variation in the number, size, and shape of the spurs. Research in recent decades within this tribe has enhanced our understanding of morphological evolution of flowers. More recently, functional studies using the RNAi approach of Virus-Induced Gene Silencing (VIGS) have unraveled interesting results highlighting the role of gene duplication in the functional diversification of organ identity and symmetry genes. Research in this early-diverging eudicot genus bridges the gaps in understanding the morphological innovations that are mostly studied in model grass and core eudicot clades. This first comprehensive review synthesizes eco-evo-devo research on Delphinium, developing a holistic understanding of recent advancements and establishing the genus as an exceptional model for addressing fundamental questions in developmental genetics, particularly in the evolution of complex flowers. This progress highlights Delphinium\'s significant potential for future studies in this field.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Biological shape diversity is often manifested in modulation of organ symmetry and modification of the patterned elaboration of repeated shape elements.1,2,3,4,5 Whether and how these two aspects of shape determination are coordinately regulated is unclear.5,6,7 Plant leaves provide an attractive system to investigate this problem, because they often show asymmetries along the proximodistal (PD) axis of their blades, along which they can also produce repeated marginal outgrowths such as serrations or leaflets.1 One aspect of leaf shape diversity is heteroblasty, where the leaf form in a single genotype is modified with progressive plant age.8,9,10,11 In Arabidopsis thaliana, a plant with simple leaves, SQUAMOSA PROMOTER BINDING PROTEIN-LIKE 9 (SPL9) controls heteroblasty by activating CyclinD3 expression, thereby sustaining proliferative growth and retarding differentiation in adult leaves.12,13 However, the precise significance of SPL9 action for leaf symmetry and marginal patterning is unknown. By combining genetics, quantitative shape analyses, and time-lapse imaging, we show that PD symmetry of the leaf blade in A. thaliana decreases in response to an age-dependent SPL9 expression gradient, and that SPL9 action coordinately regulates the distribution and shape of marginal serrations and overall leaf form. Using comparative analyses, we demonstrate that heteroblastic growth reprogramming in Cardamine hirsuta, a complex-leafed relative of A. thaliana, also involves prolonging the duration of cell proliferation and delaying differentiation. We further provide evidence that SPL9 enables species-specific action of homeobox genes that promote leaf complexity. In conclusion, we identified an age-dependent layer of organ PD growth regulation that modulates leaf symmetry and has enabled leaf shape diversification.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Polyploidization drives regulatory and phenotypic innovation. How the merger of different genomes contributes to polyploid development is a fundamental issue in evolutionary developmental biology and breeding research. Clarifying this issue is challenging because of genome complexity and the difficulty in tracking stochastic subgenome divergence during development. Recent single-cell sequencing techniques enabled probing subgenome divergent regulation in the context of cellular differentiation. However, analyzing single-cell data suffers from high error rates due to high-dimensionality, noise, and sparsity, and the errors stack up in polyploid analysis due to the increased dimensionality of comparisons between subgenomes of each cell, hindering deeper mechanistic understandings. Here, we developed a quantitative computational framework, pseudo-genome divergence quantification (pgDQ), for quantifying and tracking subgenome divergence directly at the cellular level. Further comparing with cellular differentiation trajectories derived from scRNA-seq data allowed for an examination of the relationship between subgenome divergence and the progression of development. pgDQ produces robust results and is insensitive to data dropout and noise, avoiding high error rates due to multiple comparisons of genes, cells, and subgenomes. A statistical diagonostic approach is proposed to identify genes that are central to subgenome divergence during development, which facilitates the integration of different data modalities, enabling the identification of factors and pathways that mediate subgenome-divergent activity during development. Case studies demonstrated that applying pgDQ to single cell and bulk tissue transcriptome data promotes a systematic and deeper understanding of how dynamic subgenome divergence contributes to developmental trajectories in polyploid evolution.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Evolutionary variation in the wing pigmentation of butterflies and moths offers striking examples of adaptation by crypsis and mimicry. The cortex locus has been independently mapped as the locus controlling color polymorphisms in 15 lepidopteran species, suggesting that it acts as a genomic hotspot for the diversification of wing patterns, but functional validation through protein-coding knockouts has proven difficult to obtain. Our study unveils the role of a long noncoding RNA (lncRNA) which we name ivory, transcribed from the cortex locus, in modulating color patterning in butterflies. Strikingly, ivory expression prefigures most melanic patterns during pupal development, suggesting an early developmental role in specifying scale identity. To test this, we generated CRISPR mosaic knock-outs in five nymphalid butterfly species and show that ivory mutagenesis yields transformations of dark pigmented scales into white or light-colored scales. Genotyping of Vanessa cardui germline mutants associates these phenotypes to small on-target deletions at the conserved first exon of ivory. In contrast, cortex germline mutant butterflies with confirmed null alleles lack any wing phenotype and exclude a color patterning role for this adjacent gene. Overall, these results show that a lncRNA gene acts as a master switch of color pattern specification and played key roles in the adaptive diversification of wing patterns in butterflies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This paper offers an historical introduction to Pere Alberch\'s evolutionary thought and his contributions to Evo-Devo, based on his unique approach to experimental teratology. We will take as our point of reference the teratogenic experiments developed by Alberch and Emily A. Gale during the 1980s, aimed at producing monstrous variants of frogs and salamanders. We will analyze his interpretation of the results of these experiments within the framework of the emergence of evolutionary developmental biology (or \"Evo-Devo\"). The aim is understand how Alberch interpreted teratological anomalies as highly revealing objects of study for understanding the development of organic form, not only in an ontogenetic sense-throughout embryonic development-but also phylogenetically-throughout the evolution of species. Alberch\'s interpretation of monsters reflects the influence of a long tradition of non-Darwinian evolutionary thought, which began in the nineteenth century and was continued in the twentieth century by people such as Richard Goldschmidt, Conrad H. Waddington, and Stephen Jay Gould. They all proposed various non-gradualist models of evolution, in which embryonic development played a central role. Following this tradition, Alberch argued that, in order to attain a correct understanding of the role of embryological development in evolution, it was necessary to renounce the gradualist paradigm associated with the Darwinian interpretation of evolution, which understood nature as a continuum. According to Alberch, the study of monstrous abnormalities was of great value in understanding how certain epigenetic restrictions in development could give rise to discontinuities and directionality in morphological transformations throughout evolution.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Sleep occurs in all animals but its amount, form, and timing vary considerably between species and between individuals. Currently, little is known about the basis for these differences, in part, because we lack a complete understanding of the brain circuitry controlling sleep-wake states and markers for the cell types which can identify similar circuits across phylogeny. Here, I explain the utility of an \"Evo-devo\" approach for comparative studies of sleep regulation and function as well as for sleep medicine. This approach focuses on the regulation of evolutionary ancient transcription factors which act as master controllers of cell-type specification. Studying these developmental transcription factor cascades can identify novel cell clusters which control sleep and wakefulness, reveal the mechanisms which control differences in sleep timing, amount, and expression, and identify the timepoint in evolution when different sleep-wake control neurons appeared. Spatial transcriptomic studies, which identify cell clusters based on transcription factor expression, will greatly aid this approach. Conserved developmental pathways regulate sleep in mice, Drosophila, and C. elegans. Members of the LIM Homeobox (Lhx) gene family control the specification of sleep and circadian neurons in the forebrain and hypothalamus. Increased Lhx9 activity may account for increased orexin/hypocretin neurons and reduced sleep in Mexican cavefish. Other transcription factor families specify sleep-wake circuits in the brainstem, hypothalamus, and basal forebrain. The expression of transcription factors allows the generation of specific cell types for transplantation approaches. Furthermore, mutations in developmental transcription factors are linked to variation in sleep duration in humans, risk for restless legs syndrome, and sleep-disordered breathing. This paper is part of the \"Genetic and other molecular underpinnings of sleep, sleep disorders, and circadian rhythms including translational approaches\" collection.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Throughout embryonic development, the shaping of the functional and morphological characteristics of embryos is orchestrated by an intricate interaction between transcription factors and cis-regulatory elements. In this study, we conducted a comprehensive analysis of deuterostome cis-regulatory landscapes during gastrulation, focusing on four paradigmatic species: the echinoderm Strongylocentrotus purpuratus, the cephalochordate Branchiostoma lanceolatum, the urochordate Ciona intestinalis, and the vertebrate Danio rerio. Our approach involved comparative computational analysis of ATAC-seq datasets to explore the genome-wide blueprint of conserved transcription factor binding motifs underlying gastrulation. We identified a core set of conserved DNA binding motifs associated with 62 known transcription factors, indicating the remarkable conservation of the gastrulation regulatory landscape across deuterostomes. Our findings offer valuable insights into the evolutionary molecular dynamics of embryonic development, shedding light on conserved regulatory subprograms and providing a comprehensive perspective on the conservation and divergence of gene regulation underlying the gastrulation process.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The emergence of novel traits is often preceded by a potentiation phase, when all the genetic components necessary for producing the trait are assembled. However, elucidating these potentiating factors is challenging. We have previously shown that an anthocyanin-activating R2R3-MYB, STRIPY, triggers the emergence of a distinct foliar pigmentation pattern in the monkeyflower Mimulus verbenaceus. Here, using forward and reverse genetics approaches, we identify three potentiating factors that pattern STRIPY expression: MvHY5, a master regulator of light signaling that activates STRIPY and is expressed throughout the leaf, and two leaf developmental regulators, MvALOG1 and MvTCP5, that are expressed in opposing gradients along the leaf proximodistal axis and negatively regulate STRIPY. These results provide strong empirical evidence that phenotypic novelties can be potentiated through incorporation into preexisting genetic regulatory networks and highlight the importance of positional information in patterning the novel foliar stripe.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The marine annelid Platynereis dumerilii is a model organism used in many research areas including evolution and development, neurobiology, ecology and regeneration. Here we present the genomes of P. dumerilii and of the closely related P. massiliensis and P. megalops, to facilitate comparative genomic approaches and help explore Platynereis biology. We used long-read sequencing technology and chromosomal-conformation capture along with extensive transcriptomic resources to obtain and annotate a draft genome assembly of ~1.47 Gbp for P. dumerilii, of which more than half represent repeat elements. We predict around 29,000 protein-coding genes, with relatively large intron sizes, over 38,000 non-coding genes, and 580 miRNA loci. We further explore the high genetic variation (~3% heterozygosity) within the Platynereis species complex. Gene ontology reveals the most variable loci to be associated with pigmentation, development and immunity. The current work sets the stage for further development of Platynereis genomic resources.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The last common ancestor of cephalopods and vertebrates lived about 580 million years ago, yet coleoid cephalopods, comprising squid, cuttlefish and octopus, have evolved an extraordinary behavioural repertoire that includes learned behaviour and tool utilization. These animals also developed innovative advanced defence mechanisms such as camouflage and ink release. They have evolved unique life cycles and possess the largest invertebrate nervous systems. Thus, studying coleoid cephalopods provides a unique opportunity to gain insights into the evolution and development of large centralised nervous systems. As non-model species, molecular and genetic tools are still limited. However, significant insights have already been gained to deconvolve embryonic brain development. Even though coleoid cephalopods possess a typical molluscan circumesophageal bauplan for their central nervous system, aspects of its development are reminiscent of processes observed in vertebrates as well, such as long-distance neuronal migration. This review provides an overview of embryonic coleoid cephalopod research focusing on the cellular and molecular aspects of neurogenesis, migration and patterning. Additionally, we summarize recent work on neural cell type diversity in embryonic and hatchling cephalopod brains. We conclude by highlighting gaps in our knowledge and routes for future research.





