
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Paspalum L. is a genus of the Poaceae family, with many species serving as well-adapted forage plants in subtropical climates and continuous grazing systems. However, Claviceps paspali, an ascomycete of the order Hypocreales, represents a major threat to Paspalum species. This fungus induces ergot disease, characterized by the replacement of infected flower seeds with sclerotia, which adversely affects seed production and animal health through mycotoxin production. Although ergot disease is reported in many countries, no totally resistant Paspalum cultivars have been reported for commercial use. This study comparatively evaluated disease development in six Paspalum species under greenhouse conditions with three specific isolates of C. paspali, along with field trials. In addition, field isolates of C. paspali were analyzed for phenotypic characteristics and phylogenetic relationships. Greenhouse evaluation revealed variable susceptibility among Paspalum species, with P. malacophyllum,P. notatum and P. umbrosum being the most resistant. In field trials P. dilatatum showed the highest severity index, while P. umbrosum and P. malacophyllum were less affected. Phenotypic characterization of 22 C. paspali isolates showed variability in pigmentation and growth rates, with PDA being the culture medium where the highest growth rate was observed. Phylogenetic analysis of the isolates identified two well-supported lineages between C. paspali species. This research reports an ergot resistance gradient among Paspalum species, identifying genuine sources of resistance. In addition, virulent isolates of C. paspali potentially useful for rapid screening of accessions or crosses in Paspalum breeding programs were identified.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Higher levels of ergot (Claviceps purpurea (Fr.)) Tul. were reported in North Dakota hard red spring wheat (HRSW) in 2018, leading to questions pertaining to management and cultivar resistance. To better understand pathogen and HRSW cultivar responses, greenhouse experiments were conducted from 2020 to 2021 to evaluate aggressiveness of nine C. purpurea isolates and ergot resistance in 21 HRSW cultivars. Results from the aggressiveness assay indicated significant cultivar by isolate interactions for total weight of sclerotia produced and ergot incidence. Mean data across all cultivar by isolate combinations suggested isolates CC-3 and IA-Tim were the most aggressive and subsequently used in ergot resistance experiments. Results from ergot resistance screening indicated none of the HRSW cultivars were immune to C. purpurea as all cultivars produced sclerotia. However, differences in ergot incidence, kernel incidence, aborted kernel incidence, total sclerotia weight, sclerotia length, and sclerotia width occurred among cultivars. Both \'ND-Frohberg\' and \'TCG-Spitfire\' had the lowest ergot incidence values and were among the lowest in total sclerotia weight. \'Waldron\' and \'LCS-Trigger\' had the highest ergot incidence and the highest total sclerotia weight. Given that most concerns with ergot occur post-harvest, we suggest two categories to describe ergot resistance: host resistance (fate of inoculation for a stigma) and logistical resistance (size characteristics of a sclerotium that influence its ability to remain with a seed lot after harvest and cleaning). This research provides a strong foundation on our understanding of HRSW resistance to ergot that will influence variety decisions in ergot-prone areas in North Dakota.






  • 文章类型: Randomized Controlled Trial, Veterinary
    This study evaluated the effect of feeding ergot contaminated grain continuously or intermittently through backgrounding (BG) and finishing (FN) in a mash or pelleted supplement on the growth performance, health and welfare parameters, and carcass characteristics of feedlot beef steers. Sixty black Angus steers (300 ± 29.4 kg BW) were used in a complete randomized 238-d study. Steers were stratified by weight and randomly assigned to four different diets (15 steers/treatment) and individually housed. Treatments included: (1) control [CON; no added ergot alkaloids (EA)], (2) continuous ergot mash (CEM; fed continuously at 2 mg total EA/kg of DM), (3) intermittent ergot mash (IEM; fed at 2 mg total EA/kg of DM, during the first week of each 21-d period and CON for the remaining 2 wk, this feeding pattern was repeated in each period), and (4) intermittent ergot pellet (IEP; fed at 2 mg of total EA/kg of DM as a pellet during the first week of each 21-d period and CON for the remaining 2 wk as described for IEM). Steers were fed barley based BG diets containing 40% concentrate:60% silage (DM basis) for 84 d (four 21-d periods), transitioned over 28 d (no ergot fed) to an FN diet (90% concentrate:10% silage DM basis) and fed for 126 d (six 21-d periods) before slaughter. In the BG phase, steer DMI (P < 0.01, 7.45 vs. 8.05 kg/d) and ADG (P < 0.01) were reduced for all EA diets compared to CON. The CEM fed steers had lower ADG (P < 0.01, 0.735 vs. 0.980 kg) and shrunk final BW (P < 0.01, 350 vs. 366 kg) than CON. CEM had lower gain:feed (P < 0.07, 0.130 vs. 0.142) than CON. In the FN phase, steer DMI (P < 0.01, 9.95 vs. 11.05 kg/d) and ADG (P = 0.04) were also decreased for all EA fed steers compared to CON. Total shrunk BW gain (P = 0.03, 202.5 vs. 225.2 kg), final BW (P = 0.03, 617.9 vs. 662.2 kg), and carcass weight (P = 0.06) decreased for all EA fed steers compared to CON. The percentage of AAA carcasses decreased for all EA fed steers (P < 0.01, 46.7 vs. 93.3%) compared to CON. EA fed steers had increased rectal temperatures (P < 0.01, 39.8 vs. 39.4 °C) compared to CON. Pelleting ergot contaminated grain did not reduce the impact of ergot alkaloids on any of the measured parameters during BG or FN. Continuously or intermittently feeding ergot contaminated diets (2 mg total EA/kg of DM) significantly reduced intake, growth performance, and carcass weight, with minimal impact on blood parameters in feedlot steers. Pelleting was not an effective method of reducing ergot toxicity.
    Produced by the fungus Claviceps purpurea, ergot alkaloids (EA) are toxic to beef cattle when consumed and can lead to reduction in feed intake and growth performance, vasoconstriction of the blood vessels, hyperthermia, damage to extremities (ears, tails, and hooves) and in severe cases, death. Grain is often cleaned to meet quality standards, and the resulting screenings are often utilized for feeding livestock and can have high concentrations of EA. The application of heat during pelleting of EA contaminated grain has been suggested to reduce its toxicity. Backgrounding and finishing beef cattle feeding experiments were conducted to assess the effect of continuously or intermittently feeding EA contaminated grain (2 mg/kg of diet DM) either as a pellet or as mash on growth performance, health, and animal welfare. Feeding EA grain continuously or intermittently either as a mash or pellet drastically reduced growth performance of steers, with no difference between treatments.






  • 曲坦类药物的出现彻底改变了急性偏头痛的治疗方法。较老的偏头痛特异性药物,麦角生物碱(麦角胺和双氢麦角胺),还可以通过5-HT1B和5-HT1D受体的激动来缓解偏头痛的发作,但是曲坦类药物对这些受体有更大的特异性。不像麦角生物碱,曲坦类药物不会激活许多其他受体类型,因此有更好的耐受性。这种副作用的减少极大地增强了它们的临床效用,因为它允许更大比例的患者服用全治疗剂量。因此,今天麦角胺的临床使用很少,尽管二氢麦角胺仍具有重要的临床作用。有大量证据表明,今天可用的七种triptans,舒马曲坦,佐米曲坦,利扎曲普坦,依来曲坦,那拉曲坦,阿莫曲坦,还有Frovatriptan,对偏头痛的急性治疗有效。可用的配方包括口服片剂,口服溶解片剂,皮下注射,鼻腔喷雾剂,在一些国家,直肠栓剂.为了获得最佳效益,对于给定的患者,治疗需要在选择的曲坦和制剂方面进行个性化。本章讨论麦角生物碱和曲坦,包括作用机制,有效性的证据,临床使用,和不利影响。
    The advent of the triptans revolutionized acute migraine treatment. The older migraine-specific drugs, the ergot alkaloids (ergotamine and dihydroergotamine), also relieve migraine attacks through agonism at the 5-HT1B and 5-HT1D receptors, but the triptans have much greater specificity for these receptors. Unlike the ergot alkaloids, the triptans do not activate many other receptor types, and therefore are much better tolerated. This reduction in side effects greatly enhanced their clinical utility as it allowed a far greater proportion of patients to take a full therapeutic dose. As a result, the clinical use of ergotamine is minimal today, although dihydroergotamine still has a significant clinical role. There is extensive evidence that the seven triptans available today, sumatriptan, zolmitriptan, rizatriptan, eletriptan, naratriptan, almotriptan, and frovatriptan, are effective in the acute treatment of migraine. Available formulations include oral tablets, orally dissolving tablets, subcutaneous injections, nasal sprays, and in some countries, rectal suppositories. For optimal benefit, therapy needs to be individualized for a given patient both regarding the triptan chosen and the formulation. This chapter discusses the ergot alkaloids and the triptans, including mechanism of action, evidence for efficacy, clinical use, and adverse effects.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    \"Fescue toxicosis\" and reproductive ergotism present identical toxidromes in late-gestational mares and, likely, other equids. Both toxic syndromes are caused by ergopeptine alkaloids (EPAs) of fungal origin, and they are collectively referred to as equine ergopeptine alkaloid toxicosis (EEPAT). EPAs are produced by either a toxigenic endophyte (Epichloë coenophiala) in tall fescue and/or a nonendophytic fungus (Claviceps purpurea), infecting small grains and grasses. EEPAT can cause hypoprolactinemia-induced agalactia/dysgalactia, prolonged gestation, dystocia, and other reproductive abnormalities in mares, as well as failure of passive transfer in their frequently dysmature/overmature/postmature foals. Prevention relies on eliminating exposures and/or reversing hypoprolactinemia.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Cabergoline (CAB) is an ergot derivative typically prescribed for the treatment of hyperprolactinemia. It suppresses the release of prolactin through agonist actions on dopamine (DA) D2 receptors; however, it possesses binding affinity for other DA and 5-HT receptors. Side effects that exacerbate valvular heart disease can occur with high doses.
    OBJECTIVE: The present study examined the acute, subchronic, and chronic dose-response effects of CAB and a derivative dimethylcabergoline (DMC) which acts as an antagonist instead of agonist at 5-HT 2B receptors, on appetitive and consummatory sexual behaviors of male rats.
    METHODS: CAB (0, 0.03, 0.15, or 0.3 mg/kg/ml) was administered daily to sexually experienced male rats (N = 10/dose) by oral gavage for a total of 68 days. Sexual behavior was tested every 4 days during this period for a total of 16 trials. On the 17th trial, rats were administered their dose of CAB, and 4 h after were overdosed with sodium pentobarbital, perfused intracardially, and their brains processed for Fos immunohistochemistry. DMC (0, 0.03, 0.15, 0.3 mg/kg/ml) was administered daily to sexually experienced male rats (N = 10/dose) by oral gavage for a total of 36 days. Sexual behavior was tested every 4 days for a total of 9 trials.
    RESULTS: CAB increased anticipatory level changes, intromissions, and ejaculations significantly across all timepoints, with the medium and high doses being most potent. The medium and high doses also increased Fos protein significantly within the medial preoptic area, whereas in the nucleus accumbens shell, the low and medium doses decreased Fos protein but the high dose increased it significantly from control. Similar to CAB, the medium and high doses of DMC increased the number of ejaculations significantly. Rats in all drug dose groups appeared healthy for the duration of the experiments.
    CONCLUSIONS: Both CAB and DMC facilitate ejaculations, and CAB further facilitates measures of anticipatory sexual motivation and intromissions. These data suggest that both could be used as treatments for sexual arousal disorders and ejaculation/orgasm disorders with little or no untoward side effects at low doses.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Wheat has played an important role in human agriculture since ancient times. Increasing rates of processed wheat product fabrication require more and more laboratory studies of product quality. This, in turn, requires the use, in production and in field conditions, of sufficiently accurate, fast and relatively low-cost quality control methods, including the detection of fungal diseases. One of the most widespread fungal diseases of wheat in the world is ergot caused by the fungi genus Claviceps. Optical methods are promising for this disease identification due to the relative ease of implementation and the possibility of performing fast analyses in large volumes. However, for application in practice, it is necessary to identify and substantiate characteristic spectral markers that make it possible to judge the sample contamination. In this regard, within the framework of this study, the methods of IR absorption spectroscopy in the MIR region and reflection spectroscopy in the UV-vis-NIR ranges, as well as luminescence spectroscopy, were used to study ergot-infected grains of winter wheat of the \"Moskovskaya 56\" cultivar. To justify the choice of the most specific spectral ranges, the methods of chemometric analysis with supervised classification, namely PCA-LDA and PCA-SVM, were applied. The possibility of separating infected grains according to the IR absorption, reflection spectra in the UV-vis-NIR ranges and visible luminescence spectra was tested.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The whole genomes of three Claviceps purpurea strains were sequenced using Oxford Nanopore Technologies\' MinION and assembled into complete, chromosome-level assemblies. The C. purpurea genome consists of eight conserved chromosomes, with evidence of inter-chromosomal structural rearrangements between strains.






  • 文章类型: Randomized Controlled Trial, Veterinary
    This study was designed to evaluate the effects of feeding increasing dietary concentrations of ergot alkaloids from cereal grains (EA; 0, 0.75, 1.5, 3.0 mg/kg of dietary DM) to feedlot cattle over backgrounding (BG) and finishing (FS) phases on health, welfare, and growth performance. Two hundred and forty commercial steers (280 ± 32 kg BW) were stratified by weight and randomly allocated to 16 pens (15 steers/pen), 4 of which were equipped with the GrowSafe system (1 pen/treatment) to measure individual feed intake. Each pen was randomly assigned to a treatment (n = 4/treatment). Treatments included 1) control (CTRL), no added EA; 2) CTRL + 0.75 mg/kg EA (EA075); 3) CTRL + 1.5 mg/kg EA (EA150); and 4) CTRL + 3.0 mg/kg EA (EA300). Steers were fed barley-based BG diets containing 40% concentrate: 60% silage (DM basis) for 84 d. Steers were then transitioned over 28 d to an FS diet (90% concentrate: 10% silage DM basis) and fed for 119 d before slaughter. The diet fed to EA300 steers was replaced with the CTRL diet after 190 d on feed (DOF), due to EA-induced hyperthermia starting at 165 DOF. In the BG phase, average meal length (P = 0.01) and size (P = 0.02), daily feeding duration (P = 0.03), final body weight (BW; P = 0.03), and total BW gain (P = 0.02) linearly decreased with increasing EA levels, while gain to feed (G:F) responded quadratically (P = 0.04), with EA150 having the poorest value. Increasing concentrations of EA in the diet linearly increased rectal temperature (P < 0.01) throughout the trial. Over the full FS phase, a quadratic response was observed for ADG (P = 0.05), final BW (P = 0.05), total BW gain (P = 0.02), and carcass weight (P = 0.05) with steers fed EA150 having the lowest performance, as EA300 steers were transferred to CTRL diet after 190 DOF. Dressing percentage (P = 0.02) also responded quadratically, with the lowest values observed for EA300. Thus, EA reduced ADG during BG and FS phases, although more prominently in FS, likely due to increased ambient temperatures and high-energy diet in FS triggering hyperthermia. When EA300 steers were transferred to the CTRL diet, compensatory gain promoted higher hot carcass weight (HCW) when compared with steers fed EA150. In conclusion, feeding feedlot steers diets with > 0.75 mg/kg EA caused reductions in performance and welfare concerns, although this breakpoint may be affected by duration of feeding, environmental temperatures, and EA profiles in the feed.
    Ergot alkaloids (EA) are produced by a parasitic fungus (Claviceps purpurea) during the cereal grain growth cycle. Feeding cereal grain containing EA to beef cattle can cause constriction of blood vessels, hyperthermia, gangrene of extremities (ears, hoof, and tail), reduced feed intake and growth, and even death. Feed cleaning and processing technologies have been developed to remove EA from the human food chain, thus diverting contaminated feed for livestock use. We performed a beef cattle feedlot experiment to evaluate the impact of increasing levels of EA (0, 0.75, 1.50, 3.00 mg/kg of diet DM) on performance, health, and welfare. Steers fed 3.0 mg/kg of EA were transferred to the control diet (without EA) in the last half of finishing due to toxicity (hyperthermia). As EA levels increased, growth rate throughout the backgrounding and finishing phases decreased, while rectal temperatures increased and altered feeding behaviors occurred. Steers removed from 3 mg/kg EA diet exhibited compensatory gain, but their respiratory rate remained elevated 50 d after EA were last consumed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul is the causal organism for ergot impacting grass hosts, including wheat. The pathogen produces ergot alkaloids (EAs) during the development of mature sclerotia leading to potential wheat quality discounts or rejection at the point of sale. Cultural practices are recommended for the management of ergot in wheat, but there is limited information pertaining to the use of in-season fungicides to help reduce ergot. The objective of this research was to evaluate the efficacy of four fungicides (prothioconazole + metconazole, pydiflumetofen + propiconazole, azoxystrobin + propiconazole, and fluxapyroxad + pyraclostrobin) on sclerotia characteristics, and EAs associated with C. purpurea. A field experiment was established using a male-sterile hard red spring line with fungicide applications occurring at complete full head emergence (Feekes Growth Stage 10.5). Individual plots were harvested and cleaned, and ergot sclerotia were collected. Physical characteristics and toxin production were examined. Fungicides had a significant (p < .05) impact on total ergot body weight (EBW), with all fungicides having lower EBW than the nontreated control. The fungicide premixture of pydiflumetofen + propiconazole had the lowest EBW among all treatments. Fluxapyroxad + pyraclostrobin had the lowest levels of EAs among fungicides. Results suggest that fungicide premixtures can potentially reduce EBW and influence EA production in wheat.





