enhanced yellow fluorescent protein

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Bioluminescence resonance energy transfer (BRET ) is a natural phenomenon that has been successfully applied for the study of protein-protein interactions, including opioid receptor oligomers. The discovery of opioid receptor homomers and heteromers has brought to the discovery of new functions and new way of signaling and trafficking; therefore, opioid receptor oligomers may be considered as novel drug targets. Fusing receptors of interest with Renilla luciferase and with a fluorescent protein (such as EYFP ) it is possible to study opioid receptor dimerization using BRET .






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Fatty acid desaturase 2 (FAD2), which resides in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), plays a crucial role in producing linoleic acid (18:2) through catalyzing the desaturation of oleic acid (18:1) by double bond formation at the delta 12 position. FAD2 catalyzes the first step needed for the production of polyunsaturated fatty acids found in the glycerolipids of cell membranes and the triacylglycerols in seeds. In this study, four FAD2 genes from amphidiploid Brassica napus genome were isolated by PCR amplification, with their enzymatic functions predicted by sequence analysis of the cDNAs. Fatty acid analysis of budding yeast transformed with each of the FAD2 genes showed that whereas BnFAD2-1, BnFAD2-2, and BnFAD2-4 are functional enzymes, and BnFAD2-3 is nonfunctional. The four FAD2 genes of B. napus originated from synthetic hybridization of its diploid progenitors Brassica rapa and Brassica oleracea, each of which has two FAD2 genes identical to those of B. napus. The BnFAD2-3 gene of B. napus, a nonfunctional pseudogene mutated by multiple nucleotide deletions and insertions, was inherited from B. rapa. All BnFAD2 isozymes except BnFAD2-3 localized to the ER. Nonfunctional BnFAD2-3 localized to the nucleus and chloroplasts. Four BnFAD2 genes can be classified on the basis of their expression patterns.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    It is often desirable to co-express a reporter protein with a potential therapeutic protein, to verify correct targeting of an expression strategy. Vectors containing a viral self-processing 2A sequence have been reported to drive equimolar expression of two or more transgenes from a single promoter. Here, we report on the co-expression of a secreted antibody fragment and an intracellular reporter protein, enhanced yellow fluorescent protein from lentiviral shuttle plasmids by inserting a furin-2A (F2A) sequence between the two cDNAs, in two different orientations, in the expression cassette. We show that the order of these two transgenes relative to the F2A sequence affects expression levels. Reduced expression of each transgene positioned downstream of F2A, compared with upstream of F2A, was observed (p<0.05). Moreover, protein expression from double-cDNA plasmids was significantly lower than from their corresponding single transgene counterparts (p<0.05).






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A-Kinase Anchoring Proteins (AKAPs) direct the flow of cellular information by positioning multiprotein signaling complexes into proximity with effector proteins. However, certain AKAPs are not stationary but can undergo spatiotemporal redistribution in response to stimuli. Gravin, a 300kD AKAP that intersects with a diverse signaling array, is localized to the plasma membrane but has been shown to translocate to the cytosol following the elevation of intracellular calcium ([Ca(2+)]i). Despite the potential for gravin redistribution to impact multiple signaling pathways, the dynamics of this event remain poorly understood. In this study, quantitative microscopy of cells expressing gravin-EGFP revealed that Ca(2+) elevation caused the complete translocation of gravin from the cell cortex to the cytosol in as little as 60s of treatment with ionomycin or thapsigargin. In addition, receptor mediated signaling was also shown to cause gravin redistribution following ATP treatment, and this event required both [Ca(2+)]i elevation and PKC activation. To understand the mechanism for Ca(2+) mediated gravin dynamics, deletion of calmodulin-binding domains revealed that a fourth putative calmodulin binding domain called CB4 (a.a. 670-694) is critical for targeting gravin to the cell cortex despite its location downstream of gravin\'s membrane-targeting domains, which include an N-terminal myristoylation site and three polybasic domains. Finally, confocal microscopy of cells co-transfected with gravin-EYFP and PKA RII-ECFP revealed that gravin redistribution mediated by ionomycin, thapsigargin, and ATP each triggered the gravin-dependent loss of PKA localized at the cell cortex. Our results support the hypothesis that gravin redistribution regulates cross-talk between PKA-dependent signaling and receptor-mediated events involving Ca(2+) and PKC.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP₃) receptors consist of three subtypes: IP₃R1, IP₃R2, and IP₃R3. Although numerous IP₃ receptor ligands have been synthesized, none of the subtype-selective ligands are known. We have developed a simple fluorescence method to examine the subtype selectivity of IP₃ receptor ligands using FRET-based IP₃ biosensors LIBRAvI, LIBRAvII, and LIBRAvIII. The addition of IP₃ or adenophostin A (ADA) to permeabilized biosensor-expressing cells increased the fluorescence ratios of these biosensors in a concentration-dependent manner, and the potency of ADA relative to that of IP₃ in terms of the changes in the fluorescence ratios of LIBRAvI, LIBRAvII, and LIBRAvIII was 43-, 22-, and 28-fold, respectively. This fluorescence-based method further showed that several ADA analogs had significant differences with respect to subtype selectivity and potency. These results highlight the important role played by the O-glycosidic structure of ADA in the selectivity of the ligands for IP₃R1, as evidenced by the modified selectivity following replacement of the 5\'-hydroxyl with a phenyl or phenethyl group. We also found that one ADA analog 5\'-deoxy-5\'-phenyladenophostin A possessed a partial agonistic effect on IP₃R1. Together, the novel fluorescent methods described herein are useful for the evaluation of properties of IP₃R ligands, including potency, efficacy, and subtype selectivity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Ectopic coexpression of the two chains of the Type I and Type III interferon (IFN) receptor complexes (IFN-αR1 and IFN-αR2c, or IFN-λR1 and IL-10R2) yielded sensitivity to IFN-alpha or IFN-lambda in only some cells. We found that IFN-αR1 and IFN-αR2c exhibit FRET only when expressed at equivalent and low levels. Expanded clonal cell lines expressing both IFN-αR1 and IFN-αR2c were sensitive to IFN-alpha only when IFN-αR1 and IFN-αR2c exhibited FRET in the absence of human IFN-alpha. Coexpression of RACK-1 or Jak1 enhanced the affinity of the interaction between IFN-αR1 and IFN-αR2c. Both IFN-αR1 and IFN-αR2c exhibited FRET with Jak1 and Tyk2. Together with data showing that disruption of the preassociation between the IFN-gamma receptor chains inhibited its biological activity, we propose that biologically active IFN receptors require ligand-independent juxtaposition of IFN receptor chains assisted by their associated cytosolic proteins.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The observed Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET) between fluorescently labeled proteins varies in cells. To understand how this variation affects our interpretation of how proteins interact in cells, we developed a protocol that mathematically separates donor-independent and donor-dependent excitations of acceptor, determines the electromagnetic interaction of donors and acceptors, and quantifies the efficiency of the interaction of donors and acceptors. By analyzing large populations of cells, we found that misbalanced or insufficient expression of acceptor or donor as well as their inefficient or reversible interaction influenced FRET efficiency in vivo. Use of red-shifted donors and acceptors gave spectra with less endogenous fluorescence but produced lower FRET efficiency, possibly caused by reduced quenching of red-shifted fluorophores in cells. Additionally, cryptic interactions between jellyfish FPs artefactually increased the apparent FRET efficiency. Our protocol can distinguish specific and nonspecific protein interactions even within highly constrained environments as plasma membranes. Overall, accurate FRET estimations in cells or within complex environments can be obtained by a combination of proper data analysis, study of sufficient numbers of cells, and use of properly empirically developed fluorescent proteins.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Experiments measuring Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET) between cytokine receptor chains and their associated proteins led to hypotheses describing their organization in intact cells. These interactions occur within a larger protein complex or within a given nano-environment. To illustrate this complexity empirically, we developed a protocol to analyze FRET among more than two fluorescent proteins (multi-FRET). In multi-FRET, we model FRET among more than two fluorophores as the sum of all possible pairwise interactions within the complex. We validated our assumption by demonstrating that FRET among pairs within a fluorescent triplet resembled FRET between each pair measured in the absence of the third fluorophore. FRET between two receptor chains increases with increasing FRET between the ligand-binding chain (e.g., IFN-γR1, IL-10R1 and IFN-λR1) and an acylated fluorescent protein that preferentially resides within subsections of the plasma membrane. The interaction of IL-10R2 with IFN-λR1 or IL-10R1 results in decreased FRET between IL-10R2 and the acylated fluorescent protein. Finally, we analyzed FRET among four fluorescent proteins to demonstrate that as FRET between IFN-γR1 and IFN-γR2 or between IFN-αR1 and IFN-αR2c increases, FRET among other pairs of proteins changes within each complex.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Hyperuricemia is related to a variety of pathologies, including chronic kidney disease (CKD). However, the pathophysiological mechanisms underlying disease development are not yet fully elucidated. Here, we studied the effect of hyperuricemia on tryptophan metabolism and the potential role herein of two important uric acid efflux transporters, multidrug resistance protein 4 (MRP4) and breast cancer resistance protein (BCRP). Hyperuricemia was induced in mice by treatment with the uricase inhibitor oxonic acid, confirmed by the presence of urate crystals in the urine of treated animals. A transport assay, using membrane vesicles of cells overexpressing the transporters, revealed that uric acid inhibited substrate-specific transport by BCRP at clinically relevant concentrations (calculated IC50 value: 365±13μM), as was previously reported for MRP4. Moreover, we identified kynurenic acid as a novel substrate for MRP4 and BCRP. This finding was corroborated by increased plasma levels of kynurenic acid observed in Mrp4(-/-) (107±19nM; P=0.145) and Bcrp(-/-) mice (133±10nM; P=0.0007) compared to wild type animals (71±11nM). Hyperuricemia was associated with >1.5 fold increase in plasma kynurenine levels in all strains. Moreover, hyperuricemia led to elevated plasma kynurenic acid levels (128±13nM, P=0.005) in wild type mice but did not further increase kynurenic acid levels in knockout mice. Based on our results, we postulate that elevated uric acid levels hamper MRP4 and BCRP functioning, thereby promoting the retention of other potentially toxic substrates, including kynurenic acid, which could contribute to the development of CKD.





