
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To compare prostate artery embolisation (PAE) to the combination of tamsulosin and dutasteride therapy as a potential first-line therapy for obstructive benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) in treatment-naïve patients in the \'Prostate Embolisation AS first-line therapY compAred to meDication in treatment naïVe men with prostAte eNlargement, a randomised ControllEd trial\' (P-EASY ADVANCE).
    METHODS: A total of 39 men with enlarged prostates, moderate-severe lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) and obstructed/equivocal urodynamic studies (UDS), and who had no prior treatment for BPH, were randomised to receive either combined medical therapy with tamsulosin and dutasteride (medication) or PAE. Follow-up UDS, International Prostate Symptom Score (IPSS), uroflowmetry and ultrasound were performed at short- to medium-term intervals following interventions and compared to baseline.
    RESULTS: The medication and PAE treatment groups had similar baseline characteristics, including prostate volumes (87.8 and 85.4 mL respectively), maximum urinary flow rate (Qmax; 6.5 and 6.6 mL/s, respectively), IPSS (19.5 and 21, respectively) and obstructed UDS (79% and 74%, respectively). Both interventions improved voiding and bladder outflow obstruction from baseline, with more patients unobstructed after PAE (63%) compared to medication (28%) (P = 0.03). PAE patients had significantly greater reductions in prostate size (P < 0.001), incomplete emptying (P = 0.002), total IPSS (P = 0.032), Qmax (P = 0.006) and quality of life (P = 0.001). Altered ejaculation, erectile dysfunction and nausea were more common in the medication group.
    CONCLUSIONS: Prostate artery embolisation was more effective than combined medical therapy at reducing urinary obstruction, decreasing prostate volume and improving LUTS in patients with BPH who had not previously been treated. This is the first randomised control study to compare PAE and combined medical therapy in exclusively treatment-naïve patients and raises the potential of PAE as an alternative early treatment option for BPH. Further randomised comparative trials are planned to further validate the role of PAE in mitigating obstructive BPH.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Bronchial artery pseudoaneurysms (BAP) or aneurysms (BAA) are rare, potentially life-threatening and remain poorly understood. They are most commonly idiopathic but may be associated with a number of other disease processes. Bronchial artery embolisation (BAE) is considered the first line treatment while surgical techniques are reserved for patients with a clear contraindication to embolisation or where anatomical factors preclude an endovascular approach.
    METHODS: We present an interesting case of a 56 year-old male presenting with an idiopathic unruptured right BAP causing clinical and radiological signs of left recurrent laryngeal nerve (RLN) palsy. He was otherwise clinically well with no other reported symptoms and no significant past medical history. There were no significant findings on work-up and investigation. He was ultimately treated successfully with selective transarterial coil embolization of the right bronchial artery. This is an atypical presentation of a rare clinical entity and has not previously been published in the literature to our knowledge.
    CONCLUSIONS: BAPs and BAAs are highly variable in their presentation, ranging from incidental asymptomatic findings to catastrophic haemorrhage, depending on their location and if they are contained or ruptured. Timely diagnosis and referral to facilitate urgent embolisation is essential to prevent potentially serious clinical sequelae. Endovascular treatment in the form of BAE is considered first line.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Perianeurysmal Vasogenic Oedema (PAVO) is a rare but important complication of endovascular treatment of intracranial aneurysms. Many potential risk factors have been identified including age, aneurysm size, aneurysm location, immunological profile, type of coil used, diabetes, hypertension, and smoking. PAVO can cause persistent post-procedural symptoms, subsequently increasing post-embolization morbidity.
    METHODS: A 10-year retrospective review was conducted between 2011 and 2021 at Royal Preston Hospital, Preston, UK.
    RESULTS: We identified 8 patients that fit our inclusion criteria. This included 6 (75%) females and 2 (25%) males. The mean age was 64. All patients had anterior circulation aneurysms with the middle cerebral artery (MCA) being the most common site. The mean aneurysm size was 12 mm. Our patients were managed with a range of endovascular techniques. One patient had pre-treatment PAVO while 7 patients had post-embolization PAVO. Five patients were symptomatic, and 3 cases were asymptomatic with only radiological evidence of PAVO. Five patients were managed with varying courses of dexamethasone. PAVO resolution was achieved in 4 cases. The oedema significantly improved in 3 cases, but transiently progressed in 1 case.
    CONCLUSIONS: PAVO is a rare but important complication of endovascular management of intracranial aneurysms. We have shown that patients can be effectively managed with steroids with resultant oedema regression and symptomatic improvement. Many risk factors have been associated with PAVO, but further research is needed to better understand their role in PAVO development and help develop other therapeutic options.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Spinal arteriovenous shunts and spinal dysraphism both have a different underlying cause, disease spectrum and developmental process; hence, these entities rarely coexist in a patient. Here, we reported four cases of coexistence of adult-onset spinal arteriovenous shunt and spinal dysraphism in the same patient along with their therapeutic embolisation. Additionally, we conducted an extensive literature review to explore the potential theories and explanations for this coexistence.
    METHODS: We retrospectively searched our imaging database from January 2015 to December 2023 to identify instances of spinal arteriovenous shunts occurring in patients with spinal dysraphism or neural tube defect disorders. MRI and angiographic imaging, clinical presentation, treatment and follow-up were analysed.
    RESULTS: Four patients with arteriovenous fistula/shunt and spinal dysraphism were included in the study. The mean age of presentation was 35.5 years. The most common symptoms were sensory disturbance and motor weakness. Arteriovenous fistula or shunt was located at the lumber region in one patient and at the sacral region in three cases. Two patients have a prior history of surgery in first decade. Two patients were treated with glue embolisation. The internal iliac artery was a common feeder in all cases.
    CONCLUSIONS: The rare coexistence of neural tube defects with spinal vascular abnormalities should be considered when assessing a middle-aged patient with neural tube defect and myelopathy. Correct diagnosis can help in treatment planning and thereby improve prognosis.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Early postoperative wound complications in revascularization procedures in the groin very often include complications associated with injury to the lymphatic system such as lymphocele and lymphorrhea with subsequent local infectious complications and the risk of infection of prosthetic grafts. We present a case report of successful treatment of postoperative lymphocele with subsequent lymphatic fistula and dehiscence of the surgical wound by intranodal embolization of the injured lymph node with Histoacryl tissue glue.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is a leading cause of cancer-related mortality and transarterial chemoembolisation (TACE) is an established technique to treat patients with intermediate-stage HCC. The aim of this study was to generate accurate costing data on cTACE and DEB-TACE in an Australian setting and assess whether one of the procedures offers favourable cost-effectiveness.
    METHODS: Costing study using data from all TACE procedures performed at a single centre between January 2018 and December 2022. Data were included from all direct and indirect costs including operative costs, wages, overheads, ward costs, transfusion, pathology, pharmacy and ward support. Cost-effectiveness was assessed by dividing local costs by existing high-quality data on quality-adjusted life years (QALYs).
    RESULTS: 64 TACE treatments were performed on 44 patients. Mean age was 66.5 years and 91% were male. Overall median total cost per patient for the entire TACE treatment regime was AUD$7380 (range AUD$3719-$20,258). However, 39% of patients received more than one treatment, and the median cost per individual treatment was AUD$5270 (range AUD$3533-$15,818). The difference in median cost between cTACE (AUD$4978) and DEB-TACE (AUD$9202) was significant, P < 0.001. In calculating cost-effectiveness, each cTACE treatment cost AUD$2489 per QALY gained, while each DEB-TACE cost AUD$3834 per QALY gained. The incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (ICER) for DEB-TACE over cTACE was AUD$10,560 per QALY gained.
    CONCLUSIONS: Both cTACE and DEB-TACE are low-cost treatments in Australia. However, DEB-TACE offers a solution with an ICER of AUD$10,560 per QALY gained which is below the Australian government willingness to pay threshold and thus is a more cost-effective treatment.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Paragangliomas are neuroendocrine tumours commonly located in the abdomen, thorax, head and neck. The definitive treatment for these tumours is surgical resection, which in some cases can be very challenging due to the involvement of critical neurovascular structures and their high vascularity. Therefore, pre-operative embolisation may be performed to reduce the risk of complications. This study aimed to present our experience with endovascular embolisation of head and neck paragangliomas (HNP).
    METHODS: In this single-centre study, we reviewed data from consecutive patients with HNP who underwent pre-operative embolisation from 2017 to 2023. The efficacy of embolisation, the method of embolisation, as well as the rate of complications, were noted.
    RESULTS: A total of 27 patients (15 females) with an average age of 47 years underwent selective embolisation of HNP. Satisfactory embolisation, defined as occlusion of > 75% of the blood supply, was achieved in 22/27 cases (81.5%). The most commonly used embolic agents included coils and microspheres. With the exception of minor vessel dissections in two patients and embolic agent migration in two patients causing reversible occlusion of the intracranial vessels, there were no other complications associated with embolisation. No neurological deficits occurred in relation to the endovascular procedure.
    CONCLUSIONS: The results of our study indicate that endovascular embolisation of HNP prior to surgical resection is a safe and efficacious procedure, with a relatively low complication rate and associated morbidity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: This article aims to illustrate the current state of investigations and management of liver metastases in patients with Neuroendocrine Neoplasms. Neuroendocrine tumours (NETs) are rising in incidence globally and have become the second most prevalent gastrointestinal malignancy in UK and USA. Frequently, patients have metastatic disease at time of presentation. The liver is the most common site of metastases for gastro-enteropancreatic NETs. Characterisation of liver metastases with imaging is important to ensure disease is not under-staged.
    RESULTS: Magnetic resonance imaging and positron emission tomography are now becoming standard of care for imaging liver metastases. There is an increasing armamentarium of therapies available for management of NETs and loco-regional therapy for liver metastases. The data supporting surgical and loco-regional therapy is reviewed with focus on role of liver transplantation. It is important to use appropriate imaging and classification of NET liver metastases. It is key that decisions regarding approach to treatment is undertaken in a multidisciplinary team and that individualised approaches are considered for management of patients with metastatic NETs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article



    Chronic subdural hematoma is one of the most common diseases requiring a neurosurgical operation that affect elderly and fragile patients. In addition to standard neurosurgical operations (trepanation and craniotomy), embolization of the meningeal artery media is an alternative solution. Several review aerticles have confirmed the very high rate of success and safety of the endovascular treatment. We present the technical details and results of our 10 consecutive selective media meningeal artery embolization procedures for residual chronic subdural hematomas. Our interventions were performed without complications and all resulted in complete recovery. 


    A krónikus subduralis haematoma az egyik leggyakoribb idegsebészeti-műtéti megoldást igénylő kórkép, ami a legtöbb esetben legyengült idősek betegsége. A standard idegsebészeti nyílt műtétek (trepanáció és craniotomia) mellett alternatív megoldásként az arteria meningea media embolisatiója is szóba jön. Számos összefoglaló tanulmány igazolta az endovascularis kezelés nagyon magas arányú sikerességét és veszélytelenségét. Tíz egymást követő, reziduális krónikus subduralis haematoma miatt végzett arteria meningea media szelektív embolisatiós beavatkozásunk technikai részleteit és eredményeit mutatjuk be. Minden beavatkozás szövődménymentes zajlott, és teljes gyógyu­lást eredményezett.






