early life adversity

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Abnormal development and function of the hippocampus are two of the most consistent findings in humans and rodents exposed to early-life adversity (ELA), with males often being more affected than females. Using the limited bedding (LB) paradigm as a rodent model of ELA, we found that male adolescent mice that had been exposed to LB exhibit significant deficits in contextual fear conditioning and synaptic connectivity in the hippocampus, which are not observed in females. This is linked to altered developmental refinement of connectivity, with LB severely impairing microglial-mediated synaptic pruning in the hippocampus of male and female pups on postnatal day 17 (P17), but not in adolescent P33 mice when levels of synaptic engulfment by microglia are substantially lower. Since the rodent hippocampus undergoes intense synaptic pruning during the second and third weeks of life, we investigated whether microglia are required for the synaptic and behavioral aberrations observed in adolescent LB mice. Indeed, transient ablation of microglia from P13-21 in normally developing mice caused sex-specific behavioral and synaptic abnormalities similar to those observed in adolescent LB mice. Furthermore, chemogenetic activation of microglia during the same period reversed the microglial-mediated phagocytic deficits at P17 and restored normal contextual fear conditioning and synaptic connectivity in adolescent LB male mice. Our data support an additional contribution of astrocytes in the sex-specific effects of LB, with increased expression of the membrane receptor MEGF10 and enhanced synaptic engulfment in hippocampal astrocytes of 17-day-old LB females, but not in LB male littermates. These findings suggest a potential compensatory mechanism that may explain the relative resilience of LB females. Collectively, our study highlights a novel role for glial cells in mediating sex-specific hippocampal deficits in a mouse model of ELA.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Armed conflict and forced migration (ACFM) represent a set of extreme environments that are increasingly common for children and adolescents to experience. Adolescence may constitute a sensitive period (puberty and psychoneurological maturation) through which ACFM adversity leaves a lasting mark. Adolescence has become a focal point for analysis and intervention as it relates to the effects of early life adversity on puberty, linear growth, and mental health. Research in public health and psychological science suggests early life adversity (ELA) may accelerate puberty, heightening risks for mental health disorders. However, it is not well substantiated whether ACFM-derived adversities accelerate or delay relative pubertal timing. Secondly, ACFM provides salient context through which to probe the relationships between nutritional, psychosocial, and demographic changes and their respective impact on puberty and mental health. We conducted a narrative review which 1) examined constructions of early life adversity and their proposed influence on puberty 2) reviewed empirical findings (n = 29 studies, n = 36 samples) concerning effects of ACFM ELA on age at menarche and 3) discussed proposed relationships between early life adversity, puberty, and mental ill-health. Contrary to prior research, we found war-derived early life adversity was more consistently associated with pubertal delay than acceleration and may exert counterintuitive effects on mental health. We show that ELA cannot be operationalized in the same way across contexts and populations, especially in the presence of extreme forms of human stress and resilience. We further discuss the ethics of puberty research among conflict-affected youth.






  • 文章类型: Editorial






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Intense psychosocial stress during early life has a detrimental effect on health-disease balance in later life. Simultaneously, despite its sensitivity to stress, the developing microbiome contributes to long-term health. Following stress exposure, HPA-axis activation regulates the \"fight or flight\" response with the release of glucose and cortisol. Here, we investigated the interaction between the oral microbiome and the stress response. We used a cohort of 115 adults, mean age 24, who either experienced institutionalisation and adoption (n = 40) or were non-adopted controls (n = 75). Glucose and cortisol measurements were taken from participants following an extended socially evaluated cold pressor test (seCPT) at multiple time points. The cohort´s oral microbiome was profiled via 16S-V4 sequencing on microbial DNA from saliva and buccal samples. Using mixed-effect linear regressions, we identified 12 genera that exhibited an interaction with host\'s cortisol-glucose response to stress, strongly influencing intensity and clearance of cortisol and glucose following stress exposure. Particularly, the identified taxa influenced the glucose and cortisol release profiles and kinetics following seCPT exposure. In conclusion, our study provided evidence for the oral microbiome modifying the effect of stress on the HPA-axis and human metabolism, as shown in glucose-cortisol time series data.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The escalating incidence of opioid-related issues among pregnant women in the United States underscores the critical necessity to understand the effects of opioid use and Medication for Opioid Use Disorders (MOUDs) during pregnancy. This research employed a translational rodent model to examine the impact of gestational exposure to buprenorphine (BUP) or morphine on maternal behaviors and offspring well-being. Female rats received BUP or morphine before conception, representing established use, with exposure continuing until postnatal day 2 or discontinued on gestational day 19 to mimic treatment cessation before birth. Maternal behaviors - including care, pup retrieval, and preference - as well as hunting behaviors and brain neurotransmitter levels were assessed. Offspring were evaluated for mortality, weight, length, milk bands, surface righting latency, withdrawal symptoms, and brain neurotransmitter levels. Our results reveal that regardless of exposure length (i.e., continued or discontinued), BUP resulted in reduced maternal care in contrast to morphine-exposed and control dams. Opioid exposure altered brain monoamine levels in the dams and offspring, and was associated with increased neonatal mortality, reduced offspring weight, and elevated withdrawal symptoms compared to controls. These findings underscore BUP\'s potential disruption of maternal care, contributing to increased pup mortality and altered neurodevelopmental outcomes in the offspring. This study calls for more comprehensive research into prenatal BUP exposure effects on the maternal brain and infant development with the aim to mitigate adverse outcomes in humans exposed to opioids during pregnancy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Obesity and food addiction are associated with distinct brain signatures related to reward processing, and early life adversity (ELA) also increases alterations in these same reward regions. However, the neural mechanisms underlying the effect of early life adversity on food addiction are unknown. Therefore, the aim of this study was to examine the interactions between ELA, food addiction, and brain morphometry in individuals with obesity. 114 participants with high body mass index (BMI) underwent structural MRIs, and completed several questionnaires (e.g., Yale Food Addiction Scale (YFAS), Brief Resilience Scale (BRS), Early Traumatic Inventory (ETI)). Freesurfer 6 was applied to generate the morphometry of brain regions. A multivariate pattern analysis was used to derive brain morphometry patterns associated with food addiction. General linear modeling and mediation analyses were conducted to examine the effects of ELA and resilience on food addiction in individuals with obesity. Statistical significance was determined at a level of p < 0.05. High levels of ELA showed a strong association between reward control brain signatures and food addiction (p = 0.03). Resilience positively mediated the effect of ELA on food addiction (B = 0.02, p = 0.038). Our findings suggest that food addiction is associated with brain signatures in motivation and reward processing regions indicative of dopaminergic dysregulation and inhibition of cognitive control regions. These mechanistic variabilities along with early life adversity suggest increased vulnerability to develop food addiction and obesity in adulthood, which can buffer by the neuroprotective effects of resilience, highlighting the value of incorporating cognitive appraisal into obesity therapeutic regimens.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Social anxiety disorder (SAD) and panic disorder (PD) are prevalent anxiety disorders characterized by a complex interplay of genetic and environmental factors. Both disorders share overlapping features and often coexist, despite displaying distinct characteristics. Childhood life adversity, overall stressful life events, and genetic factors contribute to the development of these disorders. DNA methylation, an epigenetic modification, has been implicated in the pathogenesis of these diseases. In this study, we investigated whether whole-genome DNA methylation risk scores (MRSs) for SAD risk, severity of social anxiety, childhood life adversity, PD risk, and overall stressful life events were associated with SAD or PD case‒control status. Preliminary epigenome-wide association studies (EWASs) for SAD risk, severity of social anxiety, and childhood life adversity were conducted in 66 SAD individuals and 77 healthy controls (HCs). Similarly, EWASs for PD risk and overall stressful life events were performed in 182 PD individuals and 81 HCs. MRSs were calculated from these EWASs. MRSs derived from the EWASs of SAD risk and severity of social anxiety were greater in PD patients than in HCs. Additionally, MRSs derived from the EWASs of overall stressful life events, particularly in PD individuals, were lower in SAD individuals than in HCs. In contrast, MRSs for childhood life adversity or PD risk were not significantly associated with PD or SAD case‒control status. These findings highlight the epigenetic features shared in both disorders and the distinctive epigenetic features related to social avoidance in SAD patients, helping to elucidate the epigenetic basis of these disorders.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This commentary discusses opportunities for advancing the field of developmental psychopathology through the integration of data science and neuroscience approaches. We first review elements of our research program investigating how early life adversity shapes neurodevelopment and may convey risk for psychopathology. We then illustrate three ways that data science techniques (e.g., machine learning) can support developmental psychopathology research, such as by distinguishing between common and diverse developmental outcomes after stress exposure. Finally, we discuss logistical and conceptual refinements that may aid the field moving forward. Throughout the piece, we underscore the profound impact of Dr Dante Cicchetti, reflecting on how his work influenced our own, and gave rise to the field of developmental psychopathology.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Although dysregulated stress biology is becoming increasingly recognized as a key driver of lifelong disparities in chronic disease, we presently have no validated biomarkers of toxic stress physiology; no biological, behavioral, or cognitive treatments specifically focused on normalizing toxic stress processes; and no agreed-upon guidelines for treating stress in the clinic or evaluating the efficacy of interventions that seek to reduce toxic stress and improve human functioning. We address these critical issues by (a) systematically describing key systems and mechanisms that are dysregulated by stress; (b) summarizing indicators, biomarkers, and instruments for assessing stress response systems; and (c) highlighting therapeutic approaches that can be used to normalize stress-related biopsychosocial functioning. We also present a novel multidisciplinary Stress Phenotyping Framework that can bring stress researchers and clinicians one step closer to realizing the goal of using precision medicine-based approaches to prevent and treat stress-associated health problems.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    During parturition and the immediate post-partum period there are two opposite, yet interdependent and intertwined systems that are highly active and play a role in determining lifelong health and behaviour in both the mother and her infant: the stress and the anti-stress (oxytocin) system. Before attempting to understand how the environment around birth determines long-term health trajectories, it is essential to understand how these two systems operate and how they interact. Here, we discuss together the hormonal and neuronal arms of both the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis and the oxytocinergic systems and how they interact. Although the HPA axis and glucocorticoid stress axis are well studied, the role of oxytocin as an extremely powerful anti-stress hormone deserves more attention. It is clear that these anti-stress effects depend on oxytocinergic nerves emanating from the supraoptic nucleus (SON) and paraventricular nucleus (PVN), and project to multiple sites at which the stress system is regulated. These, include projections to corticotropin releasing hormone (CRH) neurons within the PVN, to the anterior pituitary, to areas involved in sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous control, to NA neurons in the locus coeruleus (LC), and to CRH neurons in the amygdala. In the context of the interaction between the HPA axis and the oxytocin system birth is a particularly interesting period as, for both the mother and the infant, both systems are very strongly activated within the same narrow time window. Data suggest that the HPA axis and the oxytocin system appear to interact in this early-life period, with effects lasting many years. If mother-child skin-to-skin contact occurs almost immediately postpartum, the effects of the anti-stress (oxytocin) system become more prominent, moderating lifelong health trajectories. There is clear evidence that HPA axis activity during this time is dependent on the balance between the HPA axis and the oxytocin system, the latter being reinforced by specific somatosensory inputs, and this has long-term consequences for stress reactivity.





