
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In this study, the α-glucosidase (maltase-glucoamylase: MGAM) and α-amylase inhibitory properties elicited by xylooligosaccharides (XOSs) prepared from dulse xylan were analysed as a potential mechanism to control postprandial hyperglycaemia for type-2 diabetes prevention and treatment. Xylan was purified from red alga dulse powder and used for enzymatic hydrolysis using Sucrase X to produce XOSs. Fractionation of XOSs produced xylobiose (X2), β-(1→3)-xylosyl xylobiose (DX3), xylotriose (X3), β-(1→3)-xylosyl-xylotriose (DX4), and a dulse XOS mixture with n ≥ 4 xylose units (DXM). The different fractions exhibited moderate MGAM (IC50 = 11.41-23.44 mg/mL) and α-amylase (IC50 = 18.07-53.04 mg/mL) inhibitory activity, which was lower than that of acarbose. Kinetics studies revealed that XOSs bound to the active site of carbohydrate digestive enzymes, limiting access to the substrate by competitive inhibition. A molecular docking analysis of XOSs with MGAM and α-amylase clearly showed moderate strength of interactions, both hydrogen bonds and non-bonded contacts, at the active site of the enzymes. Overall, XOSs from dulse could prevent postprandial hyperglycaemia as functional food by a usual and continuous consumption.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A separation process was established to sequentially fractionate and recover three anti-inflammatory components derived from sugars, phycobiliprotein, and chlorophyll from the hot-air-dried thalli of the red alga dulse (Palmaria palmata). The developed process consisted of three steps, without the use of organic solvents. In Step I, the sugars were separated by disrupting the cell wall of the dried thalli with a polysaccharide-degrading enzyme, and a sugar-rich extract (E1) was obtained by precipitating the other components, which were simultaneously eluted by acid precipitation. In Step II, the residue suspension from Step I was digested with thermolysin to obtain phycobiliprotein-derived peptides (PPs), and a PP-rich extract (E2) was obtained by separating the other extracts using acid precipitation. In Step III, solubilized chlorophyll was obtained by heating the residue, which was acid-precipitated, neutralized, and re-dissolved to concentrate the chlorophyll-related components (Chls)-rich extract (E3). These three extracts suppressed inflammatory-cytokine secretion by lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-stimulated macrophages, confirming that the sequential procedure had no negative effects on the activities of any of the extracts. The E1, E2, and E3 were rich in sugars, PPs, and Chls, respectively, indicating that the anti-inflammatory components were effectively fractionated and recovered through the separation protocol.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: This study investigated metabolic benefits of protein hydrolysates from the macroalgae Palmaria palmata, previously shown to inhibit dipeptidylpeptidase-4 (DPP-4) activity in vitro.
    METHODS: Previously, Alcalase/Flavourzyme-produced P. palmata protein hydrolysate (PPPH) improved glycaemia and insulin production in streptozotocin-induced diabetic mice. Here the PPPH, was compared to alternative Alcalase, bromelain and Promod-derived hydrolysates and an unhydrolysed control. All PPPH\'s underwent simulated gastrointestinal digestion (SGID) to establish oral bioavailability. PPPH\'s and their SGID counterparts were tested in pancreatic, clonal BRIN-BD11 cells to assess their insulinotropic effect and associated intracellular mechanisms. PPPH actions on the incretin effect were assessed via measurement of DPP-4 activity, coupled with GLP-1 and GIP release from GLUTag and STC-1 cells, respectively. Acute in vivo effects of Alcalase/Flavourzyme PPPH administration on glucose tolerance and satiety were assessed in overnight-fasted mice.
    RESULTS: PPPH\'s (0.02-2.5 mg/ml) elicited varying insulinotropic effects (p < 0.05-0.001). SGID of the unhydrolysed protein control, bromelain and Promod PPPH\'s retained, or improved, bioactivity regarding insulin secretion, DPP-4 inhibition and GIP release. Insulinotropic effects were retained for all SGID-hydrolysates at higher PPPH concentrations. DPP-4 inhibitory effects were confirmed for all PPPH\'s and SGID counterparts (p < 0.05-0.001). PPPH\'s were shown to directly influence the incretin effect via upregulated GLP-1 and GIP (p < 0.01-0.001) secretion in vitro, largely retained after SGID. Alcalase/Flavourzyme PPPH produced the greatest elevation in cAMP (p < 0.001, 1.7-fold), which was fully retained post-SGID. This hydrolysate elicited elevations in intracellular calcium (p < 0.01) and membrane potential (p < 0.001). In acute in vivo settings, Alcalase/Flavourzyme PPPH improved glucose tolerance (p < 0.01-0.001) and satiety (p < 0.05-0.001).
    CONCLUSIONS: Bioavailable PPPH peptides may be useful for the management of T2DM and obesity.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Red algae, belonging to the phylum Rhodophyta, contain an abundance of useful chemicals including bioactive molecules and present opportunities for the production of different products through biorefinery cascades. The rhodophyte Palmaria palmata, commonly termed dulse or dillisk, grows predominantly on the northern coasts of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans and is a well-known snack food. Due to its abundance, availability and cultivation capacity, P. palmata was selected for study as a potential candidate for a biorefinery process. In addition to studying juice and solid fractions of freshly harvested P. palmata, we have investigated the novel possibility of preserving algal biomass by ensilaging protocols similar to those employed for terrestrial forage crops. In the metabolite partitioning within the solid and liquid fractions following screw-pressing, the majority of the metabolites screened for-water soluble carbohydrates, proteins and amino acids, lipids, pigments, phenolics and antioxidant activity-remained in the solid fraction, though at differing proportions depending on the metabolite, from 70.8% soluble amino acids to 98.2% chlorophyll a and 98.1% total carotenoids. For the ensiling study, screw-pressed P. palmata, with comparative wilted and chopped, and chopped only samples, were ensiled at scale with and without Safesil silage additive. All samples were successfully ensiled after 90 days, with screw-pressing giving lower or equal pH before and after ensiling compared with the other preparations. Of particular note was the effluent volumes generated during ensiling: 26-49% of the fresh weight, containing 16-34% of the silage dry matter. This may be of advantage depending on the final use of the biomass.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mycosporine-like amino acids (MAAs) are the ultraviolet (UV)-absorbable compounds, which are naturally produced by cyanobacteria and algae. Not only these algae but also marine organisms utilize MAAs to protect their DNA from UV-induced damage. On the other hand, the content of MAAs in algae was changed by the environmental condition and season. In addition to the UV-protected function, the antioxidant capacity of MAAs can apply to the cosmetic sunscreen materials and anti-cancer for human health. In this study, we developed the efficient extraction method of MAAs from red alga dulse in Usujiri (Hokkaido, Japan) and investigated the monthly variation. We also evaluated the antioxidant capacity. We employed the successive extraction method of water and then methanol extraction. Spectrophotometric and HPLC analyses revealed that the yield of MAAs by 6 h water extraction was the highest among the tested conditions, and the content of MAAs in the sample of February was the most (6.930 µmol g-1 dry weight) among the sample from January to May in 2019. Antioxidant capacity of MAAs such as crude MAAs, the purified palythine and porphyra-334 were determined by 2,2\'-azinobis(3-ethylbenzothiazoline 6-sulfonic acid) (ABTS) radical scavenging and ferrous reducing power assays in various pH conditions, showing that the highest scavenging activity and reducing power were found at alkaline condition (pH 8.0).







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Red alga dulse possesses a unique xylan, which is composed of a linear β-(1→3)/β-(1→4)-xylosyl linkage. We previously prepared characteristic xylooligosaccharide (DX3, (β-(1→3)-xylosyl-xylobiose)) from dulse. In this study, we evaluated the prebiotic effect of DX3 on enteric bacterium. Although DX3 was utilized by Bacteroides sp. and Bifidobacterium adolescentis, Bacteroides Ksp. grew slowly as compared with β-(1→4)-xylotriose (X3) but B. adolescentis grew similar to X3. Therefore, we aimed to find the key DX3 hydrolysis enzymes in B. adolescentis. From bioinformatics analysis, two enzymes from the glycoside hydrolase family 43 (BAD0423: subfamily 12 and BAD0428: subfamily 11) were selected and expressed in Escherichia coli. BAD0423 hydrolyzed β-(1→3)-xylosyl linkage in DX3 with the specific activity of 2988 mU/mg producing xylose (X1) and xylobiose (X2), and showed low activity on X2 and X3. BAD0428 showed high activity on X2 and X3 producing X1, and the activity of BAD0428 on DX3 was 1298 mU/mg producing X1. Cooperative hydrolysis of DX3 was found in the combination of BAD0423 and BAD0428 producing X1 as the main product. From enzymatic character, hydrolysis of X3 was completed by one enzyme BAD0428, whereas hydrolysis of DX3 needed more than two enzymes.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Palmaria palmata L. (Palmariaceae), commonly known as \"dulse\", is a red alga that grows on the northern coasts of the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, and is widely used as source of fiber and protein. Dulse is reported to contain anti-inflammatory and antioxidant compounds, albeit no study has investigated these effects in primary human neutrophils. Implication strategies to diminish neutrophil activation have the potential to prevent pathological states. We evaluated the ability of a phenolic dulse extract (DULEXT) to modulate the lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-mediated activation of primary human neutrophils. Intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS) were measured by fluorescence analysis and nitric oxide (NO) production using the Griess reaction. Inflammatory enzymes and cytokines were detected by ELISA and RT-qPCR. The results show that DULEXT diminished the neutrophil activation related to the down-regulation of TLR4 mRNA expression, deceased gene expression and the LPS-induced release of the chemoattractant mediator IL-8 and the pro-inflammatory cytokines IL-1β, IL-6 and TNF-α. ROS, NO, and myeloperoxidase (MPO) were also depressed. The data indicated that DULEXT has the potential to disrupt the activation of human primary neutrophils and the derived inflammatory and prooxidant conditions, and suggest a new role for Palmaria palmata L. in the regulation of the pathogenesis of health disorders in which neutrophils play a key role, including atherosclerosis.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In this study, we investigated antioxidant activity of proteins from the red alga dulse (Palmaria sp.) harvested in Hokkaido, Japan. The dulse proteins that contain phycoerythrin (PE) as the main component showed a high radical scavenging activity. To clarify the key constituent of antioxidant activity in dulse proteins, we prepared recombinant dulse PE β-subunit (rPEβ) (apoprotein) and chromophores from the dulse proteins. As a result, the rPEβ showed lower radical scavenging activity than that of dulse proteins. On the other hand, the dulse chromophores composed mainly of phycoerythrobilin (PEB) indicated extremely higher radical scavenging activity (90.4% ± 0.1%) than that of dulse proteins (17.9% ± 0.1%) on ABTS assay. In addition, on cell viability assay using human neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y cells, the dulse chromophores showed extracellular and intracellular cytoprotective effects against H2 O2 -induced cell damage. From these data, we concluded that the dulse proteins have antioxidant ability and the activity principally derives from the chromophores. PRACTICAL APPLICATION: Dulse is an abundant and underused resource, which contains a lot of proteins, especially phycoerythrin. We here demonstrated that the practically prepared dulse proteins possessed antioxidant activity and clarified that chromophores from the dulse proteins were the key components. Therefore, the dulse proteins have a potential for functional material.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Plastid proteins are one of the main components in red algae. In order to clarify the angiotensin I converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitory peptides from red alga Palmaria sp. (Japan), we determined the plastid genome sequence. The genome possesses 205 protein coding genes, which were classified as genetic systems, ribosomal proteins, photosystems, adenosine triphosphate (ATP) synthesis, metabolism, transport, or unknown. After comparing ACE inhibitory peptides between protein sequences and a database, photosystems (177 ACE inhibitory peptides) were found to be the major source of ACE inhibitory peptides (total of 751). Photosystems consist of phycobilisomes, photosystem I, photosystem II, cytochrome complex, and a redox system. Among them, photosystem I (53) and II (51) were the major source of ACE inhibitory peptides. We found that the amino acid sequence of apcE (14) in phycobilisomes, psaA (18) and psaB (13) in photosystem I, and psbB (11) and psbC (10) in photosystem II covered a majority of bioactive peptide sequences. These results are useful for evaluating the bioactive peptides from red algae.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Seaweeds can be a valuable resource for biorefinery and biotechnology applications, but their high water content is a recurrent problem and one of the key bottlenecks for their sustainable use. Treatments to increase dry matter content of the kelp Laminaria digitata were recently described by the authors. However macroalgae are an extremely diverse group of organisms and compositional variation between species may influence the effects of particular treatments. In this study, potential dewatering treatments including drying, osmotic media, and the application of both organic and mineral acids all followed by screw-pressing have been tested on two other species of kelp (Laminaria hyperborea and Saccharina latissima) and a red seaweed (Palmaria palmata). Conditions that dewatered these species were identified and the data have been combined with the previous results for L. digitata. There were significant differences between species across all the traits of interest. However dewatering was highly dependent on specific interactions with both treatment and season of collection. Nevertheless, the dry matter content of brown seaweeds was widely and successfully increased by air drying or acid treatment followed by screw-pressing. The results for P. palmata were quite different, particularly with regard to juice production. For this species, acid treatment did not result in dewatering, but dry matter content could be increased by screw-pressing immediately after harvest. Together the data presented here demonstrate that dewatering pre-treatments need to be specific for the type of seaweed to be processed; important knowledge for the future use of this sustainable biomass resource.





