domestic chicks

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Equipped with an early social predisposition immediately post-birth, humans typically form associations with mothers and other family members through exposure learning, canalized by a prenatally formed predisposition of visual preference to biological motion, face configuration, and other cues of animacy. If impaired, reduced preferences can lead to social interaction impairments such as autism spectrum disorder (ASD) via misguided canalization. Despite being taxonomically distant, domestic chicks could also follow a homologous developmental trajectory toward adaptive socialization through imprinting, which is guided via predisposed preferences similar to those of humans, thereby suggesting that chicks are a valid animal model of ASD. In addition to the phenotypic similarities in predisposition with human newborns, accumulating evidence on the responsible molecular mechanisms suggests the construct validity of the chick model. Considering the recent progress in the evo-devo studies in vertebrates, we reviewed the advantages and limitations of the chick model of developmental mental diseases in humans.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Domestic chicks (Gallus gallus domesticus) have been widely used as a model to study the motion cues that allow visually naïve organisms to detect animate agents shortly after hatching/birth. Our previous work has shown that chicks prefer to approach agents whose main body axis and motion direction are aligned (a feature typical of creatures whose motion is constrained by a bilaterally symmetric body plan). However, it has never been investigated whether chicks are also sensitive to the fact that an agent maintains a stable front-back body orientation in motion (i.e. consistency in which end is leading and which trailing). This is another feature typical of bilateria, which is also associated with the detection of animate agents in humans. The aim of the present study was to fill this gap. Contrary to our initial expectations, after testing 300 chicks across 3 experimental conditions, we found a recurrent preference for the agent which did not maintain a stable front-back body orientation. Since this preference was limited to female chicks, the results are discussed also in relation to sex differences in the social behaviour of this model. Overall, we show for the first time that chicks can discriminate agents based on the stability of their front-back orientation. The unexpected direction of the effect could reflect a preference for agents\' whose behaviour is less predictable. Chicks may prefer agents with greater behavioural variability, a trait which has been associated with animate agents, or have a tendency to explore agents performing \"odd behaviours\".






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The ability to recognize animate agents based on their motion has been investigated in humans and animals alike. When the movements of multiple objects are interdependent, humans perceive the presence of social interactions and goal-directed behaviours. Here, we investigated how visually naive domestic chicks respond to agents whose motion was reciprocally contingent in space and time (i.e. the time and direction of motion of one object can be predicted from the time and direction of motion of another object). We presented a \'social aggregation\' stimulus, in which three smaller discs repeatedly converged towards a bigger disc, moving in a manner resembling a mother hen and chicks (versus a control stimulus lacking such interactions). Remarkably, chicks preferred stimuli in which the timing of the motion of one object could not be predicted by that of other objects. This is the first demonstration of a sensitivity to the temporal relationships between the motion of different objects in naive animals, a trait that could be at the basis of the development of the perception of social interaction and goal-directed behaviours.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cognitive scientists, social psychologists, computer scientists, neuroscientists, ethologists and many others have all wondered how brains detect and interpret the motion of living organisms. It appears that specific cues, incorporated into our brains by natural selection, serve to signal the presence of living organisms. A simple geometric figure such as a triangle put in motion with specific kinematic rules can look alive, and it can even seem to have intentions and goals. In this article, we survey decades of parallel investigations on the motion cues that drive animacy perception-the sensation that something is alive-in non-human animals, especially in precocial species, such as the domestic chick, to identify inborn biological predispositions. At the same time, we highlight the relevance of these studies for an understanding of human typical and atypical cognitive development.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Our senses are constantly reached by a multitude of stimuli from all different sensory modalities. To create a coherent representation of the environment, we must integrate the various unimodal inputs that refer to the same object into a single multimodal representation. In some cases, however, we tend to bind certain properties of the stimuli without any apparent reason, which is a phenomenon named crossmodal correspondence. For instance, we match a spiky or a rounded shape with the sound \"Kiki\" or \"Bouba\", respectively. Similarly, we associate the left hemispace with low luminance and the right one with high luminance. Instances of crossmodal correspondences were described also in other mammals, and recently, a case of space-luminance crossmodal correspondence was reported in birds (i.e., domestic chicks). Here, we investigate the presence of pitch-luminance crossmodal correspondence in three-day-old chicks, employing experimental methods that exploit either predisposed or learned processes. While failing to report evidence for this phenomenon, we discuss the difference between statistical and structural crossmodal correspondences and the possible role of environmental factors in determining their emergence. Moreover, we discuss the importance of the different experimental methodologies to investigate distinct aspects of this perceptual phenomenon to reach a deeper understanding and unveil the role of innate vs. learned mechanisms.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Absence is a notion that is usually captured by language-related concepts like zero or negation. Whether nonlinguistic creatures encode similar thoughts is an open question, as everyday behavior marked by absence (of food, of social partners) can be explained solely by expecting presence somewhere else. We investigated 8-day-old chicks\' looking behavior in response to events violating expectations about the presence or absence of an object. We found different behavioral responses to violations of presence and absence, suggesting distinct underlying mechanisms. Importantly, chicks displayed an avian signature of novelty detection to violations of absence, namely a sex-dependent left-eye-bias. Follow-up experiments excluded accounts that would explain this bias by perceptual mismatch or by representing the object at different locations. These results suggest that the ability to spontaneously form representations about the absence of objects likely belongs to the initial cognitive repertoire of vertebrate species.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In filial imprinting, newly hatched chicks repeatedly approach a conspicuous object nearby and memorize it, even though it is an artificial object instead of their mother hen. Imprinting on an artificial object in a laboratory setting has a clear sensitive period from post hatch days 1-3 in the case of domestic chicks. However, the establishment of imprintability are difficult to investigate because of the limitations of the behavioral apparatus. In this study, we developed a novel behavioral apparatus, based on a running disc, to investigate the learning processes of imprinting in newly hatched domestic chicks. In the apparatus, the chick repeatedly approaches the imprinting object on the disc. The apparatus sends a transistor-transistor-logic signal every 1/10 turn of the disc to a personal computer through a data acquisition system following the chick\'s approach to the imprinting object on the monitor. The imprinting training and tests were designed to define the three learning processes in imprinting. The first process is the one in which chicks spontaneously approach the moving object. The second is an acquired process in which chicks approach an object even when it is static. In the third process, chicks discriminate between the differently colored imprinting object and the control object in the preference test. Using the apparatus, the difference in the chicks\' behavior during or after the sensitive period was examined. During the sensitive period, the chicks at post hatch hour 12 and 18 developed the first imprinting training process. The chicks at post hatch hour 24 maintained learning until the second process. The chicks at post hatch hour 30 reached the discrimination process in the test. After the sensitive period, the chicks reared in darkness until post hatch day 4 exhibited poor first learning process in the training. Thus, this apparatus will be useful for the detection of behavioral changes during neuronal development and learning processes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In recent years, the role of the dopaminergic system in the regulation of social behavior is being progressively outlined, and dysfunctions of the dopaminergic system are increasingly associated with neurodevelopmental disorders, including autism spectrum disorder (ASD). To study the role of the dopaminergic (DA) system in an animal model of ASD, we investigated the effects of embryonic exposure to valproic acid (VPA) on the postnatal development of the mesencephalic DA system in the domestic chick. We found that VPA affected the rostro-caudal distribution of DA neurons, without changing the expression levels of several dopaminergic markers in the mesencephalon. We also investigated a potential consequence of this altered DA neuronal distribution in the septum, a social brain area previously associated to social behavior in several vertebrate species, describing alterations in the expression of genes linked to DA neurotransmission. These findings support the emerging hypothesis of a role of DA dysfunction in ASD pathogenesis. Together with previous studies showing impairments of early social orienting behavior, these data also support the use of the domestic chick model to investigate the neurobiological mechanisms potentially involved in early ASD symptoms.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Muscarinic acetylcholine receptors (mAChRs) play an important role in many brain functions. Our previous study revealed that the injection of mAChRs antagonist scopolamine into the intermediate medial mesopallium (IMM) region, which is critical for filial imprinting, impairs memory formation. In avian brains, four mAChR subtypes have been identified (M2, M3, M4 and M5). M3 and M5 receptors increase the excitability of neurons, whereas M2 and M4 receptors reduce the excitability. Because the scopolamine blocks all subtypes, the previous study did not identify which subtype contributes to the memory formation. By injecting several types of mAChR antagonists into the IMM, in this study we determined which mAChR subtype plays a critical role in imprinting. First, the effects of antagonists on the excitatory receptor subtypes M3 and M5 were examined. Injection of the M3 antagonist (DAU5884) at 20 mM or the M5 antagonist (ML381) at 2 mM impaired imprinting. Considering the pKi value of DAU5884, the impairment seems to be caused by DAU5884 binding to M3 and/or M4 receptors. Second, the effect of antagonists on the inhibitory receptor subtype M2 was examined. The results showed that the M2 antagonist (AQ-RA741) impaired imprinting at a concentration of 20 mM. Considering the pKi value of AQ-RA741, the impairment seems to be caused by AQ-RA741 binding to M2 and/or M4. The findings of this study suggests that the excitatory receptor subtypes M3 and M5 and the inhibitory receptor subtype M2 and/or M4 cooperate to achieve the appropriate balance of acetylcholine signaling to execute imprinting.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Muscarinic acetylcholine receptors (mAChRs) in the central nervous system play an important role in regulating complex functions such as learning, memory, and selective attention. Five subtypes of the mAChRs (M1-M5) have been identified in mammals, and are classified into two subfamilies: excitatory (M1, M3, and M5) and inhibitory (M2 and M4) subfamilies. Filial imprinting of domestic chicks is a useful model in the laboratory to investigate the mechanisms of memory formation in early learning. We recently found that mAChRs in the intermediate medial mesopallium (IMM) are involved in the memory formation of imprinting. However, expression profiles of each mAChR subtype in the brain regions including the IMM remain unexplored. Here we show the unique gene expression of each mAChR subtype in the pallial regions involved in imprinting. In terms of the excitatory mAChRs, M5 was expressed in the IMM region and other parts of the pallium, whereas M3 was less expressed in the IMM but highly expressed in the hyperpallium and nidopallium. Regarding the inhibitory mAChRs, M2 was sparsely distributed but clearly in some cells throughout the pallial regions. M4 was highly expressed in the IMM region and other parts of the pallium. These expression profiles can be used as a basis for understanding cholinergic modulation in the memory formation of imprinting and other learning processes in birds, and compared to those of mammals.





