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    文章类型: Case Reports






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Diphyllobothriosis, a fish-borne zoonosis in South America, is mainly caused by the Pacific broad tapeworm Adenocephalus pacificus Nybelin, 1931, a parasite of considerable concern in fishery resources due to its impact on public health. A new diphyllobothrid, Diphyllobothrium sprakeri Hernández-Orts et al. Parasites Vectors 14:219, 2021, was recently described from sea lions from the Pacific Coast, but marine fish acting as intermediate hosts are unknown. The objective of this study was to confirm the presence of plerocercoid larvae of Diphyllobothriidae Lühe, 1910 (Cestoda: Diphyllobothriidea) in nine fish species of commercial importance in Peru. Of a total of 6999 fish (5861 Engraulis ringens, 853 Sciaena deliciosa, 6 Sciaena callaensis, 171 Scomber japonicus, 40 Trachurus murphyi, 40 Ariopsis seemanni, 18 Merluccius peruanus, 5 Sarda chiliensis, and 5 Coryphaena hippurus), 183 were infected with plerocercoid larvae, representing a total prevalence of 2.61% and a mean intensity of 3.2. Based on mtDNA cox1 sequences of 43 plerocercoids, a phylogenetic analysis revealed that 41 belong to A. pacificus and two to D. sprakeri. These findings are first molecular data for D. sprakeri larvae, and the infections of E. ringens and T. murphyi by plerocercoid larvae represent the first records of intermediate/paratenic hosts for this species. Hence, the findings of the current study enhance our understanding of the presence of diphyllobothriid species in commercial fish from the Southeastern Pacific Ocean and their potential impact on seafood safety for local human populations.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    The incidence of human diphyllobothriasis is expected to rise amidst the current global popularity of Japanese cuisine, such as sushi, which contains raw fish. We report a case of a 10-year-old boy with a diphyllobothriasis infection acquired via sushi consumption. The patient was otherwise healthy, exhibited no symptoms, and was successfully treated with a single dose of 10 mg/kg praziquantel. In Japan, this parasite is known as \"Sanada-mushi\" because it resembles a Sanada cord. Prompt recognition of this parasite by evoking the Sanada cord\'s appearance may facilitate early diagnosis and treatment and increase public awareness to prevent diphyllobothriasis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Between 1898 and 1940, eight human cases of diphyllobothriasis were reported in Argentina, always in recently arrived European immigrants. In 1982, the first autochthonous case was detected, and since then, 33 other autochthonous cases have been reported, totaling 42 cases of human diphyllobothriasis in Argentina before the present study. Our aim is to update the information on diphyllobothriasis in Argentina by identifying specimens from new cases using morphometrical and/or molecular methods. We also aim to assess the epidemiological relevance of this food-borne disease in the country. Anamnestic data were obtained from patients or professionals, along with 26 worms identified using morphometrical (21 samples) and molecular techniques (5 samples). All the patients acquired the infection by consuming freshwater salmonids caught in Andean lakes in Northern Patagonia. Morphometrics and DNA markers of worms were compatible with Dibothriocephalus latus. In total, 68 human cases have been detected in Argentina, 60 of which were autochthonous. The human population living North-western Patagonia, whose lakes are inhabited by salmonids, is increasing. Similarly, the number of other definitive hosts for Dibothriocephalus dendriticus (gulls) and for D. latus (dogs) is also increasing. In addition, salmonid fishing and the habit of consuming home-prepared raw fish dishes are becoming widespread. Therefore, it is to be expected that diphyllobothriasis in Argentina will increase further.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Peruvian and Chilean mummies and coprolites provide a source of population-based parasitological information. This is especially true of the fish tapeworm, Adenocephalus pacificus. Our analysis of Chinchorro and Chiribaya mummies and diversified coprolite samples from Chile and Peru show variation in infection. There is a statistically significant difference in prevalence between Chinchorro hunter-gatherer and Chiribaya mixed-subsistence contexts. Furthermore, the most pronounced differences occur between populations within these groups. Chinchorro differences in cemeteries at the same location can be related to El Niño-Southern Oscillation variations. Pronounced prevalence variations between 3 Chiribaya villages within 7 km of each other relate to fish distribution and preparation variation. As with other recent archaeoparasitology studies, eggs-per-gram data exhibit overdispersion.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Human diphyllobothriasis, caused by Dibothriocephalus nihonkaiensis, is prevalent globally, especially in regions where raw fish is consumed. Recent molecular diagnostic techniques have made species identification of tapeworm parasites and the determination of genetic variations among parasite populations possible. However, only a few studies done over a decade ago, have reported on the genetic variation among D. nihonkaiensis in Japan. The present study employed PCR-based mitochondrial DNA analysis to specifically detect D. nihonkaiensis from archived clinical samples, and to determine any genetic variation that may exist among the Japanese broad tapeworms from patients of Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan. Target genes were amplified from DNA extracted from the ethanol- or formaldehyde-fixed samples by PCR. Further sequencing and comparative phylogenetic analyses based on mitochondrial COI and ND1 sequences were also performed. In our results, all PCR-amplified and sequenced samples were identified as D. nihonkaiensis. Analysis of COI sequences revealed two haplotype lineages. However, clustering of almost all COI (and ND1) sample sequences into one of the two haplotype clades, together with reference sequences from different countries worldwide, revealed a common haplotype among D. nihonkaiensis samples in our study. Our results suggest a possible presence of a dominant D. nihonkaiensis haplotype, with a global distribution circulating in Japan. Results from this study have the potential to improve the management of clinical cases and establish robust control measures to reduce the burden of human diphyllobothriasis in Japan.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Dibothriocephalus ditremus and Dibothriocephalus latus are diphyllobothriidean tapeworms autochthonous to Europe. Their larval stages (plerocercoids) may seriously alter health of their intermediate fish hosts (D. ditremus) or cause intestinal diphyllobothriosis of the final human host (D. latus). Despite numerous data on the internal structure of broad tapeworms, many aspects of the morphology and physiology related to host–parasite co-existence remain unclear for these 2 species. The main objective of this work was to elucidate functional morphology of the frontal part (scolex) of plerocercoids, which is crucial for their establishment in fish tissues and for an early attachment in final hosts. The whole-mount specimens were labelled with different antibodies and examined by confocal microscope to capture their complex 3-dimensional microanatomy. Both species exhibited similar general pattern of immunofluorescent signal, although some differences were observed. In the nervous system, FMRF amide-like immunoreactivity (IR) occurred in the bi-lobed brain, 2 main nerve cords and surrounding nerve plexuses. Differences between the species were found in the structure of the brain commissures and the size of the sensilla. Synapsin IR examined in D. ditremus occurred mainly around FMRF amide-like IR brain lobes and main cords. The unexpected finding was an occurrence of FMRF amide-like IR in terminal reservoirs of secretory gland ducts and excretory canals, which has not been observed previously in any tapeworm species. This may indicate that secretory/excretory products, which play a key role in host–parasite relationships, are likely to contain FMRF amide-related peptide/s.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Parasitic infections cause a huge burden of disease and are a current public health problem. The category of emerging or re-emerging disease is influenced by phenomena that occur in today\'s interconnected world because of globalization, the displacement of people, trade, uncoordinated urbanization and climate change, they have a very important influence on transmission of these diseases. In 2021 there was an increase in the number of patients who have required treatment for diphyllobothriasis in the Los Ríos Region. This article reviews aspects related to integrated Health Service networks to provide access to pharmacological treatments to patients diagnosed with diphyllobothriasis (tapeworm infection), implemented by the Valdivia Health Service Department, in collaboration with the San José de Osorno hospital, primary care centers and private centers in the Los Ríos Region.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Durrington Walls was a large Neolithic settlement in Britain dating around 2500 BCE, located very close to Stonehenge and likely to be the campsite where its builders lived during its main stage of construction. Nineteen coprolites recovered from a midden and associated pits at Durrington Walls were analysed for intestinal parasite eggs using digital light microscopy. Five (26%) contained helminth eggs, 1 with those of fish tapeworm (likely Dibothriocephalus dendriticus) and 4 with those of capillariid nematodes. Analyses of bile acid and sterol from these 5 coprolites show 1 to be of likely human origin and the other 4 to likely derive from dogs. The presence of fish tapeworm reveals that the Neolithic people who gathered to feast at Durrington Walls were at risk of infection from eating raw or undercooked freshwater fish. When the eggs of capillariids are found in the feces of humans or dogs it normally indicates that the internal organs (liver, lung or intestines) of animals with capillariasis have been eaten, and eggs passed through the gut without causing disease. Their presence in multiple coprolites provides new evidence that internal organs of animals were consumed. These novel findings improve our understanding of both parasitic infection and dietary habits associated with this key Neolithic ceremonial site.





