
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy (ARVC) is a fatal genetic heart disease characterized by cardiac arrhythmias, in which fibrofatty deposition leads to heart failure, with no effective treatments. Plakophilin 2 (PKP2) is the most frequently mutated gene in ARVC, and although altered RNA splicing has been implicated, there are no models to study its effect and therapeutics. Here, we generate a mouse model harboring a PKP2 mutation (IVS10-1G>C) affecting RNA splicing, recapitulating ARVC features and sudden death starting at 4 weeks. Administering AAV-PKP2 gene therapy (adeno-associated viral therapy to drive cardiac expression of PKP2) to neonatal mice restored PKP2 protein levels, completely preventing cardiac desmosomal and pathological deficits associated with ARVC, ensuring 100% survival of mice up to 6 months. Late-stage AAV-PKP2 administration rescued desmosomal protein deficits and reduced pathological deficits including improved cardiac function in adult mice, resulting in 100% survival up to 4 months. We suggest that AAV-PKP2 gene therapy holds promise for circumventing ARVC associated with PKP2 mutations, including splice site mutations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Acquired resistance to endocrine treatments remains a major clinical challenge. In this study, we found that desmoglein-2 (DSG2) plays a major role in acquired endocrine resistance and cellular plasticity in ER+ breast cancer (BC). By analysing the well-established fulvestrant-resistant ER+ BC model using single-cell RNA-seq, we revealed that ER inhibition leads to a specific increase in DSG2 in cancer cell populations, which in turn enhances desmosome formation in vitro and in vivo and cell phenotypic plasticity that promotes resistance to treatment. DSG2 depletion reduced tumorigenesis and metastasis in fulvestrant-resistant xenograft models and promoted fulvestrant efficiency. Mechanistically, DSG2 forms a desmosome complex with JUP and Vimentin and triggers Wnt/PCP signalling. We showed that elevated DSG2 levels, along with reduced ER levels and an activated Wnt/PCP pathway, predicted poor survival, suggesting that a DSG2high signature could be exploited for therapeutic interventions. Our analysis highlighted the critical role of DSG2-mediated desmosomal junctions following antiestrogen treatment.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Epithelial homeostasis can be critically influenced by how cells respond to mechanical forces, both local changes in force balance between cells and altered tissue-level forces.1 Coupling of specialized cell-cell adhesions to their cytoskeletons provides epithelia with diverse strategies to respond to mechanical stresses.2,3,4 Desmosomes confer tissue resilience when their associated intermediate filaments (IFs)2,3 stiffen in response to strain,5,6,7,8,9,10,11 while mechanotransduction associated with the E-cadherin apparatus12,13 at adherens junctions (AJs) actively modulates actomyosin by RhoA signaling. Although desmosomes and AJs make complementary contributions to mechanical homeostasis in epithelia,6,8 there is increasing evidence to suggest that these cytoskeletal-adhesion systems can interact functionally and biochemically.8,14,15,16,17,18,19,20 We now report that the desmosome-IF system integrated by desmoplakin (DP) facilitates active tension sensing at AJs for epithelial homeostasis. DP function is necessary for mechanosensitive RhoA signaling at AJs to be activated when tension was applied to epithelial monolayers. This effect required DP to anchor IFs to desmosomes and recruit the dystonin (DST) cytolinker to apical junctions. DP RNAi reduced the mechanical load that was applied to the cadherin complex by increased monolayer tension. Consistent with reduced mechanical signal strength, DP RNAi compromised assembly of the Myosin VI-E-cadherin mechanosensor that activates RhoA. The integrated DP-IF system therefore supports AJ mechanotransduction by enhancing the mechanical load of tissue tension that is transmitted to E-cadherin. This crosstalk was necessary for efficient elimination of apoptotic epithelial cells by apical extrusion, demonstrating its contribution to epithelial homeostasis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The desmosome is a cell-cell adhesive junction that provides integrity and mechanical resistance to tissues through its attachment to the intermediate filament cytoskeleton. Defects in desmosomes cause diseases impacting the heart, epidermis, and other epithelia. In this review, we provide a historical perspective on the discovery of the desmosome and how the evolution of cellular imaging technologies revealed insights into desmosome structure and function. We also discuss recent findings using contemporary imaging approaches that have informed the molecular order, three-dimensional architecture, and associations of desmosomes with organelles such as the endoplasmic reticulum. Finally, we provide an updated model of desmosome molecular organization and speculate upon novel functions of this cell junction as a signaling center for sensing mechanical and other forms of cell stress.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cell junctions, including anchoring, occluding and communicating junctions, play an indispensable role in the structural and functional organization of multicellular tissues, including in liver. Specifically, hepatic cell junctions mediate intercellular adhesion and communication between liver cells. The establishment of the hepatic cell junction network is a prerequisite for normal liver functioning. Hepatic cell junctions indeed support liver-specific features and control essential aspects of the hepatic life cycle. This review paper summarizes the role of cell junctions and their components in relation to liver physiology, thereby also discussing their involvement in hepatic dysfunctionality, including liver disease and toxicity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Desmosomes are the most prominent interkeratinocyte junctions. The correct barrier function of stratified epithelia such as epidermis depends on their expression. During epidermal differentiation, the molecular composition of desmosomes evolves and so do their physical and chemical properties. Desquamation of corneocytes at the surface of the stratum corneum depends on an orderly degradation of desmosomes by endogenous enzymes. This process may be regulated by glycosylated molecules. We focused on the detection and characterization of potentially implicated players bearing ‘sugar’ characteristics.
    Using an original monoclonal antibody and biochemical methods, we partially characterized a proteoglycan of the exclusively chondroitin/dermatan sulphate type, secreted into the interkeratinocyte spaces, that is incorporated into the extracellular parts of desmosomes in quantities proportional to the degree of cell differentiation, as visualized with immuno-electron microscopy.
    This antigen, that we named desmosealin, displays biochemical and immunocytochemical characteristics that clearly differentiate it from known desmosomal elements. Unlike so far described epidermal proteoglycans, which belong to the heparan sulphate family, desmosealin displays chondroitin/dermatan sulphate glycosaminoglycan chains. It can be detected within the extracellular ‘cores’ of desmosomes in the upper viable epidermal layers and in corneodesmosomes from the lowermost part of the stratum corneum.
    Extensive integration of proteoglycans into the extracellular parts of desmosomes at the late stages of keratinocyte maturation is likely of functional importance. Given its biochemical profile, its pattern of expression in the epidermis and its desmosomal localization, desmosealin may emerge as a key element in the regulation of desmosome processing, epidermal cohesion and formation of a functional epidermal barrier.
    Les desmosomes sont les jonctions inter‐kératinocytaires les plus proéminentes. Le fonctionnement appropriée des épithéliums stratifiés comme épiderme dépend de leur expression. La composition moléculaire et les propriétés physico‐chimiques des desmosomes évoluent au cours de la différenciation épidermique. La desquamation de cornéocytes la surface du stratum corneum depend de la dégradation ordonnée des desmosomes par les enzymes endogènes. Ce processus peut être régulé par les molécules glycosylées. Notre travail consistait en détection et caractérisation de l\'un des acteurs potentiellement impliqués, portant des chaînes carbohydrate.
    Les approches d\'analyse biochimique s\'appuyant sur un anticorps monoclonal original (immunotransfert mono‐et bi‐dimensionnel, immunoprécipitation–immunodétection croisées, digestions enzymatiques, tests de déglycosylation et d\'inhibition de synthèse) nous ont permis la caractérisation partielle d\'un protéoglycanne sécrété dans les espaces inter‐kératinocytaires. Cette molécule s\'intègre aux desmosomes en quantités proportionnelles au stade de différenciation des kératinocytes, comme le démontrent les marquages ultrastructuraux à l\'or colloïdal sur des cryocoupes et tissus enrobés en résines acryliques.
    Cet antigène, que nous avons appelé desmosealine, est clairement distinct des éléments constitutifs de desmosomes décrits jusqu\'alors. Contrairement aux protéoglycannes épidermiques connus, il porte exclusivement les chaînes glycosaminoglycannes de type chondroïtine/dermatane sulfate. La desmosealine est présente dans les parties extracellulaires de desmosomes, dans la portion supérieure de l‘épiderme vivant et le début du stratum corneum.
    L\'intégration massive d\'un protéoglycanne dans des parties intercellulaires de desmosomes revêt vraisemblablement une importance fonctionnelle. De par son profile biochimique, sa distribution dans l\'épiderme et son affinité pour les desmosomes, le desmosealine peut s\'avérer être un élément clé dans la régulation de la cohésion interkératinocytaire et la formation de la barrière de perméabilité épidermique.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Desmosomes are intercellular adhesion complexes providing mechanical coupling and tissue integrity. Previously, a correlation of desmosomal molecule expression with invasion and metastasis formation in several tumor entities was described together with a relevance for circulating tumor cell cluster formation. Here, we investigated the contribution of the desmosomal core adhesion molecule desmoglein-2 (DSG2) to the initial steps of liver metastasis formation by pancreatic cancer cells using a novel ex vivo liver perfusion mouse model. We applied the pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma cell line AsPC-1 with and without a knockout (KO) of DSG2 and generated mouse lines with a hepatocyte-specific KO of the known interacting partners of DSG2 (DSG2 and desmocollin-2). Liver perfusion with DSG2 KO AsPC-1 cells led to smaller circulating cell clusters and a reduced number of cells adhering to murine livers compared to control cells. While this was independent of the expression levels of desmosomal adhesion molecules in hepatocytes, we show that increased cluster size of cancer cells, which correlates with stronger cell-cell adhesion and expression of desmosomal molecules, is a major factor contributing to the early phase of metastatic spreading. In conclusion, impaired desmosomal adhesion results in reduced circulating cell cluster size, which is relevant for seeding and attachment of metastatic cells to the liver.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Helicobacter pylori is a common resident in the stomach of at least half of the world\'s population and recent evidence suggest its emergence in other organs such as the pancreas. In this organ, the presence of H. pylori DNA has been reported in cats, although the functional implications remain unknown. In this work, we determined distinct features related to the H. pylori manifestation in pancreas in a rodent model, in order to analyse its functional and structural effect. Gerbils inoculated with H. pylori exhibited the presence of this bacterium, as revealed by the expression of some virulence factors, as CagA and OMPs in stomach and pancreas, and confirmed by urease activity, bacterial culture, PCR and immunofluorescence assays. Non-apparent morphological changes were observed in pancreatic tissue of infected animals; however, delocalization of intercellular junction proteins (claudin-1, claudin-4, occludin, ZO-1, E-cadherin, β-catenin, desmoglein-2 and desmoplakin I/II) and rearrangement of the actin-cytoskeleton were exhibited. This structural damage was consistent with alterations in the distribution of insulin and glucagon, and a systemic inflammation, event demonstrated by elevated IL-8 levels. Overall, these findings indicate that H. pylori can reach the pancreas, possibly affecting its function and contributing to the development of pancreatic diseases.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Desmosomes are relatives of ancient cadherin-based junctions, which emerged late in evolution to ensure the structural integrity of vertebrate tissues by coupling the intermediate filament cytoskeleton to cell-cell junctions. Their ability to dynamically counter the contractile forces generated by actin-associated adherens junctions is particularly important in tissues under high mechanical stress, such as the skin and heart. Much more than the simple cellular \'spot welds\' depicted in textbooks, desmosomes are in fact dynamic structures that can sense and respond to changes in their mechanical environment and external stressors like ultraviolet light and pathogens. These environmental signals are transmitted intracellularly via desmosome-dependent mechanochemical pathways that drive the physiological processes of morphogenesis and differentiation. This Cell Science at a Glance article and the accompanying poster review desmosome structure and assembly, highlight recent insights into how desmosomes integrate chemical and mechanical signaling in the epidermis, and discuss desmosomes as targets in human disease.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy (ACM) is an inherited myocardial disease at risk of sudden death. Genetic testing impacts greatly in ACM diagnosis, but gene-disease associations have yet to be determined for the increasing number of genes included in clinical panels. Genetic variants evaluation was undertaken for the most relevant non-desmosomal disease genes. We retrospectively studied 320 unrelated Italian ACM patients, including 243 cases with predominant right-ventricular (ARVC) and 77 cases with predominant left-ventricular (ALVC) involvement, who did not carry pathogenic/likely pathogenic (P/LP) variants in desmosome-coding genes. The aim was to assess rare genetic variants in transmembrane protein 43 (TMEM43), desmin (DES), phospholamban (PLN), filamin c (FLNC), cadherin 2 (CDH2), and tight junction protein 1 (TJP1), based on current adjudication guidelines and reappraisal on reported literature data. Thirty-five rare genetic variants, including 23 (64%) P/LP, were identified in 39 patients (16/243 ARVC; 23/77 ALVC): 22 FLNC, 9 DES, 2 TMEM43, and 2 CDH2. No P/LP variants were found in PLN and TJP1 genes. Gene-based burden analysis, including P/LP variants reported in literature, showed significant enrichment for TMEM43 (3.79-fold), DES (10.31-fold), PLN (117.8-fold) and FLNC (107-fold). A non-desmosomal rare genetic variant is found in a minority of ARVC patients but in about one third of ALVC patients; as such, clinical decision-making should be driven by genes with robust evidence. More than two thirds of non-desmosomal P/LP variants occur in FLNC.





