dental indices

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Lysosomal storage diseases (LSDs), a group of inborn errors of metabolism, include various subtypes, for example, mucopolysaccharidosis (MPS) and Gaucher disease (GD). Besides the physical/mental disabilities, they suffer from several oral deteriorations.
    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the oral health status of Egyptian children with LSD.
    METHODS: Thirty LSD children and thirty non-LSD children were enrolled for this study according to the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Dental indices were used to assess caries prevalence and periodontal status. Saliva samples were collected from all enrolled children to estimate interleukin 6 (IL-6), tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α), and protein levels as well as Streptococcus mutans and Lactobacilli colony counts.
    RESULTS: Children with MPS and GD showed non-significant differences in decayed, missing, or filled teeth (DMFT) scores (p = .115). Scores of dmft showed a significant increase in MPS, but not in GD children (p = .020, p = .127). Children with LSD showed significantly increased Modified Gingival Index (MGI), Plaque Index (PI), Oral Hygiene Index (OHI-s) scores (p < .001) and salivary IL-6 and TNF-α (p = .007, p = .001, p < .0001, p = .002, respectively) and salivary total proteins (p = .001) levels. Unexpectedly, non-significant differences were observed in salivary Streptococcus mutans or Lactobacilli counts in children with MPS and GD (p = .058, p = .420, p = .502, p = .053, respectively).
    CONCLUSIONS: To our knowledge, this is the first article that evaluates Egyptian children with LSD. We demonstrated high caries prevalence in primary teeth, not permanent teeth, in children with MPS and poor gingival/hygiene status in children with MPS and GD, which triggered a state of inflammation. The daily supplement intake prevented oral bacterial growth. The most probable cause of oral alterations is decreased salivary flow rate, as deduced from a significantly increased salivary protein.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Poor oral hygiene and the increased incidence and severity of periodontitis may exacerbate SARS-CoV-2 infection. The aim was to evaluate the oral microbiota of 60 participants divided into groups: COVID-19 convalescents who received antibiotics during hospitalization (I), COVID-19 convalescents without antibiotic therapy (II) and healthy individuals (III).
    UNASSIGNED: Dental examination was conducted, and oral health status was evaluated using selected dental indexes. Clinical samples (saliva, dorsal swabs, supragingival and subgingival plaque) were collected and used for metagenomic library to the next-generation sequencing (NGS) preparation.
    UNASSIGNED: Each of the clinical materials in particular groups of patients showed a statistically significant and quantitatively different bacterial composition. Patients from group I showed significantly worse oral health, reflected by higher average values of dental indexes and also a higher percentage of Veillonella, Tannerella, Capnocytophaga and Selenomonas genera in comparison to other groups. Additionally, a statistically significant decrease in the amount of Akkermansia type in both groups with COVID-19 was observed for all materials.
    UNASSIGNED: The primary factor affecting the composition of oral microbiota was not the SARS-CoV-2 infection itself, but the use of antibiotic therapy. The increased percentage of pro-inflammatory pathogens observed in COVID-19 patients underscores the importance of preventing periodontal disease and improving oral hygiene in the future.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Because of their complex epidemiology and etiology, cervical abrasions usually manifest with concealing symptoms. The buccolingual dimension of the sore is considered the most important metric to rank the damage and evaluate its long-term prognosis. In this piece, we will break this down and offer the Cervical Abrasion Index of Treatment Needs (CAITN), a simple grouping structure based on the clinical presentation of the sore that may be used to establish a basic, useful, treatment-based order. CAITN is the practical approach to routine screening and recording cervical abrasion lesions. The index provides epidemiologists, public health professionals, and practitioners with a practical means of assessing the treatment needs (TN) of cervical abrasion.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    OBJECTIVE: Was to analyze the effectiveness of therapeutic and preventive measures aimed at reducing hyperesthesia of hard dental tissues in patients with background somatic diseases.
    METHODS: The study involved 113 patients with increased tooth sensitivity and treated in the gastroenterological and endocrinological departments of the S.M. Kirov City Clinical Hospital No.3» in Astrakhan in the period from 2018 to 2021 at the age of 26-43 years. The main group included 52 patients with confirmed diagnoses of gastric and duodenal ulcer, pancreatitis and type II diabetes mellitus who were treated for dental hyperesthesia with an integrated approach. The control group included 61 patients with periodontal disease without background somatic pathologies in whom hyperesthesia was treated by remineralizing therapy. The effectiveness of the treatment was determined in dynamics on the 10th and 40th days of treatment using OHI-S, PMA indices, dental hypersensitivity prevalence (DHP), dental hypersensitivity intensity (DHI), Dental Sensitivity Index (DSI), Efficacy of Dental Sensitivity Index (EDSI). In addition, the pH of saliva, the activity of lysozyme and S-IgA, and the levels of cytokines IL-1β, IL-4, IL-6, and IL-8 were determined.
    RESULTS: The average value of OHI-S in the main group on the 10th day of treatment decreased from 2.25±0.12 (poor level of hygiene) to 1.47±0.09 (satisfactory level). The PMA index in the main group also tended to decrease from 32.1±1.44% (moderate degree of gingivitis) to 20.5±2.08% (mild degree) on the 10th day of treatment. The average values of DPH, DPI, EDSI and DSI in the main group had a noticeable decrease already on the 10th day from the start of treatment (from 12.3±1.66% to 2.1±1.22%; from 2.5±0.48 to 1.2±0.16; from 48.3±1.14% to 40.8±1.71%; from 42.1±2.07% to 20.8±1, 65% respectively). In the main group on the 10th and 40th day of treatment the pH values of non-stimulated and stimulated saliva stabilized (from 4.61±0.12 to 6.94±0.07 and from 5.47±0.21 to 7.42±0.24, respectively), the activity of lysozyme increased (from 45.97±1.46% to 55.19±0.96%) alongside with secretory IgA (from 0.17±0.02 to 0.33±0.21 mg/ml). Also, indicators of cytokines IL-1β, IL-4, IL-6, IL-8 tended to improve. The analysis of the control group revealed persistent mean values that did not yield to significant changes either in the course of treatment.
    CONCLUSIONS: Thus, in patients of the main group, the results obtained indicate an improvement in the dental status and activation of cytokine regulation, providing a combination of active components of the mineral complex. In controls the method of remineralizing therapy for tooth hyperesthesia alleviated dental hypersensitivity, but without significant improvement of the laboratory results.
    UNASSIGNED: Проанализировать эффективность лечебно-профилактических мероприятий, направленных на снижение гиперестезии твердых тканей зубов, у пациентов с фоновыми соматическими заболеваниями.
    UNASSIGNED: В исследовании приняли участие 113 пациентов, имевшие повышенную чувствительность зубов и проходившие лечение в гастроэнтерологическом и эндокринологическом отделениях «Городская клиническая больница №3 им. С.М. Кирова» г. Астрахани в период с 2018 по 2021 г. в возрасте 26—43 лет. В основную группу вошли 52 пациента с язвенной болезнью желудка и двенадцатиперстной кишки, панкреатитом или сахарным диабетом II типа, которым проводилось лечение гиперестезии зубов с применением комплексного подхода. В контрольную группу вошел 61 пациент с заболеваниями пародонта без фоновых соматических патологий, у которых лечение гиперестезии проводилось методом реминерализирующей терапии. Эффективность лечения определяли в динамике на 10-й и 40-й дни лечения с помощью индексов гигиены OHI-S, папиллярно-маргинально-альвеолярного индекса РМА в модификации Parma, индексов распространенности гиперестезии зубов (ИРГЗ), интенсивности гиперестезии зубов (ИИГЗ), сенситивности зубов (ИСЗ О-У), эффективности сенситивности зубов (СЗ). Помимо этого определяли pH слюны, активность лизоцима и S-IgA, уровни цитокинов ИЛ-1β, ИЛ-4, ИЛ-6, ИЛ-8.
    UNASSIGNED: Показатели индекса OHI-S в основной группе уже на 10-й день лечения снизились с 2,25±0,12 (неудовлетворительный уровень гигиены) до 1,47±0,09 (удовлетворительный уровень). Показатели индекса PMA в основной группе также имели тенденцию к снижению с 32,1±1,44% (средняя степень гингивита) до 20,5±2,08% (легкая степень) на 10-й день лечения. Средние значения показателей индексов ИРГЗ, ИИГЗ, СЗ, ИСЗ О-У в основной группе заметно снизились уже на 10-й день от начала лечения (с 12,3±1,66% до 2,1±1,22%; с 2,5±0,48 до 1,2±0,16; с 48,3±1,14% до 40,8±1,71%; с 42,1±2,07% до 20,8±1,65% соответственно). В основной группе у пациентов на 10-й и далее на 40-й день лечения наблюдалось улучшение показателя pH нестимулированной и стимулированной слюны (с 4,61±0,12 до 6,94±0,07 и с 5,47±0,21 до 7,42±0,24 соответственно), возросли показатели активность лизоцима (с 45,97±1,46% до 55,19±0,96%) вместе с показателями секреторного IgA (с 0,17±0,02 до 0,33±0,21 мг/мл). Также улучшились показатели цитокинов ИЛ-1β, ИЛ-4, ИЛ-6, ИЛ-8. Анализ контрольной группы выявил стойкие средние показатели индексов, которые значительно не менялись в ходе лечения.
    UNASSIGNED: У пациентов основной группы полученные результаты свидетельствуют об улучшении стоматологического статуса и активации цитокиновой регуляции. У пациентов контрольной группы с помощью реминерализирующей терапии удалось нивелировать гиперчувствительность зубов, но лабораторные показатели корректировались незначительно.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to examine if patients with hemophilia were at increased risk for dental decay as compared to the general population.
    METHODS: Census sampling was used in this case-control study to recruit cases (patients with hemophilia) and a control group individuals recruited randomly from the general population, which were matched with cases based on gender, age and place of residence. Clinical examinations included dental health and salivary assessments (flow rate, buffer capacity, caries-associated bacteria) and a structured questionnaire which inquired about socioeconomic status and dental health-related behaviors.
    RESULTS: In the deciduous dentition, the overall caries experience (dmf) differed statistically significantly (P=0.003) between the hemophiliacs (2.6±2.6) and their matched healthy controls (6.1±2.5). Bivariate analyses did not reveal significant differences between cases and controls regarding salivary functions, except that higher bacteriological counts were found in healthy controls in deciduous dentitions than in patients with hemophilia (P=0.019). Children without hemophilia were from higher socioeconomic status families than hemophiliacs (P=0.004), but such differences were not found for adults (P=0.090). When compared to healthy adults, adult hemophiliacs had more gum bleeding at rest (P<0.001) as well as during their tooth brushing (P=0.007) and they also consumed more soft drinks than controls (P=0.025).
    CONCLUSIONS: Better dental health was observed in children with hemophilia as compared to children without it. There were no differences in dental health between adult hemophiliacs and healthy controls from the general population. None of the linear multiple regression models confirmed hemophilia to be an additional caries risk when it was controlled for other caries determinants.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Observational studies on the association among systemic/general and oral cavity indices, tooth loss, periodontal conditions, and socioeconomic inequalities are to be still performed in the population of Southern Europe. This study aims to determine the extent of this relationship among Italian healthy adults 50 years of age and above.
    METHODS: Socioeconomic and lifestyle characteristics, cardiovascular indicators, and systemic indices were examined by contrasting the dental indices among adult people of Northern Italy. Data were processed through correlation analysis, and multivariate analysis was carried out using seemingly unrelated regressions.
    RESULTS: A total of 118 adults 50 years of age and above, after anamnesis, underwent systemic and dental examination. Their socioeconomic status was found to be inversely associated only with smoking and dental parameters. Unexpected outcomes between lifestyle and risk factors were detected. The statistical analysis showed an uneven correlation among dental indices and between those indices and the socioeconomic status, such as, a periodontal condition, apparently free from influences, unusually became worse as the socioeconomic status enhanced.
    CONCLUSIONS: The study outcomes indicate a relationship between tooth loss and conservative endodontic therapy, but they result in alternative choices. Nevertheless, the socioeconomic status has an inverse relationship with tooth loss and conservative endodontic therapy, but a direct relation with worsening of the periodontal condition. This pilot study highlights a need for the public health administration to adopt a socioeconomic assessment not only based on the household income, but also to accordingly improve its therapeutic course.






