defensive behavior

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Pavlovian fear conditioning research suggests that the interaction between the dorsal periaqueductal gray (dPAG) and basolateral amygdala (BLA) acts as a prediction error mechanism in the formation of associative fear memories. However, their roles in responding to naturalistic predatory threats, characterized by less explicit cues and the absence of reiterative trial-and-error learning events, remain unexplored. In this study, we conducted single-unit recordings in rats during an \'approach food-avoid predator\' task, focusing on the responsiveness of dPAG and BLA neurons to a rapidly approaching robot predator. Optogenetic stimulation of the dPAG triggered fleeing behaviors and increased BLA activity in naive rats. Notably, BLA neurons activated by dPAG stimulation displayed immediate responses to the robot, demonstrating heightened synchronous activity compared to BLA neurons that did not respond to dPAG stimulation. Additionally, the use of anterograde and retrograde tracer injections into the dPAG and BLA, respectively, coupled with c-Fos activation in response to predatory threats, indicates that the midline thalamus may play an intermediary role in innate antipredatory-defensive functioning.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Effective detection and avoidance from environmental threats are crucial for animals\' survival. Integration of sensory cues associated with threats across different modalities can significantly enhance animals\' detection and behavioral responses. However, the neural circuit-level mechanisms underlying the modulation of defensive behavior or fear response under simultaneous multimodal sensory inputs remain poorly understood. Here, we report in mice that bimodal looming stimuli combining coherent visual and auditory signals elicit more robust defensive/fear reactions than unimodal stimuli. These include intensified escape and prolonged hiding, suggesting a heightened defensive/fear state. These various responses depend on the activity of the superior colliculus (SC), while its downstream nucleus, the parabigeminal nucleus (PBG), predominantly influences the duration of hiding behavior. PBG temporally integrates visual and auditory signals and enhances the salience of threat signals by amplifying SC sensory responses through its feedback projection to the visual layer of the SC. Our results suggest an evolutionarily conserved pathway in defense circuits for multisensory integration and cross-modality enhancement.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We considered the relationship between the benefits and costs of territorial defense in a wild population of the Leon Springs pupfish, Cyprinodon bovinus. We defined benefit as the number of eggs deposited on an artificial substratum placed within the defender\'s territory. Costs included two defensive behaviors. First, males frequently \"patrolled\" their territories, swimming back-and-forth across their area. Second, males chased intruding Pecos gambusia (Gambusia nobilis) as well as small male and female conspecific C. bovinus from their territories. Both of these species prey on the territorial defenders\' eggs; additionally, small male C. bovinus will attempt to \"steal\" spawns from the territorial defender by spawning with females in the territory. Our analyses revealed that only patrol frequency was related to the reproductive benefit of the territory. Neither chases against gambusia nor conspecifics were predicted by egg numbers on the breeding substrata. We speculate that the frequency of patrolling is an indicator of territorial value and note the qualitative differences in chasing behavior against the different species of intruder.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Rapid eye movement (REM) sleep has been hypothesized to promote emotional resilience, but any neuronal circuits mediating this have not been identified. We find that in mice, somatostatin (Som) neurons in the entopeduncular nucleus (EPSom)/internal globus pallidus are predominantly active during REM sleep. This unique REM activity is both necessary and sufficient for maintaining normal REM sleep. Inhibiting or exciting EPSom neurons reduced or increased REM sleep duration, respectively. Activation of the sole downstream target of EPSom neurons, Vglut2 cells in the lateral habenula (LHb), increased sleep via the ventral tegmental area (VTA). A simple chemogenetic scheme to periodically inhibit the LHb over 4 days selectively removed a significant amount of cumulative REM sleep. Chronic, but not acute, REM reduction correlated with mice becoming anxious and more sensitive to aversive stimuli. Therefore, we suggest that cumulative REM sleep, in part generated by the EP → LHb → VTA circuit identified here, could contribute to stabilizing reactions to habitual aversive stimuli.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Socially coordinated threat responses support the survival of animal groups. Given their distinct social roles, males and females must differ in such coordination. Here, we report such differences during the synchronization of auditory-conditioned freezing in mouse dyads. To study the interaction of emotional states with social cues underlying synchronization, we modulated emotional states with prior stress or modified the social cues by pairing unfamiliar or opposite-sex mice. In same-sex dyads, males exhibited more robust synchrony than females. Stress disrupted male synchrony in a prefrontal cortex-dependent manner but enhanced it in females. Unfamiliarity moderately reduced synchrony in males but not in females. In dyads with opposite-sex partners, fear synchrony was resilient to both stress and unfamiliarity. Decomposing the synchronization process in the same-sex dyads revealed sex-specific behavioral strategies correlated with synchrony magnitude: following partners\' state transitions in males and retroacting synchrony-breaking actions in females. Those were altered by stress and unfamiliarity. The opposite-sex dyads exhibited no synchrony-correlated strategy. These findings reveal sex-specific adaptations of socio-emotional integration defining coordinated behavior and suggest that sex-recognition circuits confer resilience to stress and unfamiliarity in opposite-sex dyads.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Many psychiatric disorders involve excessive avoidant or defensive behavior, such as avoidance in anxiety and trauma disorders or defensive rituals in obsessive-compulsive disorders. Developing algorithms to predict these behaviors from local field potentials (LFPs) could serve as foundational technology for closed-loop control of such disorders. A significant challenge is identifying the LFP features that encode these defensive behaviors.
    UNASSIGNED: We analyzed LFP signals from the infralimbic cortex and basolateral amygdala of rats undergoing tone-shock conditioning and extinction, standard for investigating defensive behaviors. We utilized a comprehensive set of neuro-markers across spectral, temporal, and connectivity domains, employing SHapley Additive exPlanations for feature importance evaluation within Light Gradient-Boosting Machine models. Our goal was to decode three commonly studied avoidance/defensive behaviors: freezing, bar-press suppression, and motion (accelerometry), examining the impact of different features on decoding performance.
    UNASSIGNED: Band power and band power ratio between channels emerged as optimal features across sessions. High-gamma (80-150 Hz) power, power ratios, and inter-regional correlations were more informative than other bands that are more classically linked to defensive behaviors. Focusing on highly informative features enhanced performance. Across 4 recording sessions with 16 subjects, we achieved an average coefficient of determination of 0.5357 and 0.3476, and Pearson correlation coefficients of 0.7579 and 0.6092 for accelerometry jerk and bar press rate, respectively. Utilizing only the most informative features revealed differential encoding between accelerometry and bar press rate, with the former primarily through local spectral power and the latter via inter-regional connectivity. Our methodology demonstrated remarkably low time complexity, requiring <110 ms for training and <1 ms for inference.
    UNASSIGNED: Our results demonstrate the feasibility of accurately decoding defensive behaviors with minimal latency, using LFP features from neural circuits strongly linked to these behaviors. This methodology holds promise for real-time decoding to identify physiological targets in closed-loop psychiatric neuromodulation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Animals need to detect threats, initiate defensive responses, and, in parallel, remember where the threat occurred to avoid the possibility of re-encountering it. By probing animals capable of detecting and avoiding a shock-related threatening location, we were able to reveal a septo-hippocampal-hypothalamic circuit that is also engaged in ethological threats, including predatory and social threats. Photometry analysis focusing on the dorsal premammillary nucleus (PMd), a critical interface of this circuit, showed that in freely tested animals, the nucleus appears ideal to work as a threat detector to sense dynamic changes under threatening conditions as the animal approaches and avoids the threatening source. We also found that PMd chemogenetic silencing impaired defensive responses by causing a failure of threat detection rather than a direct influence on any behavioral responses and, at the same time, updated fear memory to a low-threat condition. Optogenetic silencing of the main PMd targets, namely the periaqueductal gray and anterior medial thalamus, showed that the projection to the periaqueductal gray influences both defensive responses and, to a lesser degree, contextual memory, whereas the projection to the anterior medial thalamus has a stronger influence on memory processes. Our results are important for understanding how animals deal with the threat imminence continuum, revealing a circuit that is engaged in threat detection and that, at the same time, serves to update the memory process to accommodate changes under threatening conditions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The brown rat (Rattus norvegicus) is known to show three types of behavioral responses to novel objects. Whereas some rats are indifferent to novel objects, neophobic and neophilic rats show avoidance and approach behavior, respectively. Here, we compared the dopaminergic, serotonergic, and noradrenergic systems immunohistochemically among these rats. Trapped wild rats and laboratory rats were first individually exposed to the novel objects in their home cage. Wild rats were divided into neophobic and indifferent rats depending on their behavioral responses. Similarly, laboratory rats were divided into neophilic and indifferent rats. Consistent with the behavioral differences, in the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus, Fos expression in corticotropin-releasing hormone-containing neurons was higher in the neophobic rats than in the indifferent rats. In the anterior basal amygdala, the neophobic rats showed higher Fos expression than the indifferent rats. In the posterior basal amygdala, the neophobic and neophilic rats showed lower and higher Fos expressions than the indifferent rats, respectively. When we compared the neuromodulatory systems, in the dorsal raphe, the number of serotonergic neurons and Fos expression in serotonergic neurons increased linearly from neophobic to indifferent to neophilic rats. In the ventral tegmental area, Fos expression in dopaminergic neurons was higher in the neophilic rats than in the indifferent rats. These results demonstrate that approach/avoidance behavior to novel objects is correlated with the serotonergic and dopaminergic systems in the brown rat. We propose that the serotonergic system suppresses avoidance behavior while the dopaminergic system enhances approach behavior to novel objects.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Sedentary animals choose appropriate refuges against predators, while migratory ones may not necessarily do so. In ectotherms, refuge selection is critical during low temperatures, because they cannot actively evade predators. To understand how migratory ectotherms alter their defensive behaviors depending on refuge quality in cold temperatures, we evaluated migratory gregarious desert locust nymphs (Schistocerca gregaria) in the Sahara Desert, where daily thermal constraints occur. We recorded how roosting plant type (bush/shrub) and its height influenced two alternative defense behaviors (dropping/stationary) during cold mornings, in response to an approaching simulated ground predator. Most locusts in bushes dropped within the bush and hid irrespective of their height, whereas those roosting > 2 m height in shrubs remained stationary. These defenses are effective and match with refuge plant types because dynamic locomotion is not required. When nymphs roosted on shrubs < 1.5-m height, which was an unsafe position, nearly half showed both defensive behaviors, indicating that escaping decisions become ambiguous when the refuges are inappropriate. These results suggest that locusts display flexible defensive behaviors when finding appropriate refuges and selecting refuge before daily thermal limitations occur could be critical for migratory ectotherms, which is a risk associated with migration.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The nucleus of Darkschewitsch (ND), mainly composed of GABAergic neurons, is widely recognized as a component of the eye-movement controlling system. However, the functional contribution of ND GABAergic neurons (NDGABA) in animal behavior is largely unknown. Here, we show that NDGABA neurons were selectively activated by different types of fear stimuli, such as predator odor and foot shock. Optogenetic and chemogenetic manipulations revealed that NDGABA neurons mediate freezing behavior. Moreover, using circuit-based optogenetic and neuroanatomical tracing methods, we identified an excitatory pathway from the lateral periaqueductal gray (lPAG) to the ND that induces freezing by exciting ND inhibitory outputs to the motor-related gigantocellular reticular nucleus, ventral part (GiV). Together, these findings indicate the NDGABA population as a novel hub for controlling defensive response by relaying fearful information from the lPAG to GiV, a mechanism critical for understanding how the freezing behavior is encoded in the mammalian brain.





