cyclosporine A

环孢菌素 A
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Dry eye is a common eye disease. Artificial tears supplements are widely used for the treatment of dry eyes. However, multiple adverse effects have been observed in patients receiving long-term treatment with artificial tears, which may affect the therapeutic effect.
    OBJECTIVE: To analyze the characteristics of interleukin-1β (IL-1β), interleukin-6 (IL-6), and tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α) levels in patients with dry eye and the therapeutic effect of artificial tears combined with cyclosporine A.
    METHODS: A total of 124 dry eye patients treated at The First People\'s Hospital of Xining from April 2020 to April 2022 were selected as the observation group, while 20 healthy individuals served as the control group during the same period. Levels of inflammatory markers, including IL-1β, IL-6, and TNF-α, were analyzed. The observation group was further divided into a study group and a control group, each consisting of 62 patients. The control group received artificial tears, whereas the study group received a combination of artificial tears and cyclosporine A. Inflammatory markers, Schirmer\'s test (SIT), tear break-up time (TBUT), corneal fluorescein staining (CFS), National Eye Institute Visual Function Questionnaire-25 (NEI-VFQ-25) scores, and adverse events (AEs) were compared between the two groups.
    RESULTS: The observation group exhibited significantly elevated serum levels of IL-1β, IL-6, and TNF-α in comparison to the healthy group. Following treatment, the study group demonstrated substantial reductions in IL-1β, IL-6, and TNF-α levels relative to the control group. Moreover, after treatment, the study group experienced a marked decrease in CFS scores and significant increases in both SIT and BUT levels when compared to the control group. Additionally, significant improvements were observed in the primary symptom of dry eye and secondary symptoms such as photophobia, foreign body sensation, fatigue, red eye, and burning sensation within the study group. Furthermore, post-treatment NEI-VFQ-25 scores across all dimensions exhibited significant enhancements in the study group compared to the control group (P < 0.05). It is noteworthy that significant AEs were reported in both groups throughout the treatment period.
    CONCLUSIONS: Cyclosporine A combined with artificial tears is effective in treating dry eye, yielding enhanced outcomes by improving SIT and TBUT levels, reducing CFS scores, and ameliorating vision-related quality of life.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Psoriasis is a prevalent chronic disease affecting 2-3% of the global population. Cyclosporine A (CyA) has been widely used with great promise in the treatment of moderate to severe psoriasis despite various side effects associated with its systemic administration. Topical administration of CyA circumvents systemic side effects; however, the poor water solubility and large molecular weight of CyA pose challenges for dermal delivery. In this study, choline-based ionic liquids (ILs) were used to enhance the dermal delivery of CyA for the potential treatment of psoriasis. All four ILs tested significantly improved the solubility of CyA, which was greater than that of the control group with dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) as a solubilizer (20%, w/w). The saturated solubility of CyA in two of the ILs, choline geranate ([Ch][Ge]) and choline ricinoleate ([Ch][Ra]), reached more than 90 mg/mL, and the solubilization capability of the ILs except [Ch][Ci] was resistant to water dilution. The negligible change in CyA content determined by high-performance liquid chromatography and the secondary structure detected by circular dichroism spectroscopy confirmed the stability of CyA in the ILs. At 4 h in the in vitro penetration test, the amount of CyA retained in the skin in the IL groups was slightly greater than that in the control group (20% DMSO). The water content of the ILs significantly affected their penetration ability. When the water content increased from 10 to 70%, the dermal delivery of CyA first increased, peaked at a water content of 30%, and then decreased. The dermal delivery ability of [Ch][Ge] and [Ch][Ra] with a water content of 70% was still comparable to that of 20% DMSO. Moreover, CyA-loaded ILs (0.5%, w/w) significantly relieved the symptoms of psoriasis in an imiquimod (IMQ)-induced mouse model, and the levels of inflammatory factors, including tumor necrosis factor α, interleukin 22 and interleukin 17, in the affected area were reduced by 71.7%, 75.6%, and 89.3%, respectively. The IL tested, choline sorbate ([Ch][So]), showed low cytotoxicity to human immortalized epidermal cells (HaCaT). After 7 days of consecutive application, [Ch][So] did not cause significant irritation. In conclusion, ILs demonstrate promising potential for the dermal delivery of CyA for the treatment of psoriasis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cyclosporine A (CsA) is the prevalent immunosuppressive drug for preventing and treating graft-versus-host disease after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) in both children and adults. Population pharmacokinetic studies have identified covariates, owing to their large between-subject variability, facilitating individualized therapy. However, no review has summarized CsA\'s population pharmacokinetics post-HSCT. This systematic review aims to synthesize population pharmacokinetic studies of CsA therapy in HSCT recipients and explore influencing covariates. Thirteen studies, comprising five involving children, one involving both children and adults and seven involving adults, were included. The median apparent clearance in children surpassed that in adults, influenced notably by hematocrit level and body. While liver function impacted clearance, the effect was insignificant. Co-administration with cytochrome P450 enzyme inhibitors (e.g., fluconazole or itraconazole) decreased drug clearance, whereas inducers (e.g., rifampicin or rifapentine) increased it. Area under the curve analysis is recommended over trough concentration-based monitoring for HSCT recipients on CsA. In cases of insufficient trough concentration, additional sampling points are recommended for improved area under the curve estimation. Further studies are needed to evaluate the optimal sampling points required for the area under the curve estimation in CsA therapy post-HSCT.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: The binding of integrin αvβ3 with endometrial fibronectin (FN) promotes the migration of preimplantation embryos in mice. We have previously shown that cyclosporine A (CsA) improves the adhesion and invasion of mouse preimplantation embryos. In this study, we evaluated the roles of calcium ions and downstream signaling factors in the binding of integrin αvβ3 to FN.
    METHODS: Female Institute of Cancer Research (ICR) mice were superovulated and mated, and two-cell embryos were harvested from the oviducts and cultured to the blastocyst stage The adhesion and stretching growth of hatched embryos in laminin-coated dishes were evaluated, and integrinβ3 expression was determined using qPCR. Blastocytes were cultured with 0 or 1  μM $$ \\upmu \\mathrm{M} $$ cyclosporine A (CsA) and the attachment of embryonic integrin αvβ3 to FN120 was observed using a fluorescent bead. To further determine the mechanism, the cells were also incubated with calcium ions and protein kinase C and calmodulin antagonists. The binding of integrin αvβ3 to FN120 was examined via confocal laser scanning microscopy.
    RESULTS: The adhesion and stretching growth of peri-implantation embryos were greater and integrinβ3 expression was higher in the 1 μM CsA group than in the 0 μM CsA group (p < 0.05). When incubated with calcium ions and protein kinase C and calmodulin antagonists, the ability of peri-implantation embryos to bind to FN decreased; CsA treatment promoted this binding.
    CONCLUSIONS: This study revealed that CsA up - regulates integrinβ3 expression in peri - implantation embryos and promotes binding to FN via calcium ions, and protein kinase C, and calmodulin. These findings provide evidence supporting the beneficial effect of CsA on the peri - implantation embryo adhesion.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The goal of this work is to investigate if the synergistic antifungal activity between cyclosporine A, CsA, and voriconazole, VRZ, increases when both drugs are encapsulated in a nanocarrier as compared when they are free. The preparation and characterization of blank and VRZ and CsA loaded polymeric based PLGA nanoparticles (PLGA, PLGA-PEG, and PLGA+PEG) was a necessary previous step. Using the more suitable NPs, those of PLGA, the antifungal susceptibility tests performed with VRZ-loaded PLGA NPs, show no significant increase of the antifungal activity in comparison to that of free VRZ. However, the synergistic behavior found for the (VRZ+CsA)-loaded PLGA NPs was fourfold stronger than that observed for the two free drugs together. On the other hand, the investigation into the suppression of C. albicans biofilm formation showed that blank PLGA NPs inhibit the biofilm formation at high NPs concentrations. However, a minor effect or even a slight biofilm increase formation was observed at low and moderate NPs concentrations. Therefore, the enhancement of the biofilm inhibition found for the three tested treatments (CsA alone, VRZ alone, and VRZ+CsA) when comparing free and encapsulated drugs, within the therapeutic window, can be attributed to the drug encapsulation approach. Indeed, polymeric PLGA NPs loaded with CsA, VRZ, or VRZ+CsA are more effective at inhibiting the C. albicans biofilm growth than their free counterparts.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Dry eye disease (DED) is caused by inflammation and damage to the corneal surface due to tear film instability and hyperosmolarity. Various eye drops are used to treat this condition. Each eye drop has different properties and mechanisms of action, so the appropriate drug should be used according to clinical phenotypes. This study aims to compare the therapeutic mechanisms of cyclosporine A (CsA) and diquafosol tetrasodium (DQS). An experimental in vivo/in vitro model of DED using hyperosmolarity showed decreased cell viability, inhibited wound healing, and corneal damage compared to controls. Treatment with cyclosporine or diquafosol restored cell viability and wound healing and reduced corneal damage by hyperosmolarity. The expression of the inflammation-related genes il-1β, il-1α, and il-6 was reduced by cyclosporine and diquafosol, and the expression of Tnf-α, c1q, and il-17a was reduced by cyclosporine. Increased apoptosis in the DED model was confirmed by increased Bax and decreased Bcl-2 and Bcl-xl expression, but treatment with cyclosporine or diquafosol resulted in decreased apoptosis. Diquafosol increased NGF expression and translocation into the extracellular space. DED has different damage patterns depending on the progression of the lesion. Thus, depending on the type of lesion, eye drops should be selected according to the therapeutic target, focusing on repairing cellular damage when cellular repair is needed or reducing inflammation when inflammation is high and cellular damage is severe.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Etoposide has revolutionized the treatment of primary as well as secondary hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis (HLH), and it is, together with corticosteroids, the most widely used therapy for HLH. In the early 1980s, long-term survival in primary HLH was <5% but with the etoposide-/dexamethasone-based protocols HLH-94 and HLH-2004, in combination with stem cell transplantation, 5-year survival increased dramatically to around 60% in primary HLH, and based on analyses from the HLH-2004 study, there is likely room for further improvement. Biologically, etoposide administration results in potent selective deletion of activated T cells as well as efficient suppression of inflammatory cytokine production. Moreover, etoposide has also been reported to promote programmed cell death (apoptosis) rather than proinflammatory lytic cell death (pyroptosis), conceivably ameliorating subsequent systemic inflammation, i.e., a treatment very suitable for cytokine storm syndromes (CSS). The combination of etoposide and corticosteroids may also be beneficial in cases of severe or refractory secondary HLH (sHLH) with imminent organ failure, such as infection-associated HLH caused by Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) or malignancy-triggered HLH. In CSS associated with rheumatic diseases (macrophage activation syndrome, MAS or MAS-HLH), etoposide is currently used as second- or third-line therapy. Recent studies suggest that etoposide perhaps should be part of an aggressive therapeutic intervention for patients with severe refractory or relapsing MAS, in particular if there is CNS involvement. Importantly, awareness of sHLH must be further increased since treatment of sHLH is often delayed, thereby missing the window of opportunity for a timely, effective, and potentially life-saving HLH-directed treatment.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Biallelic ATP-binding cassette subfamily A member 3 (ABCA3) variants can cause interstitial lung disease in children and adults, for which no proven treatments exist. Recent in vitro evidence suggested that cyclosporine A (CsA) could correct some ABCA3 variants, however for other variants this is unknown and no data in patients exist.
    METHODS: We retrieved the clinical data of two children aged 2 and 4 years carrying homozygous ABCA3 variants (G210C and Q1045R, respectively) and empiric CsA treatment from the Kids Lung Register database. In vitro experiments functionally characterized the two variants and explored the effects of CsA alone or combined with hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) in a human alveolar epithelial cell line (A549) derived from adenocarcinoma cells.
    RESULTS: Six weeks following the introduction of CsA, both children required a reduced O2 flow supply, which then remained stable on CsA. Later, when CsA was discontinued, the clinical status of the children remained unchanged. Of note, the children simultaneously received prednisolone, azithromycin, and HCQ. In vitro, both ABCA3 variants demonstrated defective lysosomal colocalization and impaired ABCA3+ vesicle size, with proteolytic cleavage impairment only in Q1045R. CsA alone corrected the trafficking impairment and ABCA3+ vesicle size of both variants with a variant-specific effect on phosphatidylcholine recycling in G210C. CsA combined with HCQ were additive for improving trafficking of ABCA3 in G210C, but not in Q1045R.
    CONCLUSIONS: CsA treatment might be helpful for certain patients with ABCA3 deficiency, however, currently strong clinical supporting evidence is lacking. Appropriate trials are necessary to overcome this unmet need.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Hepatic ischemia-reperfusion injury (HIRI) is a prevalent issue during liver resection and transplantation, with currently no cure or FDA-approved therapy. A promising drug, Cyclosporin A (CsA), ameliorates HIRI by maintaining mitochondrial homeostasis but has systemic side effects due to its low bioavailability and high dosage requirements. This study introduces a biomimetic CsA delivery system that directly targets hepatic lesions using mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) membrane-camouflaged liposomes. These hybrid nanovesicles (NVs), leveraging MSC-derived proteins, demonstrate efficient inflammatory chemotaxis, transendothelial migration, and drug-loading capacity. In a HIRI mouse model, the biomimetic NVs accumulated at liver injury sites entered hepatocytes, and significantly reduced liver damage and restore function using only one-tenth of the CsA dose typically required. Proteomic analysis verifies the protection mechanism, which includes reactive oxygen species inhibition, preservation of mitochondrial integrity, and reduced cellular apoptosis, suggesting potential for this biomimetic strategy in HIRI intervention.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The recent study delves into the role of both liraglutide and/or resveratrol on the nephropathic affection in rats treated with cyclosporine A (CsA). Rats were intoxicated with CsA (25 mg/kg) orally for 21 days and were supplemented with liraglutide (30 μg/kg) s/c daily and 20 mg/kg of resveratrol (20 mg/kg) orally. At the end of the experiment, serum samples and renal tissues were collected to determine renal damage markers, apoptotic markers, proinflammatory markers, and antioxidant status markers. Kidney function tests and antioxidant activity notably improved in the treated rats (CsA + Lir/CsA + Res/CsA + Lir + Res). Moreover, both Lir and/or Res enhanced Bcl-2 levels while down-regulating the Bax levels in rats treated with CsA. Interestingly, the immune-staining for tumor necrosis factor (TNF-α) was tested negative and mild positive in renal tissue of rats given Lir and/or Res while being treated with Cs A which indicated their anti-inflammatory effect that reduced the renal damage. The findings of this investigation revealed the ameliorative anti-inflammatory in addition to the antioxidant role of both liraglutide and resveratrol against the kidney damage caused due to CsA administration.





