crosslinking mass spectrometry

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Crosslinking mass spectrometry is a powerful tool to study protein-protein interactions under native or near-native conditions in complex mixtures. Through novel search controls, we show how biassing results towards likely correct proteins can subtly undermine error estimation of crosslinks, with significant consequences. Without adjustments to address this issue, we have misidentified an average of 260 interspecies protein-protein interactions across 16 analyses in which we synthetically mixed data of different species, misleadingly suggesting profound biological connections that do not exist. We also demonstrate how data analysis procedures can be tested and refined to restore the integrity of the decoy-false positive relationship, a crucial element for reliably identifying protein-protein interactions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The evolutionarily conserved HIRA/Hir histone chaperone complex and ASF1a/Asf1 co-chaperone cooperate to deposit histone (H3/H4)2 tetramers on DNA for replication-independent chromatin assembly. The molecular architecture of the HIRA/Hir complex and its mode of histone deposition have remained unknown. Here, we report the cryo-EM structure of the S. cerevisiae Hir complex with Asf1/H3/H4 at 2.9-6.8 Å resolution. We find that the Hir complex forms an arc-shaped dimer with a Hir1/Hir2/Hir3/Hpc2 stoichiometry of 2/4/2/4. The core of the complex containing two Hir1/Hir2/Hir2 trimers and N-terminal segments of Hir3 forms a central cavity containing two copies of Hpc2, with one engaged by Asf1/H3/H4, in a suitable position to accommodate a histone (H3/H4)2 tetramer, while the C-terminal segments of Hir3 harbor nucleic acid binding activity to wrap DNA around the Hpc2-assisted histone tetramer. The structure suggests a model for how the Hir/Asf1 complex promotes the formation of histone tetramers for their subsequent deposition onto DNA.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The anaphase-promoting complex/cyclosome (APC/C) is a critical and tightly regulated E3 ligase that orchestrates the cellular life cycle by controlling the degradation of cell cycle regulators. An intriguing feature of this complex is an autoinhibition mechanism: an intrinsically disordered loop domain, Apc1-300L, blocks Cdc20 coactivator binding, yet phosphorylation of Apc1-300L counteracts this autoinhibition. Many such disordered loops within APC/C remain unexplored. Our systematic analysis of loop-deficient APC/C mutants uncovered a pivotal role for Apc8\'s C-terminal loop (Apc8-L) in mitotic activation. Apc8-L directly recruits the CDK adaptor protein, Xe-p9/Cks2, positioning the Xe-p9-CDK-CycB complex near Apc1-300L. This stimulates the phosphorylation and removal of Apc1-300L, prompting the formation of active APC/CCdc20. Strikingly, without both Apc8-L and Apc3-L, the APC/C is rendered inactive during mitosis, highlighting Apc8-L\'s synergistic role with other loops and kinases. This study broadens our understanding of the intricate dynamics in APC/C regulation and provides insights on the regulation of macromolecular complexes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Kinesin-1 is a microtubule motor that transports cellular cargo along microtubules. KIF5A is one of three kinesin-1 isoforms in humans, all of which are autoinhibited by an interaction between the motor and an IAK motif in the proximal region of the C-terminal tail. The C-terminal tail of KIF5A is ∼80 residues longer than the other two kinesin-1 isoforms (KIF5B and KIF5C) and it is unclear if it contributes to autoinhibition. Mutations in KIF5A cause neuronal diseases and could affect autoinhibition, as reported for a mutation that skips exon 27, altering its C-terminal sequence. Here, we combined negative-stain electron microscopy, crosslinking mass spectrometry (XL-MS) and AlphaFold2 structure prediction to determine the molecular architecture of the full-length autoinhibited KIF5A homodimer, in the absence of light chains. We show that KIF5A forms a compact, bent conformation, through a bend between coiled-coils 2 and 3, around P687. XL-MS of WT KIF5A revealed extensive interactions between residues in the motor, between coiled-coil 1 and the motor, between coiled-coils 1 and 2, with coiled-coils 3 and 4, and the proximal region of the C-terminal tail and the motor in the autoinhibited state, but not between the distal C-terminal region and the rest of the molecule. While negative-stain electron microscopy of exon-27 KIF5A splice mutant showed the presence of autoinhibited molecules, XL-MS analysis suggested that its autoinhibited state is more labile. Our model offers a conceptual framework for understanding how mutations within the motor and stalk domain may affect motor activity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We propose a pipeline that combines AlphaFold2 (AF2) and crosslinking mass spectrometry (XL-MS) to model the structure of proteins with multiple conformations. The pipeline consists of two main steps: ensemble generation using AF2 and conformer selection using XL-MS data. For conformer selection, we developed two scores-the monolink probability score (MP) and the crosslink probability score (XLP)-both of which are based on residue depth from the protein surface. We benchmarked MP and XLP on a large dataset of decoy protein structures and showed that our scores outperform previously developed scores. We then tested our methodology on three proteins having an open and closed conformation in the Protein Data Bank: Complement component 3 (C3), luciferase, and glutamine-binding periplasmic protein, first generating ensembles using AF2, which were then screened for the open and closed conformations using experimental XL-MS data. In five out of six cases, the most accurate model within the AF2 ensembles-or a conformation within 1 Å of this model-was identified using crosslinks, as assessed through the XLP score. In the remaining case, only the monolinks (assessed through the MP score) successfully identified the open conformation of glutamine-binding periplasmic protein, and these results were further improved by including the \"occupancy\" of the monolinks. This serves as a compelling proof-of-concept for the effectiveness of monolinks. In contrast, the AF2 assessment score was only able to identify the most accurate conformation in two out of six cases. Our results highlight the complementarity of AF2 with experimental methods like XL-MS, with the MP and XLP scores providing reliable metrics to assess the quality of the predicted models. The MP and XLP scoring functions mentioned above are available at






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Translation elongation factor 1A (eEF1A) is an essential and highly conserved protein required for protein synthesis in eukaryotes. In both Saccharomyces cerevisiae and human, five different methyltransferases methylate specific residues on eEF1A, making eEF1A the eukaryotic protein targeted by the highest number of dedicated methyltransferases after histone H3. eEF1A methyltransferases are highly selective enzymes, only targeting eEF1A and each targeting just one or two specific residues in eEF1A. However, the mechanism of this selectivity remains poorly understood. To reveal how S. cerevisiae elongation factor methyltransferase 4 (Efm4) specifically methylates eEF1A at K316, we have used AlphaFold-Multimer modeling in combination with crosslinking mass spectrometry (XL-MS) and enzyme mutagenesis. We find that a unique beta-hairpin motif, which extends out from the core methyltransferase fold, is important for the methylation of eEF1A K316 in vitro. An alanine mutation of a single residue on this beta-hairpin, F212, significantly reduces Efm4 activity in vitro and in yeast cells. We show that the equivalent residue in human eEF1A-KMT2 (METTL10), F220, is also important for its activity towards eEF1A in vitro. We further show that the eEF1A guanine nucleotide exchange factor, eEF1Bα, inhibits Efm4 methylation of eEF1A in vitro, likely due to competitive binding. Lastly, we find that phosphorylation of eEF1A at S314 negatively crosstalks with Efm4-mediated methylation of K316. Our findings demonstrate how protein methyltransferases can be highly selective towards a single residue on a single protein in the cell.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Guanylate-binding proteins (GBPs) are essential interferon-γ-activated large GTPases that play a crucial role in host defense against intracellular bacteria and parasites. While their protective functions rely on protein polymerization, our understanding of the structural intricacies of these multimerized states remains limited. To bridge this knowledge gap, we present dimer models for human GBP1 (hGBP1) and murine GBP2 and 7 (mGBP2 and mGBP7) using an integrative approach, incorporating the crystal structure of hGBP1\'s GTPase domain dimer, crosslinking mass spectrometry, small-angle X-ray scattering, protein-protein docking, and molecular dynamics simulations. Our investigation begins by comparing the protein dynamics of hGBP1, mGBP2, and mGBP7. We observe that the M/E domain in all three proteins exhibits significant mobility and hinge motion, with mGBP7 displaying a slightly less pronounced motion but greater flexibility in its GTPase domain. These dynamic distinctions can be attributed to variations in the sequences of mGBP7 and hGBP1/mGBP2, resulting in different dimerization modes. Unlike hGBP1 and its close ortholog mGBP2, which exclusively dimerize through their GTPase domains, we find that mGBP7 exhibits three equally probable alternative dimer structures. The GTPase domain of mGBP7 is only partially involved in its dimerization, primarily due to an accumulation of negative charge, allowing mGBP7 to dimerize independently of GTP. Instead, mGBP7 exhibits a strong tendency to dimerize in an antiparallel arrangement across its stalks. The results of this work go beyond the sequence-structure-function relationship, as the sequence differences in mGBP7 and mGBP2/hGBP1 do not lead to different structures, but to different protein dynamics and dimerization. The distinct GBP dimer structures are expected to encode specific functions crucial for disrupting pathogen membranes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Conventional kinesin-1 is the primary anterograde motor in cells for transporting cellular cargo. While there is a consensus that the C-terminal tail of kinesin-1 inhibits motility, the molecular architecture of a full-length autoinhibited kinesin-1 remains unknown. Here, we combine crosslinking mass spectrometry (XL-MS), electron microscopy (EM), and AlphaFold structure prediction to determine the architecture of the full-length autoinhibited kinesin-1 homodimer (kinesin-1 heavy chain [KHC]) and kinesin-1 heterotetramer (KHC bound to kinesin light chain 1 [KLC1]). Our integrative analysis shows that kinesin-1 forms a compact, bent conformation through a break in coiled-coil 3. Moreover, our XL-MS analysis demonstrates that kinesin light chains stabilize the folded inhibited state rather than inducing a new structural state. Using our structural model, we show that disruption of multiple interactions between the motor, stalk, and tail domains is required to activate the full-length kinesin-1. Our work offers a conceptual framework for understanding how cargo adaptors and microtubule-associated proteins relieve autoinhibition to promote activation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Atg12 protein in yeast is an indispensable polypeptide in the highly conserved ubiquitin-like conjugation system operating in the macroautophagy/autophagy pathway. Atg12 is covalently conjugated to Atg5 through the action of Atg7 and Atg10; the Atg12-Atg5 conjugate binds Atg16 to form an E3 ligase that functions in a separate conjugation pathway involving Atg8. Atg12 is comprised of a ubiquitin-like (UBL) domain preceded at the N terminus by an intrinsically disordered protein region (IDPR), a domain that comprises a major portion of the protein but remains elusive in its conformation and function. Here, we show that the IDPR in unconjugated Atg12 is positioned in proximity to the UBL domain, a configuration that is important for the functional structure of the protein. A major deletion in the IDPR disrupts intactness of the UBL domain at the unconjugated C terminus, and a mutation in the predicted α0 helix in the IDPR prevents Atg12 from binding to Atg7 and Atg10, which ultimately affects the protein function in the ubiquitin-like conjugation cascade. These findings provide evidence that the IDPR is an indispensable part of the Atg12 protein from yeast.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Ubiquitin (Ub) proteoforms control nearly every aspect of eukaryotic cell biology through their diversity. Inspired by the widely used Ub C-terminal electrophiles (Ub-E), here we report the identification of multivalent binding of Ub with deubiquitylating enzymes (Dubs) using genetic code expansion (GCE) and crosslinking mass spectrometry. While the Ub-Es only gather structural information with the S1 Dub sites, we demonstrate that GCE of Ub with p-benzoyl-L-phenylalanine enables identification of interaction modes beyond the S1 site with a panel of Dubs of both eukaryotic and prokaryotic origin. Collectively, this represents the next generation of Ub-based affinity probes with a unique ability to unravel Ub interaction landscapes beyond what is afforded by cysteine-based chemistries.





