cross-sectoral collaboration

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Diabetes-related lower extremity complications such as diabetic foot ulcer (DFU) are a global disability burden. Treatment and care for patients with DFU call for a multisectoral approach that incorporates interdisciplinary care pathways. We aimed to explore the interplay between patients with DFU and healthcare professionals in cross-sectoral settings that address treatment and care and to determine \"what works, for whom, and under what circumstances\".
    METHODS: The study was designed as a realistic evaluation. The data were generated from September 2022 to March 2023 and drew upon approximately 60 h of participant observation of 14 patients during the treatment and care of DFUs in their homes (primary care) and/or at outpatient clinics (wound specialist clinics in a hospital setting) in a Danish cross-sectoral setting. The Standards for Reporting Qualitative Research (SRQR) were applied in this study.
    RESULTS: We identified three illuminating themes that described the interplay between patients with DFU and related healthcare professionals representing both primary and secondary health care systems: (1) humour is a relationship-enhancing element between nurses and patients; (2) support from patients\' coping strategies promotes patient-centeredness and collaboration; and (3) patients and professionals occupy unnegotiated identity roles.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our study led to a refined programme theory developed through the realistic evaluation process that allows us to propose an answer to the problem of \"what works, for whom, and under what circumstances\". The interplay between patients with DFU and healthcare professionals in a cross-sectoral setting for treatment and care is characterised by the use of humour as a relation-enhancing element and by improving support for patient coping strategies, which encourages healthcare professionals to promote health literacy. Future research should examine strategies for negotiating identity roles between patients with DFU and healthcare professionals to enhance collaboration, patient health literacy, and health promotion in cross-sectoral healthcare settings.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Inclusive education involves the interaction of diverse actors from different societal sectors, such as education, health, and policy. Inclusion laws and regulations in Chile are relatively new and have been taken as a regional model. However, the efforts to implement them have revealed some structural difficulties that must be discussed. This conceptual analysis article aims to provide insights to enrich cross-sectoral collaboration to foster inclusive cultures in Chilean schools. Considering the OECD Analytical Framework, which describes a systemic approach, we provide definitions for the critical components of the model and discuss the advances and challenges of current Chilean public policies in this field -including the Chile Crece Contigo and the School Integration Programs (SIP)-, the Chilean education system functioning, the social contexts, and students\' needs and supports based on the available evidence. Building from inclusive education literature and previous experiences, we delve into the model to address the needs of students with disabilities, social and cultural disadvantages, students belonging to the indigenous population, and students with a low socioeconomic level to propose action guidelines with a particular focus on integrating inclusive practices at the school level.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Adverse childhood experiences can have immediate effects on a child\'s wellbeing and health and may also result in disorders and illness in adult life. General practitioners are in a good position to identify and support vulnerable children and parents and to collaborate with other agencies such as child welfare services. There is a need for better integration of relevant services. The aim of this study is to explore GPs\' experiences of the collaboration process with child welfare services.
    This is a qualitative grounded theory study, with data consisting of ten semi-structured interviews with general practitioners across Norway.
    The doctors\' main concern was: \'There\'s a will, but not a way\'. Three subordinate stages of the collaboration process were identified: (I) Familiar territory, with a whole-person approach to care by the doctor. (II) Unfamiliar territory, when child welfare becomes involved. Here, a one-way window of information and a closed door to dialogue perpetuate the doctors\' lack of knowledge about child welfare services and uncertainty about what is happening to their patients. (III) Fragmented territory, where doctors experience lost opportunities to help and missing pieces in the patient\'s history.
    General practitioners are willing to contribute to a collaborative process with child welfare, but this is hampered by factors such as poor information flow and opportunities for dialogue, and limited knowledge of the partner. This implies lost opportunities for doctors to help families and contribute their knowledge and potential actions to a child welfare case. It can also impede whole-person care and lead to fragmentation of patient pathways. To counteract this, electronic two-way communication could enable a collaborative process and relationships that enhance coordination between the parties. Making space for all parties and their individual roles was considered important to create a positive collaborative environment.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Patients with incurable cancer should receive general palliative care according to their needs, as provided through collaboration between hospital departments, municipalities, and general practices and as outlined in national guidelines. However, the implementation of general palliative care in Denmark has been inadequate. This study aimed to investigate the healthcare professionals\' (HCPs\') perceptions on barriers to and facilitators of the implementation of the Danish National Guideline (NG) for general palliative care.
    METHODS: This descriptive, qualitative study was guided by the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research (CFIR). Qualitative focus group and individual interviews were conducted with 23 HCPs. The interview guide, coding, analysis, and reporting of findings were developed within the CFIR framework.
    RESULTS: The main barriers to implementing NG were as follows: lack of knowledge about the NG, lack of an implementation plan, and insufficient communication and collaboration across sectors. Important facilitators were as follows: HCP motivation to meet palliative care needs, HCPs with special functions taking responsibility for incorporating NG into local guidelines, and the role of district nurses specialised in palliative care as opinion leaders providing security and continuity for the HCPs working in palliative care.
    CONCLUSIONS: To address the needs of patients with incurable cancer, greater efforts are required on implementing general palliative care. Although HCPs in our setting were motivated to improve NG implementation, financial resources and strategies are necessary to ensure sufficient knowledge uptake and accommodate identified barriers in order to translate the NG into practice.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To understand the ways relational organizing practices impacted collaborations between independent or health system-affiliated community health clinics, public health offices, and community groups during the early COVID-19 pandemic.
    METHODS: Between November 2020 and June 2021, we interviewed clinical and public health workers, clinic-based community organizers, and staff and volunteers at community organizations who participated in three COVID-19 response collaborations in the Northwestern United States.
    METHODS: This was a qualitative study employing participatory and rapid data collection and analysis methods.
    METHODS: Research team members invited key participants in organizing efforts to a semi-structured virtual interview conducted by an independent health services researcher. A sensemaking team that included project participants analyzed interview data using an iterative, thematic approach and conducted a ripple effect mapping exercise to supplement interview data. A total of 19 people contributed data for analysis. Analysis was guided by the underlying research questions: whether and how relational organizing practices contributed to successful collaboration, and what challenges were encountered.
    RESULTS: Relational organizing was perceived to contribute to multiple positive project outcomes, including greater self-efficacy in a time of crisis and enhanced sense of connection; these outcomes contributed to a sense of successful collaboration. Four mechanisms were identified that explained relational organizing\'s collaborative efficacy: (1) mobilizing existing relationships for rapid community engagement; (2) bringing concrete skills for enhancing trust among cross-sector partners; (3) recognizing and addressing power dynamics; and (4) creating vehicles for exercising collective community power. Lack of trust and unsurfaced power dynamics were perceived as common challenges to sustained collaboration, which relational organizing could sometimes mitigate.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our findings suggest relational organizing practices can be protective against common \"pain points\" faced by cross-sectoral partnerships, especially in times of crisis. Further piloting of clinic-based relational organizing is recommended, as is research on longer-term impacts.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: In 2018, the Dutch government initiated the Solid Start program to provide each child the best start in life. The program focuses on the crucial first thousand days of life, which span from preconception to a child\'s second birthday, and has a specific focus towards (future) parents and young children in vulnerable situations. A key program element is improving collaboration between the medical and social sector by creating Solid Start coalitions. This study aimed to describe the implementation of the Dutch Solid Start program, in order to learn for future practice and policy. Specifically, this paper describes to what extent Solid Start is implemented within municipalities and outlines stakeholders\' experiences with the implementation of Solid Start and the associated cross-sectoral collaboration.
    METHODS: Quantitative and qualitative data were collected from 2019 until 2021. Questionnaires were sent to all 352 Dutch municipalities and analyzed using descriptive statistics. Qualitative data were obtained through focus group discussions(n = 6) and semi-structured interviews(n = 19) with representatives of care and support organizations, knowledge institutes and professional associations, Solid Start project leaders, advisors, municipal officials, researchers, clients and experts-by-experience. Qualitative data were analyzed using the Rainbow Model of Integrated Care.
    RESULTS: Findings indicated progress in the development of Solid Start coalitions(n = 40 in 2019, n = 140 in 2021), and an increase in cross-sectoral collaboration. According to the stakeholders, initiating Solid Start increased the sense of urgency concerning the importance of the first thousand days and stimulated professionals from various backgrounds to get to know each other, resulting in more collaborative agreements on cross-sectoral care provision. Important elements mentioned for effective collaboration within coalitions were an active coordinator as driving force, and a shared societal goal. However, stakeholders experienced that Solid Start is not yet fully incorporated into all professionals\' everyday practice. Most common barriers for collaboration related to systemic integration at macro-level, including limited resources and collaboration-inhibiting regulations. Stakeholders emphasized the importance of ensuring Solid Start and mentioned various needs, including sustainable funding, supportive regulations, responsiveness to stakeholders\' needs, ongoing knowledge development, and client involvement.
    CONCLUSIONS: Solid Start, as a national program with strong local focus, has led to various incremental changes that supported cross-sectoral collaboration to improve care during the first thousand days, without major transformations of systemic structures. However, to ensure the program\'s sustainability, needs such as sustainable funding should be addressed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Acute community health care services can support continuity of care by acting as a bridge between the primary and secondary health care sectors in the early detection of acute disease and provision of treatment and care. Although acute community health care services are a political priority in many countries, the literature on their organization and effect is limited. We present a conceptual framework for describing acute community health care services that can be used to support the policies and guidelines for such services. For illustrative purposes, we apply the framework to the Danish acute community health care services using implementation data from 2020 and identify gaps and opportunities for learning. The framework identifies two key pairs of dimensions: (1) capacity & capability, and (2) coordination & collaboration. These dimensions, together with the governance structure and quality assurance initiatives, are of key importance to the effect of acute community health care services. While all Danish municipalities have implemented acute community health care services, application of the framework indicates considerable variation in their approaches. The conceptual framework provides a systematic approach supporting the development, implementation, evaluation, and monitoring of acute community health care services and can assist policymakers at both national and local levels in this work.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    The article develops a research agenda for cross-sectoral collaboration on the issues of public health. The aspects of this collaboration are not scientifically founded during the COVID-19 pandemic. The aim of the research is to study the inventory of the sectors involved in public health in the Russian Federation during the COVID-19 pandemic and to put in perspective their importance. An anonymous survey of 49 experts - health service managers was made. The respondents were asked to identify the inventory of the sectors involved in public health and to voice their opinion on their importance during the COVID-19 pandemic. The results of the survey were compared to the results obtained before the pandemic. The results of the study suggest that 23 sectors should always be involved in public health both during the COVID-19 pandemic and without it. The sectors are of relatively equal importance. However, the sectors of the inventory are ranked differently in the order of importance during the pandemic and without it. A statistically significant difference in the analysed characteristic feature is noted. The article develops a research agenda for further studies and provide implications for health-service managers.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Vulnerable pregnant women, defined as women threatened by social, psychological, or physical risk factors, need special support during pregnancy to prevent complications in pregnancy, birth, and childhood. Proper cross-sectoral collaboration in antenatal care is paramount to delivering sufficient supportive care to these women. General practitioners (GPs) often face barriers when assessing vulnerable pregnant women and may; as a result, under-identify and underreport child abuse. Little is known about how the cross-sectoral collaboration in antenatal care affects the GP\'s opportunities of managing vulnerable pregnant women. This study explores GPs\' perceived barriers and facilitators in the antenatal care collaboration on vulnerable pregnant women and in the reporting of these women to social services.
    A qualitative study with semi-structured focus group interviews among twenty GPs from the Region of Southern Denmark. A mixed inductive and deductive analytic strategy was applied, structured according to the Theoretical Domains Framework (TDF).
    Three themes emerged: I) collaborative experience, II) motivation, and III) organizational working conditions. Barriers were lacking experience, i.e. knowledge, skills, and attention to antenatal care collaboration and reporting, inadequate organizational working contexts, i.e. insufficient pathways for communication between health care and social care systems, and laws restricting feedback on the consequences of reporting. This decreased the GPs motivation, i.e. poor confidence in navigating the system, fear of breaking the patient alliance when collaborating in antenatal care and reporting with the social services. GPs motivation to collaborate and report was increased by knowing the working contexts of their collaborative partners in the antenatal care and social services system and by a strong doctor-patient relationship enabling them to describe the vulnerability to collaborators.
    GPs experience system-related barriers to collaborating and reporting on vulnerable pregnant women within the health care sector and in the interplay with the social services sector. Organizational development of cross-sectoral antenatal care collaboration should imply user involvement of all collaborative partners. Results suggest that health authorities should consider establishing accessible communication pathways between the GPs and the social services to improve options for proper cross-sectoral communication and feedback to GPs, thereby improving care trajectories of vulnerable pregnant women.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Mental health disparities between Indigenous and non-Indigenous people in Canada are related to underlying economic, social, and political inequities that are legacies of colonization and the oppression of Indigenous cultures. It also widely acknowledged that mental health services currently available may not be culturally appropriate in supporting the health needs of Indigenous Canadians. A two-day Indigenous mental health forum examined mental health needs and gaps among Indigenous communities across the Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo (RMWB) on Treaty 8 territory, in northern Alberta, Canada. This paper outlines the insights generated by stakeholder engagement at the forum to identify and prioritize directions for Indigenous mental health and build a vision and strategy for improving mental health services and programs for the region\'s diverse Indigenous population.
    METHODS: We applied a modified nominal group technique (NGT) consensus method embedded within Indigenous knowledge to determine key priorities and directions for Indigenous-focused mental health and synthesize information from discussions that occurred at the forum. Following the NGT, a participatory community visioning exercise was conducted with participants to develop a vision, guiding principles, and components of an action plan for an Indigenous mental health strategy for the RMWB.
    RESULTS: Four key themes for setting priorities and directions for Indigenous mental health emerged from roundtable group discussions: 1) understand the realities of mental health experiences for Indigenous peoples, 2) design a holistic and culturally rooted mental health system, 3) foster cross-sectoral engagement and collaboration on mental health service delivery, and 4) focus on children and youth. The community visioning exercise helped stakeholders to visualize a direction or path forward for addressing existing gaps in the mental health system and opportunities for strengthening Indigenous mental health in the region.
    CONCLUSIONS: Forum participants described mental health and well-being around holistic concepts of social and emotional well-being. Addressing Indigenous mental health and wellness involves multi-sectoral action in various settings including community and school through programs, policies, and other interventions that promote mental health for all Indigenous peoples, as well as for those at greater risk such as children and youth.





