coral bleaching

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Adaptation of reef-building corals to global warming depends upon standing heritable variation in tolerance traits upon which selection can act. Yet limited knowledge exists on heat-tolerance variation among conspecific individuals separated by metres to hundreds of kilometres. Here, we performed standardized acute heat-stress assays to quantify the thermal tolerance traits of 709 colonies of Acropora spathulata from 13 reefs spanning 1060 km (9.5° latitude) of the Great Barrier Reef. Thermal thresholds for photochemical efficiency and chlorophyll retention varied considerably among individual colonies both among reefs (approximately 6°C) and within reefs (approximately 3°C). Although tolerance rankings of colonies varied between traits, the most heat-tolerant corals (i.e. top 25% of each trait) were found at virtually all reefs, indicating widespread phenotypic variation. Reef-scale environmental predictors explained 12-62% of trait variation. Corals exposed to high thermal averages and recent thermal stress exhibited the greatest photochemical performance, probably reflecting local adaptation and stress pre-acclimatization, and the lowest chlorophyll retention suggesting stress pre-sensitization. Importantly, heat tolerance relative to local summer temperatures was the greatest on higher latitude reefs suggestive of higher adaptive potential. These results can be used to identify naturally tolerant coral populations and individuals for conservation and restoration applications.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The increasing global frequency and severity of coral bleaching events, driven by the loss of endosymbiotic algae, pose a significant threat to these vital ecosystems. However, gene expression plasticity offers a potential mechanism for rapid and effective acclimatization to environmental changes. We employed dual transcriptomics to examine the gene expression profile of Seriatopora hystrix, an ecologically important scleractinian coral, across healthy, mildly bleached, and severely bleached colonies collected from the waters of Likupang, North Sulawesi, Indonesia. Our analysis revealed that coral bleaching is associated with gene plasticity in calcium signaling and focal adhesion within coral hosts, as well as with endoplasmic reticulum stress in symbionts. Notably, we identified specific genes associated with innate immunity that were predominantly overexpressed in mildly bleached coral hosts. This overexpression implies that high expression plasticity of these key genes might contribute to bleaching resistance and the preservation of the host-symbiont relationship. Our findings offer a detailed insight into the dynamics of bleaching resistance in S. hystrix, shedding light on the variability of bleaching risks in Indonesian reefs and underscoring the coral\'s ability to utilize gene expression plasticity for immediate survival and potential long-term adaptation to climate changes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Analysis of bacterial carbohydrate-active enzymes (CAZymes) contributes significantly to comprehending the response exhibited by coral symbionts to the external environment. This study explored the impact of bleaching on the bacteria and their CAZymes in coral Favites sp. through metagenomic sequencing. Notably, principal coordinates analysis (PCoA) unveiles substantial difference in bacterial communities between bleached and unbleached corals. Proteobacteria, Actinobacteria, Acidobacteria, Bacteroidota, and Chloroflexi, exhibit noteworthy alterations during coral bleaching. CAZymes profiles in bleached coral disclosed a significant increase in Glycosyltransferases (GTs) abundance, suggesting an intensified biosynthesis of polysaccharides. Conversely, there is a marked reduction in other CAZymes abundance in bleached coral. Proteobacteria, Bacteroidota, Chlorobi, and Planctomycetota exhibit greater contributions to CAZymes in bleached corals, with Rhodobacterales, Cytophagales, Burkholderiales, Caulobacterales, and Hyphomicrobiales being the main contributors. While Acidobacteria, Actinobacteria, and Chloroflexi demonstrate higher contributions to CAZymes in unbleached corals. The changes in bacteria and their CAZymes reflect the ecological adaptability of coral holobionts when facing environmental stress. The alterations in CAZymes composition caused by bleaching events may have profound impacts on coral nutrient absorption and ecosystem stability. Therefore, understanding the dynamic changes in CAZymes is crucial for assessing the health and recovery potential of coral ecosystems.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Climate change is transforming coral reefs by increasing the frequency and intensity of marine heatwaves, often leading to coral bleaching and mortality. Coral communities have demonstrated modest increases in thermal tolerance following repeated exposure to moderate heat stress, but it is unclear whether these shifts represent acclimatization of individual colonies or mortality of thermally susceptible individuals. For corals that survive repeated bleaching events, it is important to understand how past bleaching responses impact future growth potential. Here, we track the bleaching responses of 1,832 corals in leeward Maui through multiple marine heatwaves and document patterns of coral growth and survivorship over a seven-year period. While we find limited evidence of acclimatization at population scales, we document reduced bleaching over time in specific individuals that is indicative of acclimatization, primarily in the stress-tolerant taxa Porites lobata. For corals that survived both bleaching events, we find no relationship between bleaching response and coral growth in three of four taxa studied. This decoupling suggests that coral survivorship is a better indicator of future growth than is a coral\'s bleaching history. Based on these results, we recommend restoration practitioners in Hawai\'i focus on colonies of Porites and Montipora with a proven track-record of growth and survivorship, rather than devote resources toward identifying and cultivating bleaching-resistant phenotypes in the lab. Survivorship followed a latitudinal thermal stress gradient, but because this gradient was small, it is likely that local environmental factors also drove differences in coral performance between sites. Efforts to reduce human impacts at low performing sites would likely improve coral survivorship in the future.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In the background of global warming, coral bleaching induced by elevated seawater temperature is the primary cause of coral reef degradation. Coral microbiome engineering using the beneficial microorganisms for corals (BMCs) has become a hot spot in the field of coral reef conservation and restoration. Investigating the potential of alleviating thermal stress by quorum quenching (QQ) bacteria may provide more tools for coral microbial engineering remediation. In this study, QQ bacteria strain Pseudoalteromonas piscicida SCSIO 43740 was screened among 75 coral-derived bacterial strains, and its quorum sensing inhibitor (QSI) compound was isolated and identified as 2,4-di-tert-butylphenol (2,4-DTBP). Then, the thermal stress alleviating potential of QQ bacteria on coral Pocillopora damicornis was tested by a 30-day controlled experiment with three different treatments: control group (Con: 29 °C), high temperature group (HT: 31 °C), and the group of high temperature with QQ bacteria inoculation (HTQQ: 31 °C + QQ bacteria). The results showed that QQ bacteria SCSIO 43740 inoculation can significantly mitigate the loss of symbiotic algae and impairment of photosynthesis efficiency of coral P. damicornis under thermal stress. Significant difference in superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase (CAT) enzyme activities between HT and HTQQ was not observed. In addition, QQ bacteria inoculation suppressed the coral microbial community beta-dispersion and improved the stability of microbial co-occurrence network under thermal stress. It was suggested that QQ bacteria inoculation can alleviate coral thermal stress via reshaping microbial interaction and maintain community stability of coral microbiome. This study provided new evidence for the probiotic function of QQ bacteria in corals, which shedding light on the development of new microbiological tools for coral reef conservation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Spatial and temporal patterns of future coral bleaching are uncertain, hampering global conservation efforts to protect coral reefs against climate change. Our analysis of daily projections of ocean warming establishes the severity, annual duration, and onset of severe bleaching risk for global coral reefs this century, pinpointing vital climatic refugia. We show that low-latitude coral regions are most vulnerable to thermal stress and will experience little reprieve from climate mitigation. By 2080, coral bleaching is likely to start on most reefs in spring, rather than late summer, with year-round bleaching risk anticipated to be high for some low-latitude reefs regardless of global efforts to mitigate harmful greenhouse gasses. By identifying Earth\'s reef regions that are at lowest risk of accelerated bleaching, our results will prioritize efforts to limit future loss of coral reef biodiversity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Connectivity aids the recovery of populations following disturbances, such as coral bleaching and tropical cyclones. Coral larval connectivity is a function of physical connectivity and larval behaviour. In this study, we used OceanParcels, a particle tracking simulator, with 2D and 3D velocity outputs from a high resolution hydrodynamic-biogeochemical marine model (RECOM) to simulate the dispersal and settlement of larvae from broadcast spawning Acropora corals in the Moore Reef cluster, northern Great Barrier Reef, following the annual spawning events in 2015, 2016 and 2017. 3D velocity simulations showed 19.40-68.80% more links and sinks than those of 2D simulations. Although the patterns of connectivity among sites vary over days and years, coral larvae consistently dispersed from east to west in the cluster domain, with some sites consistently acting as sources or sinks for local larval recruitment. Results can inform coral reef intervention plans for climate change, such as the design of marine protected areas and the deployment of proposed interventions within reef clusters. For example, the wider benefits of interventions (e.g., deployment of heat adapted corals) may be optimised when deployed at locations that are a source of larvae to others within comparable habitats across the reef cluster.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Symbiotic microorganisms play critical ecophysiological roles that facilitate the maintenance of coral health. Currently, information on the gene and protein pathways contributing to bleaching responses is lacking, including the role of autoinducers. Although the autoinducer AI-1 is well understood, information on AI-2 is insufficient. Here, we observed a 3.7-4.0 times higher abundance of the AI-2 synthesis gene luxS in bleached individuals relative to their healthy counterparts among reef-building coral samples from the natural environment. Laboratory tests further revealed that AI-2 contributed significantly to an increase in coral bleaching, altered the ratio of potential probiotic and pathogenic bacteria, and suppressed the antiviral activity of specific pathogenic bacteria while enhancing their functional potential, such as energy metabolism, chemotaxis, biofilm formation and virulence release. Structural equation modeling indicated that AI-2 influences the microbial composition, network structure, and pathogenic features, which collectively contribute to the coral bleaching status. Collectively, our results offer novel potential strategies for coral conservation based on a signal manipulation approach.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The second part of this CME article discusses sunscreen regulation and safety considerations for humans and the environment. First, we provide an overview of the history of the United States Food and Drug Administration\'s regulation of sunscreen. Recent Food and Drug Administration studies clearly demonstrate that organic ultraviolet filters are systemically absorbed during routine sunscreen use, but to date there is no evidence of associated negative health effects. We also review the current evidence of sunscreen\'s association with vitamin D levels and frontal fibrosing alopecia, and recent concerns regarding benzene contamination. Finally, we review the possible environmental effects of ultraviolet filters, particularly coral bleaching. While climate change has been shown to be the primary driver of coral bleaching, laboratory-based studies suggest that organic ultraviolet filters represent an additional contributing factor, which led several localities to ban certain organic filters.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Marine heatwaves are increasing in frequency and intensity, with potentially catastrophic consequences for marine ecosystems such as coral reefs. An extended heatwave and recovery time-series that incorporates multiple stressors and is environmentally realistic can provide enhanced predictive capacity for performance under climate change conditions. We exposed common reef-building corals in Hawai\'i, Montipora capitata and Pocillopora acuta, to a 2-month period of high temperature and high PCO2 conditions or ambient conditions in a factorial design, followed by 2 months of ambient conditions. High temperature, rather than high PCO2, drove multivariate physiology shifts through time in both species, including decreases in respiration rates and endosymbiont densities. Pocillopora acuta exhibited more significantly negatively altered physiology, and substantially higher bleaching and mortality than M. capitata. The sensitivity of P. acuta appears to be driven by higher baseline rates of photosynthesis paired with lower host antioxidant capacity, creating an increased sensitivity to oxidative stress. Thermal tolerance of M. capitata may be partly due to harboring a mixture of Cladocopium and Durusdinium spp., whereas P. acuta was dominated by other distinct Cladocopium spp. Only M. capitata survived the experiment, but physiological state in heatwave-exposed M. capitata remained significantly diverged at the end of recovery relative to individuals that experienced ambient conditions. In future climate scenarios, particularly marine heatwaves, our results indicate a species-specific loss of corals that is driven by baseline host and symbiont physiological differences as well as Symbiodiniaceae community compositions, with the surviving species experiencing physiological legacies that are likely to influence future stress responses.





