
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The sedimentation of organic carbon in the Ulleung Basin, in the southwestern East Sea (Japan Sea) was investigated using radiocarbon and sterols. The accumulation rates of organic carbon and the contents of brassicasterol and dinosterol were higher on the slope than in the central basin, reflecting the surface water productivity, whereas cholesterol showed similar or higher contents in the central basin. The coprostanol concentration in surface sediments reflected the dispersion of sewage dumped in this region. The vertical distribution showed that the coprostanol concentration was the highest in the top 5-cm layer near the Korea Strait, close to one of the two dumping sites. A high coprostanol concentration was also found near the coast further north, where the content peaked at ∼10 cm depth. The vertical distribution of coprostanol helped to estimate the sediment accumulation rate at sites where radiocarbon gradient was too small or the values were too variable.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The use of atmospheric pressure chemical ionisation (APCI) compact mass spectrometry (CMS) was investigated for the analysis of jetsam and museum-archived ambergris and of ambergris components in perfumes. The data were compared with those from existing methods. Authentic samples of some individual ambergris constituents (ambrein, coprostanol, epicoprostanol and coprostanone), were also examined. Rapid APCI CMS was achieved using either a solids probe or a probe with solutions held in capillary melting point tubes. Interpretation is made of the spectra of the principal natural product components, the relative ion responses were measured and the elemental composition of key ions in the spectra confirmed using high resolution accurate mass APCI MS. Rapid analysis of ambergris by APCI CMS may prove to be a further convenient method of identifying ambrein, of measuring the relative ratios of ambrein and steroids in ambergris and even of quantifying the latter, with minimal sample preparation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The interactions between dietary cholesterol and intestinal microbiota strongly affect host health. In recent years, relevant studies have greatly advanced this field and need to be summarized to deepen the understanding of dietary cholesterol-intestinal microbiota interactions and their effects on host health. This review covers the most recent frontiers on the effects of dietary cholesterol on the intestinal microbiota and its metabolites, the metabolism of cholesterol by the intestinal microbiota, and the effects of the interactions on host health. Several animal-feeding studies reported that dietary cholesterol altered different intestinal microbiota in the body, while mainly causing alterations in intestinal microbial metabolites such as bile acids, short-chain fatty acids, and tryptophan derivatives. Alterations in these metabolites may be a novel mechanism mediating cholesterol-related diseases. The cholesterol microbial metabolite, coprostanol, has a low absorption rate and is excreted in the feces. Thus, microbial conversion of cholesterol-to-coprostanol may be an important way of cholesterol-lowering by the organism. Cholesterol-3-sulfate is a recently discovered microbial metabolite of cholesterol, mainly metabolized by Bacteroides containing the Bt_0416 gene. Its effects on host health have been preliminarily characterized and are mainly related to immune modulation and repair of the intestinal epithelium.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    巴西东南部海湾因未经处理的有机负荷而日益退化。因此,评估粪便污染状况,多环芳烃(PAHs)的沉积物质量,和有机物(OM)的来源,我们已经确定了Sepetiba湾26个表层沉积物样品中的细粒和总有机碳(TOC)含量以及PAHs和固醇的浓度。细粒度(1-26%),TOC(0.20-3.45%),PAHs( Southeast Brazilian bays have been increasingly degraded by untreated organic loads. Therefore, to assess fecal contamination status, sediment quality regarding polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), and sources of organic matter (OM), we have determined fine-grained and total organic carbon (TOC) content and concentrations of PAHs and sterols in twenty-six surface sediment samples in Sepetiba Bay. The fine-grained (1-26 %), TOC (0.20-3.45 %), PAHs (






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Fecal pollution in surface waters is a major threat to recreational and drinking water resources, with Escherichia coli being a primary concern. The best way to mitigate fecal pollutant loading is to identify the sources and tailor remediation strategies to reduce loading. Tracking E. coli back to its source is notoriously difficult in a mixed-use watershed where input from humans, wildlife, and livestock all contribute to E. coli loading. One proposed tracking method for E. coli contamination is the use of fecal sterols and sterol ratios. This study uses fecal sterol data published globally to assess how well sterol compositions for different species clusters along with the effectiveness of sterol ratios as tracking tools. Hierarchical cluster analysis produces stronger clusters based on sterol ratios than raw sterol concentration, but the global dataset results in clustering of the same species in different levels. The accuracy of the sterol ratios was also compared to understand the rate of false negatives and false positive assignments. Overall, these ratios did not have a high success rate for determining the correct source, which was also reflected in the poor clustering trends observed. Establishing local end-member sterol profiles is essential when using sterol signatures to unravel fecal loading.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The stress on the environment is increasing as the human population living on it increases. Water eutrophication, a leading cause of impairment of many freshwater and coastal marine ecosystems in the world, is a typical consequence of anthropogenic pressure on the environment. The Baltic Sea represents an excellent example of eutrophication-related massive bottom water deoxygenation since 1950s, when the nutrient inputs derived from agricultural fertilisers and wastewater discharges increased significantly. Faecal lipids (β-stanols) represent a tool to estimate qualitatively anthropogenic sewage pollution in the environment. The present study shows that a ratio to evaluate sewage pollution based on faecal β-stanols preserved in modern sediments reflects the eutrophication status of the Baltic Sea and rivers from its catchment area, as well as the nutrient inputs in the central Baltic Sea since 1860. A second ratio, which allows differentiating between livestock breed and human faecal matter, reflects human population growth in the Baltic Sea Eastern European countries since 1860, and more specifically in St. Petersburg. Sedimentary faecal biomarkers are thus reliable indicators for both population growth and anthropogenic sewage pollution in the Baltic Sea, and may thus be useful to evaluate the past and present status of this environment.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Every day, up to 1 g of cholesterol, composed of the unabsorbed dietary cholesterol, the biliary cholesterol secretion, and cholesterol of cells sloughed from the intestinal epithelium, enters the colon. All cholesterol arriving in the large intestine can be metabolized by the colonic bacteria. Cholesterol is mainly converted into coprostanol, a non-absorbable sterol that is excreted in the feces. Interestingly, cholesterol-to-coprostanol conversion in human populations is variable, with a majority of high converters and a minority of low or inefficient converters. Two major pathways have been proposed, one involving the direct stereospecific reduction of the Δ5 double bond direct while the indirect pathway involves the intermediate formation of 4-cholelesten-3-one and coprostanone. Despite the fact that intestinal cholesterol conversion was discovered more than a century ago, only a few cholesterol-to-coprostanol-converting bacterial strains have been isolated and characterized. Moreover, the responsible genes were mainly unknown until recently. Interestingly, cholesterol-to-coprostanol conversion is highly regulated by the diet. Finally, this gut bacterial metabolism has been linked to health and disease, and recent evidence suggests it could contribute to lower blood cholesterol and cardiovascular risks.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Recent sewage contamination in Brazilian mangrove forests was evaluated using fecal sterols as biomarkers and socioeconomic indicators. The sterols were quantified by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS). Total fecal sterol concentrations ranged between 2.50 2.50 and 39.03 μg g-1 and coprostanol, between 0.23 and 6.97 μg g-1. Mangroves located in less urbanized regions presented low coprostanol levels and low coprostanol/cholesterol and (5β/5β + 5α) stanol ratios in sediment, while urban mangrove forests presented moderate fecal contamination. In the latter, an intense contribution of untreated domestic effluents associated to metropolitan areas was noted, leading to a significant correlation between coprostanol concentrations and inadequate sanitation, reflecting environmental problems associated to disorderly urbanization processes coupled to the absence of an adequate urban infrastructure. However, even in metropolitan areas, fecal sterol levels did not reach those of highly contaminated regions, probably due to the intense and accelerated degradation process typical of tropical environments. However, this study highlights the importance of fecal contamination assessment in mangrove areas since the presence of untreated sewage in these ecosystems is an issue of public and environmental health.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The human microbiome encodes extensive metabolic capabilities, but our understanding of the mechanisms linking gut microbes to human metabolism remains limited. Here, we focus on the conversion of cholesterol to the poorly absorbed sterol coprostanol by the gut microbiota to develop a framework for the identification of functional enzymes and microbes. By integrating paired metagenomics and metabolomics data from existing cohorts with biochemical knowledge and experimentation, we predict and validate a group of microbial cholesterol dehydrogenases that contribute to coprostanol formation. These enzymes are encoded by ismA genes in a clade of uncultured microorganisms, which are prevalent in geographically diverse human cohorts. Individuals harboring coprostanol-forming microbes have significantly lower fecal cholesterol levels and lower serum total cholesterol with effects comparable to those attributed to variations in lipid homeostasis genes. Thus, cholesterol metabolism by these microbes may play important roles in reducing intestinal and serum cholesterol concentrations, directly impacting human health.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Brunei Bay is one of the most important marine environments of East Malaysia (South China Sea), covering many productive ecosystems with activities including fisheries, tourism, and main shipping lanes for petroleum transfers. Evaluation of the sources and distributions of steroids in the surface sedimentary organic matter was carried out by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The concentrations of the total identified sterols (TIS) ranged between 0.81 and 12.69 μg g-1 dry weight, and the total sterones were between 0.11 and 5.66 μg g-1 dry weight. The coprostanol level was comparatively low (<0.10 μg g-1), and the multi-biomarker proxies indicated that the region did not exhibit significant contamination from sewage effluents. Principal component analysis (PCA) revealed the coastal environment of the study area was dominated by allochthonous (mainly terrestrial) organic matter input.





