conservation unit

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The creation of protected areas (PAs) is not always based on science; consequently, some aquatic species may not receive the same level of protection as terrestrial ones. The objective of this study was to identify priority areas for the conservation of chelonians in the Brazilian Amazon basin and assess the contribution of PAs, distinguishing between Full Protection Areas, Sustainable Use Areas, and Indigenous Lands for group protection. The entire species modeling procedure was carried out using Species Distribution Models. Location records were obtained from platforms such as SpeciesLink, GBIF, the Hydroatlas database, and WorldClim for bioclimatic variables adjusted with algorithms like Maximum Entropy, Random Forest, Support Vector Machine, and Gaussian-Bayesian. Indigenous lands cover more than 50% of the distribution areas of chelonian species in the Brazilian Amazon. Protected areas with higher conservation importance (Full Protection Areas and Sustainable Use Areas) hold less than 15% of the combined species distribution. Researchers face significant challenges when making decisions with models, especially in conservation efforts involving diverse taxa that differ significantly from one another within a group of individuals.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Population genomics analysis holds great potential for informing conservation of endangered populations. We focused on a controversial case of European whitefish (Coregonus spp.) populations. The endangered North Sea houting is the only coregonid fish that tolerates oceanic salinities and was previously considered a species (C. oxyrhinchus) distinct from European lake whitefish (C. lavaretus). However, no firm evidence for genetic-based salinity adaptation has been available. Also, studies based on microsatellite and mitogenome data suggested surprisingly recent divergence (c. 2500 years bp) between houting and lake whitefish. These data types furthermore have provided no evidence for possible inbreeding. Finally, a controversial taxonomic revision recently classified all whitefish in the region as C. maraena, calling conservation priorities of houting into question. We used whole-genome and ddRAD sequencing to analyse six lake whitefish populations and the only extant indigenous houting population. Demographic inference indicated post-glacial expansion and divergence between lake whitefish and houting occurring not long after the Last Glaciation, implying deeper population histories than previous analyses. Runs of homozygosity analysis suggested not only high inbreeding (FROH up to 30.6%) in some freshwater populations but also FROH up to 10.6% in the houting prompting conservation concerns. Finally, outlier scans provided evidence for adaptation to high salinities in the houting. Applying a framework for defining conservation units based on current and historical reproductive isolation and adaptive divergence led us to recommend that the houting be treated as a separate conservation unit regardless of species status. In total, the results underscore the potential of genomics to inform conservation practices, in this case clarifying conservation units and highlighting populations of concern.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Although tropical forests are home to most of the global diversity, they suffer from the most significant knowledge gaps concerning their fauna. Despite its high biodiversity, Brazil is facing an alarming destruction of habitats, with species becoming extinct before they can be discovered or described via science. Therefore, there is an urgent need to expand wildlife inventories, including entomofauna surveys. The present study aimed to analyze the bionomic aspects and the influence of abiotic factors on mosquito fauna whose immature phases develop in two bamboo species, Guadua tagoara and Bambusa vulgaris, in Tijuca National Park, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Immatures were collected in 10 artificially drilled bamboo plants, in five stalk internodes per plant, at two sampling points, from March 2022 to March 2023, during 23 collections. A total of 1845 immatures were obtained, 72.14% at sampling point 1 and 27.86% at sampling point 2. Of this, 1162 individuals reached adulthood, belonging to the following species: Culex iridescens, Culex neglectus, Haemagogus leucocelaenus, Orthopodomyia albicosta, Sabethes identicus, Sabethes melanonymphe, Sabethes purpureus, Toxorhynchites bambusicola, Toxorhynchites sp., Trichoprosopon compressum, Trichoprosopon pallidiventer, Wyeomyia arthrostigma, Wyeomyia codiocampa, Wyeomyia lutzi, Wyeomyia oblita, Wyeomyia personata, Wyeomyia serrata, and Wyeomyia sp. The Tijuca National Park is a tourist spot and receives a large number of visitors. Thus, humans can become an accessible food source for mosquitoes in this area, making the species survey critical since important arbovirus vectors have been recorded in Rio de Janeiro.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Understanding historical processes underlying lineage distribution patterns is a primary goal of phylogeography. We selected Gobio rivuloides (Cypriniformes: Gobionidae) as a model to improve our knowledge about how intraspecific genetic divergence of freshwater fishes arises in coastal drainages of northern China via statistical analysis using cytochrome b gene. The time-calibrated phylogeny of G. rivuloides showed the divergence of two major lineages (I and II) at ~0.98 Ma (million years ago). Lineage I can be divided into two sub-lineages (I-A and I-B) with a divergence time of ~0.83 Ma. Sub-lineage I-A inhabits the Amur River, and sub-lineage I-B lives in the Luan River and Liao River. Lineage II is distributed in the Yellow River and Hai River, with close genetic relationships between the two drainages, and can be split into two sub-lineages (II-C and II-D) with a divergence time of ~0.60 Ma. Our findings indicate that the splitting of lineages and sub-lineages could be attributed to geographic isolation caused by the formation of the Bohai Sea, river capture, and the episodic hydrologic closing of a paleolake during the late Lower-Middle Pleistocene. It is also the first report we know of displaying a clear phylogeographic break for freshwater fishes across coastal drainages in northern China.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The purpose of this study was to identify the species of artiodactyl host related to the fecal matter collected in a forest area in Rio de Janeiro state and carry out a parasitological investigation.
    METHODS: Artiodactyl feces were collected between 2020 and 2021. The fecal samples were examined to identify the host through macroscopic and molecular analysis. The remaining samples were subjected to a fecal parasite analysis using microscopic techniques, and feces containing cysts of the phylum Ciliophora underwent a molecular analysis.
    RESULTS: Of the 101 samples collected, 71.3% were found in Pavão Valley, the most anthropized area of the park. In the molecular analysis, 79 samples were identified as belonging to Sus scrofa and 2 as Mazama gouazoubira. The most frequently detected forms were cysts of the phylum Ciliophora (39.6%), followed by eggs of Ascaris spp. (11.8%) and Metastrongylus spp. (5.9%). Nucleotide sequences of Balantioides coli were characterized in 26 samples, and in 13 samples variants of type B0 and in 11 type A0 were identified.
    CONCLUSIONS: It should be noted that this is the first study in the Americas that has identified B. coli in free-living S. scrofa feces, citing this bioinvader as one of the reservoirs of this parasite.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Whole-genome resequencing technology covers almost all nucleotide variations in the genome, which makes it possible to carry out conservation genomics research on endangered species at the whole-genome level.
    UNASSIGNED: In this study, based on the whole-genome resequencing data of 101 critically endangered Artocarpus nanchuanensis individuals, we evaluated the genetic diversity and population structure, inferred the demographic history and genetic load, predicted the potential distributions in the past, present and future, and classified conservation units to propose targeted suggestions for the conservation of this critically endangered species.
    UNASSIGNED: Whole-genome resequencing for A. nanchuanensis generated approximately 2 Tb of data. Based on abundant mutation sites (25,312,571 single nucleotide polymorphisms sites), we revealed that the average genetic diversity (nucleotide diversity, π) of different populations of A. nanchuanensis was relatively low compared with other trees that have been studied. And we also revealed that the NHZ and QJT populations harboured unique genetic backgrounds and were significantly separated from the other five populations. In addition, positive genetic selective signals, significantly enriched in biological processes related to terpene synthesis, were identified in the NHZ population. The analysis of demographic history of A. nanchuanensis revealed the existence of three genetic bottleneck events. Moreover, abundant genetic loads (48.56% protein-coding genes) were identified in Artocarpus nanchuanensis, especially in genes related to early development and immune function of plants. The predication analysis of suitable habitat areas indicated that the past suitable habitat areas shifted from the north to the south due to global temperature decline. However, in the future, the actual distribution area of A. nanchuanensis will still maintain high suitability.
    UNASSIGNED: Based on total analyses, we divided the populations of A. nanchuanensis into four conservation units and proposed a number of practical management suggestions for each conservation unit. Overall, our study provides meaningful guidance for the protection of A. nanchuanensis and important insight into conservation genomics research.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    An essential goal in conservation biology is delineating population units that maximize the probability of species persisting into the future and adapting to future environmental change. However, future-facing conservation concerns are often addressed using retrospective patterns that could be irrelevant. We recommend a novel landscape genomics framework for delineating future \"Geminate Evolutionary Units\" (GEUs) in a focal species: (1) identify loci under environmental selection, (2) model and map adaptive conservation units that may spawn future lineages, (3) forecast relative selection pressures on each future lineage, and (4) estimate their fitness and likelihood of persistence using geo-genomic simulations. Using this process, we delineated conservation units for the Yosemite toad (Anaxyrus canorus), a U.S. federally threatened species that is highly vulnerable to climate change. We used a genome-wide dataset, redundancy analysis, and Bayesian association methods to identify 24 candidate loci responding to climatic selection (R 2 ranging from 0.09 to 0.52), after controlling for demographic structure. Candidate loci included genes such as MAP3K5, involved in cellular response to environmental change. We then forecasted future genomic response to climate change using the multivariate machine learning algorithm Gradient Forests. Based on all available evidence, we found three GEUs in Yosemite National Park, reflecting contrasting adaptive optima: YF-North (high winter snowpack with moderate summer rainfall), YF-East (low to moderate snowpack with high summer rainfall), and YF-Low-Elevation (low snowpack and rainfall). Simulations under the RCP 8.5 climate change scenario suggest that the species will decline by 29% over 90 years, but the highly diverse YF-East lineage will be least impacted for two reasons: (1) geographically it will be sheltered from the largest climatic selection pressures, and (2) its standing genetic diversity will promote a faster adaptive response. Our approach provides a comprehensive strategy for protecting imperiled non-model species with genomic data alone and has wide applicability to other declining species.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Japanese serow, Capricornis crispus, is an indigenous bovid species exclusively inhabiting mountain regions in the main Japanese islands, excepting Hokkaido. It had decreased in abundance to its lowest level due to overhunting and deforestation, with its distribution severely fragmented from the middle of the 20th century, many populations of C. crispus currently facing the risk of extinction. The Kii Mountain Range (KM) on Honshu is one such location that has seen a drastic population decline of C. crispus. In this study, we examined genetic characteristics of C. crispus in KM and neighboring regions of the Chubu district, using mtDNA and microsatellite markers, in order to devise strategies for its conservation. Results for mtDNA were characterized by low nucleotide diversity with five endemic and two dominant haplotypes shared by individuals in neighboring regions. A Bayesian skyline plot indicated a gradual increase after the last glacial maximum. For microsatellites, the genetic diversity of C. crispus in KM was comparable to Shizuoka and higher than Shikoku. Recent genetic bottlenecks were strongly suggested in C. crispus in KM. Bayesian clustering showed a genetic cline between KM and neighboring regions, where multivariate analysis suggested three local populations. A Mantel test indicated male-biased dispersal. These results indicate that C. crispus in KM and neighboring regions constitute multiple local populations, connected through restricted gene flow. For the conservation of C. crispus, it is important to define small-scale conservation units, among which genetic connectivity should be facilitated to prevent further loss of genetic diversity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Cerrado biome covers approximately 20% of Brazil and it is crucial for the Water, Food, Energy, and Ecosystems (WFEE) nexus. Thus, in recent years, large areas of the undisturbed Cerrado have been converted into farmland. In this biome, according to the Brazilian Forest Code, farmers need to keep 20% of native vegetation (Legal Reserves - LRs). By exploring combined and isolated impacts of different scenarios of LR and Protected area (PA) arrangements, this study evaluated the importance of complementarity between LR compliance and the amount of PAs (including Conservation Units - CUs and Indigenous Lands - ILs) to reduce deforestation and conserve native vegetation in the Cerrado. Seven scenarios were investigated: a scenario that considers the current PA and the LR values foreseen in the Native Vegetation Protection Law - NVPL; three scenarios focused on production; and three focused on conservation. Considering the trend of the current scenario, the estimated loss of native vegetation will be 30% (30.6 million ha) by 2070. According to the model simulations, for two periods (2050 and 2070), the LR Elimination scenario (LRE) would cause a greater loss of native vegetation than the PA Elimination (PAE), and as expected, the exclusion of both (PALRE) would provide a greater loss of native vegetation. Native vegetation is concentrated mainly on agricultural properties. Taking our conservation-oriented scenarios as an example of conservation strategies, if there were no financial, practical, political, social or personal constraints, there is no doubt that the CPALRI scenario (Creation of Protected Areas and Legal Reserve Increase) is the best trajectory for conserving biodiversity. Therefore, private properties, through LRs, are essential for efficient planning of land use/cover as they ensure security in the WFEE nexus. The resulting projected scenarios are important to help decision makers in territorial planning and how to arbitrate territorial demands aiming at the rational use of the natural resources of the Cerrado.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Forest canopies have an important influence on the global climate balance. Through the analysis of the temperature of the canopy, it is possible to infer about the physiological aspects of the plants, helping to understand the behavior of the vegetation and, consequently, in the environmental monitoring and management of green areas. This study aims to validate the MOD11A2 V006 product from canopy surface temperature data obtained by an infrared radiation sensor. For the validation of the MOD11A2 product, a comparative analysis was performed between the land surface temperature (LST) data, obtained by the MODIS sensor, and the canopy temperature data, obtained by the SI-111 infrared radiation sensor coupled to the Itatiaia National Park (PNI) micrometeorological tower. Meteorological variables and land surface temperature collected from January to December 2018 in the PNI were also analyzed. The results reveal that the MOD11A2 product overestimates the canopy temperature in the daytime (MB ranging from 1.56 to 3.57 °C) and underestimates in the night time (MB ranging from - 0.18 to - 4.22 °C). During daytime, the months corresponding to the dry season presented a very high correlation (r = 0.74 and 0.86) and the highest values for the Willmott index (d = 0.70 and 0.64). At nighttime, the MOD11A2 product did not present a good performance for the LST estimation, especially in the rainy season. Therefore, we observed that the MOD11A2 product has limitations to estimate the land surface temperature and that possible changes in the algorithm of this product can be performed for high atmospheric humidity conditions.





