
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Candida species primarily exist as harmless commensals in the gastrointestinal tract of warm-blooded animals. However, they can also cause life-threatening infections, which are often associated with gut microbial dysbiosis. Identifying the microbial actors that restrict Candida to commensalism remains a significant challenge. In vitro models could enable a mechanistic study of the interactions between Candida and simulated colon microbiomes. Therefore, this study aimed to elucidate the spatial and temporal colonization kinetics of specific Candida, including C. albicans, C. tropicalis, and C. parapsilosis, and their relative Nakaseomyces glabratus, by using an adapted SHIME® model, simulating the ileum, and proximal and distal colons. We monitored fungal and bacterial colonization kinetics under conditions of eubiosis (commensal lifestyle) and antibiotic-induced dysbiosis (pathogenic lifestyle). Our findings highlighted the variability in the colonization potential of Candida species across different intestinal regions. The ileum compartment proved to be the most favourable environment for C. albicans and C. parapsilosis under conditions of eubiosis. Antibiotic-induced dysbiosis resulted in resurgence of opportunistic Candida species, especially C. tropicalis and C. albicans. Future research should focus on identifying specific bacterial species influencing Candida colonization resistance and explore the long-term effects of antibiotics on the mycobiome and bacteriome.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Haemophilus parainfluenzae (Hp) is a Gram-negative, highly prevalent, and abundant commensal in the human oral cavity, and an infrequent extraoral opportunistic pathogen. Hp occupies multiple niches in the oral cavity, including the supragingival plaque biofilm. Little is known about how Hp interacts with its neighbors in healthy biofilms nor its mechanisms of pathogenesis as an opportunistic pathogen. To address this, we identified the essential genome and conditionally essential genes in in vitro biofilms aerobically and anaerobically. Using transposon insertion sequencing (TnSeq) with a highly saturated mariner transposon library in two strains, the ATCC33392 type-strain (Hp 392) and oral isolate EL1 (Hp EL1), we show that the essential genomes of Hp 392 and Hp EL1 are composed of 395 (20%) and 384 (19%) genes, respectively. The core essential genome, consisting of 341 (17%) essential genes conserved between both strains, was composed of genes associated with genetic information processing, carbohydrate, protein, and energy metabolism. We also identified conditionally essential genes for aerobic and anaerobic biofilm growth, which were associated with carbohydrate and energy metabolism in both strains. RNAseq analysis determined that most genes upregulated during anaerobic growth are not essential for Hp 392 anaerobic survival. The completion of this library and analysis under these conditions gives us a foundational insight into the basic biology of H. parainfluenzae in differing oxygen conditions, similar to its in vivo habitat. This library presents a valuable tool for investigation into conditionally essential genes for an organism that lives in close contact with many microbial species in the human oral habitat.IMPORTANCEHaemophilus parainfluenzae is a highly abundant human commensal microbe, present in most healthy individuals where it colonizes the mouth. H. parainfluenzae correlates with good oral health and may play a role in preservation of healthy host status. Also, H. parainfluenzae can cause opportunistic infections outside of the oral cavity. To date, little is known about how H. parainfluenzae colonizes the human host, despite being such a frequent and abundant part of our human microbiome. Here, we demonstrate the creation and use of a powerful tool, a TnSeq library, used to identify genes necessary for both the outright growth of this organism and also genes conditionally essential for growth in varying oxygen status which it can encounter in the human host. This tool and these data serve as a foundation for further study of this relatively unknown organism that may play a role in preserving human health.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The study was conducted to identify cluster patterns of enteric microorganisms with potential etiological relevance for infectious gastroenteritis in stool samples of individuals from Ghana, which is a known high-endemicity setting for infectious gastroenteritis. These patterns were compared to previous observations with specimens from Colombian indigenous people in order to assess potentially stable clustering for temporally and spatially distinct populations from high-endemicity regions. By doing so, the study aimed to identify stable clusters as markers of microbial interaction with potential importance for etiological relevance assignment in cases of multiple enteric pathogen detections. Stool samples from 1569 Ghanaian individuals (875 from HIV patients, 30 from HIV-negative control adult patients, and 644 from children < 2 years of age) were assessed for enteric microorganisms by applying real-time PCR. As a result, nucleic acids of bacterial microorganisms were most frequently detected, followed by protozoa, microsporidia, and helminths. Interestingly, the cluster assessment confirmed interaction patterns known from the previous analysis with Colombian indigenous people, demonstrating a high likelihood of Blastocystis hominis for clustering with other microorganisms and a prominent, potentially mediating role of Dientamoeba fragilis for microbial interactions within the clusters. In conclusion, the assessment confirmed conserved clustering of enteric microorganisms with potential etiological relevance for human infectious gastroenteritis over geographically distinct high-endemicity settings. Furthermore, the composition of abundant microorganisms is more important than regional factors for the determination of the interplay of enteric microorganisms in the human gut. Thereby, some microbial pathogens and commensals seem more susceptible to a changing microbial composition in the human gut than others.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Actinomyces organisms reside on mucosal surfaces of the oropharynx and the genitourinary tract. Polymicrobial infections with Actinomyces organisms are increasingly being reported in the literature. Since these infections differ from classical actinomycosis, lacking of specific clinical and imaging findings, slow-growing Actinomyces organisms can be regarded as contaminants or insignificant findings. In addition, only limited knowledge is available about novel Actinomyces species and their clinical relevance. The recent reclassifications have resulted in the transfer of several Actinomyces species to novel genera Bowdeniella, Gleimia, Pauljensenia, Schaalia, or Winkia. The spectrum of diseases associated with specific members of Actinomyces and these related genera varies. In human infections, the most common species are Actinomyces israelii, Schaalia meyeri, and Schaalia odontolytica, which are typical inhabitants of the mouth, and Gleimia europaea, Schaalia turicensis, and Winkia neuii. In this narrative review, the purpose was to gather information on the emerging role of specific organisms within the Actinomyces and related genera in polymicrobial infections. These include Actinomyces graevenitzii in pulmonary infections, S. meyeri in brain abscesses and infections in the lower respiratory tract, S. turicensis in skin-related infections, G. europaea in necrotizing fasciitis and skin abscesses, and W. neuii in infected tissues around prostheses and devices. Increased understanding of the role of Actinomyces and related species in polymicrobial infections could provide improved outcomes for patient care. Key messages Due to the reclassification of the genus, many former Actinomyces species belong to novel genera Bowdeniella, Gleimia, Pauljensenia, Schaalia, or Winkia.Some of the species play emerging roles in specific infection types in humans.Increasing awareness of their clinical relevance as an established or a putative pathogen in polymicrobial infections brings about improved outcomes for patient care.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Rhodotorula is a genus of ubiquitous pigmented yeast found in the environment and as a commensal of human and animal microbiota. Previously considered nonpathogenic, Rhodotorula has emerged as an important cause of nosocomial and opportunistic infections in susceptible patients. While Rhodotorula spp. are common commensals in healthy individuals, the yeast may overgrow in patients with compromised immune systems causing disease. Herein, we provide a detailed presentation of a rare case involving a 79-year-old Caucasian female with a lung malignancy who developed massive cavitations in her lungs. The patient\'s lung tissue was cultured and grew an unidentified species of the genus Rhodotorula. The patient\'s health declined rapidly, and she expired due to hypoxemia. Clinicians must recognize patient groups potentially at risk for infection with Rhodotorula spp. Early identification and initiation of appropriate interventions are crucial in reducing mortality associated with this opportunistic fungal infection.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Induction of commensal-specific immunity contributes to tissue homeostasis, yet the mechanisms underlying induction of commensal-specific B cells remain poorly understood in part due to a lack of tools to identify these cells. Using phage display, we identified segmented filamentous bacteria (SFB) antigens targeted by serum and intestinal antibodies and generated B cell tetramers to track SFB-specific B cells in gut-associated lymphoid tissues. We revealed a compartmentalized response in SFB-specific B cell activation, with a gradient of immunoglobulin A (IgA), IgG1, and IgG2b isotype production along Peyer\'s patches contrasted by selective production of IgG2b within mesenteric lymph nodes. V(D)J sequencing and monoclonal antibody generation identified somatic hypermutation driven affinity maturation to SFB antigens under homeostatic conditions. Combining phage display and B cell tetramers will enable investigation of the ontogeny and function of commensal-specific B cell responses in tissue immunity, inflammation, and repair.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Ethanolamine is an abundant compound in the gastrointestinal tract and a valuable source of carbon and nitrogen for pathogenic bacteria harboring ethanolamine utilization (eut) genes. Eut-positive pathogens can consume free ethanolamine to outcompete commensal microbes, which often lack eut genes, and establish infection. Ethanolamine can also act as a host recognition signal for eut-positive pathogens to upregulate virulence genes during colonization. Therefore, reducing free ethanolamine titers may represent a novel approach to preventing infection by eut-positive pathogens. Interestingly, the commensal microorganism Levilactobacillus brevis ATCC 14869 was found to encode over 18 eut genes within its genome. This led us to hypothesize that L. brevis can compete with eut-positive pathogens by clearing free ethanolamine from the environment. Our results demonstrate that despite being unable to metabolize ethanolamine under most conditions, L. brevis ATCC 14869 responds to the compound by increasing the expression of genes encoding proteins involved in microcompartment formation and adhesion to the intestinal epithelial barrier. The improved intestinal adhesion of L. brevis in the presence of ethanolamine also enhanced the exclusion of eut-positive pathogens from adhering to intestinal epithelial cells. These findings support further studies to test whether L. brevis ATCC 14869 can counter enteric pathogens and prevent or reduce the severity of infections. Overall, the metabolic capabilities of L. brevis ATCC 14869 offer a unique opportunity to add to the armamentarium of antimicrobial therapies as well as our understanding of the mechanisms used by beneficial microbes to sense and adapt to host microenvironments.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Recent advances in metagenomic testing opened a new window into the mammalian blood virome. Comprised of well-known viruses like human immunodeficiency virus, hepatitis C virus, and hepatitis B virus, the virome also includes many other eukaryotic viruses and phages whose medical significance, lifecycle, epidemiology, and impact on human health are less well known and thus regarded as commensals. This review synthesizes available information for the so-called commensal virome members that circulate in the blood of humans considering their restriction to and interaction with the human host, their natural history, and their impact on human health and physiology.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The genus Xanthomonas has been primarily studied for pathogenic interactions with plants. However, besides host and tissue-specific pathogenic strains, this genus also comprises nonpathogenic strains isolated from a broad range of hosts, sometimes in association with pathogenic strains, and other environments, including rainwater. Based on their incapacity or limited capacity to cause symptoms on the host of isolation, nonpathogenic xanthomonads can be further characterized as commensal and weakly pathogenic. This study aimed to understand the diversity and evolution of nonpathogenic xanthomonads compared to their pathogenic counterparts based on their cooccurrence and phylogenetic relationship and to identify genomic traits that form the basis of a life history framework that groups xanthomonads by ecological strategies. We sequenced genomes of 83 strains spanning the genus phylogeny and identified eight novel species, indicating unexplored diversity. While some nonpathogenic species have experienced a recent loss of a type III secretion system, specifically the hrp2 cluster, we observed an apparent lack of association of the hrp2 cluster with lifestyles of diverse species. We performed association analysis on a large data set of 337 Xanthomonas strains to explain how xanthomonads may have established association with the plants across the continuum of lifestyles from commensals to weak pathogens to pathogens. Presence of distinct transcriptional regulators, distinct nutrient utilization and assimilation genes, transcriptional regulators, and chemotaxis genes may explain lifestyle-specific adaptations of xanthomonads.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Enterococci are common commensal bacteria that colonize the gastrointestinal tracts of most mammals, including humans. Importantly, these bacteria are one of the leading causes of nosocomial infections. This study examined the role of colonic macrophages in facilitating Enterococcus faecalis infections in mice. We determined that depletion of colonic phagocytes resulted in the reduction of E. faecalis dissemination to the gut-draining mesenteric lymph nodes. Furthermore, we established that trafficking of monocyte-derived CX3CR1-expressing macrophages contributed to E. faecalis dissemination in a manner that was not reliant on CCR7, the conventional receptor involved in lymphatic migration. Finally, we showed that E. faecalis mutants with impaired intracellular survival exhibited reduced dissemination, suggesting that E. faecalis can exploit host immune cell migration to disseminate systemically and cause disease. Our findings indicate that modulation of macrophage trafficking in the context of antibiotic therapy could serve as a novel approach for preventing or treating opportunistic infections by disseminating enteric pathobionts like E. faecalis.





