
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Skin provides a physical and immune barrier to protect the body from foreign substances, microbial invasion, and desiccation. Aging reduces the barrier function of skin and its rate of repair. Aged skin exhibits decreased mitochondrial function and prolonged low-level inflammation that can be seen in other organs with aging. Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR)-γ coactivator-1α (PGC-1α), an important transcriptional coactivator, plays a central role in modulating mitochondrial function and antioxidant production. Mitochondrial function and inflammation have been linked to epidermal function, but the mechanisms are unclear. The aim of this review is to discuss the mechanisms by which PGC-1α might exert a positive effect on aged skin barrier function. Initially, we provide an overview of the function of skin under physiological and aging conditions, focusing on the epidermis. We then discuss mitochondrial function, oxidative stress, cellular senescence, and inflamm-aging, the chronic low-level inflammation observed in aging individuals. Finally, we discuss the effects of PGC-1α on mitochondrial function, as well as the regulation and role of PGC-1α in the aging epidermis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Transcriptional dysregulation of genes is a hallmark of tumors and can serve as targets for cancer drug development. However, it is extremely challenging to develop small-molecule inhibitors to target abnormally expressed transcription factors (TFs) except for the nuclear receptor family of TFs. Little is known about the interaction between TFs and transcription cofactors in gastroesophageal adenocarcinoma (GEA) or the therapeutic effects of targeting TF and transcription cofactor complexes. In this study, we found that ETS homologous factor (EHF) expression is promoted by a core transcriptional regulatory circuitry (CRC), specifically ELF3-KLF5-GATA6, and interference with its expression suppressed the malignant biological behavior of GEA cells. Importantly, we identified Ajuba LIM protein (AJUBA) as a new coactivator of EHF that cooperatively orchestrates transcriptional network activity in GEA. Furthermore, we identified KRAS signaling as a common pathway downstream of EHF and AJUBA. Applicably, dual targeting of EHF and AJUBA by lipid nanoparticles cooperatively attenuated the malignant biological behaviors of GEA in vitro and in vivo. In conclusion, EHF is upregulated by the CRC and promotes GEA malignancy by interacting with AJUBA through the KRAS pathway. Targeting of both EHF and its coactivator AJUBA through lipid nanoparticles is a novel potential therapeutic strategy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Three peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor subtypes, PPARα, PPAR(ß/)δ, and PPARγ, exert ligand-dependent transcriptional control in concert with retinoid X receptors (RXRs) on various gene sets harboring PPAR response elements (PPREs) in their promoter regions. Ligand-bound PPAR/RXR complexes do not directly regulate transcription; instead, they recruit multiprotein coactivator complexes to specific genomic regulatory loci to cooperatively activate gene transcription. Several coactivators are expressed in a single cell; however, a ligand-bound PPAR can be associated with only one coactivator through a consensus LXXLL motif. Therefore, altered gene transcription induced by PPAR subtypes/agonists may be attributed to the recruitment of various coactivator species. Using a time-resolved fluorescence resonance energy transfer assay, we analyzed the recruitment of four coactivator peptides (PGC1α, CBP, SRC1, and TRAP220) to human PPARα/δ/γ-ligand-binding domains (LBDs) using eight PPAR dual/pan agonists (bezafibrate, fenofibric acid, pemafibrate, pioglitazone, elafibranor, lanifibranor, saroglitazar, and seladelpar) that are/were anticipated to treat nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. These agonists all recruited four coactivators to PPARα/γ-LBD with varying potencies and efficacy. Only five agonists (bezafibrate, pemafibrate, elafibranor, lanifibranor, and seladelpar) recruited all four coactivators to PPARδ-LBD, and their concentration-dependent responses differed from those of PPARα/γ-LBD. These results indicate that altered gene expression through consensus PPREs by different PPAR subtypes/agonists may be caused, in part, by different coactivators, which may be responsible for the unique pharmacological properties of these PPAR agonists.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Short amphipathic peptides are capable of binding to transcriptional coactivators, often targeting the same binding surfaces as native transcriptional activation domains. However, they do so with modest affinity and generally poor selectivity, limiting their utility as synthetic modulators. Here we show that incorporation of a medium-chain, branched fatty acid to the N-terminus of one such heptameric lipopeptidomimetic (LPPM-8) increases the affinity for the coactivator Med25 >20-fold (Ki >100 μM to 4 μM), rendering it an effective inhibitor of Med25 protein-protein interactions (PPIs). The lipid structure, the peptide sequence, and the C-terminal functionalization of the lipopeptidomimetic each influence the structural propensity of LPPM-8 and its effectiveness as an inhibitor. LPPM-8 engages Med25 through interaction with the H2 face of its activator interaction domain and in doing so stabilizes full-length protein in the cellular proteome. Further, genes regulated by Med25-activator PPIs are inhibited in a cell model of triple-negative breast cancer. Thus, LPPM-8 is a useful tool for studying Med25 and mediator complex biology and the results indicate that lipopeptidomimetics may be a robust source of inhibitors for activator-coactivator complexes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Transcription coactivators are proteins or protein complexes that mediate transcription factor (TF) function. However, they lack DNA-binding capacity, prompting the question of how they engage target loci. Three non-exclusive hypotheses have been posited: coactivators are recruited by complexing with TFs, by binding histones through epigenetic reader domains, or by partitioning into condensates through their extensive intrinsically disordered regions. Using p300 as a prototypical coactivator, we systematically mutated its annotated domains and show by single-molecule tracking in live U2OS cells that coactivator-chromatin binding depends entirely on combinatorial binding of multiple TF-interaction domains. Furthermore, we demonstrate that acetyltransferase activity opposes p300-chromatin association and that the N-terminal TF-interaction domains regulate that activity. Single TF-interaction domains are insufficient for chromatin binding and regulation of catalytic activity, implying a principle that we speculate could broadly apply to eukaryotic gene regulation: a TF must act in coordination with other TFs to recruit coactivator activity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Eukaryotic transcription factors activate gene expression with their DNA-binding domains and activation domains. DNA-binding domains bind the genome by recognizing structurally related DNA sequences; they are structured, conserved, and predictable from protein sequences. Activation domains recruit chromatin modifiers, coactivator complexes, or basal transcriptional machinery via structurally diverse protein-protein interactions. Activation domains and DNA-binding domains have been called independent, modular units, but there are many departures from modularity, including interactions between these regions and overlap in function. Compared to DNA-binding domains, activation domains are poorly understood because they are poorly conserved, intrinsically disordered, and difficult to predict from protein sequences. This review, organized around commonly asked questions, describes recent progress that the field has made in understanding the sequence features that control activation domains and predicting them from sequence.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Cancer cells acquire malignant characteristics and therapy resistance by employing the hypoxia-inducible factor 1 (HIF-1)-dependent adaptive response to hypoxic microenvironment in solid tumors. Since the underlying molecular mechanisms remain unclear, difficulties are associated with establishing effective therapeutic strategies.
    RESULTS: We herein identified DEAD-box helicase 5 (DDX5) as a novel activator of HIF-1 and found that it enhanced the heterodimer formation of HIF-1α and HIF-1β and facilitated the recruitment of the resulting HIF-1 to its recognition sequence, hypoxia-response element (HRE), leading to the expression of a subset of cancer-related genes under hypoxia.
    CONCLUSIONS: This study reveals that the regulation of HIF-1 recruitment to HRE is an important regulatory step in the control of HIF-1 activity.
    CONCLUSIONS: The present study provides novel insights for the development of strategies to inhibit the HIF-1-dependent expression of cancer-related genes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) is an aggressive subtype with no targeted therapeutics. The luminal androgen receptor (LAR) subtype constitutes 15% of TNBC and is enriched for androgen receptor (AR) and AR target genes. Here, we show that a cohort of TNBC not only expresses AR at a much higher rate (∼80%) but also expresses AR splice variants (AR-SVs) (∼20%), further subclassifying LAR-TNBC. Higher AR and AR-SV expression and corresponding aggressive phenotypes are observed predominantly in specimens obtained from African American women. LAR TNBC specimens are enriched for interferon, Janus kinase (JAK)-signal activator and transducer (STAT), and androgen signaling pathways, which are exclusive to AR-expressing epithelial cancer cells. AR- and AR-SV-expressing TNBC cell proliferation and xenograft and patient-tumor explant growth are inhibited by AR N-terminal domain-binding selective AR degrader or by a JAK inhibitor. Biochemical analysis suggests that STAT1 is an AR coactivator. Collectively, our work identifies pharmacologically targetable TNBC subtypes and identifies growth-promoting interaction between AR and JAK-STAT signaling.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Binding of general transcription factors TFIID and TFIIA to basal promoters is rate-limiting for transcriptional initiation of eukaryotic protein-coding genes. Consequently, activator proteins interacting with subunits of TFIID and/or TFIIA can drastically increase the rate of initiation events. Yeast transcriptional activator Ino2 interacts with several Taf subunits of TFIID, among them the multifunctional Taf1 protein. In contrast to mammalian Taf1, yeast Taf1 lacks bromodomains which are instead encoded by separate proteins Bdf1 and Bdf2. In this work, we show that Bdf1 not only binds to acetylated histone H4 but can also be recruited by Ino2 and unrelated activators such as Gal4, Rap1, Leu3 and Flo8. An activator-binding domain was mapped in the N-terminus of Bdf1. Subunits Toa1 and Toa2 of yeast TFIIA directly contact sequences of basal promoters and TFIID subunit TBP but may also mediate the influence of activators. Indeed, Ino2 efficiently binds to two separate structural domains of Toa1, specifically with its N-terminal four-helix bundle structure required for dimerization with Toa2 and its C-terminal β-barrel domain contacting TBP and sequences of the TATA element. These findings complete the functional analysis of yeast general transcription factors Bdf1 and Toa1 and identify them as targets of activator proteins.






  • 文章类型: Review
    The nuclear receptor superfamily comprises 48 members in humans. In various organs, nuclear receptors regulate a variety of physiological functions through transcription of target genes. They are associated with the development and progression of endocrine and metabolic disorders, as well as with cancer development. Therefore, agonists and antagonists targeting nuclear receptors are currently being developed as therapeutic drugs for these diseases. Nuclear receptors can be activated through ligand binding or phosphorylation, which is mediated by various cellular signaling pathways. Activation of a nuclear receptor necessitates significant structural modifications in each of its domains. My research has been focused on unraveling the intricate mechanisms underlying the activation of nuclear receptors using constitutive androstane receptor (CAR) and pregnane X receptor (PXR) as model nuclear receptor proteins. CAR and PXR are highly expressed in the liver and are activated by a wide range of xenobiotics. Given their crucial roles in the metabolism and disposition of xenobiotics, as well as their potential in mediating drug-drug interactions, it is imperative to extensively study the mechanisms of xenobiotic-induced activation of these receptors. Such studies are essential for advancements in drug development, as well as for ensuring food and chemical safety. In this review, I elucidate the molecular basis underlying the activation of xenobiotic-responsive nuclear receptors.





