clutch size

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This paper highlighted the annual distribution, seasonality and reproduction status of two species of sea turtles in Negeri Sembilan, Peninsular Malaysia between January 2016 and July 2020 (55 months). These data were officially provided by the Department of Fisheries Malaysia (Negeri Sembilan\'s state), as a part of a conservation effort made by them to protect the endangered species, as the turtle\'s population residing in Negeri Sembilan is one of the smallest in Malaysia. Current status shows that the hawksbill turtles, Eretmochelys Imbricata population in Negeri Sembilan is in stable decline with an average of <30 nests per year, and an average of <10 nests per year for the green turtle, Chelonia mydas. The overall sum was 122 nests collected for both species from 2016-2020. This paper updated the status of the hawksbill and green turtle after 30 years from the first study recorded by Mortimer et al. in 1993.
    Kertas kajian ini menitikberatkan dapatan taburan tahunan, musim dan kadar pembiakan untuk dua spesis penyu di Negeri Sembilan, Semenanjung Malaysia diantara bulan Januari 2016 sehingga Julai 2020 (55 bulan). Data ini mendapat kebenaran rasmi dari Jabatan Perikanan Malaysia (Negeri Sembilan) untuk diterbitkan, salah satu daripada usaha pemuliharaan dari Jabatan untuk menyelamatkan hidupan terancam, kerana populasi penyu di Negeri Sembilan adalah antara yang terkecil di Malaysia. Status terkini menunjukkan populasi penyu karah, Eretmochelys Imbricata di Negeri Sembilan berada pada tahap penurunan yang stabil dengan jumlah purata tahunan sebanyak <30 sarang, dan purata tahunan sebanyak <10 sarang bagi spesis penyu agar, Chelonia mydas. Jumlah keseluruhan pula adalah sebanyak 122 sarang daripada kedua-dua spesis ini dari tahun 2016–2020. Kertas kajian ini mengemaskinikan status penyu karah dan penyu agar selepas 30 tahun, dari kajian pertama yang direkodkan oleh Mortimer et al. pada tahun 1993.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Urban environments present novel ecological challenges to wild species. In birds, urban populations generally exhibit reduced clutch sizes compared to forest populations. However, whether smaller urban clutches are adaptive or a result of environmental constraints is unclear. To investigate these two hypotheses, we quantified the ability of urban and non-urban blue tits (Cyanistes caeruleus) to lay new eggs after an experimental manipulation aimed to increase egg production. We removed the first four eggs laid by urban and forest birds to test their ability to produce new eggs. If the urban environment imposes constraints on egg production, we predicted that urban birds would not lay new eggs. If the small clutches of urban birds are an adaptive response, we predicted they would lay new eggs to reach the optimal clutch size for the environment. Consistent with the environmental constraint hypothesis, our results suggest that urban females do not lay new eggs to the same extent as forest birds following egg removal. Forest birds laid approximately two new eggs after our experimental manipulation, while urban birds laid approximately 0.36 new eggs following egg removal. Our manipulation resulted in a brood reduction in the urban experimental nests, yet there was no difference in the number of fledged offspring between urban control and experimental nests. This suggests that females might be misjudging urban habitat quality and produce a clutch with more eggs than nestlings they can rear. Overall, our results suggest that environmental constraints could limit the number of eggs that urban females lay, generating urban versus non-urban differences in this trait.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Maternal investment theory is the study of how breeding females allocate resources between offspring size and brood size to achieve reproductive success. In classical trade-off models, r/K-selection and bet-hedging selection, the primary predictors of maternal investments in offspring are population density and resource stability. In crowded, stable environments, K-selected females invest in large offspring at an equivalent cost in brood size. In uncrowded, unstable environments, r-selected females invest in large broods at an equivalent cost in offspring size. In unpredictable resource environments, bet-hedging females invest moderately in brood size and offspring size. The maternal risk-management model represents a profound departure from classical trade-off models. Maternal investments in offspring size, brood size, and brood number are shaped independently by autonomous risk factors: the duration of gaps in resources during seasonal cycles, rates of predation, and unpredictable catastrophic events. To date, no single model has risen to a position of preeminence. Here in sharks, we show that maternal investments within and across species do not agree with the predictions of trade-off models and instead agree with the predictions of the maternal risk-management model. Within and across shark species, offspring size and brood size were independent maternal investment strategies. The risk of starvation favored investments in larger offspring. The risk of predation favored investments in larger broods. If empirical studies continue to confirm its predictions, maternal-risk management may yet emerge as a unifying model of diverse reproductive adaptations by means of natural selection.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Sperm length is highly variable across species and many questions about its variation remain open. Although variation in body mass may affect sperm length evolution through its influence on multiple factors, the extent to which sperm length variation is linked to body mass remains elusive. Here, we use the Pareto multi-task evolution framework to investigate the relationship between sperm length and body mass across tetrapods. We find that tetrapods occupy a triangular Pareto front, indicating that trade-offs shape the evolution of sperm length in relation to body mass. By exploring the factors predicted to influence sperm length evolution, we find that sperm length evolution is mainly driven by sperm competition and clutch size, rather than by genome size. Moreover, the triangular Pareto front is maintained within endotherms, internal fertilizers, mammals and birds, suggesting similar evolutionary trade-offs within tetrapods. Finally, we demonstrate that the Pareto front is robust to phylogenetic dependencies and finite sampling bias. Our findings provide insights into the evolutionary mechanisms driving interspecific sperm length variation and highlight the importance of considering multiple trade-offs in optimizing reproductive traits.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Successful embryonic development depends on the interaction between genetic factors and environmental variables. Congenital malformations in sea turtles can result from extreme conditions during the incubation period, reducing hatching success and potentially impeding population recovery. We aimed to characterize the congenital malformations found in green turtle nests, determine their prevalence and severity, and understand their drivers during the 2022 nesting season on Samandağ beach on northern Mediterranean nesting beaches. A total of 2986 examples of congenital malformations were observed in 362 out of 907 green turtle nests. The prevalence of congenital malformations per nest was 39%, and the severity (the number of malformed individuals per nest) was 3.8%. Nests with congenital malformations exhibited a lower mean distance from the sea, a shorter incubation duration (a proxy for incubation temperature), lower hatching success, a larger clutch size, and higher mortality at late embryonic and hatchling stages than nests without congenital malformations. There was no significant difference in total mortality between these two nest types. A total of 52 different congenital malformations were recorded, 2 of which were observed for the first time in sea turtles and 28 for the first time in green turtles. The results suggest that congenital malformations may be related to nest temperature and clutch size, while overall mortality may be independent of malformations. Pigmentation disorders and craniofacial malformations typically coexist in cases of multiple malformations. Long-term monitoring of congenital malformations is crucial, as it can provide clues about the health status of the nesting beach and nesting colony.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    As a protein structurally similar to insulin, relaxin3 (RLN3) plays a role in promoting arousal, suppressing depressive or anxious behaviors. Two studies revealed the increase of RLN3 expression during chicken follicle selection. In this study, by real-time quantitative PCR and luciferase assay, mRNA expression and single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) of chicken RLN3 were investigated. The mRNA expression of chicken RLN3 was higher in the granulosa cell of hierarchal follicles (Post-GCs) than that of pre-hierarchal follicles (Pre-GCs). In Pre-GCs, the mRNA expression of chicken RLN3 was stimulated by FSH and progesterone; in Post-GCs, it was stimulated by higher concentration of estrogen and FSH, however, was inhibited by progesterone. Four SNPs including g.-655G > C, g-592G > A, g.-372T > A and g.-282G > C were identified in the critical promoter region from -1291 bp to -207 bp of chicken RLN3, among which g.-655G > C, and g-592G > A were associated with age at first laying and clutch size, respectively, in Zaozhuang Sunzhi chickens. At g.-655G > C and g-592G > A, allele C and allele A had higher transcriptional activity, respectively. These data suggest that RLN3 plays an important role in chicken follicle development and SNPs in its promoter region are potential DNA markers for improving egg production traits.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Parental care is regulated by multiple endocrine mechanisms. Among these hormones, prolactin (PRL) is involved in the expression of parental behaviors. Despite the consensus that PRL mediates variation in parental effort with age and body condition, its role in the adjustment of parental effort to fluctuating environmental conditions, including changing predation pressure, still awaits further investigation. To shed light on this knowledge gap, we relied on a long-term monitoring of female common eiders Somateria mollissima (n = 1277 breeding attempts, 2012-2022) incubating under fluctuating predation risk to investigate the link between baseline PRL levels and female minimum age, body condition, clutch size, environmental parameters (predation pressure, climate, nest microhabitat) and hatching success. We predicted that PRL would be higher in older females, those in better condition or incubating larger clutches. We also predicted that females would reduce parental effort when nesting under challenging environmental conditions (high predation pressure or poor climatic conditions), translated into reduced baseline PRL levels. We also explored how variation in PRL levels, female characteristics and environmental parameters were related to hatching success. Following our predictions, PRL levels were positively associated with body condition and female age (before showing a senescent decline in the oldest breeders). However, we did not observe any population-level or individual-level reduction in PRL levels in response to increasing predation pressure. Population-level baseline PRL levels instead increased over the study period, coincident with rising predation threat, but also increasing female body condition and age. While we did not provide evidence for a direct association between baseline PRL levels and predation risk, our results support the idea that elevated baseline PRL levels promote hatching success under internal constraints (in young, inexperienced, breeders or those incubating a large clutch) or constraining environmental conditions (during years of high predation pressure or poor climatic and foraging conditions). Finally, the low repeatability of baseline PRL levels and high interannual variability highlight considerable within-individual flexibility in baseline PRL levels. Further research should explore flexibility in parental effort to changing environmental conditions, focusing on both baseline and stress-induced PRL levels.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    AbstractPatterns in the correlated evolution of parental care and life history traits are long established but controversial. Although parental care is related to large egg size in many taxa, conflicting results have also been reported. To test the evolutionary relationships between parental care and life history traits, we performed phylogenetic comparative analyses using shield bugs (Heteroptera: Acanthosomatidae), in which maternal guarding of eggs and young has repeatedly evolved. Our analyses revealed that female body size affected reproductive resource allocation. Contrary to the expectations of current theories, the acquisition of maternal care was associated with small eggs, large clutches, and large egg resource allocation. There was a greater trade-off between egg size and clutch size in caring species than in noncaring species. Egg and hatchling developmental rates were not correlated with egg size but were slower in caring species than in noncaring species. Analyses of evolutionary transitions suggest that the establishment of large clutches, small eggs, and large egg resource allocation preceded the evolution of maternal care. To our knowledge, this is the first study clarifying the evolution of parental care linked with small eggs in invertebrates.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Nested subset pattern (nestedness) is an important part of the theoretical framework of island biogeography and community ecology. However, most previous studies often used nestedness metrics or randomization algorithms that are vulnerable to type I error. In this study, we investigated the nestedness of lizard assemblages on 37 islands in the Zhoushan Archipelago, China. We used the line-transect method to survey species occurrence, abundance, and habitat types of lizards on 37 islands during 2 breeding seasons in 2021 and 2022. We applied the nested metric WNODF and the conservative rc null model to control for type I error and quantify the significance of nestedness. Spearman rank correlations were used to evaluate the role of 4 habitat variables (island area, 2 isolation indices, and habitat diversity) and 4 ecological traits (body size, geographic range size, clutch size, and minimum area requirement) in generating nestedness. The results of WNODF analyses showed that lizard assemblages were significantly nested. The habitat-by-site matrix estimated by the program NODF was also significantly nested, supporting the habitat nestedness hypothesis. The nestedness of lizard assemblages were significantly correlated with island area, habitat diversity, clutch size, and minimum area requirement. Overall, our results suggest that selective extinction and habitat nestedness were the main drivers of lizard nestedness in our system. In contrast, the nestedness of lizard assemblages was not due to passive sampling or selective colonization. To maximize the number of species preserved, our results indicate that we should protect both large islands with diverse habitats and species with large area requirement and clutch size.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    There are limited evidence-based husbandry recommendations for laboratory zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata), including appropriate light sources. Light-emitting diode (LED) technology has been shown to improve circadian regulation and reduce stress in some laboratory animal species, such as mice and rats, when compared with cool-white fluorescent (CWF) lighting, but the effects of LED lighting on zebra finches have not been published. We compared the effects of broad-spectrum, blue-enriched (6,500 Kelvin) CWF and flicker-free LED lighting on the behavior, stress, and reproductive outcomes of indoor-housed zebra finches. Using breeding pairs housed in cubicles illuminated with either CWF or LED lighting, we compared the reproductive output as determined by clutch size, hatching rate, and hatchling survival rate. We also compared the behavior of group-housed adult males, first housed under CWF followed by LED lighting, using video recordings and an ethogram. Fecal samples were collected from these males at the end of each recording period, and basal fecal corticosterone metabolite (FCM) levels were compared. A FCM assay for adult male zebra finches was validated for efficacy and accuracy using a capture-restraint acute stress response and parallelism analysis, respectively. The breeding pairs had no significant difference in the clutch size or percent hatching rate, but percent hatchling survival improved under LED with an increased proportion achieving 100% survival. There was no significant difference in FCM between the lighting treatments. However, the activity budgets of the birds were altered, with a reduction in flighted movement and an increase in enrichment manipulation under LED. Overall, these results support the use of blue-enriched, broad-spectrum flicker-free LED as a safe alternative to CWF lighting for breeding and nonbreeding indoor-housed zebra finches.





